83 research outputs found

    Protección Diferencial de Transformadores de Potencia Mediante Técnicas Basadas en la Transformada Wavelet

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    Al conectar un transformador de potencia a la red se presentan unas intensidades por los devanados del primario muy elevadas con relación a la intensidad asignada debido al fenómeno transitorio de creación del campo magnético dentro de la máquina así como a la saturación del núcleo durante el mismo. Este fenómeno presenta varios efectos negativos, siendo uno de ellos el disparo intempestivo de la protección diferencial asociada al transformador. Esta tesis tiene como principal objetivo el desarrollo de un sistema de protección diferencial de transformadores que evite el disparo no deseado de la protección en la energización del transformador utilizando la transformada wavelet como método de discriminación de intensidades de conexión. Para ello se desarrolla un modelo de relé diferencial completo que es sometido a ensayo de comportamiento de diferentes situaciones de funcionamiento del transformador. El modelo así como todos los ensayos se realizan mediante la herramienta informática Matlab/SimulinkWhen a power transformer is connected to the grid, the primary currents through windings are very high in relation to the assigned current due to the transient phenomenon of creation of the magnetic field inside the machine as well as to the core saturation. This phenomenon has several negative effects, one of which is the untimely tripping of the differential protection of the transformer. This thesis has as main objective the development of a transformer differential protection system that prevents unwanted tripping of the protection in the energization of the transformer using the wavelet transform as a method of discrimination of inrush currents. For this purpose, a complete differential relay model is developed that is subjected to behavioral testing of different operating situations of the power transformer. The model and all the tests are made using the Matlab / Simulink computer toolTesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica. Leída el 28 de septiembre de 2017

    Spa tourism in Western Europe: reconceptualization and new space functions in a comparative perspective

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    Al profesor Andreas Voth, de la RWTH Aachen University (Alemania), que supervisó la estancia de investigación de la autora principal, sin el cual no habría sido posible la recopilación de los datos de este artículo. Agradecemos también a las directoras y director de los balnearios objeto de estudio por las entrevistas concedidas y el material complementario aportado (fotografías y datos estadísticos relativos al centro termal). Esta investigación se ha desarrollado en el marco del Proyecto de Investigación "Éxitos y fracasos en la práctica del desarrollo rural neo-endógeno en la Unión Europea (1991-2013), RURALWIN" financiado por el Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad español dentro de su Programa de Excelencia, CSO2017-89657-P. Esta investigación ha sido financiada por una ayuda FPU (Formación de Profesorado Universitario) del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España (Ref. 17/04090).El turismo de balneario está cambiando de forma significativa sus características tradicionales, tanto en su dimensión comercial y turística como en su función urbana y territorial. El sector participa de nuevas formas de consumo que se desarrollan en distintas escalas y escenarios competitivos. Esta investigación, a partir de tres casos de estudio de referencia internacional en el sector (Spa, Aachen y Valkenburg), identifica, analiza y valora de forma crítica características de estos fenómenos turísticos y urbanos de base termal. Asimismo, sitúa en la perspectiva histórica sus orígenes y relevancia, contextualiza después su importancia y posicionamiento global, para acabar profundizando en el conocimiento de los impactos que, forzados por los nuevos valores y tendencias del post-turismo, están replanteando la totalidad del sector. La metodología empleada combina lo cualitativo y lo cuantitativo, con entrevistas a informantes clave para ofrecer resultados cartográficos y teóricos que permiten establecer una correlación entre los cambios recientes en la relación oferta-demanda termal y la estructura urbana de las ciudades balneario.Spa tourism is significantly changing its traditional characteristics, in its commercial and tourist dimension and in its urban and territorial function. The sector participates in new ways of consumption, which are developed at different scales and competitive scenarios. This research, based on three case studies considered as an international reference in the sector (Spa, Aachen and Valkenburg), identifies, analyzes and critically values characteristics of these tourist and urban phenomena thermal-based. Likewise, it places its origins and relevance in a historical perspective, contextualizing its importance and global positioning. To end up deepening the knowledge of the impacts that, forced by the new values and trends of post-tourism, are rethinking the entire sector. The methodology combines qualitative and quantitative techniques, including interviews with key informants in order to expose cartographic and theoretical results that allow establishing a correlation between recent changes in the thermal supply-demand relationship and the urban structure of spa cities.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad español (CSO2017-89657-P)FPU (Formación de Profesorado Universitario) del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte de España (Ref. 17/04090

    Jóvenes geógrafos granadinos voluntarios en cooperación al desarrollo en Camerún, gracias al CICODE (UGR) y la ONG Kentaja

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    El objetivo de esta crónica es reivindicar un papel más activo de los geógrafos y de las distintas instituciones que conforman la Geografía, en las necesarias labores de cooperación al desarrollo a fin de favorecer la necesaria reducción de las enormes diferencias en las condiciones de vida y de oportunidades derivadas por el lugar donde se nace o vive. Para tratar de conseguirlo pretendemos comentar algunos de los medios existentes en la Universidad de Granada para impulsarlo así como divulgar una expe- riencia de cooperación al desarrollo de tres jóvenes geógrafos en Camerún, uno de los países del mundo que cuenta con peores indicadores socioeconómicos, favorecida por el  Centro de Iniciativas de Cooperación al Desarrollo de la Universidad de Granada (CICODE) y por la ONG KENTAJA

    A multicentre study investigating parameters which influence direct bacterial identification from urine

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    Rapid diagnosis is one of the best ways to improve patient management and prognosis as well as to combat the development of bacterial resistance. The aim of this study was to study parameters that impact the achievement of reliable identification using a combination of flow cytometry and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-ToF-MS).The study was carried out in nine hospitals in Spain and included 1,050 urine samples with bacterial counts of 5x106 bacteria/ml. MALDI-ToF-MS-based identification was performed according to a previously described protocol. Valid identification by direct MALDI-ToF-MS was obtained in 72.8% of samples, in 80.3% of samples found to be positive by culture, 32.2% of contaminated samples, and 19.7% of negative samples. Among the positives samples with a valid identification the concordance at the species level was 97.2%. The parameters related to success of direct identification were: high bacterial count, the presence of Escherichia coli as a pathogen and rod-bacteria morphology provided by flow cytometry. The parameters related to failure were a high epithelial cell (EC) count, a high white blood cell (WBC) count and urine samples obtained from in-patients. In summary, this multicentre study confirms previously published data on the usefulness and accuracy of direct MALDI-ToF-MS-based identification of bacteria from urine samples. It seems important to evaluate not only the bacterial count, but also other parameters, such as EC and WBC counts, bacterial species and morphology, and the health care setting, to decide whether the sample is suitable for direct identification

    Body mass index interacts with a genetic-risk score for depression increasing the risk of the disease in high-susceptibility individuals

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    This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Health, the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII), and the European Regional Development Fund (grants PS09/02272, PS09/02147, PS09/01095, PS09/00849, PS09/00461, and PI12-02755); the Andalusian Council of Health (grant PI-0569-2010); the Spanish Network of Primary Care Research, redIAPP (grant RD06/ 0018); the Aragon group (grant RD06/0018/0020); the Bizkaya group (grant RD06/0018/0018); the Castilla-Leon group (grant RD06/0018/0027); the Mental Health Barcelona Group (grant RD06/0018/0017); the Mental Health, Services and Primary Care Malaga group (grant RD06/0018/0039); and the projects "PI18/00238" and "PI18/00467" funded by the Institute of Health Carlos III (Co-funded by European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund "A way tomake Europe"/"Investing in your future"). This study was performed as part of a PhD thesis conducted within the Official Doctoral Programme in Biomedicine of the University of Granada, Spain. Augusto Anguita-Ruiz was supported by a Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Institute of Health Carlos III fellowship (IFI17/00048). Juan Antonio Zarza-Rebollo received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES-2017-082698). Ana M. Perez-Gutierrez was supported by a grant from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and Institute of Health Carlos III (FI19/00228). Elena Lopez-Isac received financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion Program (IJC2019040080-I), and Margarita Rivera was supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Ramon y Cajal Program (RYC-2014-15774). The authors thank the Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII), the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER), the Andalusian Council of Health and Andalusian Health Service (SAS), the Primary Care Prevention and Health Promotion Research Network (redIAPP), the Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga (IBIMA), and the Biomedical Research Centre (CIBM) from the University of Granada for their economic and logistic support. The authors thank all the patients and General Practitioners who participated in the trial.Depression is strongly associated with obesity among other chronic physical diseases. The latest mega- and meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies have identified multiple risk loci robustly associated with depression. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether a genetic-risk score (GRS) combining multiple depression risk single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) might have utility in the prediction of this disorder in individuals with obesity. A total of 30 depression-associated SNPs were included in a GRS to predict the risk of depression in a large case-control sample from the Spanish PredictD-CCRT study, a national multicentre, randomized controlled trial, which included 104 cases of depression and 1546 controls. An unweighted GRS was calculated as a summation of the number of risk alleles for depression and incorporated into several logistic regression models with depression status as the main outcome. Constructed models were trained and evaluated in the whole recruited sample. Non-genetic-risk factors were combined with the GRS in several ways across the five predictive models in order to improve predictive ability. An enrichment functional analysis was finally conducted with the aim of providing a general understanding of the biological pathways mapped by analyzed SNPs. We found that an unweighted GRS based on 30 risk loci was significantly associated with a higher risk of depression. Although the GRS itself explained a small amount of variance of depression, we found a significant improvement in the prediction of depression after including some non-genetic-risk factors into the models. The highest predictive ability for depression was achieved when the model included an interaction term between the GRS and the body mass index (BMI), apart from the inclusion of classical demographic information as marginal terms (AUC = 0.71, 95% CI = [0.65, 0.76]). Functional analyses on the 30 SNPs composing the GRS revealed an over-representation of the mapped genes in signaling pathways involved in processes such as extracellular remodeling, proinflammatory regulatory mechanisms, and circadian rhythm alterations. Although the GRS on its own explained a small amount of variance of depression, a significant novel feature of this study is that including non-genetic-risk factors such as BMI together with a GRS came close to the conventional threshold for clinical utility used in ROC analysis and improves the prediction of depression. In this study, the highest predictive ability was achieved by the model combining the GRS and the BMI under an interaction term. Particularly, BMI was identified as a trigger-like risk factor for depression acting in a concerted way with the GRS component. This is an interesting finding since it suggests the existence of a risk overlap between both diseases, and the need for individual depression genetics-risk evaluation in subjects with obesity. This research has therefore potential clinical implications and set the basis for future research directions in exploring the link between depression and obesityassociated disorders. While it is likely that future genome-wide studies with large samples will detect novel genetic variants associated with depression, it seems clear that a combination of genetics and non-genetic information (such is the case of obesity status and other depression comorbidities) will still be needed for the optimization prediction of depression in high-susceptibility individuals.Instituto de Salud Carlos III Spanish Government Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII) European Commission PS09/02272 PS09/02147 PS09/01095 PS09/00849 PS09/00461 PI12-02755Andalusian Council of Health PI-0569-2010Spanish Network of Primary Care Research, redIAPP RD06/ 0018Gobierno de Aragon RD06/0018/0020Bizkaya group RD06/0018/0018Castilla-Leon group RD06/0018/0027Mental Health Barcelona Group RD06/0018/0017Mental Health, Services and Primary Care Malaga group RD06/0018/0039Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI18/00238 PI18/00467 FI19/00228European Regional Development Fund/European Social Fund "A way tomake Europe"/"Investing in your future"Ministry of Economy and CompetitivenessInstitute of Health Carlos III fellowship IFI17/00048Spanish Government BES-2017-082698Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation Juan de la Cierva Incorporacion Program IJC2019040080-IMinistry of Economy and Competitiveness Ramon y Cajal Program RYC-2014-15774Andalusian Council of HealthAndalusian Health Service (SAS)Primary Care Prevention and Health Promotion Research Network (redIAPP)Biomedical Research Institute of Malaga (IBIMA)Biomedical Research Centre (CIBM) from the University of GranadaEuropean Commissio

    The Padul normal fault activity constrained by GPS data: Brittle extension orthogonal to folding in the central Betic Cordillera

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    The Padul Fault is located in the Central Betic Cordillera, formed in the framework of the NW-SE Eurasian-African plate convergence. In the Internal Zone, large E-W to NE-SW folds of western Sierra Nevada accommodated the greatest NW-SE shortening and uplift of the cordillera. However, GPS networks reveal a present-day dominant E-W to NE-SW extensional setting at surface. The Padul Fault is the most relevant and best exposed active normal fault that accommodates most of the NE-SW extension of the Central Betics. This WSW-wards dipping fault, formed by several segments of up to 7 km maximum length, favored the uplift of the Sierra Nevada footwall away from the Padul graben hanging wall. A non-permanent GPS network installed in 1999 constrains an average horizontal extensional rate of 0.5 mm/yr in N66°E direction. The fault length suggests that a (maximum) 6 magnitude earthquake may be expected, but the absence of instrumental or historical seismic events would indicate that fault activity occurs at least partially by creep. Striae on fault surfaces evidence normal-sinistral kinematics, suggesting that the Padul Fault may have been a main transfer fault of the westernmost end of the Sierra Nevada antiform. Nevertheless, GPS results evidence: (1) shortening in the Sierra Nevada antiform is in its latest stages, and (2) the present-day fault shows normal with minor oblique dextral displacements. The recent change in Padul fault kinematics will be related to the present-day dominance of the ENE-WSW regional extension versus ~ NNW-SSE shortening that produced the uplift and northwestwards displacement of Sierra Nevada antiform. This region illustrates the importance of heterogeneous brittle extensional tectonics in the latest uplift stages of compressional orogens, as well as the interaction of folding during the development of faults at shallow crustal levels.This research was funded by PAIUJA 2017/2018, UJA2016/00086/001 project, CGL2016-80687-R AEI/FEDER, UE project and RNM148 and RNM282 research groups of Junta de Andalucía

    Predictive factors and early biomarkers of response in multiple sclerosis patients treated with natalizumab

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    There are an increasing number of treatments available for multiple sclerosis (MS). The early identification of optimal responders to individual treatments is important to achieve individualized therapy. With this aim, we performed a multicenter retrospective longitudinal study including 186 MS patients treated with natalizumab who were followed for 2 years. We analyzed the following variables at recruitment: sex, current age, age at disease onset, disease duration, EDSS, number of T2 and Gd + lesions, IgG and IgM oligoclonal bands, HLA class II (DR, DRB, DQA, DQB, and DRB1*15:01), IgG and IgM antibody titers against human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6) and the antibody response to Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) through the measurement of the anti-EBNA-1 and anti-VCA IgG titers, in relation to clinical response (no relapses or disability progression), and to NEDA-3 (no evidence of disease activity in terms of clinical response and no changes in MRI scans either) after 2-years follow-up. Baseline EDSS score, baseline EBNA-1 IgG titers and percentage change of HHV6 IgG titers between baseline and 6 month visits were significantly different in clinical responders and in NEDA-3 status (all of them remained significant in the multivariate analysis). We identified three variables for the early identification of natalizumab optimal responders in a rapid and cost-effective approach

    Cancer mortality inequalities in urban areas: a Bayesian small area analysis in Spanish cities

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    Background: Intra-urban inequalities in mortality have been infrequently analysed in European contexts. The aim of the present study was to analyse patterns of cancer mortality and their relationship with socioeconomic deprivation in small areas in 11 Spanish cities. Methods: It is a cross-sectional ecological design using mortality data (years 1996-2003). Units of analysis were the census tracts. A deprivation index was calculated for each census tract. In order to control the variability in estimating the risk of dying we used Bayesian models. We present the RR of the census tract with the highest deprivation vs. the census tract with the lowest deprivation. Results: In the case of men, socioeconomic inequalities are observed in total cancer mortality in all cities, except in Castellon, Cordoba and Vigo, while Barcelona (RR = 1.53 95%CI 1.42-1.67), Madrid (RR = 1.57 95%CI 1.49-1.65) and Seville (RR = 1.53 95%CI 1.36-1.74) present the greatest inequalities. In general Barcelona and Madrid, present inequalities for most types of cancer. Among women for total cancer mortality, inequalities have only been found in Barcelona and Zaragoza. The excess number of cancer deaths due to socioeconomic deprivation was 16,413 for men and 1,142 for women. Conclusion: This study has analysed inequalities in cancer mortality in small areas of cities in Spain, not only relating this mortality with socioeconomic deprivation, but also calculating the excess mortality which may be attributed to such deprivation. This knowledge is particularly useful to determine which geographical areas in each city need intersectorial policies in order to promote a healthy environment.This article was partially supported by Fondo de Investigaciones Ssanitarias (FIS) projects numbers PI042013, PI040041, PI040170, PI040069, PI042602 PI040388, PI040489, PI042098 , PI041260, PI040399, PI081488 and by the CIBER en Epidemiología y Salud Pública (CIBERESP), Spain and by the program of “Intensificación de la Actividad Investigadora (Carme Borrell)” funded by the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” and “Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya”

    Doblaje automático de vídeo-charlas educativas en UPV[Media]

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    [EN] More and more universities are banking on the production of digital contents to support online or blended learning in higher education. Over the last years, the MLLP research group has been working closely with the UPV’s ASIC media services in order to enrich educational multimedia resources through the application of natural language processing technologies including automatic speech recognition, machine translation and text-tospeech. In this work we present the steps that are being followed for the comprehensive translation of these materials, specifically through (semi-)automatic dubbing by making use of state-of-the-art speaker-adaptive text-to-speech technologies.[ES] Cada vez son más las universidades que apuestan por la producción de contenidos digitales como apoyo al aprendizaje en lı́nea o combinado en la enseñanza superior. El grupo de investigación MLLP lleva años trabajando junto al ASIC de la UPV para enriquecer estos materiales, y particularmente su accesibilidad y oferta lingüı́stica, haciendo uso de tecnologı́as del lenguaje como el reconocimiento automático del habla, la traducción automática y la sı́ntesis de voz. En este trabajo presentamos los pasos que se están dando hacia la traducción integral de estos materiales, concretamente a través del doblaje (semi-)automático mediante sistemas de sı́ntesis de voz adaptables al locutor.Este trabajo ha recibido financiación del Gobierno de España a través de la subvención RTI2018-094879-B-I00 financiada por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (Multisub) y por ”FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa”; del programa Erasmus+ Educación a través del acuerdo de subvención 20-226-093604-SCH (EXPERT); and by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 761758 (X5gon).Pérez González De Martos, AM.; Giménez Pastor, A.; Jorge Cano, J.; Iranzo Sánchez, J.; Silvestre Cerdà, JA.; Garcés Díaz-Munío, GV.; Baquero Arnal, P.... (2023). Doblaje automático de vídeo-charlas educativas en UPV[Media]. En In-Red 2022 - VIII Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2022.2022.1584