3,561 research outputs found

    The Morphology of the Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Sky

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    At high angular frequencies the thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) effect constitutes the dominant signal in the CMB sky. The tSZ effect is caused by large scale pressure fluctuations in the baryonic distribution in the Universe so its statistical properties provide estimates of corresponding properties of the projected 3D pressure fluctuations. It's power spectrum is a sensitive probe of the density fluctuations, and the bispectrum can be used to separate the bias associated with pressure. The bispectrum is often probed with a one-point real-space analogue, the skewness. In addition to the skewness the morphological properties, as probed by the well known Minkowski Functionals (MFs), also require the generalized one-point statistics, which at the lowest order are identical to the skewness parameters. The concept of generalized skewness parameters can be extended to define a set of three associated generalized skew-spectra. We use these skew-spectra to probe the morphology of the tSZ sky or the y-sky. We show how these power spectra can be recovered from the data in the presence of arbitrary mask and noise templates using the well known Pseudo-Cl (PCL) approach for arbitrary beam shape. We also employ an approach based on the halo model to compute the tSZ bispectrum. The bispectrum from each of these models is then used to construct the generalized skew-spectra. We consider the performance of an all-sky survey with Planck-type noise and compare the results against a noise-free ideal experiment using a range of smoothing angles. We find that the skew-spectra can be estimated with very high signal-to-noise ratio from future frequency cleaned tSZ maps that will be available from experiments such as Planck. This will allow their mode by mode estimation for a wide range of angular frequencies and will help us to differentiate them from various other sources of non-Gaussianity.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Cross-correlation between the soft X-ray background and SZ Sky

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    While both X-ray emission and Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) temperature fluctuations are generated by the warm-hot gas in dark matter halos, the two observables have different dependence on the underlying physical properties, including the gas distribution. A cross-correlation between the soft X-ray background (SXRB) and the SZ sky may allow an additional probe on the distribution of warm-hot gas at intermediate angular scales and redshifts complementing studies involving clustering within SXRB and SZ separately. Using a halo approach, we investigate this cross-correlation analytically. The two contributions are correlated mildly with a correlation coefficient of 0.3\sim0.3, and this relatively low correlation presents a significant challenge for its detection. The correlation, at small angular scales, is affected by the presence of radiative cooling or preheating and provides a probe on the thermal history of the hot gas in dark halos. While the correlation remains undetectable with CMB data from the WMAP satellite and X-ray background data from existing catalogs, upcoming observations with CMB missions such as Planck, for the SZ side, and an improved X-ray map of the large scale structure, such as the one planned with DUET mission, may provide a first opportunity for a reliable detection of this cross-correlation.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Drug Release from Microspheres and Nanospheres of Poly(lactide-co-glycolide) without Sphere Separation from the Release Medium

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)A new technique using diffuse reflectance spectroscopy was developed that enables the monitoring of encapsulated drug release without particle separation from the assayed medium. Studies of chloro(5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrinato)indium(III) (InTPP) release from microspheres and nanospheres of poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) were performed using this new technique. The release of InTPP was biphasic, with an initial fast release followed by a second slower release. Mathematical models applied to the release profiles showed that the release of InTPP from the nanospheres was controlled by diffusion, which is to be expected for a substance homogeneously dispersed within the spheres. However, due to the large size distribution of the microspheres loaded with InTPP, the release profiles were irregular, hampering an adequate fit to mathematical models. Confocal analysis of microparticles showed that the InTPP appeared to be homogenously distributed within the microspheres and no preferential distribution of InTPP towards the interior or towards the surface of the spheres was observed.212214225Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Universidade Estadual de CampinasFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Psychometric properties of the Child Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) applied to children and adolescents with cerebral palsy

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cerebral palsy (CP) patients have motor limitations that can affect functionality and abilities for activities of daily living (ADL). Health related quality of life and health status instruments validated to be applied to these patients do not directly approach the concepts of functionality or ADL. The Child Health Assessment Questionnaire (CHAQ) seems to be a good instrument to approach this dimension, but it was never used for CP patients. The purpose of the study was to verify the psychometric properties of CHAQ applied to children and adolescents with CP.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Parents or guardians of children and adolescents with CP, aged 5 to 18 years, answered the CHAQ. A healthy group of 314 children and adolescents was recruited during the validation of the CHAQ Brazilian-version. Data quality, reliability and validity were studied. The motor function was evaluated by the Gross Motor Function Measure (GMFM).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Ninety-six parents/guardians answered the questionnaire. The age of the patients ranged from 5 to 17.9 years (average: 9.3). The rate of missing data was low (<9.3%). The floor effect was observed in two domains, being higher only in the visual analogue scales (≤ 35.5%). The ceiling effect was significant in all domains and particularly high in patients with quadriplegia (81.8 to 90.9%) and extrapyramidal (45.4 to 91.0%). The Cronbach alpha coefficient ranged from 0.85 to 0.95. The validity was appropriate: for the discriminant validity the correlation of the <it>disability index </it>with the visual analogue scales was not significant; for the convergent validity CHAQ <it>disability index </it>had a strong correlation with the GMFM (0.77); for the divergent validity there was no correlation between GMFM and the pain and overall evaluation scales; for the criterion validity GMFM as well as CHAQ detected differences in the scores among the clinical type of CP (p < 0.01); for the construct validity, the patients' <it>disability index </it>score (mean:2.16; SD:0.72) was higher than the healthy group (mean:0.12; SD:0.23)(p < 0.01).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>CHAQ reliability and validity were adequate to this population. However, further studies are necessary to verify the influence of the ceiling effect on the responsiveness of the instrument.</p

    Fast Large Volume Simulations of the 21 cm Signal from the Reionization and pre-Reionization Epochs

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    While limited to low spatial resolution, the next generation low-frequency radio interferometers that target 21 cm observations during the era of reionization and prior will have instantaneous fields-of-view that are many tens of square degrees on the sky. Predictions related to various statistical measurements of the 21 cm brightness temperature must then be pursued with numerical simulations of reionization with correspondingly large volume box sizes, of order 1000 Mpc on one side. We pursue a semi-numerical scheme to simulate the 21 cm signal during and prior to Reionization by extending a hybrid approach where simulations are performed by first laying down the linear dark matter density field, accounting for the non-linear evolution of the density field based on second-order linear perturbation theory as specified by the Zel'dovich approximation, and then specifying the location and mass of collapsed dark matter halos using the excursion-set formalism. The location of ionizing sources and the time evolving distribution of ionization field is also specified using an excursion-set algorithm. We account for the brightness temperature evolution through the coupling between spin and gas temperature due to collisions, radiative coupling in the presence of Lyman-alpha photons and heating of the intergalactic medium, such as due to a background of X-ray photons. The hybrid simulation method we present is capable of producing the required large volume simulations with adequate resolution in a reasonable time so a large number of realizations can be obtained with variations in assumptions related to astrophysics and background cosmology that govern the 21 cm signal.Comment: 14 pages and 15 figures. New version to match accepted version for MNRAS. Code available in: http://www.SimFast21.or

    Probing the first galaxies with the SKA

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    Observations of anisotropies in the brightness temperature of the 21 cm line of neutral hydrogen from the period before reionization would shed light on the dawn of the first stars and galaxies. In this paper, we use large-scale semi-numerical simulations to analyse the imprint on the 21 cm signal of spatial fluctuations in the Lyman-alpha flux arising from the clustering of the first galaxies. We show that an experiment such as the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) can probe this signal at the onset of reionization, giving us important information about the UV emission spectra of the first stars and characterizing their host galaxies. SKA-pathfinders with ~ 10% of the full collecting area should be capable of making a statistical detection of the 21 cm power spectrum at redshifts z 67 MHz). We then show that the SKA should be able to measure the three dimensional power spectrum as a function of the angle with the line of sight and discuss the use of the redshift space distortions as a way to separate out the different components of the 21 cm power spectrum. We demonstrate that, at least on large scales where the Lyman-alpha fluctuations are linear, they can be used as a model independent way to extract the power spectra due to these Lyman-alpha fluctuations.Comment: 13 pages, 17 figures. New version to match version accepted by A&A. Improved discussions on the Lyman-alpha simulation, adiabatic cooling fluctuations, the Fisher matrix approach and the Poisson term calculation. New version of the code available at: http://www.SimFast21.or