1,492 research outputs found

    Marine Molluscs as Indicators of Environmental Change in Glaciated North America and Greenland During the Last 18 000 Years

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    Dated mollusc collections are classified in assemblages to map paleo-faunistic zones. Hiatella arctica and Mya truncata account for almost half the records and comprise a restricted arctic assemblage. Arctic assemblages comprise 70% and arctic-dominated assemblages 80% of the database. Fifteen species dominate but 170 taxa are recorded. At last glacial maximum, the arctic zone extended from the Arctic Ocean to the Grand Banks. The boreal zone in the western Atlantic was compressed. The subarctic zone, which today dominates eastern Canada, was small. The boreal zone was extensive in the eastern Pacific where subarctic and arctic zones were compressed. Zones shifted northward during deglaciation and the arctic zone diversified when Bering Strait submerged 10.5-10.3 ka BP. Western Arctic molluscs during Younger Dryas time indicate shallow waters warmer than present. Major North Atlantic currents were established 9.5-9.0 ka BP. The subarctic zone extended to the head of Baffin Bay and a boreal zone became established in West Greenland 9-8 ka BP, with intensive changes about 8.5 ka BP. We relate the latter to the reduction of Mackenzie River discharge and in sea ice export to the North Atlantic as Laurentide ice withdrew from Mackenzie headwaters. The extended subarctic zone in Baffin Bay persisted until 3 ka BP and then retreated about 1000 km on the Canadian side. Boreal-subarctic molluscs in the Gulf of St. Lawrence before 9.5 ka BP derived from the glacial refugium. High boreal-subarctic molluscs farther north probably migrated from Europe. We postulate that the Labrador Current acts as a one-way valve for mollusc migrations at glacial-interglacial scales.Les mollusques datĂ©s provenant de plus de 3000 collections ont Ă©tĂ© classĂ©s en palĂ©o-zones fauniques. Hiatella arctica et Mya truncata comptent pour prĂšs de la moitiĂ© des relevĂ©s et comprennent un assemblage restreint Ă  l'Arctique. Les assemblages arctiques ou Ă  dominance arctique comptent respectivement pour 70% et 80% de l'ensemble des donnĂ©es. Sur les 170 taxons relevĂ©s, 15 espĂšces dominent. Au dernier plĂ©niglaciaire, la zone arctique s'Ă©tendait de l'ocĂ©an Arctique au Grand Banc. La zone borĂ©ale de l'Atlantique Ouest Ă©tait comprimĂ©e. La zone subarctique, qui prĂ©domine actuellement dans l'est du Canada, Ă©tait peu Ă©tendue. La zone borĂ©ale occupait une grande superficie dans le Pacifique oriental alors que les zones arctique et subarctique Ă©taient resserrĂ©es. Les zones se sont dĂ©placĂ©es vers le nord au cours de la dĂ©glaciation et la zone arctique s'est diversifiĂ©e lorsque le dĂ©troit de Bering a Ă©tĂ© submergĂ© de 10,5 Ă  10,3 ka BP. Les mollusques de l'Arctique occidental au cours du Dryas rĂ©cent indiquent que les eaux peu profondes Ă©taient plus chaudes que maintenant. Les principaux courants de l'Atlantique Nord se sont Ă©tablis de 9,5 Ă  9,0 ka BP. La zone subarctique s'est Ă©tendue jusqu'Ă  la tĂȘte (amont) de la mer de Baffin et une zone borĂ©ale s'est Ă©tablie dans la partie ouest du Groenland vers 9-8 ka BP, avec des changements intenses vers 8,5 ka BP. La zone subarctique Ă©tendue s'est maintenue jusqu'Ă  3 ka BP, puis a reculĂ© jusqu'Ă  1000 km du cĂŽtĂ© canadien. Les mollusques du BorĂ©al-Subarctique prĂ©sents dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent avant 9,5 ka BP provenaient du refuge glaciaire. Les mollusques du haut borĂ©al-subarctique plus au nord provenaient probablement de l'Europe. Le courant du Labrador a sans doute agi comme pompe pour la migration des mollusques aux Ă©chelles glaciaire-interglaciaire.Datierte Weichtier-Sammlungen wurden in Einheiten klassifiziert, um eine Karte der Palao-Fauna-Zonen zu erstellen. Hiatella arctica und Mya truncata stellen fast die hĂ lfte der Aufstellungen und bestehen aus einer auf die Arktis beschrĂąnkten Einheit. Arktische Einheiten umfassen 70% und vorwiegend arktische Einheiten 80% der Datenbank. FĂčnfzehn Spezies Ăčberwiegen, aber 170 Taxa sind belegt. Beim letzten glazialen Maximum erstreckte sich die arktische Zone vom Arktischen Ozean bis zu den Grossen BĂąnken. Die Boreal-Zone im West-Atlantik war komprimiert. Die subarktische Zone, welche heute Ostkanada beherrscht, war klein. Die Boreal-Zone war im Ostpazifik sehr ausgedehnt, wĂąhrend die subarktische und die arktische Zone komprimiert waren. Die Zonen verlagerten sich nordwĂ rts wĂąhrend der Enteisung, und die arktische Zone wurde abwechslungsreicher, als die Bering-Meerenge 10.5 - 10.3 ka v.u.Z. auftauchte. Die hauptsĂąchlichen NordatlantikstrĂŽmungen wurden 9.5 - 9.0 ka v.u.Z. festgelegt. Die subarktische Zone erstreckte sich bis zum Kopf der Baffin Bay, und eine Boreal-Zone etablierte sich 9 - 8 ka v.u.Z. in West-GrĂŽnland, mit intensiveren VerĂ nderungen etwa um 8.5 ka v.u.Z. Die ausgedehnte subarktische Zone in der Baffin Bay erhielt sich bis 3 ka v.u.Z. und wich dann etwa 1000 km auf der kanadischen Seite zurĂ»ck. Boreal-subarktische Weichtiere im Golf des Sankt-Lorenz vor 9.5 ka v.u.Z. stammten aus dem glazialen Refugium. Die Weichtiere aus dem subarktischen Hochboreal weiter im Norden kamen wahrscheinlilch aus Europa. Wir behaupten, dass die Labrador-StrĂŽmung auf die Weichtier-Wanderungen im glazialen-interglazialen Massstab wie eine Klappe in einer Richtung wirkt

    Museum DNA reveals the demographic history of the endangered Seychelles warbler

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    The importance of evolutionary conservation – how understanding evolutionary forces can help guide conservation decisions – is widely recognized. However, the historical demography of many endangered species is unknown, despite the fact that this can have important implications for contemporary ecological processes and for extinction risk. Here, we reconstruct the population history of the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis) – an ecological model species. By the 1960s, this species was on the brink of extinction, but its previous history is unknown. We used DNA samples from contemporary and museum specimens spanning 140 years to reconstruct bottleneck history. We found a 25% reduction in genetic diversity between museum and contemporary populations, and strong genetic structure. Simulations indicate that the Seychelles warbler was bottlenecked from a large population, with an ancestral Ne of several thousands falling to <50 within the last century. Such a rapid decline, due to anthropogenic factors, has important implications for extinction risk in the Seychelles warbler, and our results will inform conservation practices. Reconstructing the population history of this species also allows us to better understand patterns of genetic diversity, inbreeding and promiscuity in the contemporary populations. Our approaches can be applied across species to test ecological hypotheses and inform conservation

    Unilateral Handgrip Holds to Failure Result in Sex-Dependent Contralateral Facilitation

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    There can be differences in fatigue characteristics between men and women. In some cases, these differences may be manifested in unique strength responses in the fatigued and non-fatigued limbs following a unilateral fatiguing task. PURPOSE: This study examined changes in maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) force following dominant (Dm) and nondominant (NDm) unilateral, isometric handgrip holds to failure (HTF) for the exercised ipsilateral (IPS) and non-exercised contralateral (CT) limbs. Sex- and hand- (Dm vs NDm) dependent responses in HTF time, performance fatiguability (PF, %D in MVIC) for the exercised IPS limb, as well as changes in MVIC force for the CT limb following the HTF were examined. METHODS: Ten men and 10 women (Age = 22.2 yrs) performed an isometric, HTF at 50% MVIC for the Dm and NDm hand on separate days. Prior to, and immediately after the HTF, a MVIC was performed on the IPS and CT limbs, in a randomized order. A 2 (hand [Dm, NDm]) x 2 (limb [IPS, CON]) x 2 (time [pre-HTF, post-HTF]) x 2 (sex [men, women]) mixed-model ANOVA was used to examine the MVIC force (kg) and a 2 (hand [Dm, NDm]) x 2 (sex [men, women]) mixed-model ANOVA was used to examine time for the HTF. RESULTS: The Dm (130.3 ± 36.8s) HTF (collapsed across sex) was significantly longer (p = 0.002) than the NDm (112.1 ± 34.3s). The men (collapsed across hand) demonstrated IPS (%Δ= 22.9 ± 10.8%) PF and CT facilitation (%Δ= -6.1 ±6.9%) following the HTF, while the women demonstrated differences in PF between the Dm and NDm hands for the IPS (%Δ Dm = 28.0 ± 9.4%; NDm = 32.3% ± 10.1%; p = 0.027), but not the CT limb (%Δ Dm= -1.6 ± 5.7%; NDm = 1.7 ± 5.9%). CONCLUSIONS: Despite the greater fatigue resistance for the Dm compared to the NDm hand, there were no differences in PF for the IPS side for the men, but lesser IPS PF for Dm compared to NDm hand for the women. The cross-over facilitation of the CT limb for men, but not women, following a unilateral, isometric handgrip HTF may be related to post-activation potentiation

    Symmetric and asymmetric action integration during cooperative object manipulation in virtual environments

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    Cooperation between multiple users in a virtual environment (VE) can take place at one of three levels. These are defined as where users can perceive each other (Level 1), individually change the scene (Level 2), or simultaneously act on and manipulate the same object (Level 3). Despite representing the highest level of cooperation, multi-user object manipulation has rarely been studied. This paper describes a behavioral experiment in which the piano movers' problem (maneuvering a large object through a restricted space) was used to investigate object manipulation by pairs of participants in a VE. Participants' interactions with the object were integrated together either symmetrically or asymmetrically. The former only allowed the common component of participants' actions to take place, but the latter used the mean. Symmetric action integration was superior for sections of the task when both participants had to perform similar actions, but if participants had to move in different ways (e.g., one maneuvering themselves through a narrow opening while the other traveled down a wide corridor) then asymmetric integration was superior. With both forms of integration, the extent to which participants coordinated their actions was poor and this led to a substantial cooperation overhead (the reduction in performance caused by having to cooperate with another person)

    Predictive simulations of NBI ion power load to the ICRH antenna in Wendelstein 7-X

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    In Wendelstein 7-X (W7-X), a new ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH) antenna will be commissioned during the operational campaign OP2.1. The antenna will have to sustain power loads not only from thermal plasma and radiation but also fast ions. Predictive simulations of fast-ion power loads to the antenna components are therefore important to establish safe operational limits. In this work, the fast-ion power loads from the W7-X neutral beam injection (NBI) system to the ICRH antenna was simulated using the ASCOT suite of codes. Five reference magnetic configurations and five antenna positions were considered to provide an overview of power load behavior under various operating conditions. The NBI power load was found to have an exponential dependence on the antenna insertion depth. Differences between magnetic configurations were significant, with the antenna limiter power load varying between 380 W and 100 kW depending on the configuration. Qualitative differences in power load patterns between configurations were also observed, with the low mirror and low iota configurations exhibiting higher loads to the sensitive antenna straps. The local fast-ion power flux to the antenna limiter was also considered and found to exceed the 2.0 MW m−2 steady-state safety limit only in specific cases. The NBI system might thus pose a safety concern to the ICRH antenna during concurrent NBI-ICRH operation, but additional heat propagation simulations of antenna components are needed to establish more realistic operational time limits

    Fast forward modeling of neutral beam injection and halo formation including full Balmer-α emission prediction at W7-X

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    A full collisional-radiative (CR) neutral beam injection model based on Gaussian pencil (Gausscil) beams and a diffusive CR neutral halo model are presented. The halo is a neutral cloud around the neutral beam forming due to multiple charge exchange (CX) reactions. Both models do not rely on Monte-Carlo techniques and are thereby orders of magnitude faster than commonly used models. To model the neutral halo a system of coupled diffusion equations is solved numerically, enforcing mixed boundary conditions. From the equilibrium hydrogen neutral densities in the second excited energy state (n = 3), the Balmer-α emission intensity is calculated and the full spectrum is predicted, including effects as Doppler shifts and broadening due to the complex neutral beam geometry and the motional Stark effect (MSE) from the magnetic field. All forward models are implemented in the Minerva [1] Bayesian analysis framework to enable detailed multivariant inference from Balmer-α spectroscopy data. The modeled neutral beam and halo densities are successfully verified against calculations with a validated Monte-Carlo code for the W7-X beam and plasma geometry, especially proving the validity of the halo diffusion ansatz. A comparison of the predicted emission spectra with the experimental data proves the accuracy of the implemented model. All important parameters defining the neutral beams are inferred and compared to available reference values

    A Phase II Trial of Prexasertib (LY2606368) in Patients With Extensive-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer

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    BACKGROUND: This study assessed the checkpoint kinase 1 inhibitor prexasertib in patients with extensive-stage small-cell lung cancer (ED-SCLC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: This was a parallel-cohort phase II study of 105 mg/m2 prexasertib once every 14 days for patients who progressed after no more than two prior therapies and had platinum-sensitive (Cohort 1) or platinum-resistant/platinum-refractory (Cohort 2) disease. The primary endpoint was objective response rate (ORR). Secondary endpoints included disease control rate (DCR), progression-free survival (PFS), overall survival (OS), safety, and pharmacokinetics. Exploratory endpoints included biomarker identification and assessment of an alternative regimen (Cohort 3: 40 mg/m2 days 1-3, 14-day cycle). RESULTS: In Cohort 1 (n = 58), ORR was 5.2%; DCR, 31%; median PFS, 1.41 months (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.31-1.64); and median OS, 5.42 months (95% CI, 3.75-8.51). In Cohort 2 (n = 60), ORR was 0%; DCR, 20%; median PFS, 1.36 months (95% CI, 1.25-1.45); and median OS, 3.15 months (95% CI, 2.27-5.52). The most frequent all-grade, related, treatment-emergent adverse events were decreased neutrophil count (Cohort 1, 69.6%; Cohort 2, 73.3%), decreased platelet count (Cohort 1, 51.8%; Cohort 2, 50.0%), decreased white blood cell count (Cohort 1, 28.6%; Cohort 2, 40.0%), and anemia (Cohort 1, 39.3%; Cohort 2, 28.3%). Eleven patients (19.6%) in Cohort 1 and one patient (1.7%) in Cohort 2 experienced grade ≄3 febrile neutropenia. Prexasertib pharmacokinetics were consistent with prior studies. Cohort 3 outcomes were similar to those of Cohorts 1 and 2. No actionable biomarkers were identified. CONCLUSION: Prexasertib did not demonstrate activity to warrant future development as monotherapy in ED-SCLC

    Experimental characterization of the active and passive fast-ion H-alpha emission in W7-X using FIDASIM

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    This paper presents the first results from the analysis of Balmer-alpha spectra at Wendelstein 7-X which contain the broad charge exchange emission from fast-ions. The measured spectra are compared to synthetic spectra predicted by the FIDASIM code, which has been supplied with the 3D magnetic fields from VMEC, 5D fast-ion distribution functions from ASCOT, and a realistic Neutral Beam Injection geometry including beam particle blocking elements. Detailed modeling of the beam emission shows excellent agreement between measured beam emission spectra and predictions. In contrast, modeling of beam halo radiation and Fast-Ion H-Alpha signals (FIDA) is more challenging due to strong passive contributions. While about 50% of the halo radiation can be attributed to passive signals from edge neutrals, the FIDA emission—in particular for an edge-localized line of sights—is dominated by passive emission. This is in part explained by high neutral densities in the plasma edge and in part by edge-born fast-ion populations as demonstrated by detailed modeling of the edge fast-ion distribution
