591 research outputs found

    Прецизионные торсионные пружины

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    В статті повідомляється про результати дослідження торсіонів, виготовлених із шаруватих волокон карбіду кремнію. Нестабільність нульового положення торсіонного підвісу із карбіду кремнію, в 10-15 разів менша, ніж у приладів з кварцовими підвісами і в 50-100 разів менша, в порівнянні з підвісами із сплаву ВР-27.Results of investigation of layered SiC fibers torsion springs are presented. Non stability of zero position of SiC torsion springs is 10-15 times less in comparison with quartz torsion springs and 50-100 times less in comparison with BP-27 one. The device for torsion springs parameters testing is described too.В статье сообщается о результатах исследования торсионов, изготовленных из слоистых волокон карбида кремния. Нестабильность нулевого положения торсионного подвеса из карбида кремния, в 10-15 раз меньшая, чем у приборов с кварцевыми подвесами и в 50-100 раз меньшая, в сравнении с подвесами из сплава ВР-27. описана оригинальная установка для исследования торсионных пружин

    Notch signaling regulates gastric antral LGR5 stem cell function

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    The major signaling pathways regulating gastric stem cells are unknown. Here we report that Notch signaling is essential for homeostasis of LGR5+ antral stem cells. Pathway inhibition reduced proliferation of gastric stem and progenitor cells, while activation increased proliferation. Notch dysregulation also altered differentiation, with inhibition inducing mucous and endocrine cell differentiation while activation reduced differentiation. Analysis of gastric organoids demonstrated that Notch signaling was intrinsic to the epithelium and regulated growth. Furthermore, in vivo Notch manipulation affected the efficiency of organoid initiation from glands and single Lgr5‐GFP stem cells, suggesting regulation of stem cell function. Strikingly, constitutive Notch activation in LGR5+ stem cells induced tissue expansion via antral gland fission. Lineage tracing using a multi‐colored reporter demonstrated that Notch‐activated stem cells rapidly generate monoclonal glands, suggesting a competitive advantage over unmanipulated stem cells. Notch activation was associated with increased mTOR signaling, and mTORC1 inhibition normalized NICD‐induced increases in proliferation and gland fission. Chronic Notch activation induced undifferentiated, hyper‐proliferative polyps, suggesting that aberrant activation of Notch in gastric stem cells may contribute to gastric tumorigenesis.SynopsisThe Notch signaling pathway is required to maintain LGR5+ antral stem cells and epithelial cell homeostasis.Gastric antral stem cells display active Notch1 receptor signaling.Global Notch inhibition reduces stem and progenitor cell proliferation and increases differentiation of all lineages.Notch activation in LGR5+ stem cells increases stem and progenitor cell proliferation and inhibits differentiation.Notch activation enhances antral stem cell function, leading to tissue expansion via gland fission and tumor formation.The Notch signaling pathway is required to maintain LGR5+ antral stem cells and epithelial cell homeostasis.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/115949/1/embj201490583-sup-0002-EVFigs.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/115949/2/embj201490583.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/115949/3/embj201490583.reviewer_comments.pdfhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/115949/4/embj201490583-sup-0001-Appendix.pd

    Selective amyloid-β lowering agents

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    The amyloid-β peptide (Aβ), implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD), is produced through sequential proteolysis of the Aβ precursor protein (APP) by β- and γ-secretases. Thus, blocking either of these two proteases, directly or indirectly, is potentially worthwhile toward developing AD therapeutics. β-Secretase is a membrane-tethered pepsin-like aspartyl protease suitable for structure-based design, whereas γ-secretase is an unusual, heterotetrameric membrane-embedded aspartyl protease. While γ-secretase inhibitors entered clinical trials first due to their superior pharmacological properties (for example, brain penetration) over β-secretase inhibitors, it has since become clear that γ-secretase inhibitors can cause mechanism-based toxicities owing to interference with the proteolysis of another γ-secretase substrate, the Notch receptor. Strategies for targeting Aβ production at the γ-secretase level without blocking Notch signalling will be discussed. Other strategies utilizing cell-based screening have led to the identification of novel Aβ lowering agents that likewise leave Notch proteolysis intact. The mechanism by which these agents lower Aβ is unknown, but these compounds may ultimately reveal new targets for AD therapeutics

    Physiological Notch Signaling Maintains Bone Homeostasis via RBPjk and Hey Upstream of NFATc1

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    Notch signaling between neighboring cells controls many cell fate decisions in metazoans both during embryogenesis and in postnatal life. Previously, we uncovered a critical role for physiological Notch signaling in suppressing osteoblast differentiation in vivo. However, the contribution of individual Notch receptors and the downstream signaling mechanism have not been elucidated. Here we report that removal of Notch2, but not Notch1, from the embryonic limb mesenchyme markedly increased trabecular bone mass in adolescent mice. Deletion of the transcription factor RBPjk, a mediator of all canonical Notch signaling, in the mesenchymal progenitors but not the more mature osteoblast-lineage cells, caused a dramatic high-bone-mass phenotype characterized by increased osteoblast numbers, diminished bone marrow mesenchymal progenitor pool, and rapid age-dependent bone loss. Moreover, mice deficient in Hey1 and HeyL, two target genes of Notch-RBPjk signaling, exhibited high bone mass. Interestingly, Hey1 bound to and suppressed the NFATc1 promoter, and RBPjk deletion increased NFATc1 expression in bone. Finally, pharmacological inhibition of NFAT alleviated the high-bone-mass phenotype caused by RBPjk deletion. Thus, Notch-RBPjk signaling functions in part through Hey1-mediated inhibition of NFATc1 to suppress osteoblastogenesis, contributing to bone homeostasis in vivo

    Enhanced Fusion Pore Expansion Mediated by the Trans-Acting Endodomain of the Reovirus FAST Proteins

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    The reovirus fusion-associated small transmembrane (FAST) proteins are virus-encoded membrane fusion proteins that function as dedicated cell–cell fusogens. The topology of these small, single-pass membrane proteins orients the majority of the protein on the distal side of the membrane (i.e., inside the cell). We now show that ectopic expression of the endodomains of the p10, p14, and p15 FAST proteins enhances syncytiogenesis induced by the full-length FAST proteins, both homotypically and heterotypically. Results further indicate that the 68-residue cytoplasmic endodomain of the p14 FAST protein (1) is endogenously generated from full-length p14 protein expressed in virus-infected or transfected cells; (2) enhances syncytiogenesis subsequent to stable pore formation; (3) increases the syncytiogenic activity of heterologous fusion proteins, including the differentiation-dependent fusion of murine myoblasts; (4) exerts its enhancing activity from the cytosol, independent of direct interactions with either the fusogen or the membranes being fused; and (5) contains several regions with protein–protein interaction motifs that influence enhancing activity. We propose that the unique evolution of the FAST proteins as virus-encoded cellular fusogens has allowed them to generate a trans-acting, soluble endodomain peptide to harness a cellular pathway or process involved in the poorly understood process that facilitates the transition from microfusion pores to macrofusion and syncytiogenesis

    A Novel Pzg-NURF Complex Regulates Notch Target Gene Activity

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    The Putzig (Pzg) protein is associated with the NURF nucleosome remodeling complex, thereby promoting Notch target gene expression. Our findings suggest a novel Pzg-NURF complex that is responsible for the epigenetic regulation of Notch target genes

    Gamma secretase inhibition promotes hypoxic necrosis in mouse pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDA) is a highly lethal disease that is refractory to medical intervention. Notch pathway antagonism has been shown to prevent pancreatic preneoplasia progression in mouse models, but potential benefits in the setting of an established PDA tumor have not been established. We demonstrate that the gamma secretase inhibitor MRK003 effectively inhibits intratumoral Notch signaling in the KPC mouse model of advanced PDA. Although MRK003 monotherapy fails to extend the lifespan of KPC mice, the combination of MRK003 with the chemotherapeutic gemcitabine prolongs survival. Combination treatment kills tumor endothelial cells and synergistically promotes widespread hypoxic necrosis. These results indicate that the paucivascular nature of PDA can be exploited as a therapeutic vulnerability, and the dual targeting of the tumor endothelium and neoplastic cells by gamma secretase inhibition constitutes a rationale for clinical translation

    Control of Neural Daughter Cell Proliferation by Multi-level Notch/Su(H)/E(spl)-HLH Signaling

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    The Notch pathway controls proliferation during development and in adulthood, and is frequently affected in many disorders. However, the genetic sensitivity and multi-layered transcriptional properties of the Notch pathway has made its molecular decoding challenging. Here, we address the complexity of Notch signaling with respect to proliferation, using the developing Drosophila CNS as model. We find that a Notch/Su(H)/E(spl)-HLH cascade specifically controls daughter, but not progenitor proliferation. Additionally, we find that different E(spl)-HLH genes are required in different neuroblast lineages. The Notch/Su(H)/E(spl)-HLH cascade alters daughter proliferation by regulating four key cell cycle factors: Cyclin E, String/Cdc25, E2f and Dacapo (mammalian p21CIP1/p27KIP1/p57Kip2). ChIP and DamID analysis of Su(H) and E(spl)-HLH indicates direct transcriptional regulation of the cell cycle genes, and of the Notch pathway itself. These results point to a multi-level signaling model and may help shed light on the dichotomous proliferative role of Notch signaling in many other systems

    sel-11 and cdc-42, Two Negative Modulators of LIN-12/Notch Activity in C. elegans

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    Background: LIN-12/Notch signaling is important for cell-cell interactions during development, and mutations resulting in constitutive LIN-12/Notch signaling can cause cancer. Loss of negative regulators of lin-12/Notch activity has the potential for influencing cell fate decisions during development and the genesis or aggressiveness of cancer. Methodology/Principal Findings: We describe two negative modulators of lin-12 activity in C. elegans. One gene, sel-11, was initially defined as a suppressor of a lin-12 hypomorphic allele; the other gene, cdc-42, is a well-studied Rho GTPase. Here, we show that SEL-11 corresponds to yeast Hrd1p and mammalian Synoviolin. We also show that cdc-42 has the genetic properties consistent with negative regulation of lin-12 activity during vulval precursor cell fate specification. Conclusions/Significance: Our results underscore the multiplicity of negative regulatory mechanisms that impact on lin-12/ Notch activity and suggest novel mechanisms by which constitutive lin-12/Notch activity might be exacerbated in cancer

    Inhibition of Notch3 signalling induces rhabdomyosarcoma cell differentiation promoting p38 phosphorylation and p21Cip1 expression and hampers tumour cell growth in vitro and in vivo

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is a paediatric soft-tissue sarcoma arising from skeletal muscle precursors coexpressing markers of proliferation and differentiation. Inducers of myogenic differentiation suppress RMS tumourigenic phenotype. The Notch target gene HES1 is upregulated in RMS and prevents tumour cell differentiation in a Notch-dependent manner. However, Notch receptors regulating this phenomenon are unknown. In agreement with data in RMS primary tumours, we show here that the Notch3 receptor is overexpressed in RMS cell lines versus normal myoblasts. Notch3-targeted downregulation in RMS cells induces hyper-phosphorylation of p38 and Akt essential for myogenesis, resulting in the differentiation of tumour cells into multinucleated myotubes expressing Myosin Heavy Chain. These phenomena are associated to a marked decrease in HES1 expression, an increase in p21Cip1 level and the accumulation of RMS cells in the G1 phase. HES1-forced overexpression in RMS cells reverses, at least in part, the pro-differentiative effects of Notch3 downregulation. Notch3 depletion also reduces the tumourigenic potential of RMS cells both in vitro and in vivo. These results indicate that downregulation of Notch3 is sufficient to force RMS cells into completing a correct full myogenic program providing evidence that it contributes, partially through HES1 sustained expression, to their malignant phenotype. Moreover, they suggest Notch3 as a novel potential target in human RMS