10 research outputs found

    Proposal of autobalancing service

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    Energetyka rozproszona rozwija się w szybkim tempie i potrzebuje rozwiązań legislacyjnych, które wesprą jej działanie i jednocześnie nie obciążą kosztowo reszty społeczeństwa. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia i opisuje rozwiązanie, które pozwoli osiągnąć te cele. Usługa autobilansowania promuje pożądane zjawiska sieciowe w obszarze przesyłu i dystrybucji energii. Zjawiska te wynikają z jednoczesności występowania popytu i podaży na energię w określonym, lokalnym obrębie sieci nazwanym obszarem autobilansowania. Proponuje się, by rekompensata za usługę autobilansowania była uznana za koszt uzasadniony ponoszony przez OSD, ponieważ jej realizacja prowadzi do wykonania zadań ustawowych OSD. Usługa autobilansowania składa się z dwóch niezależnych elementów: autokonsumpcja godzinowa generuje pożądane efekty w obszarze energii, redukując starty przesyłowe, zaś bilansowanie fizyczne prowadzi do redukcji mocy szczytowych, co przekłada się na oszczędności w obszarze inwestycji sieciowych. Usługa autobilansowania zachęca do inwestycji w elastyczne źródła energii oraz sterowania elastycznymi jednostkami w sposób najbardziej korzystny z punktu widzenia sieci, czyli poprzez niwelację szczytów własnego zapotrzebowania. Przeprowadzono badanie symulacyjne, na podstawie szczegółowego modelu klastra energii, wskazujące na efekty ekonomiczne i technologiczne wprowadzenia proponowanej regulacji. Wyniki badania pokazują, że w przypadku wprowadzenia usługi klastry uzyskają istotną zachętę do inwestycji w magazyny energii i inne źródła elastyczności.Distributed energy is developing at a high pace and needs new legislative solutions that will support it, while at the same time not place a big financial burden on the rest of society. This article presents and describes a potential solution that aims to address these goals. Autobalancing service rewards and incentivizes certain behavior of participants that is desirable from the point of view of the network. The types of actions that are incentivized by autobalancing service are described in detail in this article and are based on simultaneous occurrence of electricity demand and generation in a well defined area of distribution grid. Two independent types of elements of the autobalancing service are postulated: (i) balancing of energy, and (ii) balancing of power. These two elements are responsible for different system functions. Autobalancing service is incentivizing service providers to invest in flexible energy resources as well as operating them in such a manner that is most useful from the point of view of electrical grid. Simulations that took into account technical and economical aspects of operation of energy clusters were conducted. Results indicate that introduction of the autobalancing service would be a sufficient incentive for clusters to invest in energy storage and provide flexibility resources to the grid operator

    DSO network flexibility – a key for efficient energy transformation

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    Zmiany w polityce klimatycznej, zarówno na szczeblu krajowym, jaki i europejskim, w tym wymaganie neutralności klimatycznej do roku 2050, przekładają się na intensyfikację procesów transformacji miksu elektorenergetycznego. W pracy przeprowadzono analizy ilościowe i jakościowe wybranych scenariuszy transformacji sektora mieszkaniowego w Polsce (łącznie około 50% zapotrzebowania na ciepło i energię elektryczną względem roku 2018). Do 2030 r. spodziewany jest istotny wzrost zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną, co związane jest z znaczącymi nakładami na modernizację KSE. Niniejsza praca pokazuje strategię obniżenia kosztów modernizacji KSE poprzez przedstawienie różnych podejść do zwiększenia zasobów elastyczności w KSE. Wśród nich przedstawiona jest koncepcja lokalnego bilansowania, na które składa się: autokonsumpcja chwilowa oraz bilansowanie techniczne. Zaproponowane zostały niezbędne mechanizmy regulacyjne.Current changes in domestic and European climate policies, especially the goal for reaching climate neutrality up to 2050, drive the process of energy mix transformation in Poland. This article presents results of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the polish residential sector’s energy transformation for a given set of environmental scenarios. Residential sector is responsible for around 50% of a domestic demand for both heat and electrical energy. Before 2030 we expect a substantial increase in electrical energy demand which would require a costly power grid modernisation. We present a strategy and regulatory approach for optimal management of power grid investments based on incentivizing synchronization and balancing of local demand and generation. We point out the local balancing approach as one of the most promising concepts for enabling efficient and timely transformation towards climate neutrality of energy sector. We lay out the proposed regulatory changes needed to implement the local balancing mechanisms

    Elastyczność w sieci OSD jako kluczowy komponent transformacji energetycznej

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    Zmiany w polityce klimatycznej, zarówno na szczeblu krajowym, jaki i europejskim, w tym wymaganie neutralności klimatycznej do roku 2050, przekładają się na intensyfikację procesów transformacji miksu elektorenergetycznego. W pracy przeprowadzono analizy ilościowe i jakościowe wybranych scenariuszy transformacji sektora mieszkaniowego w Polsce (łącznie około 50% zapotrzebowania na ciepło i energię elektryczną względem roku 2018). Do 2030 r. spodziewany jest istotny wzrost zapotrzebowania na energię elektryczną, co związane jest z znaczącymi nakładami na modernizację KSE. Niniejsza praca pokazuje strategię obniżenia kosztów modernizacji KSE poprzez przedstawienie różnych podejść do zwiększenia zasobów elastyczności w KSE. Wśród nich przedstawiona jest koncepcja lokalnego bilansowania, na które składa się: autokonsumpcja chwilowa oraz bilansowanie techniczne. Zaproponowane zostały niezbędne mechanizmy regulacyjne

    Visual anticipation biases conscious decision making but not bottom-up visual processing

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    Prediction plays a key role in control of attention but it is not clear which aspects of prediction are most prominent in conscious experience. An evolving view on the brain is that it can be seen as a prediction machine that optimizes its ability to predict states of the world and the self through the top-down propagation of predictions and the bottom-up presentation of prediction errors. There are competing views though on whether prediction or prediction errors dominate the formation of conscious experience. Yet, the dynamic effects of prediction on perception, decision making and consciousness have been difficult to assess and to model. We propose a novel mathematical framework and a psychophysical paradigm that allows us to assess both the hierarchical structuring of perceptual consciousness, its content and the impact of predictions and/or errors on conscious experience, attention and decision-making. Using a displacement detection task combined with reverse correlation, we reveal signatures of the usage of prediction at three different levels of perceptual processing: bottom-up fast saccades, top-down driven slow saccades and consciousnes decisions. Our results suggest that the brain employs multiple parallel mechanism at different levels of perceptual processing in order to shape effective sensory consciousness within a predicted perceptual scene. We further observe that bottom-up sensory and top-down predictive processes can be dissociated through cognitive load. We propose a probabilistic data association model from dynamical systems theory to model the predictive multi-scale bias in perceptual processing that we observe and its role in the formation of conscious experience. We propose that these results support the hypothesis that consciousness provides a time-delayed description of a task that is used to prospectively optimize real time control structures, rather than being engaged in the real-time control of behavior itselfThis work was carried out as part of the CEEDS project; an EU funded Integrated Project under the Seventh Framework Programme (ICT-258749) and ERC grant cDAC (ERC-341196)

    Visual anticipation biases conscious decision making but not bottom-up visual processing

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    Prediction plays a key role in control of attention but it is not clear which aspects of prediction are most prominent in conscious experience. An evolving view on the brain is that it can be seen as a prediction machine that optimizes its ability to predict states of the world and the self through the top-down propagation of predictions and the bottom-up presentation of prediction errors. There are competing views though on whether prediction or prediction errors dominate the formation of conscious experience. Yet, the dynamic effects of prediction on perception, decision making and consciousness have been difficult to assess and to model. We propose a novel mathematical framework and a psychophysical paradigm that allows us to assess both the hierarchical structuring of perceptual consciousness, its content and the impact of predictions and/or errors on conscious experience, attention and decision-making. Using a displacement detection task combined with reverse correlation, we reveal signatures of the usage of prediction at three different levels of perceptual processing: bottom-up fast saccades, top-down driven slow saccades and consciousnes decisions. Our results suggest that the brain employs multiple parallel mechanism at different levels of perceptual processing in order to shape effective sensory consciousness within a predicted perceptual scene. We further observe that bottom-up sensory and top-down predictive processes can be dissociated through cognitive load. We propose a probabilistic data association model from dynamical systems theory to model the predictive multi-scale bias in perceptual processing that we observe and its role in the formation of conscious experience. We propose that these results support the hypothesis that consciousness provides a time-delayed description of a task that is used to prospectively optimize real time control structures, rather than being engaged in the real-time control of behavior itselfThis work was carried out as part of the CEEDS project; an EU funded Integrated Project under the Seventh Framework Programme (ICT-258749) and ERC grant cDAC (ERC-341196)

    Precursors of logical reasoning in preverbal human infants

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    Infants are able to entertain hypotheses about complex events and to modify them rationally when faced with inconsistent evidence. These capacities suggest that infants can use elementary logical representations to frame and prune hypotheses. By presenting scenes containing ambiguities about the identity of an object, here we showthat 12- and 19-month-old infants look longer at outcomes that are inconsistent with a logical inference necessary to resolve such ambiguities. At the moment of a potential deduction, infants' pupils dilated, and their eyes moved toward the ambiguous object when inferences could be computed, in contrast to transparent scenes not requiring inferences to identify the object. These oculomotor markers resembled those of adults inspecting similar scenes, suggesting that intuitive and stable logical structures involved in the interpretation of dynamic scenes may be part of the fabric of the human mind

    Inference of human affective states from psychophysiological measurements extracted under ecologically valid conditions

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    Compared to standard laboratory protocols, the measurement of psychophysiological signals in real world experiments poses technical and methodological challenges due to external factors that cannot be directly controlled. To address this problem, we propose a hybrid approach based on an immersive and human accessible space called the eXperience Induction Machine (XIM), that incorporates the advantages of a laboratory within a life-like setting. The XIM integrates unobtrusive wearable sensors for the acquisition of psychophysiological signals suitable for ambulatory emotion research. In this paper, we present results from two different studies conducted to validate the XIM as a general-purpose sensing infrastructure for the study of human affective states under ecologically valid conditions. In the first investigation, we recorded and classified signals from subjects exposed to pictorial stimuli corresponding to a range of arousal levels, while they were free to walk and gesticulate. In the second study, we designed an experiment that follows the classical conditioning paradigm, a well-known procedure in the behavioral sciences, with the additional feature that participants were free to move in the physical space, as opposed to similar studies measuring physiological signals in constrained laboratory settings. Our results indicate that, by using our sensing infrastructure, it is indeed possible to infer human event-elicited affective states through measurements of psychophysiological signals under ecological conditions.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-ICT-2009-5) under grant agreement n. 258749 [CEEDS]. The Generalitat de Catalunya (CUR, DIUE) and the European Social Fund are supporting this research

    Inference of human affective states from psychophysiological measurements extracted under ecologically valid conditions

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    Compared to standard laboratory protocols, the measurement of psychophysiological signals in real world experiments poses technical and methodological challenges due to external factors that cannot be directly controlled. To address this problem, we propose a hybrid approach based on an immersive and human accessible space called the eXperience Induction Machine (XIM), that incorporates the advantages of a laboratory within a life-like setting. The XIM integrates unobtrusive wearable sensors for the acquisition of psychophysiological signals suitable for ambulatory emotion research. In this paper, we present results from two different studies conducted to validate the XIM as a general-purpose sensing infrastructure for the study of human affective states under ecologically valid conditions. In the first investigation, we recorded and classified signals from subjects exposed to pictorial stimuli corresponding to a range of arousal levels, while they were free to walk and gesticulate. In the second study, we designed an experiment that follows the classical conditioning paradigm, a well-known procedure in the behavioral sciences, with the additional feature that participants were free to move in the physical space, as opposed to similar studies measuring physiological signals in constrained laboratory settings. Our results indicate that, by using our sensing infrastructure, it is indeed possible to infer human event-elicited affective states through measurements of psychophysiological signals under ecological conditions.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7-ICT-2009-5) under grant agreement n. 258749 [CEEDS]. The Generalitat de Catalunya (CUR, DIUE) and the European Social Fund are supporting this research