3,153 research outputs found

    “Nuevos espacios de interacción: Twitter y su potencial como medio”

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    El presente ensayo, se hace un análisis de Twitter, red social que en ocho años ha cautivado a la sociedad del mundo, y a su vez, ha sido una herramienta que ha revolucionado la forma en que personas y empresas, mantienen contacto entre sí; siendo el eje argumentativo el postulado de Marshall McLuhan (1968) “el medio es el mensaje” y de cómo gracias a sus diferentes interpretaciones se adaptan para ejemplificar de manera clara la forma en que opera twitter, llegando incluso a ser considerada esta postura como un modelo comunicativo que permite una mejor interpretación de las reconfiguraciones sociales y culturales que twitter ha generado, siendo este autor, el eje principal que describa el presente documento

    Análisis polínico de mieles de romero de las Sierras del Sureste de Albacete

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    Urban Forest Tweeting: Social Media as More-Than-Human Communication in Tokyo’s Rinshinomori Park

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    Urban parks are places that have significant impact on the physical and mental health of citizens, but they are also for safeguarding biodiversity and thus fostering human–nature interactions in the everyday landscape. The exploration of these spaces through social media represents a novel field of research that is contributing to revealing patterns of visitor behavior. However, there is a lack of comparable research from a non-anthropocentric perspective. What if we could use social media as a more-than-human communication medium? This research aims to reveal the possibility of communicating the urban forest’s voice through the examination of the official Twitter account of a metropolitan park in Tokyo. To this end, an analysis of the content of the messages is carried out, focusing on the narrative voice from which the message is told, the protagonists, the action performed, the network of actors deployed, and the place where it occurs. It is found that the majority of these messages are delivered from a non-human perspective, where plants, animals, or meteorological agents behave deploying complex networks of more-than-human interaction. The current study reveals the latent potential of non-humans as possible agents within the realm of social media, which can mediate the relationships between humans and their environment. It introduces a layer that can be incorporated into future lines of research, as well as provides a model case that illustrates a good practice in the management and communication of urban green spaces.This research was funded by the European Union—Next Generation EU Margarita Salas Grant and by the project LABPA-CM: CONTEMPORARY CRITERIA, METHODS and TECHNIQUES FOR LANDSCAPE KNOWLEDGE AND CONSERVATION (H2019/HUM5692), funded by the European Social Fund and the Madrid regional government

    Experience, Subjectivity and Politics in the Italian Feminist Movement

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    This article describes the political practices of a part of the Italian women’s movement that, as of the 1980s, gave way to the sexual difference thought. Through a political analysis of their own experience, which removed any humanist identity assumptions, the women’s movement generated new practices and discourses. With these, women were able to exert self-criticism, and simultaneously to produce new subjectivities articulated around the sexual difference concept. The difference thought helped highlight the limits of institutional policy, renewing the premises of political analysis and redefining the borders of what was deemed to be ‘political’. Intended to foster dialogue with other feminist proposals, the article underlines the situated nature of this political experience and focuses on the method, the political praxis and the process rather than the outcome, the conclusions or the theory

    Moduli Spaces of Semistable Sheaves on Singular Genus One Curves

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    We find some equivalences of the derived category of coherent sheaves on a Gorenstein genus one curve that preserve the (semi)-stability of pure dimensional sheaves. Using them we establish new identifications between certain Simpson moduli spaces of semistable sheaves on the curve. For rank zero, the moduli spaces are symmetric powers of the curve whilst for a fixed positive rank there are only a finite number of non-isomorphic spaces. We prove similar results for the relative semistable moduli spaces on an arbitrary genus one fibration with no conditions either on the base or on the total space. For a cycle ENE_N of projective lines, we show that the unique degree 0 stable sheaves are the line bundles having degree 0 on every irreducible component and the sheaves O(1)\mathcal{O}(-1) supported on one irreducible component. We also prove that the connected component of the moduli space that contains vector bundles of rank rr is isomorphic to the rr-th symmetric product of the rational curve with one node.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures. Added the structure of the biggest component of the moduli space of sheaves of degree 0 on a cycle of projective lines. Final version; to appear en IMRS (International Mathematics Research Notices 2009

    Clustering, dispersion and sociodemographics characteristics in the spatial incorporation of Peruvians migrants in Córdoba, Argentina

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    Analizar los patrones espaciales de la migración peruana en la Ciudad de Córdoba, Argentina y comparar la población nacida en Perú que se encuentra agrupada en clústers con aquella dispersa en la ciudad. Se utilizaron técnicas de estadística espacial y análisis sociodemográfico. En la primera fase se usaron medidas globales de autocorrelación espacial (índice global de Moran) y medidas locales de agrupación espacial para representar clústers de población (Gi* de Getis Ord). En la segunda fase se realiza un análisis sociodemográfico de los clústers de población agrupada y dispersa. Resultados:se sugiere la interacción de dos procesos. En primer lugar, la concentración en zonas específicas de la ciudad de migrantes peruanos en patrones que no son aleatorios. Migrantes más antiguos se encuentran principalmente dispersos en la ciudad mientras migrantes más recientes se encuentran concentrados. En segundo lugar, los migrantes peruanos hombres dispersos tienen una mayor diversificación en cuanto a la estructura ocupacional y una mejor posición socioeconómica que los agrupados. Los patrones observados sugieren que existen diferenciales de género en estos procesos. Las mujeres, tanto las que se encuentran dispersas como las agrupadas, presentan una situación socioeconómica más precaria que los hombres. Esa situación es transversal a la dispersión/concentración en el espacio urbano. Conclusiones:se sugiere que las composiciones de clase, género y la temporalidad de los flujos migratorios articulan las modalidades de incorporación a la sociedad de destino.To analyze the spatial patterns of Peruvian migration in the city of Cordoba, Argentina and to compare the Peruvian migrants in clusters with Peruvian migrants scattered in the city. Spatial statistical techniques and socio-demographic analysis are used for this analysis. In the first phase, global measures of spatial autocorrelation (Global Moran Index) and local measures of spatial clustering represent clusters of population (Getis-Ord Gi*). In the second phase, a sociodemographic analysis of population in clusters and population dispersed is carried out. Results:we suggest there are two entangled processes. First, the concentration in specific areas of the city of Peruvian migrants in patterns that are not random. Older migrants are mainly dispersed in the city while more recent migrants are concentrated. Second, dispersed Peruvian men have greater diversification in terms of occupational structure and better socioeconomic status than Peruvian migrants dispersed. Women both dispersed and in clusters have a more precarious economic situation than men. This situation is transversal to the dispersion / concentration in urban space. It is suggested that the composition of class, gender and temporality of migration flows articulate the modalities of incorporation in the society of destination.Fil: Gómez, Pablo Martín Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez Soria, David. Asociación Ecuatoriana de Estudios de Población; Ecuado

    An experimental strategy for characterizing inductive electromagnetic energy harvesters

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    Condition monitoring of high voltage power lines through self-powered sensor systems has become a priority for utilities with the aim of detecting potential problems, enhancing reliabilityof the power transmission and distribution networks and mitigating the adverse impact of faults. Energy harvesting from the magnetic field generated by the alternating current flowing through highvoltage lines can supply the monitoring systems with the required power to operate without relying onhard-wiring or battery-based approaches. However, developing an energy harvester, which scavengesthe power from such a limited source of energy, requires detailed design considerations, which maynot result in a technically and economically optimal solution. This paper presents an innovativesimulation-based strategy to characterize an inductive electromagnetic energy harvester and the power conditioning system. Performance requirements in terms of the harvested power and output voltage range, or level of magnetic core saturation can be imposed. Different harvester configurations, whichsatisfy the requirements, have been produced by the simulation models. The accuracy and efficiency ofthis approach is verified with an experimental setup based on an energy harvester, which consists ofa Si-steel magnetic core and a power conditioning unit. For the worst-case scenario with a primary current of 5 A, the maximum power extracted by the harvester can be as close as 165 mW, resulting ina power density of 2.79 mW/cm3.Comunidad de MadridAgencia Estatal de Investigació

    Exostosis versus osteocondroma: importance of the differential diagnosis

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    The appearance, more and more common in the daily office of injuries similar to dematological pathologies as bony, are easily confusing with subungueal exostosis, provides to the podiatrist the necessity to remain alert with any bone anormality. Nevertheless the difficulty is at the time of making a differential diagnosis and the impossibility to treat this pathology with other methods differents from the surgery, makes very important the criterion of any specialized professionals which are involved as part of the multidiscipline team, with the podiatrist, to treat this pathology.The appearance, more and more common in the daily office of injuries similar to dematological pathologies as bony, are easily confusing with subungueal exostosis, provides to the podiatrist the necessity to remain alert with any bone anormality. Nevertheless the difficulty is at the time of making a differential diagnosis and the impossibility to treat this pathology with other methods differents from the surgery, makes very important the criterion of any specialized professionals which are involved as part of the multidiscipline team, with the podiatrist, to treat this pathology

    Vivienda Transcultural. La arquitecta japonesa pionera Miho Hamaguchi y su último proyecto en España

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    Miho Hamaguchi (1915-1988) was the first woman to be a licensed architect in Japan. A pioneer in domestic design during the postwar period, she built and consulted on thousands of houses throughout her prolific career. However, she is a little-known figure both in Japan and in the international debate. Her representation in architectural historiography is limited to her influence on kitchen design, but her writings and work go far beyond. Hamaguchi's legacy is one of bold residential architecture that embodied democratic ideas in spatial configurations. She promoted the house as a fundamental tool for gender equality, leaving behind a feudal and patriarchal system. At the end of her career, she found in Costa del Sol the perfect place to carry out a residential project as a cultural exchange. "Kaiyo Club" became a set of three houses since the first design in 1974 until the subsequent extensions were completed in 1987. Throughout its different stages, the project shows a striking Spanish-Japanese transfer where different architectural languages coexist. The white-walled exterior dialogues with the vernacular, while its interior unfolds Japanese patterns with tatami-floored rooms or ofuro-style bathrooms. These dwellings present a unique hybrid materialization, displaying Hamaguchi's design from a humanistic stance, blending of locally rooted modernist spatial principles and reinterpreted traditions.Miho Hamaguchi (1915-1988) fue la primera arquitecta licenciada en Japón. Pionera en el diseño doméstico durante la posguerra, construyó y asesoró miles de casas a lo largo de su prolífica carrera. Sin embargo, es una figura poco conocida tanto en Japón como en el debate internacional. Su representación en la historiografía arquitectónica se limita a su influencia en el diseño de cocinas, pero sus escritos y su obra van mucho más allá. El legado de Hamaguchi es el de una arquitectura residencial audaz que plasmó ideas democráticas en las configuraciones espaciales. Promovió la casa como herramienta fundamental para la igualdad de género, dejando atrás un sistema feudal y patriarcal. Al final de su carrera, encontró en la Costa del Sol el lugar perfecto para llevar a cabo un proyecto residencial como intercambio cultural. "Kaiyo Club" se convirtió en un conjunto de tres casas desde el primer diseño en 1974 hasta las posteriores ampliaciones realizadas en 1987. A lo largo de sus diferentes etapas, el proyecto muestra una llamativa transferencia hispano-japonesa donde conviven diferentes lenguajes arquitectónicos. El exterior de paredes blancas dialoga con lo vernáculo, mientras que su interior despliega patrones japoneses con habitaciones de suelo de tatami o baños de estilo ofuro. Estas viviendas de Hamaguchi presentan una materialización híbrida única, mostrando su mezcla de principios espaciales modernistas enraizados en la localidad y tradiciones reinterpretadas, diseñando siempre desde una postura humanista