7 research outputs found

    Critical Importance of Standardized Nomenclature and Classification in Venous Surgery and Interventional Treatments

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    In this chapter the authors explain the need for standardization of nomenclature and classification of deep venous disease in patients selected for venous surgery and/or (minimally invasive) interventional treatment. For both acute deep vein obstruction (deep vein thrombosis) and chronic deep vein obstruction (deep vein stenosis or occlusion), the concept behind treatment selection and classification of disease is explained and illustrated with figures.keywordsinferior vena cavavaricose veiniliac veinvenous diseasevenous insufficiencythese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves

    Editor's Choice - Management of Chronic Venous Disease: Clinical Practice Guidelines of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS)

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    Editor's Choice – Management of Chronic Venous Disease

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