616 research outputs found

    High potential for loss of permafrost landforms in a changing climate

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    The presence of ground ice in Arctic soils exerts a major effect on permafrost hydrology and ecology, and factors prominently into geomorphic landform development. As most ground ice has accumulated in near-surface permafrost, it is sensitive to variations in atmospheric conditions. Typical and regionally widespread permafrost landforms such as pingos, ice-wedge polygons, and rock glaciers are closely tied to ground ice. However, under ongoing climate change, suitable environmental spaces for preserving landforms associated with ice-rich permafrost may be rapidly disappearing. We deploy a statistical ensemble approach to model, for the first time, the current and potential future environmental conditions of three typical permafrost landforms, pingos, ice-wedge polygons and rock glaciers across the Northern Hemisphere. We show that by midcentury, the landforms are projected to lose more than one-fifth of their suitable environments under a moderate climate scenario (RCP4.5) and on average around one-third under a very high baseline emission scenario (RCP8.5), even when projected new suitable areas for occurrence are considered. By 2061-2080, on average more than 50% of the recent suitable conditions can be lost (RCP8.5). In the case of pingos and ice-wedge polygons, geographical changes are mainly attributed to alterations in thawing-season precipitation and air temperatures. Rock glaciers show air temperature-induced regional changes in suitable conditions strongly constrained by topography and soil properties. The predicted losses could have important implications for Arctic hydrology, geo- and biodiversity, and to the global climate system through changes in biogeochemical cycles governed by the geomorphology of permafrost landscapes. Moreover, our projections provide insights into the circumpolar distribution of various ground ice types and help inventory permafrost landforms in unmapped regions.Peer reviewe

    In-depth characterization of denitrifier communities across different soil ecosystems in the tundra

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    Background In contrast to earlier assumptions, there is now mounting evidence for the role of tundra soils as important sources of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide (N2O). However, the microorganisms involved in the cycling of N2O in this system remain largely uncharacterized. Since tundra soils are variable sources and sinks of N2O, we aimed at investigating differences in community structure across different soil ecosystems in the tundra. Results We analysed 1.4 Tb of metagenomic data from soils in northern Finland covering a range of ecosystems from dry upland soils to water-logged fens and obtained 796 manually binned and curated metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs). We then searched for MAGs harbouring genes involved in denitrification, an important process driving N2O emissions. Communities of potential denitrifiers were dominated by microorganisms with truncated denitrification pathways (i.e., lacking one or more denitrification genes) and differed across soil ecosystems. Upland soils showed a strong N2O sink potential and were dominated by members of the Alphaproteobacteria such as Bradyrhizobium and Reyranella. Fens, which had in general net-zero N2O fluxes, had a high abundance of poorly characterized taxa affiliated with the Chloroflexota lineage Ellin6529 and the Acidobacteriota subdivision Gp23. Conclusions By coupling an in-depth characterization of microbial communities with in situ measurements of N2O fluxes, our results suggest that the observed spatial patterns of N2O fluxes in the tundra are related to differences in the composition of denitrifier communities.Peer reviewe

    Military Training Mission in Iraq: An Exploratory Case Study Research

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    The purpose of this paper is to investigate how military training is being conducted by NATO coalition forces in Iraq. Thus, the intent of this paper is to discuss the implications of existing misalignments between the military forces that are providing the training and those receiving it. To that end, we have used an exploratory case study research, which included multiple sources of data collection for corroboration and triangulation purposes. The results that emerged from the content analysis showed two types of outcomes that may be relevant to improve the military training in Iraq. The first outcome is identified as the intangible actions, which were mainly focused on social relations, with the intent of narrowing the cultural gap between the international coalition and Iraqi forces. Without surprising, a second outcome is identified as tangible actions, which were associated with training programs and the establishment of tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) relevant to small and medium military units. Future research should focus on programs of “training the trainers” in order to develop long-term teaching and move forward with sustainable Iraqi Security Forces (ISF).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Incorporating dominant species as proxies for biotic interactions strengthens plant community models

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    1. Biotic interactions exert considerable influence on the distribution of individual species and should, thus, strongly impact communities. Implementing biotic interactions in spatial models of community assembly is therefore essential for accurately modelling assemblage properties. However, this remains a challenge due to the difficulty of detecting the role of species interactions and because accurate paired community and environment data sets are required to disentangle biotic influences from abiotic effects. 2. Here, we incorporate data from three dominant species into community-level models as a proxy for the frequency and intensity of their interactions with other species and predict emergent assemblage properties for the co-occurring subdominant species. By analysing plant community and fieldquantified environmental data from specially designed and spatially replicated monitoring grids, we provide a robust in vivo test of community models. 3. Considering this well-defined and easily quantified surrogate for biotic interactions consistently improved realism in all aspects of community models (community composition, species richness and functional structure), irrespective of modelling methodology. 4. Dominant species reduced community richness locally and favoured species with similar leaf dry matter content. This effect was most pronounced under conditions of high plant biomass and cover, where stronger competitive impacts are expected. Analysis of leaf dry matter content suggests that this effect may occur through efficient resource sequestration. 5. Synthesis. We demonstrate the strong role of dominant species in shaping multiple plant community attributes, and thus the need to explicitly include interspecific interactions to achieve robust predictions of assemblage properties. Incorporating information on biotic interactions strengthens our capacity not only to predict the richness and composition of communities, but also how their structure and function will be modified in the face of global change.Academy of Finland (Project Number 1140873) and The Danish Council for Independent Research grant number 12-126430http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1365-2745hb201

    U6 snRNA m6A modification is required for accurate and efficient cis- and trans-splicing of <i>C. elegans</i> mRNAs

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    pre-mRNA splicing is a critical feature of eukaryotic gene expression. Many eukaryotes use cis-splicing to remove intronic sequences from pre-mRNAs. In addition to cis-splicing, many organisms use trans-splicing to replace the 5′ ends of mRNAs with a non-coding spliced-leader RNA. Both cis- and trans-splicing rely on accurately recognising splice site sequences by spliceosomal U snRNAs and associated proteins. Spliceosomal snRNAs carry multiple RNA modifications with the potential to affect different stages of pre-mRNA splicing. Here, we show that m6A modification of U6 snRNA A43 by the RNA methyltransferase METT-10 is required for accurate and efficient cis- and trans-splicing of C. elegans pre-mRNAs. The absence of U6 snRNA m6A modification primarily leads to alternative splicing at 5′ splice sites. Furthermore, weaker 5′ splice site recognition by the unmodified U6 snRNA A43 affects splicing at 3′ splice sites. U6 snRNA m6A43 and the splicing factor SNRNP27K function to recognise an overlapping set of 5′ splice sites with an adenosine at +4 position. Finally, we show that U6 snRNA m6A43 is required for efficient SL trans-splicing at weak 3′ trans-splice sites. We conclude that the U6 snRNA m6A modification is important for accurate and efficient cis- and trans-splicing in C. elegans

    A genetically modified adenoviral vector with a phage display-derived peptide incorporated into fiber fibritin chimera prolongs survival in experimental glioma

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    The dismal clinical context of advanced-grade glioma demands the development of novel therapeutic strategies with direct patient impact. Adenovirus-mediated virotherapy represents a potentially effective approach for glioma therapy. In this research, we generated a novel glioma-specific adenovirus by instituting more advanced genetic modifications that can maximize the efficiency and safety of therapeutic adenoviral vectors. In this regard, a glioma-specific targeted fiber was developed through the incorporation of previously published glioma-specific, phage-panned peptide (VWT peptide) on a fiber fibritin-based chimeric fiber, designated as “GliomaFF.” We showed that the entry of this virus was highly restricted to glioma cells, supporting the specificity imparted by the phage-panned peptide. In addition, the stability of the targeting moiety presented by fiber fibritin structure permitted greatly enhanced infectivity. Furthermore, the replication of this virus was restricted in glioma cells by controlling expression of the E1 gene under the activity of the tumor-specific survivin promoter. Using this approach, we were able to explore the combinatorial efficacy of various adenoviral modifications that could amplify the specificity, infectivity, and exclusive replication of this therapeutic adenovirus in glioma. Finally, virotherapy with this modified virus resulted in up to 70% extended survival in an in vivo murine glioma model. These data demonstrate that this novel adenoviral vector is a safe and efficient treatment for this difficult malignancy

    U6 snRNA m6A modification is required for accurate and efficient cis- and trans-splicing of <i>C. elegans</i> mRNAs

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    pre-mRNA splicing is a critical feature of eukaryotic gene expression. Many eukaryotes use cis-splicing to remove intronic sequences from pre-mRNAs. In addition to cis-splicing, many organisms use trans-splicing to replace the 5′ ends of mRNAs with a non-coding spliced-leader RNA. Both cis- and trans-splicing rely on accurately recognising splice site sequences by spliceosomal U snRNAs and associated proteins. Spliceosomal snRNAs carry multiple RNA modifications with the potential to affect different stages of pre-mRNA splicing. Here, we show that m6A modification of U6 snRNA A43 by the RNA methyltransferase METT-10 is required for accurate and efficient cis- and trans-splicing of C. elegans pre-mRNAs. The absence of U6 snRNA m6A modification primarily leads to alternative splicing at 5′ splice sites. Furthermore, weaker 5′ splice site recognition by the unmodified U6 snRNA A43 affects splicing at 3′ splice sites. U6 snRNA m6A43 and the splicing factor SNRNP27K function to recognise an overlapping set of 5′ splice sites with an adenosine at +4 position. Finally, we show that U6 snRNA m6A43 is required for efficient SL trans-splicing at weak 3′ trans-splice sites. We conclude that the U6 snRNA m6A modification is important for accurate and efficient cis- and trans-splicing in C. elegans

    Isoscalar dipole coherence at low energies and forbidden E1 strength

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    In 16O and 40Ca an isoscalar, low-energy dipole transition (IS-LED) exhausting approximately 4% of the isoscalar dipole (ISD) energy-weighted sum rule is experimentally known, but conspicuously absent from recent theoretical investigations of ISD strength. The IS-LED mode coincides with the so-called isospin-forbidden E1 transition. We report that for N=Z nuclei up to 100Sn the fully self-consistent Random-Phase-Approximation with finite-range forces, phenomenological and realistic, yields a collective IS-LED mode, typically overestimating its excitation energy, but correctly describing its IS strength and electroexcitation form factor. The presence of E1 strength is solely due to the Coulomb interaction between the protons and the resulting isospin-symmetry breaking. The smallness of its value is related to the form of the transition density, due to translational invariance. The calculated values of E1 and ISD strength carried by the IS-LED depend on the effective interaction used. Attention is drawn to the possibility that in N-not-equal-Z nuclei this distinct mode of IS surface vibration can develop as such or mix strongly with skin modes and thus influence the pygmy dipole strength as well as the ISD strength function. In general, theoretical models currently in use may be unfit to predict its precise position and strength, if at all its existence.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, EPJA submitte