2,022 research outputs found

    An investigation of factors affecting early foreign language learning in the Netherlands

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    Spin-dependent transport in metal/semiconductor tunnel junctions

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    This paper describes a model as well as experiments on spin-polarized tunnelling with the aid of optical spin orientation. This involves tunnel junctions between a magnetic material and gallium arsenide (GaAs), where the latter is optically excited with circularly polarized light in order to generate spin-polarized carriers. A transport model is presented that takes account of carrier capture in the semiconductor surface states, and describes the semiconductor surface in terms of a spin-dependent energy distribution function. The so-called surface spin-splitting can be calculated from the balance of the polarized electron and hole flow in the semiconductor subsurface region, the polarized tunnelling current across the tunnel barrier between the magnetic material and the semiconductor surface, and the spin relaxation at the semiconductor surface. Measurements are presented of the circular-polarization-dependent photocurrent (the so-called helicity asymmetry) in thin-film tunnel junctions of Co/Al2O3/GaAs. In the absence of a tunnel barrier, the helicity asymmetry is caused by magneto-optical effects (magnetic circular dichroism). In the case where a tunnel barrier is present, the data cannot be explained by magneto-optical effects alone; the deviations provide evidence that spin-polarized tunnelling due to optical spin orientation occurs. In Co/τ-MnAl/AlAs/GaAs junctions no deviations from the magneto-optical effects are observed, most probably due to the weak spin polarization of τ-MnAl along the tunnelling direction; the latter is corroborated by bandstructure calculations. Finally, the application of photoexcited GaAs for spin-polarized tunnelling in a scanning tunnelling microscope is discussed.

    The richness and diversity of Lepidoptera species in different habitats of the national Park Theniet El Had (Algeria)

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    The diversity of Lepidoptera in several habitats of the National Park Theniet El Had (P.N.T.E.H.) was studied during twelve months of the years 2015 and 2016 in several habitats and totalising 851 specimens belonging to 17 families, 9 super families and 60 species. Among these 31 butterflies and 35 moths were recorded. the clairière (grass fields) turned out to be the most species-rich with 54 species, followed by cédraie with 39 species, the yeusaie with 33 species, the suberaie with 30 species, the zénaie with 29 species and finally the pinaie with only 22 species. The family Nymphalidae was the most dominant one in the parc with 32.48%. The diversity index (H’ and H’max) and the equitability (E) calculated for the 6 types of habitats is H’= 2,74 bits, H’max = 4,09 bits and E = 0,67 bits, meaning that the Lepidoptera species are at equilibrium with the different types of habitat which were studied.Keywords: National Park; Theniet El Had; Lepidoptera; Rhopalocera; Heterocera; Diversity (H’); Equitability (E

    Ісламський фактор в міжнародних економічних відносинах: приклад ЄС і Турції

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    В роботі представлена спроба цілісного вивчення впливу культурних, соціальних, економічних і політичних факторів на процеси взаємовідносин Туреччини і ЄС, що дозволяє надати більш об'ємне й глибоке уявлення про соціально-політичні процеси в Туреччині і ЄС в контексті їх еволюції. Дана оцінка сучасного стану мусульманської діаспори в країнах ЄС з подальшою систематизацією даних. Зроблена авторська порівняльна характеристика процесів євроінтеграції України (у якої є свій «ісламський» фактор) і Туреччини і її систематизаці

    Validation of active forest fires detected by MSG-SEVIRI by means of MODIS hot spots and AWiFS images.

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    The detection of forest fires and the determination of their parameters have been usually carried out by polar-orbit sensors: AVHRR, (A)ATSR, BIRD and MODIS mainly. However, their time resolution prevents them from operating in real time. In contrast, the new geostationary sensors have very appropriate capacities for the observation of the Earth and monitoring of forest fires, as is being proved. GOES, MSG and MTSAT are already operative and they have led the international community to think that the global observation network in real time may become a reality. The implementation of this network is the aim of the Global Observations of Forest Cover and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC/GOLD) FIRE Mapping and Monitoring program, focused internationally on taking decisions concerning the research of the Global Change. In this paper, the operation in real time by the MSG-SEVIRI sensor over the Iberian Peninsula is studied. On the other hand, the reliability of validation results by means of polar sensors, with better spatial resolution, is difficult to analyze due to errors caused by confused location of fires. This paper tries to find the most appropriate spatial scale to carry out comparison between Terra/Aqua-MODIS and Resourcesat1-AWiFS image

    Droplet minimizers for the Gates-Lebowitz-Penrose free energy functional

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    We study the structure of the constrained minimizers of the Gates-Lebowitz-Penrose free-energy functional FGLP(m){\mathcal F}_{\rm GLP}(m), non-local functional of a density field m(x)m(x), xTLx\in {\mathcal T}_L, a dd-dimensional torus of side length LL. At low temperatures, FGLP{\mathcal F}_{\rm GLP} is not convex, and has two distinct global minimizers, corresponding to two equilibrium states. Here we constrain the average density L^{-d}\int_{{\cal T}_L}m(x)\dd x to be a fixed value nn between the densities in the two equilibrium states, but close to the low density equilibrium value. In this case, a "droplet" of the high density phase may or may not form in a background of the low density phase, depending on the values nn and LL. We determine the critical density for droplet formation, and the nature of the droplet, as a function of nn and LL. The relation between the free energy and the large deviations functional for a particle model with long-range Kac potentials, proven in some cases, and expected to be true in general, then provides information on the structure of typical microscopic configurations of the Gibbs measure when the range of the Kac potential is large enough

    A Letter of Intent to Install a milli-charged Particle Detector at LHC P5

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    In this LOI we propose a dedicated experiment that would detect "milli-charged" particles produced by pp collisions at LHC Point 5. The experiment would be installed during LS2 in the vestigial drainage gallery above UXC and would not interfere with CMS operations. With 300 fb1^{-1} of integrated luminosity, sensitivity to a particle with charge O(103) e\mathcal{O}(10^{-3})~e can be achieved for masses of O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) GeV, and charge O(102) e\mathcal{O}(10^{-2})~e for masses of O(10)\mathcal{O}(10) GeV, greatly extending the parameter space explored for particles with small charge and masses above 100 MeV.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Human fetal microglia acquire homeostatic immune-sensing properties early indevelopment

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    Microglia, immune cells of the central nervous system (CNS), are important for tissue development and maintenance and are implicated in CNS disease, but we lack understanding of human fetal microglia development. Single-cell gene expression and bulk chromatin profiles of microglia at 9 to 18 gestational weeks (GWs) of human fetal development were generated. Microglia were heterogeneous at all studied GWs. Microglia start to mature during this developmental period and increasingly resemble adult microglia with CNS-surveilling properties. Chromatin accessibility increases during development with associated transcriptional networks reflective of adult microglia. Thus, during early fetal development, microglia progress toward a more mature, immune-sensing competent phenotype, and this might render the developing human CNS vulnerable to environmental perturbations during early pregnancy

    Multi-wavelength observations of afterglow of GRB 080319B and the modeling constraints

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    We present observations of the afterglow of GRB 080319B at optical, mm and radio frequencies from a few hours to 67 days after the burst. Present observations along with other published multi-wavelength data have been used to study the light-curves and spectral energy distributions of the burst afterglow. The nature of this brightest cosmic explosion has been explored based on the observed properties and it's comparison with the afterglow models. Our results show that the observed features of the afterglow fits equally good with the Inter Stellar Matter and the Stellar Wind density profiles of the circum-burst medium. In case of both density profiles, location of the maximum synchrotron frequency νm\nu_m is below optical and the value of cooling break frequency νc\nu_c is below XX-rays, 104\sim 10^{4}s after the burst. Also, the derived value of the Lorentz factor at the time of naked eye brightness is 300\sim 300 with the corresponding blast wave size of 1018\sim 10^{18} cm. The numerical fit to the multi-wavelength afterglow data constraints the values of physical parameters and the emission mechanism of the burst.Comment: 8 Pages, 3 Figures, Accepted for publication to Astronomy and Astrophysics on 02/04/200

    Never injected, but hepatitis C virus-infected: a study among self-declared never-injecting drug users from the Amsterdam Cohort Studies

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    The aim of this study was to gain insight in transmission routes of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection among never-injecting drug users (DU) by studying, incidence, prevalence, determinants and molecular epidemiology of HCV infection. From the Amsterdam Cohort Studies among DU, 352 never-injecting DU were longitudinally tested for HCV antibodies. Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with antibody prevalence. Part of HCV NS5B was sequenced to determine HCV genotype and for phylogenetic analyses, in which sequences were compared with those from injecting DU. HCV antibody prevalence was 6.3% and HCV incidence was 0.49/1000 PY. HIV-positive status, female sex and starting injection drug use during follow-up (a putative marker of past injection drug use), were independently associated with HCV prevalence. The main genotypes found were genotype 3a (50%) and 1a (30%). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that HCV strains in never-injecting DU did not cluster together and did not differ from HCV strains circulating in injecting DU. We found a higher HCV prevalence in never-injecting DU than in the general population. Phylogenetic analysis shows a strong link with the injecting DU population. The increased risk could be related to underreporting of injecting drug use or to household or sexual transmission from injectors to noninjectors. Our findings stress the need for HCV testing of DU who report never injecting, especially given the potential to treat HCV infection effectively