42 research outputs found

    Monitorización geodésica de deformaciones en el Archipiélago Balear y en el sector oriental de la Cordillera Bética a partir de series temporales GNSS de estaciones permanentes con procesado PPP

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    [ES] En esta tesis doctoral se ha calculado un campo de velocidades y un modelo de deformación para el Archipiélago Balear y el sector más oriental de la Cordillera Bética. Para conseguir este objetivo se han utilizado los datos de estaciones permanentes y el método de Posicionamiento Puntual de Precisión (PPP) con el software GIPSY-OASIS. Además se ha realizado una comparación entre las aplicaciones PPP más comunes y diferentes técnicas de procesado. Los resultados muestran una relación entre las velocidades residuales y los esfuerzos obtenidos en ambas áreas, con predominancia de compresión en la zona de la Falla de Alhama de Murcia, extensión en el área más occidental (provincias de Granada y Almería) y valores mixtos en el Archipiélago Balear.[EN] In this doctoral thesis a vefocity fiefd anda strain rate model of the Bafearic fslands and the eastemmost sector of Baetic Ranga have been computed. To achieve this aim, GPS permanent networks' data and the Precise Point Positioning (PPP) method with GtPSY-OASIS software have been used.Furthermore , a comparison between the most common softwares of PPP and different processing techniques have been also applied.The results show a relation between the residual vefocities and strain rates computad in both areas, with compression near the Afhama de Murcia Fauft, extension in the westernmost zone (Granada and Atmería provinces) and mixed strains in the Bafearic tsfandsTesis Univ. Jaén. Departamento de Ingeniería Cartográfica , Geodésica y Fotogrametría. Leída el 16 de junio de 201

    Revisiting the minimum-norm problem

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    The design of optimal Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) coils is modeled as a minimum-norm problem (MNP), that is, as an optimization problem of the form min(x is an element of R) parallel to x parallel to, where R is a closed and convex subset of a normed space X. This manuscript is aimed at revisiting MNPs from the perspective of Functional Analysis, Operator Theory, and Banach Space Geometry in order to provide an analytic solution to the following MRI problem: min(psi is an element of R) parallel to psi parallel to(2), where R:= {psi is an element of R-n : parallel to A psi-b parallel to infinity/parallel to b parallel to(infinity) 0, and b is an element of R-m \ {0}.This work has been supported by the Research Grant PGC-101514-B-I00 awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities and partially funded by ERDF, by the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Programme (PAIDI 2020) under the Research Grant PY20_01295, and by the Research Grant FEDER-UCA18-105867 awarded by the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme of the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia. The APCs have been paid by the Mathematics Department of the University of Cadiz

    Non-Linear Inner Structure of Topological Vector Spaces

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    Inner structure appeared in the literature of topological vector spaces as a tool to characterize the extremal structure of convex sets. For instance, in recent years, inner structure has been used to provide a solution to The Faceless Problem and to characterize the finest locally convex vector topology on a real vector space. This manuscript goes one step further by settling the bases for studying the inner structure of non-convex sets. In first place, we observe that the well behaviour of the extremal structure of convex sets with respect to the inner structure does not transport to non-convex sets in the following sense: it has been already proved that if a face of a convex set intersects the inner points, then the face is the whole convex set; however, in the non-convex setting, we find an example of a non-convex set with a proper extremal subset that intersects the inner points. On the opposite, we prove that if a extremal subset of a non-necessarily convex set intersects the affine internal points, then the extremal subset coincides with the whole set. On the other hand, it was proved in the inner structure literature that isomorphisms of vector spaces and translations preserve the sets of inner points and outer points. In this manuscript, we show that in general, affine maps and convex maps do not preserve inner points. Finally, by making use of the inner structure, we find a simple proof of the fact that a convex and absorbing set is a neighborhood of 0 in the finest locally convex vector topology. In fact, we show that in a convex set with internal points, the subset of its inner points coincides with the subset of its internal points, which also coincides with its interior with respect to the finest locally convex vector topology

    Convergence Analysis of the Straightforward Expansion Perturbation Method for Weakly Nonlinear Vibrations

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    There are typically several perturbation methods for approaching the solution of weakly nonlinear vibrations (where the nonlinear terms are "small" compared to the linear ones): the Method of Strained Parameters, the Naive Singular Perturbation Method, the Method of Multiple Scales, the Method of Harmonic Balance and the Method of Averaging. The Straightforward Expansion Perturbation Method (SEPM) applied to weakly nonlinear vibrations does not usually yield to correct solutions. In this manuscript, we provide mathematical proof of the inaccuracy of the SEPM in general cases. Nevertheless, we also provide a sufficient condition for the SEPM to be successfully applied to weakly nonlinear vibrations. This mathematical formalism is written in the syntax of the first-order formal language of Set Theory under the methodology framework provided by the Category Theory

    An Approximation for Metal-Oxide Sensor Calibration for Air Quality Monitoring Using Multivariable Statistical Analysis

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    Good air quality is essential for both human beings and the environment in general. The three most harmful air pollutants are nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O-3) and particulate matter. Due to the high cost of monitoring stations, few examples of this type of infrastructure exist, and the use of low-cost sensors could help in air quality monitoring. The cost of metal-oxide sensors (MOS) is usually below EUR 10 and they maintain small dimensions, but their use in air quality monitoring is only valid through an exhaustive calibration process and subsequent precision analysis. We present an on-field calibration technique, based on the least squares method, to fit regression models for low-cost MOS sensors, one that has two main advantages: it can be easily applied by non-expert operators, and it can be used even with only a small amount of calibration data. In addition, the proposed method is adaptive, and the calibration can be refined as more data becomes available. We apply and evaluate the technique with a real dataset from a particular area in the south of Spain (Granada city). The evaluation results show that, despite the simplicity of the technique and the low quantity of data, the accuracy obtained with the low-cost MOS sensors is high enough to be used for air quality monitoring.The researchers would like to thank the University of Cadiz for the grant obtained through its "Programa de Fomento e Impulso de la actividad de Investigacion y Transferencia". The authors would also like to thank to the Environmental Technology researching group and Acoustic Engineering Laboratory researching group, TEP-181 and TEP-195, respectively, for the access to the devices and data of the EcoBici Project (number G-GI3002/IDIC). Alfonso J. Bello acknowledges the support received from the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Program and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, and Business and the University of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Spain, under grant: FEDER-UCA18-107519

    Supporting vectors vs. principal components

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    Let T : X -> Y be a bounded linear operator between Banach spaces X, Y. A vector x(0) is an element of S-X in the unit sphere S-X of X is called a supporting vector of T provided that parallel to T(x(0))parallel to = sup{parallel to T(x)parallel to : parallel to x parallel to = 1} = parallel to T parallel to. Since matrices induce linear operators between finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces, we can consider their supporting vectors. In this manuscript, we unveil the relationship between the principal components of a matrix and its supporting vectors. Applications of our results to real-life problems are provided

    Crustal velocity and strain rate fields in the Balearic Islands based on continuous GPS time series from the XGAIB network (2010-2013)

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    In this paper, we present a first estimation, using the GIPSY-OASIS software, of the crustal velocity and strain rate fields in the Balearic Islands (Spain), based on continuous GPS observations from the XGAIB network spanning the period 2010-2013. The XGAIB network consists of nine permanent, widely distributed stations that have operated continuously since 2010. In this paper, we describe the XGAIB network and the CGPS data processing and present our principle results in terms of the position time series and velocities of all of the sites, which were observed for more than three and a half years. In addition, strain tensors were estimated from the velocity field to obtain the first realistic crustal deformation model of the archipelago. The strains exhibit gradual variation across the Balearic Islands, from WNW-ESE extension in the southwest (Ibiza and Formentera) to NW-SE compression in the northeast (Menorca). These results constitute an advance in our knowledge of the tectonics of the western Mediterranean region.This research was partly funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the AYA2010-15501, CGL2011-30153-C02-02 and CSD2006-0041 projects (European Regional Development Fund-ERDF)

    Tactical periodization and decision-making in the offensive transition in women's basketball at the ESPOCH headquarters Morona Santiago Ecuador

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    El presente artículo tiene como objeto brindar una herramienta de trabajo, a los entrenadores de baloncesto que le permitan ayudar a sus jugadores, en la toma de decisiones desde el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en la transición ofensiva del baloncesto, femenino de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo Extensión Morona Santiago  se propone un Esquema de ejercicios que les permita tener una guía de trabajo con base a la periodización táctica Nuestra muestra de trabajo estuvo integrada por 15 jugadores, teniendo como objetivo metodológico la aplicación de la periodización táctica en el entrenamiento, tocando un aspecto, importante dentro del juego de baloncesto como lo es la transición ofensiva, buscando un adecuado nivel de juego potenciando su aplicación en nuestro equipo con base en la periodización táctica adecuando sus principios y metodología a nuestro entorno, permitiendo un mejor funcionamiento en nuestra transición ofensiva, desde el punto de vista individual (fortaleciendo la toma de decisiones) y con ello mejorar el preforman y el  accionar  como equipo, lo individual en función de lo colectivo.Summary.  This article aims to provide a work tool, to basketball coaches that allow them to help their players, in the decision-making process from the teaching and learning process in the offensive transition of basketball, female of the Polytechnic Higher School of Chimborazo Extension Morona Santiago. bridge between the previous article and this is proposed a Scheme of exercises that allows them to have a working guide based on the tactical periodization Our work sample was composed of 15 players, having as a methodological objective the application of tactical periodization in training, touching a aspect, important within the basketball game as is the offensive transition , looking for an adequate level of play enhancing its application in our team based on tactical periodization adapting its principles and methodology to our environment, allowing a better performance in our transition

    The Campo de Dalias GNSS Network Unveils the Interaction between Roll-Back and Indentation Tectonics in the Gibraltar Arc

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    The Gibraltar Arc includes the Betic and Rif Cordilleras surrounding the Alboran Sea; it is formed at the northwest–southeast Eurasia–Nubia convergent plate boundary in the westernmost Mediterranean. Since 2006, the Campo de Dalias GNSS network has monitored active tectonic deformation of the most seismically active area on the north coast of the Alboran Sea. Our results show that the residual deformation rates with respect to Eurasia range from 1.7 to 3.0 mm/year; roughly homogenous west-southwestward displacements of the northern sites occur, while the southern sites evidence irregular displacements towards the west and northwest. This deformation pattern supports simultaneous east-northeast–west-southwest extension, accommodated by normal and oblique faults, and north-northwest–south-southeast shortening that develops east-northeast–west-southwest folds. Moreover, the GNSS results point to dextral creep of the main northwest–southeast Balanegra Fault. These GNNS results thus reveal, for the first time, present-day interaction of the roll-back tectonics of the Rif–Gibraltar–Betic slab in the western part of the Gibraltar Arc with the indentation tectonics affecting the eastern and southern areas, providing new insights for improving tectonic models of arcuate orogens.Junta de Andalucia; European Regional Development Fund; grant numbers: AGORA P18-RT-3275, PAPEL B-RNM-301-UGR18. Programa Operativo FEDER-Andalucia 2014–2020 Project ref. 1263446; University of Jaén; CEACTEMA; grant number: POAIUJA 21/22. Junta de Andalucía (Andalusian Board); grant numbers: RNM-148, RNM-282, RNM-370. V.T.S. was supported by the FPU PhD grant (16/04038)

    The Padul normal fault activity constrained by GPS data: Brittle extension orthogonal to folding in the central Betic Cordillera

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    The Padul Fault is located in the Central Betic Cordillera, formed in the framework of the NW-SE Eurasian-African plate convergence. In the Internal Zone, large E-W to NE-SW folds of western Sierra Nevada accommodated the greatest NW-SE shortening and uplift of the cordillera. However, GPS networks reveal a present-day dominant E-W to NE-SW extensional setting at surface. The Padul Fault is the most relevant and best exposed active normal fault that accommodates most of the NE-SW extension of the Central Betics. This WSW-wards dipping fault, formed by several segments of up to 7 km maximum length, favored the uplift of the Sierra Nevada footwall away from the Padul graben hanging wall. A non-permanent GPS network installed in 1999 constrains an average horizontal extensional rate of 0.5 mm/yr in N66°E direction. The fault length suggests that a (maximum) 6 magnitude earthquake may be expected, but the absence of instrumental or historical seismic events would indicate that fault activity occurs at least partially by creep. Striae on fault surfaces evidence normal-sinistral kinematics, suggesting that the Padul Fault may have been a main transfer fault of the westernmost end of the Sierra Nevada antiform. Nevertheless, GPS results evidence: (1) shortening in the Sierra Nevada antiform is in its latest stages, and (2) the present-day fault shows normal with minor oblique dextral displacements. The recent change in Padul fault kinematics will be related to the present-day dominance of the ENE-WSW regional extension versus ~ NNW-SSE shortening that produced the uplift and northwestwards displacement of Sierra Nevada antiform. This region illustrates the importance of heterogeneous brittle extensional tectonics in the latest uplift stages of compressional orogens, as well as the interaction of folding during the development of faults at shallow crustal levels.This research was funded by PAIUJA 2017/2018, UJA2016/00086/001 project, CGL2016-80687-R AEI/FEDER, UE project and RNM148 and RNM282 research groups of Junta de Andalucía