97 research outputs found

    Tendencia al riesgo en tareas con dificultad: efecto de la habilidad real y la habilidad percibida

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Psicología, Departamento de Psicología Biológica y de la Salud. Fecha de lectura: 20-09-201

    Puntos de corte para el acoso psicológico en el trabajo: el cuestionario breve de actos negativos (S-NAQ) en español

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    Antecedentes: el acoso psicológico en el trabajo es un estresor laboral severo de origen social. Sin embargo, en el contexto español, hay escasez de medidas que nos permitan diagnosticar de forma fiable si una persona está siendo objeto de acoso. Método: se informa de las propiedades psicométricas, la estructura factorial y los puntos de corte del Cuestionario Breve de Actos Negativos (S-NAQ) en una muestra española (N = 1.409). Resultados: el S-NAQ presenta unas buenas propiedades psicométricas. Los análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios revelan que la escala tiene una única dimensión. Los datos de las curvas ROC indican dos puntos de corte que nos permiten categorizar a las personas como “no expuestas a conductas de acoso” (puntuaciones menores de 15), “en riesgo de ser acosadas” (puntuaciones entre 15 y 22), o “víctimas de acoso” (puntuaciones mayores de 22). Conclusiones: estos puntos de corte pueden facilitar el diagnóstico de acoso y servir para diseñar intervenciones según cada categoría.Background: Workplace bullying is considered a major social stressor at work. However, in the Spanish context, there is a lack of measures that allow researchers and practitioners to distinguish between non-targets and targets of workplace bullying. Method: This study reports the psychometric properties, factor structure, and cutoff scores for the Short-Negative Acts Questionnaire (S-NAQ) in a Spanish sample (N = 1,409). Results: The S-NAQ demonstrated adequate psychometric properties. Moreover, both Exploratory and Confi rmatory Factor Analysis revealed that a unifactorial model of workplace bullying fi t the data best. Two cutoff points for the S-NAQ were formulated using receiver operating characteristic curves to categorize respondents as “not exposed to workplace bullying” (scores below 15), “at risk of being bullied” (scores between 15 and 22), and “targets of workplace bullying” (scores above 22). Conclusions: These cutoff scores may help researchers and practitioners in diagnosing workplace bullying and designing intervention strategies.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PSI2017-83465-

    Validating the TDRT-Q to assess the quality of the teacher-dancer relationship

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    La capacidad de los entrenadores para potenciar o desincentivar el compromiso de sus deportistas y para desarrollar su potencial a través de la cualidad de las relaciones que entre ellos se establecen ha recibido una considerable atención desde la investigación; sin embargo, la diada equivalente en el contexto de la danza, la relación entre el maestro y el bailarín, ha sido un área relativamente poco explorada. El propósito de este artículo es extrapolar el modelo de las 3C's de las Relaciones Entrenador-Deportista de Jowett al contexto de la danza y adaptar y validar al español el CART-Q, un instrumento ampliamente utilizado para la evaluación de las relaciones deportista-entrenador. Para ello, 175 bailarines y bailarinas españoles de entre 18 y 40 años (M = 22.47; DT = 4.85) de diferentes niveles y disciplinas de baile completaron el denominado Cuestionario sobre las Relaciones entre Maestro y Bailarín (TDRT-Q), la traducción española del CART-Q adaptado al contexto de la danza. El análisis factorial confirmatorio puso de manifiesto la estructura jerárquica de las relaciones como habían sido originalmente postuladas, incluyendo las dimensiones de Cercanía, Compromiso y Complementariedad. En términos generales, el TDRT-Q demostró unas adecuadas propiedades psicométricas. En línea con los resultados obtenidos, el modelo de las 3C's puede ser transferido para el análisis de las relaciones maestro-bailarín. Más aún, el TDRT-Q puede utilizarse para la evaluación de la cualidad de las relaciones maestro bailarín y para avanzar en el conocimiento y comprensión de este contexto artístico orientado al rendimiento.The capacity of coaches to enable or disable athletes' engagement and ability to reach their potential through the quality of the relationship they develop with them has received substantial research attention, yet the equivalent dyad in dance contexts-the teacher-dancer relationship-has remained relatively unexplored. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to extrapolate Jowett's 3C's Coach-Athlete Relationship Model to the dance context and adapt and validate a Spanish translation of the CART-Q, a psychometric tool that has been extensively used to assess the coach-athlete relationship, to examine the teacher-dancer relationship. 175 Spanish dancers aged 18 to 40 (M = 22.47, SD = 4.85) of diverse performance levels and various dance disciplines completed the renamed Teacher-Dancer Relationship Questionnaire (TDRT-Q), the Spanish translation of the CART-Q adapted to dance contexts. A confirmatory factor analysis highlighted the hierarchical nature of the relationship as has been originally postulated containing Closeness, Commitment, and Complementarity. Overall the TDRT-Q demonstrated adequate psychometric properties. In line with these results, the 3C's model can be transferred to analyse the teacher dancer relationship. Moreover, the TDRT-Q can be used to assess the quality of the teacher-dancer relationship and further advance knowledge and understanding in this achievement-orientated performing arts context.A capacidade dos técnicos para potencializar ou desencorajar o compromisso de seus atletas e para desenvolver o potencial dos mesmos através da qualidade das relações que se estabelecem entre ambos tem recebido considerável atenção da investigação; no entanto, a díade equivalente no contexto da dança, a relação entre o professor e o dançarino, tem sido uma área relativamente pouco explorada. O propósito deste artigo é extrapolar o modelo dos 3C's das Relações Treinador-Atleta de Jowett ao contexto da dança e adaptar e validar ao espanhol o CART-Q, um instrumento amplamente utilizado para a avaliação das relações atleta-treinador. Para tanto, 175 dançarinos e dançarinas espanhóis entre 18 e 40 anos (M = 22.47; DT = 4.85) de diferentes níveis e disciplinas de dança responderam o denominado Questionário sobre as Relações entre Professor e Dançarino (TDRT-Q), a tradução espanhola do CART-Q adaptado ao contexto da dança. A análise fatorial confirmatória revelou a estrutura hierárquica das relações como haviam sido originalmente postuladas, incluindo as dimensões de Proximidade, Compromisso e Complementaridade. Em termos gerais, o TDRT-Q demonstrou propriedades psicométricas adequadas. Em linha com os resultados obtidos, o modelo dos 3C's pode ser transferido para a análise das relações professor-dançarino. Além disso, o TDRT-Q pode ser utilizado para a avaliação da qualidade das relações professor-dançarino e para avançar no conhecimento e na compreensão deste contexto artístico orientado ao rendimento

    Tidal stream energy potential in the Shannon Estuary

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    The tidal and river in-stream energy resource in the Shannon Estuary (W Ireland) is investigated using of high-resolution numerical modelling and spatial analysis. Although freshwater discharges are large, their influence on the available resource is found to be all but negligible, the tide being the main driver of estuarine circulation. The Tidal Stream Exploitability (TSE) index is adapted to the analysis of estuaries with non-depth-limited areas (TSEndl), such as the Shannon Estuary, and then used to select the hotspots with potential for a tidal stream farm. For this purpose, a new depth penalty-limiting function is defined to avoid overestimating the available energy potential in areas with depths greater than those required for tidal energy converter operation. Seven hotspots are identified based on the revised index. The approach followed in this study illustrates the applicability of high-resolution numerical modelling and spatial analysis for identifying the most appropriate areas for tidal stream energy conversion. Finally, the potential of tidal stream energy to contribute to the much-needed decarbonisation of the energy mix in Ireland is emphasizedThis work was funded by the PORTOS project co-financed by the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme through the European Regional Development Fund [grant number EAPA_784/2018] and ‘Axudas para a consolidación e estruturación de unidades de investigación competitivas nas universidades do Sistema Universitario Galego (2020-22)’ with reference number ED341B 2020/25. The authors are also grateful for the support of Science Foundation Ireland and MaREI, the Marine Renewable Energy Centre of Ireland, grant SFI MAREI2_12/RC/2302/P2 Platform RA1b. During this work I. López was supported by a postdoctoral grant of the ‘Programa de Axudas á etapa posdoutoral da Xunta de Galicia’ with reference number ED481D 2019/019S

    Towards adaptation to climate change: water for rice in the coastal wetlands of Doñana, Southern Spain

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    Rice production in coastal wetlands provides critical ecosystem services that range from flood control to wildlife habitat. In the Iberian Peninsula rice was introduced in the 10th Century. Today Iberian rice accounts for about one quarter of the total rice production of the European Union, almost exclusively cultivated in the coastal wetlands of Spain, with permanent flooding. The intensive water management required to produce rice stands at a crucial point since freshwater supply is deteriorating at an unprecedented rate. Here we explore flexible adaptation options to climate change in the Doñana wetlands - a world heritage and biodiversity site - from two points of view: What are the policy options for agricultural water management in view of climate change? How can informed stakeholders contribute to better adaptation? The first question is addressed by simulating water availability to farmers with the WAAPA model under a range of adaptation policy options derived from the view of the local communities. The second question was addressed by means of participatory research. Adaptation options are framed according to the local environmental, social and policy context. Results suggest that perception on the potential role of new water infrastructure and farming subsidies dominates the view of local communities. The choices of the stakeholders that could be simulated with the hydrological model, were quantified in terms of additional water availability for the rice farming, therefore providing a quantitative measure to the qualitative solutions. Information provided during the study shaped the final adaptation options developed. Our research contributes to the definition of sustainable rice production in Europe

    Measuring the desire for control: a Spanish version of Burger and Cooper's Scale

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    The following study will present findings on the validity of the adaptation of the Burger and Cooper’s Desirability of Control Scale into Spanish. Two samples are present: the first involving 1,999 people to study their psychometric properties. In the second sample, 111 people were included to estimate test/ retest reliability. Cultural adaptation was performed using the translation & back-translation method. Item analysis, internal consistency and test/retest reliability were assessed, then evidence of the validity of the internal structure was determined by using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Subject recruitment was performed to gather the 1,999 subjects stratified by age, gender quotas as designed in the sampling plan. Of the subjects, 51% were female, average age of 45 years old (SD = 17.5). All items from the original scale were understood correctly, while five items presented ceiling effect. Cronbach’s alpha = .736 and a test-retest correlation r = .713 were obtained. The factor structure indicated the presence of four dimensions: forecast, autonomy, power and influence and reactance which were reassured in the confirmatory analysis (χ2/df = 4.805, CFI =.932, TLI =.954, RMSEA = .062). The basic dimensions of the scale have shown to be stable and well-defined, though not perfect. The scope, possible applications of the scale and further research are later proposed and discussed.Se presenta la adaptación y validación al español de la Escala de Deseo de Control de Burger y Cooper. Se emplearon dos muestras. Para estudiar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala se contó con una primera muestra de 1999 (Medad = 45 años, DS = 17,5; 51% mujeres). Para estimar la fiabilidad test-retest se contó con una segunda muestra de 111 personas. La adaptación cultural se llevó a cabo mediante el procedimiento de traducción–retrotraducción. Se presentan las evidencias de validez de la estructura interna de la escala mediante los resultados de sendos análisis factoriales, exploratorio y confirmatorio. El análisis de ítems reveló que todos los elementos presentaron unos valores aceptables, aunque cinco de ellos mostraron efecto techo. El Alfa de Cronbach fue de .736 y la Fiabilidad test–retest fue de .713. La estructura factorial indicó la presencia de cuatro dimensiones: previsión, autonomía, poder e influencia y reactancia. La estructura fue corroborada en el análisis confirmatorio (χ2/df = 4.805, CFI = .932, TLI = .954, RMSEA = .062). Las dimensiones de la escala son estables y específicas, aunque no perfectas. Se discute el alcance y posibles aplicaciones de la escala y se proponen futuras investigaciones

    Spanish version of “Self-Efficacy for Writing Scale” (SEWS)

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    p. 86-91La autoeficacia es un constructo muy utilizado en Psicología. El presente estudio se centra en el ámbito educativo y, más concretamente, en la adaptación de la “Self-Efficacy for Writing Scale” (SEWS; Bruning, Dempsey, Kauffman, McKim, y Zumbrunn, 2013), desarrollada para me-dir autoeficacia para la escritura. Participaron en el estudio 512 estudiantes (78% mujeres, 22% hombres) de tres universidades españoles distintas. Todos ellos completaron un cuestionario que incluía la versión española de la escala SEWS, además de la Escala de Autoeficacia General y la Escala de Autoeficacia para la Escritura. Los resultados del análisis factorial explora-torio muestran que la prueba mantiene su dimensionalidad, con una va-rianza explicada de 65.86% y tres factores: Ideación (α = .90), Convencio-nes (α = .89), y Autorregulación (α = .90). Las correlaciones con la Escala de Autoeficacia General son elevadas, pero aún más con la Escala de Au-toeficacia para la Escritura, sugiriendo este último dato que se trata del mismo constructo. Asimismo, se encuentra que los hombres muestran ma-yores valores de autoeficacia en la escala SEWS (general) y en dos de sus dimensiones (Ideación y Convenciones). Finalmente, se discuten las impli-caciones de estos resultados, señalándose las principales limitaciones del es-tudio y sugerencias de investigación futuraS

    University students’ strategies and criteria during self-assessment: instructor’s feedback, rubrics, and year level effects.

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    This study explores the effects of feedback type, feedback occasion, and year level on student self-assessments in higher education. In total, 126 university students participated in this randomized experiment under three experimental conditions (i.e., rubric feedback, instructor’s written feedback, and rubric feedback plus instructor’s written feedback). Participants, after random assignment to feedback condition, were video-recorded performing a self-assessment on a writing task both before and after receiving feedback. The quality of self-assessment strategies decreased after feedback of all kinds, but the number of strategies increased for the combined feedback condition. The number of self-assessment criteria increased for rubric and combined conditions, while feedback helped shift criteria use from basic to advanced criteria. Student year level was not systematically related to changes in self-assessment after feedback. In general, the combination of rubric and instructor’s feedback produced the best effects.post-print1168 K

    Self-regulated learning and formative assessment process on group work

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    This study aimed to design and implement a formative assessment context for a group assignment. This setting is based on self-regulated learning, the beneficial practices exposed in the literature and the challenges for the next decade. We carried out quantitative research using two questionnaires to measure self-regulated learning skills and the way of working as a group. The participants were 88 students getting a degree in Sports Sciences. Results showed that the reported way of working in groups has no impact on performance. Furthermore, higher self-regulation in their learning style and the use of assessment criteria led to higher performance. We did not find any differences regarding avoidance self-regulation style. We discuss theoretical and educational implications

    University students’ strategies and criteria during self‑assessment: instructor’s feedback, rubrics, and year level efects

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    This study explores the effects of feedback type, feedback occasion, and year level on student self-assessments in higher education. In total, 126 university students participated in this randomized experiment under three experimental conditions (i.e., rubric feedback, instructor’s written feedback, and rubric feedback plus instructor’s written feedback). Participants, after random assignment to feedback condition, were video-recorded performing a self-assessment on a writing task both before and after receiving feedback. The quality of self-assessment strategies decreased after feedback of all kinds, but the number of strategies increased for the combined feedback condition. The number of self-assessment criteria increased for rubric and combined conditions, while feedback helped shift criteria use from basic to advanced criteria. Student year level was not systematically related to changes in self-assessment after feedback. In general, the combination of rubric and instructor’s feedback produced the best effectsOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. Research funded by Fundación BBVA call Investigadores y Creadores Culturales 2015 (project name Transición a la educación superior id. 122500) and by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad) National I+D Call (Convocatoria Excelencia) project reference EDU2016-79714-