105 research outputs found

    Interdisciplinary paleovegetation study in the Fernando de Noronha Island (Pernambuco State), northeastern Brazil

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    The aim of this research was to reconstruct vegetation changes (with climate inferences) that occurred during the Holocene in the Fernando de Noronha Island, Pernambuco State, northeastern Brazil. The research approach included the use of geochemical (mineralogy, elemental), carbon isotopes (δ13C, 14C) and pollen analyses in soil organic matter (SOM) and sediments collected in Lagoa da Viração and Manguezal do Sueste. The carbon isotopes data of SOM indicated that there was no significant vegetation changes during the last 7400 BP, suggesting that the climate was not the determinant factor for the vegetation dynamics. The pollen analysis of the sediment of a core collected in the Lagoa da Viração showed the absence of Quaternary material in the period between 720 BP and 90 BP. The mineralogical analysis of deeper layer showed the presence of diopside indicating this material was developed "in situ". Only in the shallow part of the core were found pollen of similar plant species of the modern vegetation. The geochemistry and isotope results, in association with the sediment type and pollen analyses of sediment samples of Manguezal do Sueste, indicated variations in the vegetation and in its location since the middle Holocene. Such variations can be associated with climatic events and sea level oscillations and also with anthropogenic events considering the last five hundred years._________________________________________________________________________________________ RESUMO: Esta pesquisa teve o objetivo de reconstruir trocas de vegetação (com referências climáticas) que ocorreram durante o Holoceno na ilha de Fernando de Noronha, Estado de Pernambuco, nordeste do Brasil. Para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa utilizou-se de análises geoquímicas (minerais, elementar), isótopos do carbono (δ13C, 14C) e análises polínicas em solos e sedimentos coletados na Lagoa da Viração e no manguezal do Sueste. Os isótopos do carbono dos solos indicaram que não houve trocas significativas de vegetação durante os últimos 7400 anos AP, sugerindo que o clima não foi um fator determinante para a dinâmica da vegetação. A análise polínica dos sedimentos da Lagoa da Viração mostrou ausência de elementos quaternários no período entre 720 AP e 90 AP. A análise mineralógica das camadas mais profundas mostrou a presença de diopsídeo, indicando que este material foi desenvolvido"in situ". Somente na parte superficial do testemunho foram encontrados palinomorfos de plantas similares à vegetação moderna. Os resultados geoquímicos e isotópicos, em associação com o tipo de sedimento e as análises polínicas das amostras de sedimento do Manguezal do Sueste, indicaram variações na vegetação e na sua localização desde o Holoceno médio. Tais variações podem estar associadas a eventos climáticos e oscilações do nível do mar e também a eventos antrópicos considerando os últimos quinhentos anos

    2. Cambios climáticos del Holoceno

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    Existe una variabilidad natural del clima. Se debe tanto a factores externos (como el cambio de la órbita de la Tierra) como internos (como erupciones volcánicas o movimientos tectónicos entre otros). Los paleo-climatólogos estudian los cambios del clima del pasado a través de complejos análisis de sedimentos de lagos, de testigos de hielo de los glaciares o también de estalagmitas de las cavernas. Estos registros son como libros donde está escrita la historia del clima de la Tierra. Usando estos marcadores ambientales y gracias a los modelos climáticos a diferentes escalas espaciales y de tiempo, los investigadores buscan discriminar cual es la parte natural del cambio climático actual de la parte debida a la actividad humana y disminuir las incertidumbres en las proyecciones futuras del clima.Il existe une variabilité climatique naturelle. Elle est due aussi bien à des facteurs externes (comme le changement d’orbite de la Terre) qu’internes (comme les éruptions volcaniques ou les mouvements tectoniques entre autres). Les paléo-climatologues étudient les changements du climat du passé en réalisant des analyses complexes de sédiments de lacs, de carottes glaciaires ou encore de stalagmites des grottes. Ces registres sont comme des livres où est écrite l’histoire du climat de la Terre. A partir de ces marqueurs environnementaux et des modelés climatiques à différentes échelles d’espace et de temps, les chercheurs cherchent à connaître quelle part du changement climatique actuel est naturelle et quelle part est liée à l’activité humaine et réduire les incertitudes dans les projections climatiques.There is natural climate variability. It ¡s due to both external factors (such as changes in Earth’s orbit) as well as internal factors (such as volcanic eruptions and tectonic movements among others). Paleoclimatologists study historic climate changes performance by complex analysis of lake sediments, ice cores or stalagmite caves. These records are like books in where the history of Earth’s climate has been written. Thanks to these environmental markers and the climate models at different scales of space and time, researchers seek to differentiate which part of the current climate change is natural and which part is due to human activity, in order to reduce uncertainties in future climate projections

    Response of littoral chironomid community and organic matter to late glacial lake level and environmental changes at Lago dell'Accesa (Tuscany, Italy).

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    International audienceThis study focuses on the response of lacustrine littoral chironomid communities to late glacial changes in limnological, environmental and climate conditions in the Mediterranean context. Late glacial chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) assemblages, organic petrography and geochemistry were analysed in a sediment core from the littoral zone of Lago dell'Accesa (Tuscany, Italy), where the lake-level fluctuations and the vegetation history have been previously reconstructed. Comparison of the chironomid stratigraphy to other proxies (pollen assemblages, organic petrography and geochemistry, lake-level) and regional climate reconstruction suggested the predominant influence of lake-level changes on the littoral chironomid fauna. The main lowering events that occurred during the Oldest and the Younger Dryas were followed by higher proportions of taxa typical of littoral habitats. A complementary study of organic matter suggested the indirect impact of lake-level on the chironomids through changes in humic status and habitat characteristics, such as the type of substrate and aquatic macrophyte development. Several chironomid taxa, such as Glyptotendipes, Microtendipes and Cricotopus type patens, were identified as possible indicators of low lake-level in the late glacial records. Nevertheless, this study suggested that parallel analyses of organic matter and chironomid assemblages may be needed to circumvent misinterpretation of littoral chironomid assemblage stratigraphy. There was a weak response of the chironomid assemblages to small lake-level lowerings that corresponded to the Older Dryas and Preboreal oscillations. A higher level of determination, e.g. to the species group level, may be necessary to increase the sensibility of the indicators to lake-level changes

    Benthic Nitrogen Cycling Traversing the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone

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    Benthic nitrogen (N) cycling was investigated at six stations along a transect traversing the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) at 11 °S. An extensive dataset including porewater concentration profiles and in situ benthic fluxes of nitrate (NO3–), nitrite (NO2–) and ammonium (NH4+) was used to constrain a 1–D reaction–transport model designed to simulate and interpret the measured data at each station. Simulated rates of nitrification, denitrification, anammox and dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium (DNRA) by filamentous large sulfur bacteria (e.g. Beggiatoa and Thioploca) were highly variable throughout the OMZ yet clear trends were discernible. On the shelf and upper slope (80 – 260 m water depth) where extensive areas of bacterial mats were present, DNRA dominated total N turnover (less-than-or-equals, slant 2.9 mmol N m–2 d–1) and accounted for greater-or-equal, slanted 65 % of NO3– + NO2– uptake by the sediments from the bottom water. Nonetheless, these sediments did not represent a major sink for dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN = NO3– + NO2– + NH4+) since DNRA reduces NO3– and, potentially NO2–, to NH4+. Consequently, the shelf and upper slope sediments were recycling sites for DIN due to relatively low rates of denitrification and high rates of ammonium release from DNRA and ammonification of organic matter. This finding contrasts with the current opinion that sediments underlying OMZs are a strong sink for DIN. Only at greater water depths (300 – 1000 m) did the sediments become a net sink for DIN. Here, denitrification was the major process (less-than-or-equals, slant 2 mmol N m–2 d–1) and removed 55 – 73 % of NO3– and NO2– taken up by the sediments, with DNRA and anammox accounting for the remaining fraction. Anammox was of minor importance on the shelf and upper slope yet contributed up to 62 % to total N2 production at the 1000 m station. The results indicate that the partitioning of oxidized N (NO3–, NO2–) into DNRA or denitrification is a key factor determining the role of marine sediments as DIN sinks or recycling sites. Consequently, high measured benthic uptake rates of oxidized N within OMZs do not necessarily indicate a loss of fixed N from the marine environment
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