1,420 research outputs found

    Plan de negocios para la planta de lácteos de la Estación Experimental Tunshi, de la Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias de la ESPOCH, en la ciudad de Riobamba, provincia de Chimborazo, período 2016-2017

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    El Plan de negocios para la Planta de Lácteos de la ESPOCH, tiene el fin de incursionar los productos en el mercado riobambeño, e incidir en la sostenibilidad de la unidad productora. Se desarrolló un estudio de mercado, que determinó los lácteos más consumidos por los hogares riobambeños, así también como la existencia de demanda insatisfecha de 877.141 Litros de leche, 36220 botellas de 2 Litros de Yogurt Saborizado, 457.135 unidades de queso fresco de 500 gr y 412.299 unidades de 750 gr al año. Se obtuvo además que existe un 100% de disposición de compra de los productos de la ESPOCH. En el estudio técnico se determinó la maquinaria requerida y el tamaño óptimo del proyecto, el cual indica que se cubrirá el 18%, 4%, 3% y 83% de la demanda insatisfecha de leche, queso de 500 y 750 gr y yogurt saborizado, respectivamente. En el plan de recursos humanos se realizó una propuesta de filosofía organizacional, además un organigrama estructural que determina las necesidades de talento humano y sus líneas de autoridad y responsabilidad; y un manual de funciones seguido de un plan de contingencia. El estudio económico financiero determinó una inversión inicial de 270.976,72;elcualseraˊexpuestoparaconsideracioˊnpresupuestariadelasautoridades.Laevaluacioˊnfinanciera,demuestraqueelproyectoesviable,obteniendounVANpositivo(270.976,72; el cual será expuesto para consideración presupuestaria de las autoridades. La evaluación financiera, demuestra que el proyecto es viable, obteniendo un VAN positivo (239.760,15) y una TIR de 36,62%, indicando que el proyecto es rentable; el periodo de recuperación del capital es de 3 años 3 meses y la relación beneficio/costo muestra una ganancia de 64 centavos por cada dólar invertido, utilidad que será recapitalizada para impulsar el desarrollo continuo de investigación.The Business Plan for the Dairy Plant of ESPOCH has the purpose of entering the products in the market in Riobamba, and affect the sustainability of the production unit. A market study was carried out, it determined the dairy products most consumed by the families in Riobamba, as well as the existence of unsatisfied demand for 877.141 liters of milk, 36.220 bottles of 2 Liters of Flavored Yogurt, 457.135 units of fresh cheese of 500 gr and 412.299 units of 750 gr per year. It was also obtained that there is a 100% disposition of purchase of the products of ESPOCH. The technical study determined the required machinery and the optimum size of the Project, which indicates that 18%, 4%, 3% and 83% of unsatisfied demand for milk, 500 and 750 grams cheese and favored yogurt will be covered. In the human resources plan, a proposal of organizational philosophy was made, as well as a structural organization chart that determines the needs of human talent and their lines of authority and responsibility, and a function manual followed by a contingency plan. The financial economic study determine an initial investment of 270.976,72;Whichwillbeexposedforbudgetaryconsiderationoftheauthorities.Thefinancialevaluationshowsthattheprojectisfeasible,itwasobtainedaspositiveNPV(270.976,72; Which will be exposed for budgetary consideration of the authorities. The financial evaluation shows that the project is feasible, it was obtained as positive NPV (239.760,15) and a IRR of 36,62%, it indicates that the project is profitable. The capital recovery period is 3 years 3 months and the profit/cost ratio shows a profit of 64 cents per dollar invested, a profit that will be recapitalized to encourage the continuous development of research

    Información y concienciación de los jóvenes universitarios madrileños sobre las catástrofes naturales. La opinión de los expertos = Information and awareness-raising on natural disasters among young university students from Madrid. Expert opinion

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    Resumen: El aumento de los desastres naturales durante la última década ha provocado un incremento significativo de víctimas y daños materiales en el mundo. En la actualidad, aproximadamente el 70% de estos desastres están relacionados con el clima, el doble que hace 20 años, según explica la Organización de las Naciones Unidas -ONU-. En el caso de España, los científicos coinciden en apuntar como las causas más recurrentes a las inundaciones y los desbordamientos de cauces fluviales. España goza del auspicio institucional ante estos desastres, a diferencia de otros países con mayor frecuencia de catástrofes. Sin embargo, esta circunstancia converge con un inconveniente de carácter social. La población, y en especial los jóvenes, carecen de conciencia social sobre estos fenómenos y desconocen cómo actuar en caso de una emergencia. Esta constituye precisamente la hipótesis principal de nuestra investigación. En este primer acercamiento al tema, el objetivo de este estudio exploratorio es conocer el grado de información y concienciación que la población joven española tiene sobre las catástrofes naturales. Sus resultados servirán para impulsar el diseño de un plan de información y educación juvenil para prevenir situaciones de riesgo ante este tipo de catástrofes.Palabras clave: desastres naturales; conciencia social; comunicación; información; jóvenes; inundaciones.Abstract: In the world, natural disasters have increased greatly during the last decade, which has resulted in a significant increase in victims and material damage. Currently, approximately 70% of these disasters are related to climate, twice as many as 20 years ago, according to the UN. In the case of Spain, scientists agree that the most frequent are floods and overflows. Although the country enjoys an auspicious scenario in comparison with other countries with more catastrophes, this also generates an inconvenience: the population, and especially the young people, do not have a social conscience about natural disasters and would not know how to act in case of an emergency, premise that constitutes the main hypothesis of this investigation. Therefore, the primary objective of knowing the level of information and awareness that the young Spanish population has about natural disasters and to be able to develop the final objective of combating this problem by generating more education and information about it.Keywords: natural disasters; social conscience; communication; information; young people; floods

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos de Cauca, Antioquia y Tolima

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    La violencia es un fenómeno que ha acompañado a la humanidad a lo largo de su historia, y sobre seguro seguirá vigente en el futuro. Muchos medios de comunicación afirman que Colombia es el país más violento del mundo, aquí la violencia se ha manifestado en atentados terroristas, secuestros masivos e individuales, torturas, ejecuciones, reclutamiento de menores, violencia intrafamiliar y violencia sexual, entre otras. En el presente trabajo se realizó el análisis de dos casos, el primero es el Relato 5: Carlos Arturo tomado del libro Voces: historias de violencia y esperanza en Colombia, Carlos Arturo fue víctima de una mina antipersonal a sus escasos 14 años de edad y el segundo es de la comunidad de Peñas Coloradas, este caso fue tomado de la Comisión de la verdad 2019, en los dos casos anteriores las personas sufrieron eventos psicosociales traumáticos en nuestro país. Por lo anterior se generaron preguntas estratégicas, circulares y reflexivas, con el fin de lograr un acercamiento psicosocial que posibilite la superación de situaciones de victimización. Posteriormente, con ayuda del enfoque narrativo y del análisis de esos relatos se plantearon algunos recursos de afrontamiento psicosocial e intervención en crisis a su dilema de violencia. Por medio de la utilización de la técnica de foto intervención desarrollada por Leonor Cantera, que sirve como instrumento metodológico al momento de trabajar con poblaciones que han sido sacudidas por la violencia, esta es una técnica de investigación e intervención que recolecta por medio de imágenes fotográficas: información, realidades cotidianas, narraciones que se dan en los contextos colombianos donde reside o residió la violencia y reflexiones y de ese modo se analizan e identifican las múltiples variables psicosociales que emergen de los contextos de violencia. La foto voz o foto intervención se realizó en el año 2.021 con poblaciones de tres departamentos de Colombia: Cauca, Antioquia y Tolima. El propósito de este trabajo es abastecer a los estudiantes y lectores de información teórica, metodologías y estrategias de acompañamiento que sean útiles al momento de abordar situaciones de violencia que han sido traumáticas.Violence is a phenomenon that has accompanied humanity throughout its history, and it will surely continue in the future. Many media outlets affirm that Colombia is the most violent country in the world, here violence has manifested itself in terrorist attacks, mass and individual kidnappings, torture, executions, recruitment of minors, domestic violence and sexual violence, among others. In the present work, the analysis of two cases was carried out, the first is Story 5: Carlos Arturo taken from the book Voces: stories of violence and hope in Colombia, Carlos Arturo was the victim of an antipersonnel mine at just 14 years of age and the second is from the community of Peñas Coloradas, this case was taken from the 2019 Truth Commission, in the two previous cases people suffered traumatic psychosocial events in our country. Therefore, strategic, circular and reflective questions were generated, in order to achieve a psychosocial approach that makes it possible to overcome situations of victimization. Subsequently, with the help of the narrative approach and the analysis of these stories, some resources for psychosocial coping and crisis intervention were proposed to their dilemma of violence. Through the use of the photo intervention technique developed by Leonor Cantera, which serves as a methodological instrument when working with populations that have been shaken by violence, this is a research and intervention technique that collects through photographic images : information, daily realities, narratives that occur in Colombian contexts where violence resided or resided, and reflections and thus the multiple psychosocial variables that emerge from the contexts of violence are analyzed and identified. 5 The photo voice or photo intervention was carried out in 2,021 with populations from three departments of Colombia: Cauca, Antioquia and Tolima. The purpose of this work is to provide students and readers with theoretical information, methodologies and support strategies that are useful when dealing with situations of violence that have been traumatic

    The Traspena meteorite: heliocentric orbit, atmospheric trajectory, strewn field, and petrography of a new L5 ordinary chondrite

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    The Traspena meteorite fell on 2021 January 18 about 20 km south-east of the city of Lugo (Galiza, Spain), shortly after a huge and bright fireball crossed the sky for 4.84 s. Astrometric measurements obtained from the fireball cameras of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) as well as from many casual videos were used to determine the atmospheric trajectory of this meteoroid which penetrated the atmosphere and generated sound waves that were detected at three seismic stations. The original meteoroid had a diameter of about 1.15 m and a mass around 2620 kg. It impacted the Earth’s atmosphere with a steep entry angle of about 76 . ◦7 from a height of 75.10 km until fading away at 15.75 km with a velocity of 2.38 km s −1 . Before the impact, this small asteroid was orbiting the Sun with a semimajor axis of 1.125 au, a moderate eccentricity of 0.386, and a low inclination of 4 . ◦55. A weak evidence of dynamic link with the PHA (Potential Hazardous Asteroid) Minos was investigated. During the atmospheric entry, two major fragmentation events occurred between heights of 35 and 29 km at aerodynamic pressures between 1 and 5 MPa. The strewn field was computed after calculating the individual dark flights of the main body along with two smaller fragments. For- tunately, 2 month after the superbolide, a 527-g meteorite was found. It was examined using several geochemical and petrographic analyses which allowed us to classify it as a moderately shocked (S3) L5 ordinary chondrite with a bulk density of 3.25 g cm −3 .This paper was supported by the Xunta de Galicia (Spain) under the ED431B 2020/38 grant.Peer reviewe

    Strategic approaches to restoring ecosystems can triple conservation gains and halve costs.

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    International commitments for ecosystem restoration add up to one-quarter of the world's arable land. Fulfilling them would ease global challenges such as climate change and biodiversity decline but could displace food production and impose financial costs on farmers. Here, we present a restoration prioritization approach capable of revealing these synergies and trade-offs, incorporating ecological and economic efficiencies of scale and modelling specific policy options. Using an actual large-scale restoration target of the Atlantic Forest hotspot, we show that our approach can deliver an eightfold increase in cost-effectiveness for biodiversity conservation compared with a baseline of non-systematic restoration. A compromise solution avoids 26% of the biome's current extinction debt of 2,864 plant and animal species (an increase of 257% compared with the baseline). Moreover, this solution sequesters 1 billion tonnes of CO2-equivalent (a 105% increase) while reducing costs by US$28 billion (a 57% decrease). Seizing similar opportunities elsewhere would offer substantial contributions to some of the greatest challenges for humankind

    Ten simple rules to host an inclusive conference.

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    Conferences are spaces to meet and network within and across academic and technical fields, learn about new advances, and share our work. They can help define career paths and create long-lasting collaborations and opportunities. However, these opportunities are not equal for all. This article introduces 10 simple rules to host an inclusive conference based on the authors' recent experience organizing the 2021 edition of the useR! statistical computing conference, which attracted a broad range of participants from academia, industry, government, and the nonprofit sector. Coming from different backgrounds, career stages, and even continents, we embraced the challenge of organizing a high-quality virtual conference in the context of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and making it a kind, inclusive, and accessible experience for as many people as possible. The rules result from our lessons learned before, during, and after the organization of the conference. They have been written mainly for potential organizers and selection committees of conferences and contain multiple practical tips to help a variety of events become more accessible and inclusive. We see this as a starting point for conversations and efforts towards building more inclusive conferences across the world. * Translated versions of the English abstract and the list of rules are available in 10 languages in S1 Text: Arabic, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Tamil, and Thai

    Measurement of the cosmic ray spectrum above 4×10184{\times}10^{18} eV using inclined events detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory

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    A measurement of the cosmic-ray spectrum for energies exceeding 4×10184{\times}10^{18} eV is presented, which is based on the analysis of showers with zenith angles greater than 6060^{\circ} detected with the Pierre Auger Observatory between 1 January 2004 and 31 December 2013. The measured spectrum confirms a flux suppression at the highest energies. Above 5.3×10185.3{\times}10^{18} eV, the "ankle", the flux can be described by a power law EγE^{-\gamma} with index γ=2.70±0.02(stat)±0.1(sys)\gamma=2.70 \pm 0.02 \,\text{(stat)} \pm 0.1\,\text{(sys)} followed by a smooth suppression region. For the energy (EsE_\text{s}) at which the spectral flux has fallen to one-half of its extrapolated value in the absence of suppression, we find Es=(5.12±0.25(stat)1.2+1.0(sys))×1019E_\text{s}=(5.12\pm0.25\,\text{(stat)}^{+1.0}_{-1.2}\,\text{(sys)}){\times}10^{19} eV.Comment: Replaced with published version. Added journal reference and DO