1,155 research outputs found

    Structure of the Mammalian Ribosome-Sec61 Complex to 3.4 Å Resolution

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    Cotranslational protein translocation is a universally conserved process for secretory and membrane protein biosynthesis. Nascent polypeptides emerging from a translating ribosome are either transported across or inserted into the membrane via the ribosome-bound Sec61 channel. Here, we report structures of a mammalian ribosome-Sec61 complex in both idle and translating states, determined to 3.4 and 3.9 Å resolution. The data sets permit building of a near-complete atomic model of the mammalian ribosome, visualization of A/P and P/E hybrid-state tRNAs, and analysis of a nascent polypeptide in the exit tunnel. Unprecedented chemical detail is observed for both the ribosome-Sec61 interaction and the conformational state of Sec61 upon ribosome binding. Comparison of the maps from idle and translating complexes suggests how conformational changes to the Sec61 channel could facilitate translocation of a secreted polypeptide. The high-resolution structure of the mammalian ribosome-Sec61 complex provides a valuable reference for future functional and structural studies

    Charge transport across metal/molecular (alkyl) monolayer-Si junctions is dominated by the LUMO level

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    We compare the charge transport characteristics of heavy doped p- and n-Si-alkyl chain/Hg junctions. Photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS, IPES and XPS) results for the molecule-Si band alignment at equilibrium show the Fermi level to LUMO energy difference to be much smaller than the corresponding Fermi level to HOMO one. This result supports the conclusion we reach, based on negative differential resistance in an analogous semiconductor-inorganic insulator/metal junction, that for both p- and n-type junctions the energy difference between the Fermi level and LUMO, i.e., electron tunneling, controls charge transport. The Fermi level-LUMO energy difference, experimentally determined by IPES, agrees with the non-resonant tunneling barrier height deduced from the exponential length-attenuation of the current

    Optimization problems in electron microscopy of single particles

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10479-006-0078-8Electron Microscopy is a valuable tool for the elucidation of the three-dimensional structure of macromolecular complexes. Knowledge about the macromolecular structure provides important information about its function and how it is carried out. This work addresses the issue of three-dimensional reconstruction of biological macromolecules from electron microscopy images. In particular, it focuses on a methodology known as “single-particles” and makes a thorough review of all those steps that can be expressed as an optimization problem. In spite of important advances in recent years, there are still unresolved challenges in the field that offer an excellent testbed for new and more powerful optimization techniques.We acknowledge partial support from the “Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid” through grants CAM-07B-0032-2002, GR/SAL/0653/2004 and GR/SAL/0342/2004, the “Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia yTecnologia” of Spain through grants BIO2001-1237, BIO2001-4253-E, BIO2001-4339-E, BIO2002- 10855-E, BFU2004-00217/BMC, the Spanish FIS grant (G03/185), the European Union through grants QLK2- 2000-00634, QLRI-2000-31237, QLRT-2000-0136, QLRI-2001-00015, FP6-502828 and the NIH through grant HL70472. Alberto Pascual and Roberto Marabini acknowledge support by the Spanish Ramon y Cajal Program

    The effect of methylphenidate on three forms of response inhibition in boys with AD/HD

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    Item does not contain fulltextThe current study was aimed at (a) investigating the effect of three doses methylphenidate (MPH) and placebo on inhibition of a prepotent response, inhibition of an ongoing response, and interference control in Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), and (b) studying dose-response relations for the three forms of response inhibition. To meet these aims, the following tasks were selected: two versions of the Stop Paradigm for inhibition of a prepotent response, a Circle Tracing Task and a recently developed Follow Task for inhibition of an ongoing response, and the Stroop Color-Word Test and an Eriksen Flanker Task for interference control. These tasks were administered to 23 boys with AD/HD during four treatment conditions: 5 mg MPH, 10 mg MPH, 20 mg MPH, and placebo. A pseudorandomized, multiple-blind, placebo-controlled, within-subject design was used. As hypothesized, inhibitory control in children with AD/HD improved under MPH compared to placebo. However, this effect was only significant for inhibition of a prepotent response and inhibition of an ongoing response (as measured by the Follow Task), but not for interference control. The relation between treatment condition and response was linear. However, this linear relation was due to improved inhibitory control under MPH compared to placebo, because no effects of MPH dose were observed for any of the response inhibition measures

    Architecture of Pol II(G) and molecular mechanism of transcription regulation by Gdown1.

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    Tight binding of Gdown1 represses RNA polymerase II (Pol II) function in a manner that is reversed by Mediator, but the structural basis of these processes is unclear. Although Gdown1 is intrinsically disordered, its Pol II interacting domains were localized and shown to occlude transcription factor IIF (TFIIF) and transcription factor IIB (TFIIB) binding by perfect positioning on their Pol II interaction sites. Robust binding of Gdown1 to Pol II is established by cooperative interactions of a strong Pol II binding region and two weaker binding modulatory regions, thus providing a mechanism both for tight Pol II binding and transcription inhibition and for its reversal. In support of a physiological function for Gdown1 in transcription repression, Gdown1 co-localizes with Pol II in transcriptionally silent nuclei of early Drosophila embryos but re-localizes to the cytoplasm during zygotic genome activation. Our study reveals a self-inactivation through Gdown1 binding as a unique mode of repression in Pol II function

    The structures of a naturally empty cowpea mosaic virus particle and its genome-containing counterpart by cryo-electron microscopy

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    Cowpea mosaic virus (CPMV) is a picorna-like plant virus. As well as an intrinsic interest in CPMV as a plant pathogen, CPMV is of major interest in biotechnology applications such as nanotechnology. Here, we report high resolution cryo electron microscopy (cryo-EM) maps of wild type CPMV containing RNA-2, and of naturally-formed empty CPMV capsids. The resolution of these structures is sufficient to visualise large amino acids. We have refined an atomic model for each map and identified an essential amino acid involved in genome encapsidation. This work has furthered our knowledge of Picornavirales genome encapsidation and will assist further work in the development of CPMV as a biotechnological tool

    Structure and uncoating of immature adenovirus

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    Maturation via proteolytical processing is a common trait in the viral world, and is often accompanied by large conformational changes and rearrangements in the capsid. The adenovirus protease has been shown to play a dual role in the viral infectious cycle: (a) in maturation, as viral assembly starts with precursors to several of the structural proteins, but ends with proteolytically processed versions in the mature virion; and (b) in entry, because protease-impaired viruses have difficulties in endosome escape and uncoating. Indeed, viruses that have not undergone proteolytical processing are not infectious. We present the 3D structure of immature adenovirus particles, as represented by the thermosensitive mutant Ad2 ts1 grown under nonpermissive conditions, and compare it with the mature capsid. Our 3DEM maps at subnanometer resolution indicate that adenovirus maturation does not involve large scale conformational changes in the capsid. Difference maps reveal the location of unprocessed peptides pIIIa and pVI and help to define their role in capsid assembly and maturation. An intriguing difference appears in the core, indicating a more compact organization and increased stability of the immature cores. We have further investigated these properties by in vitro disassembly assays. Fluorescence and electron microscopy experiments reveal differences in the stability and uncoating of immature viruses, both at the capsid and core levels, as well as disassembly intermediates not previously imaged.This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain (BFU2007-60228 to C.S.M. and BIO2007-67150-C03-03 to R.M.), the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CCG08-CSIC/SAL-3442 to C.S.M.) and the National Institutes of Health (5R01CA111569 to D.T.C., R0141599 to W.F.M. and GM037705 to S.J.F.). R.M.-C. is a recipient of a PFIS fellowship from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III of Spain. A.J.P.-B. holds a CSIC JAE-Doc postdoctoral position, partially funded by the European Social FundPeer reviewe

    Cryo-EM structure of lysenin pore elucidates membrane insertion by an aerolysin family protein

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    Lysenin from the coelomic fluid of the earthworm Eisenia fetida belongs to the aerolysin family of small β-pore-forming toxins (β-PFTs), some members of which are pathogenic to humans and animals. Despite efforts, a high-resolution structure of a channel for this family of proteins has been elusive and therefore the mechanism of activation and membrane insertion remains unclear. Here we determine the pore structure of lysenin by single particle cryo-EM, to 3.1 Å resolution. The nonameric assembly reveals a long β-barrel channel spanning the length of the complex that, unexpectedly, includes the two pre-insertion strands flanking the hypothetical membrane-insertion loop. Examination of other members of the aerolysin family reveals high structural preservation in this region, indicating that the membrane-insertion pathway in this family is conserved. For some toxins, proteolytic activation and pro-peptide removal will facilitate unfolding of the pre-insertion strands, allowing them to form the β-barrel of the channel

    Atomic Structure of Type VI Contractile Sheath from Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa has three type VI secretion systems (T6SSs), H1-, H2-, and H3-T6SS, each belonging to a distinct group. The two T6SS components, TssB/VipA and TssC/VipB, assemble to form tubules that conserve structural/functional homology with tail sheaths of contractile bacteriophages and pyocins. Here, we used cryoelectron microscopy to solve the structure of the H1-T6SS P. aeruginosa TssB1C1 sheath at 3.3 Å resolution. Our structure allowed us to resolve some features of the T6SS sheath that were not resolved in the Vibrio cholerae VipAB and Francisella tularensis IglAB structures. Comparison with sheath structures from other contractile machines, including T4 phage and R-type pyocins, provides a better understanding of how these systems have conserved similar functions/mechanisms despite evolution. We used the P. aeruginosa R2 pyocin as a structural template to build an atomic model of the TssB1C1 sheath in its extended conformation, allowing us to propose a coiled-spring-like mechanism for T6SS sheath contraction