8 research outputs found

    Safe approaches for camptothecin delivery: Structural analogues and nanomedicines

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    [EN] Twenty-(S)-camptothecin is a strongly cytotoxic molecule with excellent antitumor activity over a wide spectrum of human cancers. However, the direct formulation is limited by its poor water solubility, low plasmatic stability and severe toxicity, which currently limits its clinical use. As a consequence, two strategies have been developed in order to achieve safe and efficient delivery of camptothecin to target cells: structural analogues and nanomedicines. In this review, we summarize recent advances in the design, synthesis and development of camptothecin molecular derivatives and supramolecular vehicles, following a systematic classification according to structure-activity relationships (structural analogues) or chemical nature (nanomedicines). A series of organic, inorganic and hybrid materials are presented as nanoplatforms to overcome camptothecin restrictions in administration, biodistribution, pharmacokinetics and toxicity. Nanocarriers which respond to a variety of stimuli endogenously (e.g., pH, redox potential, enzyme activity) or exogenously (e.g., magnetic field, light, temperature, ultrasound) seem the best positioned therapeutic materials for optimal spatial and temporal control over drug release. The main goal of this review is to be used as a source of relevant literature for others interested in the field of camptothecin-based therapeutics. To this end, final remarks on the most important formulations currently under clinical trial are provided. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Financial support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (projects MAT2012-39290-C02-02 and SEV-2012-0267) is gratefully acknowledged. Dr. E.M. Rivero thanks the Cursol Foundation for a post-doctoral scholarship.Botella Asuncion, P.; Rivero-Buceta, EM. (2017). Safe approaches for camptothecin delivery: Structural analogues and nanomedicines. Journal of Controlled Release. 247:28-54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2016.12.023S285424

    Akademiske prestasjoner i ungdomsskolen

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    Studien har som formål å undersøke hvilken betydning demografiske egenskaper, sosiale strukturer, helserelatert atferd og elevers målorientering har for akademiske prestasjoner blant elever i norske ungdomsskoler. Prosjektet tar for seg et sammensatt estimat for akademiske prestasjoner (karakter i matematikk, norsk og engelsk) som fenomen, og de påvirkende faktorene kjønn, fødselsmåned (relativ alderseffekt), sosioøkonomisk status, sosial støtte, fysisk aktivitetsnivå, søvn, kosthold, målorientering og tid anvendt til lekser. I tillegg analyseres sammenhenger med fagene matematikk, norsk, engelsk og kroppsøving isolert sett, som et sekundært fokus i studien. Studiens hensikt er å fremme kunnskap og bevissthet rundt fenomenet, og belyse påvirkningsgraden som flere faktorer i ungdommers liv har på akademiske prestasjoner, samt deres fysiske, psykiske, kognitive og utøvende funksjon og utvikling. Det teoretiske rammeverket består i hovedsak av empiriske studier innenfor forskningsfeltet, som belyser tidligere funn av sammenhengen mellom akademiske prestasjoner og de involverte påvirkningsfaktorene, samt aktuelle årsaksforklaringer. En kvantitativ metode ble brukt for å besvare problemstillingen. Datamaterialet ble samlet gjennom en elektronisk spørreundersøkelse, med et utvalg på 92 respondenter, henholdsvis gutter og jenter i 8., 9. og 10. trinn. For analysen, ble deskriptiv analyse, bivariat korrelasjonsanalyse og lineær regresjonsanalyse benyttet, og statistikkprogrammet SPSS ble anvendt. Resultatene belyser signifikante sammenhenger mellom sammensatt akademisk prestasjon og faktorene kjønn, relativ alderseffekt og sosial støtte. Analysen antyder at jenter-, elever født tidlig på året- og elever som mottar mer akademisk interesse fra signifikante personer, presterer bedre på skolen. Det ble ikke funnet signifikante sammenhenger mellom samlet akademisk prestasjon og faktorene fysisk aktivitetsnivå, søvn, kosthold, målorientering og tid anvendt til lekser. Nøkkelord: Akademisk prestasjon, foresattes utdanningsnivå, kjønn, relativ alderseffekt, fysisk aktivitetsnivå, søvn, kosthold, målorienterin

    A method to determine the incorporation capacity of camptothecin in liposomes

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    The purpose of this study was to establish a new experimental approach to determine the maximum amount of campothecin (CPT) that can be incorporated in liposomes, and to use this method to compare the CPT-incorporation capacity of various liposome formulations. Small, CPT-saturated liposomes were prepared by dispersing freeze-dried blends of lipids and drug in phosphate buffer, and subsequent probe-sonication. Excess precipitated CPT could be separated from the liposomes by ultra-centrifugation. The small and homogeneous liposome size obtained gave a good and reproducible recovery of liposomes in the supernatant (>80%), whereas the acidic pH (pH 6.0) kept CPT in its hydrophobic lactone form, which is poorly soluble in the buffer. The maximum CPT-incorporation capacity of 12 different liposome formulations was investigated, using the described method, and was found to vary widely. With liposomes made of neutral and anionic phospholipids, the solubili ty of CPT in the buffer was improved by approximately a factor of 10 (from ∼2.7 to 15–50 μg/mL) as compared with buffer. With cationic liposomes containing 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane (DOTAP), a maximum CPT-solubilization of ∼100-fold, the buffer solubility was reached, probably owing to an electrostatic interaction between the cationic lipids and the carboxylate-CPT isomer. Increasing DOTAP fractions within egg-phosphatidylcholine (EPC)/DOTAP liposomes reached a CPT-incorporation plateau at ∼20 mol% DOTAP. The presented approach appears suitable to study the incorporation capacity of any drug component within small vesicles as long as the liposome incorporation is high relative to the intrisic water solubility of the drug