14 research outputs found

    The program for biodiversity research in Brazil: The role of regional networks for biodiversity knowledge, dissemination, and conservation.

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    The Program for Biodiversity Research (PPBio) is an innovative program designed to integrate all biodiversity research stakeholders. Operating since 2004, it has installed long-term ecological research sites throughout Brazil and its logic has been applied in some other southern-hemisphere countries. The program supports all aspects of research necessary to understand biodiversity and the processes that affect it. There are presently 161 sampling sites (see some of them at Supplementary Appendix), most of which use a standardized methodology that allows comparisons across biomes and through time. To date, there are about 1200 publications associated with PPBio that cover topics ranging from natural history to genetics and species distributions. Most of the field data and metadata are available through PPBio web sites or DataONE. Metadata is available for researchers that intend to explore the different faces of Brazilian biodiversity spatio-temporal variation, as well as for managers intending to improve conservation strategies. The Program also fostered, directly and indirectly, local technical capacity building, and supported the training of hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students. The main challenge is maintaining the long-term funding necessary to understand biodiversity patterns and processes under pressure from global environmental changes

    Co-limitation towards lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients

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    The latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) is one of the most recognized global patterns of species richness exhibited across a wide range of taxa. Numerous hypotheses have been proposed in the past two centuries to explain LDG, but rigorous tests of the drivers of LDGs have been limited by a lack of high-quality global species richness data. Here we produce a high-resolution (0.025° × 0.025°) map of local tree species richness using a global forest inventory database with individual tree information and local biophysical characteristics from ~1.3 million sample plots. We then quantify drivers of local tree species richness patterns across latitudes. Generally, annual mean temperature was a dominant predictor of tree species richness, which is most consistent with the metabolic theory of biodiversity (MTB). However, MTB underestimated LDG in the tropics, where high species richness was also moderated by topographic, soil and anthropogenic factors operating at local scales. Given that local landscape variables operate synergistically with bioclimatic factors in shaping the global LDG pattern, we suggest that MTB be extended to account for co-limitation by subordinate drivers

    A economia clássica contra os fatos ou Sismondi entre os ricardianos The classical economics against the facts or Sismondi among the Ricardians

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    O artigo trata do debate ocorrido entre Sismondi e os economistas ricardianos, na primeira metade do século dezenove, a respeito do equilíbrio dos mercados, do papel da competição e dos efeitos da maquinaria nas sociedades industriais. A seção inicial reconstitui os principais termos do discurso crítico de Sismondi direcionado à ortodoxia clássica. A seguir, detalham-se as respostas elaboradas por McCulloch e Torrens em defesa da livre concorrência, do caráter ilimitado da demanda e do avanço da mecanização na atividade produtiva. A terceira seção considera a argumentação posterior de Sismondi na qual ele reitera sua teoria das crises de superprodução a partir de uma abordagem histórica do capitalismo. Ao final, procede-se a uma breve avaliação da herança ricardiana à economia política em vista da controvérsia examinada.<br>This paper deals with the debate which opposed Sismondi and the Ricardian economists, in the first half of the nineteenth century, on the equilibrium of markets, the role of competition and the effects of machinery in industrial societies. At the initial section, the main content of Sismondi's critical rhetoric toward the classical orthodoxy is reconstituted. After that, the replies of McCulloch and Colonel Torrens are detailed, specially their defense of free competition and the unlimited character of demand, as well as of the inroads of machinery in the productive process. The third part considers Sismondi's rejoinder when he reinforces his theory of a general glut from a historical perspective of capitalism. In the end, and having in sight this particular controversy, a brief assessment of Ricardo's legacy to political economy is made

    B. Sprachwissenschaft

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    Co-limitation towards lower latitudes shapes global forest diversity gradients

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    The latitudinal diversity gradient (LDG) is one of the most recognized global patterns of species richness exhibited across a wide range of taxa. Numerous hypotheses have been proposed in the past two centuries to explain LDG, but rigorous tests of the drivers of LDGs have been limited by a lack of high-quality global species richness data. Here we produce a high-resolution (0.025 degrees x 0.025 degrees) map of local tree species richness using a global forest inventory database with individual tree information and local biophysical characteristics from similar to 1.3 million sample plots. We then quantify drivers of local tree species richness patterns across latitudes. Generally, annual mean temperature was a dominant predictor of tree species richness, which is most consistent with the metabolic theory of biodiversity (MTB). However, MTB underestimated LDG in the tropics, where high species richness was also moderated by topographic, soil and anthropogenic factors operating at local scales. Given that local landscape variables operate synergistically with bioclimatic factors in shaping the global LDG pattern, we suggest that MTB be extended to account for co-limitation by subordinate drivers