2,104 research outputs found

    La política exterior de la CEE

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    Algunas consideraciones jurídico-internacionales acerca de la sentencia de la Sala Penal Especial de la Corte Suprema de la República del Perú contra Alberto Kenya Fujimori Fujimori

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    En esta contribución se ofrece un análisis desde la perspectiva del Derecho internacional, de la trascendental sentencia de la Sala Penal Especial de la Corte Suprema de la República del Perú, de 7 de abril de 2009, contra el ex presidente Alberto Kenya Fujimori Fujimori. Para ello, se prestará especial atención a las dos cuestiones que se convirtieron en asunto clave en los razonamientos y decisión final de la Sala Especial. De un lado, la potencial calificación jurídica de los hechos enjuiciados como crímenes de derecho internacional, en concreto, como crímenes contra la humanidad; del otro, y aunque con un protagonismo menor, el examen acerca del grado de autoría o participación del ex presidente Fujimori en los delitos en cuestión. Todo ello sin perjuicio de exponer también algunas consideraciones sobre otras cuestiones jurídicas de amplio calado, como la figura de la inmunidad de jurisdicción penal atendiendo a su condición de ex jefe de Estado; y en cuanto a la propia experiencia peruana, la virtualidad o incidencia de la pretendida amnistía otorgada en virtud de la ley 26479, y la ley de supuesta interpretación de ésta, la ley 26492. [ABSTRACT] In this article we will raise an analysis, from an International Law perspective, of the landmark judgment issued by the Special Criminal Chamber of the Peruvian Supreme Court on 7 April 2009 against the former president Alberto Kenya Fujimori Fujimori. To do so, we will focus on the two key issues that were at the forefront of the arguments put forward in the final decision of the Special Chamber. On one hand, the possible legal qualification of the facts as crimes under international law and, in particular, as crimes against humanity; on the other hand -though to a lesser degree- the examination of the level of participation of the former president Fujimori in the commission of the crimes. All of the above, without prejudice to additional considerations regarding other vital legal issues such as the jurisdictional immunity of heads of state and the effects and impact of the amnesty granted by the law 26479 as well as of its interpretation pursuant to law 26492

    Algunas consideraciones jurídico-internacionales acerca de la sentencia de la sala penal especial de la corte suprema de la república del Perú contra Alberto Kenya Fujimori Fujimori

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    En esta contribución se ofrece un análisis desde la perspectiva del Derecho internacional, de la trascendental sentencia de la Sala Penal Especial de la Corte Suprema de la República del Perú, de 7 de abril de 2009, contra el ex presidente Alberto Kenya Fujimori Fujimori. Para ello, se prestará especial atención a las dos cuestiones que se convirtieron en asunto clave en los razonamientos y decisión final de la Sala Especial. De un lado, la potencial calificación jurídica de los hechos enjuiciados como crímenes de derecho internacional, en concreto, como crímenes contra la humanidad; del otro, y aunque con un protagonismo menor, el examen acerca del grado de autoría o participación del ex presidente Fujimori en los delitos en cuestión. Todo ello sin perjuicio de exponer también algunas consideraciones sobre otras cuestiones jurídicas de amplio calado, como la figura de la inmunidad de jurisdicción penal atendiendo a su condición de ex jefe de Estado; y en cuanto a la propia experiencia peruana, la virtualidad o incidencia de la pretendida amnistía otorgada en virtud de la ley 26479, y la ley de supuesta interpretación de ésta, la ley 26492. Palabras clave: Perú. Alberto Fujimori. Crímenes contra la humanidad. Responsabilidad del superior. Leyes de amnistía. Inmunidad del Jefe de Estado.   Abstract In this article we will raise an analysis, from an International Law perspective, of the landmark judgment issued by the Special Criminal Chamber of the Peruvian Supreme Court on 7 April 2009 against the former president Alberto Kenya Fujimori Fujimori. To do so, we will focus on the two key issues that were at the forefront of the arguments put forward in the final decision of the Special Chamber. On one hand, the possible legal qualification of the facts as crimes under international law and, in particular, as crimes against humanity; on the other hand -though to a lesser degree- the examination of the level of participation of the former president Fujimori in the commission of the crimes. All of the above, without prejudice to additional considerations regarding other vital legal issues such as the jurisdictional immunity of heads of state and the effects and impact of the amnesty granted by the law 26479 as well as of its interpretation pursuant to law 26492. Keywords: Peru. Alberto Fujimori. Crimes against humanity. Doctrine of superior or command responsibility. Amnesty laws. Head of State immunity doctrine

    Project Management Training: An Integrative Approach for Strengthening the Soft Skills of Engineering Students

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    The need to rethink project management practices and review how different competences of project managers can be reinforced remains a crucial challenge. This study is intended to explore how soft skills can be measured and strengthened in project management training of engineering students. The purpose is to define and test a valid framework that will help to better design, assess and improve project management training programs. This research has been carried out with 67 engineering students in the role of project managers who lead 456 team members. The main results of this study include the definition of a Soft Skills Index for measurement of soft skills in project management, the assessment of improvements perceived by the students on completion of the training experience and an analysis of the correlation between hard and soft skills

    Design of an infrared imaging system for robotic inspection of gas leaks in industrial environments

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    Gas detection can become a critical task in dangerous environments that involve hazardous or contaminant gases, and the use of imaging sensors provides an important tool for leakage location. This paper presents a new design for remote sensing of gas leaks based on infrared (IR) imaging techniques. The inspection system uses an uncooled microbolometer detector, operating over a wide spectral bandwidth, that features both low size and low power consumption. This equipment is boarded on a robotic platform, so that wide objects or areas can be scanned. The detection principle is based on the use of active imaging techniques, where the use of external IR illumination enhances the detection limit and allows the proposed system to operate in most cases independently from environmental conditions, unlike passive commercial approaches. To illustrate this concept, a fully radiometric description of the detection problem has been developed; CO, detection has been demonstrated; and simulations of typical gas detection scenarios have been performed, showing that typical industrial leaks of CI I, are well within the detection limits. The mobile platform where the gas sensing system is going to be implemented is a robot called TurtleBot. The control of the mobile base and of the inspection device is integrated in ROS architecture. The exploration system is based on the technique of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) that makes it possible to locate the gas leak in the map.The authors would like to thank the RoboCity2030-II project (S2009/DPI-1559), funded by Programas de Actividades I+D en la Comunidad de Madrid and co-funded by Structural Funds of the EU

    Análisis de la cadena de valor del sector eólico en Castilla y León

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    El sector eólico se ha convertido en una de las principales actividades productivas de Castilla y León. De hecho, es el principal generador de esta energía del país, y el que más potencia instalada tiene. Sin embargo, la producción de energía eólica engloba una cadena de valor dividida en varias fases productivas. Por ello, tras haber analizado con detalle cada una de esas etapas y evaluar si tienen un impacto positivo o negativo sobre el tejido socioeconómico castellanoleonés, se ha llegado a la conclusión de que el sector eólico en Castilla y León ha tenido un impacto relativamente positivo. No obstante, es cierto que existen algunos elementos estructurales que limitan notoriamente ese efecto positivo. El sector eólico castellanoleonés es víctima de la deslocalización de actividades de alto contenido tecnológico hacia las comunidades autónomas de mayor renta. Además, por las características intrínsecas de muchas de las actividades vinculadas al sector, el empleo que se crea derivado de ellas es de naturaleza temporal; por lo que los efectos sobre el mercado de trabajo regional tienden a ser transitorios. En resumen, a pesar de liderar la producción de energía eólica y de aprovechar muchas de las ventajas que ofrece su cadena de valor, Castilla y León todavía puede atraer actividades que contribuyan a la revitalización económica, social y demográfica de la región

    Primary and Secondary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Oncohaematology: Warning Signs, Diagnosis, and Management

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    Antibodies deficiency; Autoimmunity; Hematologic neoplasmsDeficiència d'anticossos; Autoimmunitat; Neoplàsies hematològiquesDeficiencia de anticuerpos; Autoimmunidad; Neoplasias hematológicasBackground: Immunodeficiencies (ID), in particular primary immunodeficiencies (PID), are often associated with haematological manifestations, such as peripheral cytopenias or lymphoproliferative syndromes. Early diagnosis and management have significant prognostic implications. Secondary immunodeficiencies (SID) may also be induced by oncohaematological diseases and their treatments. Haematologists and oncologists must therefore be aware of the association between blood disorders and cancer and ID, and be prepared to offer their patients appropriate treatment without delay. Our aim was to define the warning signs of primary and secondary IDs in paediatric and adult patients with oncohaematological manifestations. Methods: A multidisciplinary group of six experts (2 haematologists, 2 immunologists, and 2 paediatricians specializing in ID) conducted a literature review and prepared a document based on agreements reached an in-person meeting. An external group of 44 IDs specialists from all over Spain assessed the document and were consulted regarding their level of agreement. Results: This document identifies the haematological and extra-haematological diseases that should prompt a suspicion of PIDs in adults and children, in both primary care and haematology and oncology departments. Cytopenia and certain lymphoproliferative disorders are key diagnostic pointers. The diagnosis must be based on a detailed clinical history, physical exploration, complete blood count and standard laboratory tests. The immunological and haematological tests included in the diagnostic process will depend on the care level. Patients who are candidates for immunoglobulin replacement therapy must be carefully selected, and treatment should be offered as soon as possible to avoid the development of complications. Finally, this document recommends procedures for monitoring these patients. Conclusions: This document combines scientific evidence with the opinion of a broad panel of experts, and emphasizes the importance of an early diagnosis and treatment to avoid complications. The resulting document is a useful tool for primary care physicians and specialists who see both adult and paediatric patients with oncohaematological diseases