103 research outputs found

    Sh2-205: II. Its quiescent stellar formation activity

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    We present a study of active stellar forming regions in the environs of the HII region Sh2-205. The analysis is based on data obtained from point source catalogues and images extracted from 2MASS, MSX, and IRAS surveys. Complementary data are taken from CO survey. The identification of primary candidates to stellar formation activity is made following colour criteria and the correlation with molecular gas emission. A number of stellar formation tracer candidates are projected on two substructures of the HII region: SH148.83-0.67 and SH149.25-0.00. However, the lack of molecular gas related to these structures casts doubts on the nature of the sources. Additional infrared sources may be associated with the HI shell centered at (l,b) = (149\degr 0\arcmin, -1\degr 30\arcmin). The most striking active area was found in connection to the HII region LBN 148.11-0.45, where stellar formation candidates are projected onto molecular gas. The analytical model to the "collect and collapse" process shows that stellar formation activity could have been triggered by the expansion of this HII region.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS, 10 pages, 5 figures, 5 table

    Two-Stage Cryogenic HEMT Based Amplifier For Low Temperature Detectors

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    To search for dark matter candidates with masses below O\mathcal{O}(MeV), the SPLENDOR (Search for Particles of Light dark mattEr with Narrow-gap semiconDuctORs) experiment is developing novel narrow-bandgap semiconductors with electronic bandgaps on the order of 1-100 meV. In order to detect the charge signal produced by scattering or absorption events, SPLENDOR has designed a two-stage cryogenic HEMT-based amplifier with an estimated charge resolution approaching the single-electron level. A low-capacitance (\sim1.6 pF) HEMT is used as a buffer stage at T=10mKT=10\,\mathrm{mK} to mitigate effects of stray capacitance at the input. The buffered signal is then amplified by a higher-capacitance (\sim200 pF) HEMT amplifier stage at T=4KT=4\,\mathrm{K}. Importantly, the design of this amplifier makes it usable with any insulating material - allowing for rapid prototyping of a variety of novel detector materials. We present the two-stage cryogenic amplifier design, preliminary voltage noise performance, and estimated charge resolution of 7.2 electrons.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, conference proceedings for LTD2

    Intestinal Inflammation Responds to Microbial Tissue Load Independent of Pathogen/Non-Pathogen Discrimination

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    The intestinal immune system mounts inflammatory responses to pathogens but tolerates harmless commensal microbiota. Various mechanisms for pathogen/non-pathogen discrimination have been proposed but their general relevance for inflammation control is unclear. Here, we compared intestinal responses to pathogenic Salmonella and non-pathogenic E. coli. Both microbes entered intestinal Peyer’s patches and, surprisingly, induced qualitatively and quantitatively similar initial inflammatory responses revealing a striking discrimination failure. Diverging inflammatory responses only occurred when Salmonella subsequently proliferated and induced escalating neutrophil infiltration, while harmless E. coli was rapidly cleared from the tissue and inflammation resolved. Transient intestinal inflammation induced by harmless E. coli tolerized against subsequent exposure thereby preventing chronic inflammation during repeated exposure. These data revealed a striking failure of the intestinal immune system to discriminate pathogens from harmless microbes based on distinct molecular signatures. Instead, appropriate intestinal responses to gut microbiota might be ensured by immediate inflammatory responses to any rise in microbial tissue loads, and desensitization after bacterial clearance

    Coordinated Regulation of Virulence during Systemic Infection of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhimurium

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    To cause a systemic infection, Salmonella must respond to many environmental cues during mouse infection and express specific subsets of genes in a temporal and spatial manner, but the regulatory pathways are poorly established. To unravel how micro-environmental signals are processed and integrated into coordinated action, we constructed in-frame non-polar deletions of 83 regulators inferred to play a role in Salmonella enteriditis Typhimurium (STM) virulence and tested them in three virulence assays (intraperitoneal [i.p.], and intragastric [i.g.] infection in BALB/c mice, and persistence in 129X1/SvJ mice). Overall, 35 regulators were identified whose absence attenuated virulence in at least one assay, and of those, 14 regulators were required for systemic mouse infection, the most stringent virulence assay. As a first step towards understanding the interplay between a pathogen and its host from a systems biology standpoint, we focused on these 14 genes. Transcriptional profiles were obtained for deletions of each of these 14 regulators grown under four different environmental conditions. These results, as well as publicly available transcriptional profiles, were analyzed using both network inference and cluster analysis algorithms. The analysis predicts a regulatory network in which all 14 regulators control the same set of genes necessary for Salmonella to cause systemic infection. We tested the regulatory model by expressing a subset of the regulators in trans and monitoring transcription of 7 known virulence factors located within Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI-2). These experiments validated the regulatory model and showed that the response regulator SsrB and the MarR type regulator, SlyA, are the terminal regulators in a cascade that integrates multiple signals. Furthermore, experiments to demonstrate epistatic relationships showed that SsrB can replace SlyA and, in some cases, SlyA can replace SsrB for expression of SPI-2 encoded virulence factors

    Performance of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter end-cap module 0

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    The construction and beam test results of the ATLAS electromagnetic end-cap calorimeter pre-production module 0 are presented. The stochastic term of the energy resolution is between 10% GeV^1/2 and 12.5% GeV^1/2 over the full pseudorapidity range. Position and angular resolutions are found to be in agreement with simulation. A global constant term of 0.6% is obtained in the pseudorapidity range 2.5 eta 3.2 (inner wheel)

    Construction, assembly and tests of the ATLAS electromagnetic barrel calorimeter

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    The construction and assembly of the two half barrels of the ATLAS central electromagnetic calorimeter and their insertion into the barrel cryostat are described. The results of the qualification tests of the calorimeter before installation in the LHC ATLAS pit are given

    An algorithm for mapping the positions of point scatterers

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    We investigate the feasibility of mapping point scatterers based only on multipath signal component delay estimates, i.e., no angleof- arrival information is assumed to be available. In this work we focus on the generation of input data to a point scatterer mapping algorithm that was recently proposed in [1]. In an effort to make the mapping problem computationally tractable in ultra-wide band networks, we first propose a mechanism that detects the presence of new point scatterers in an environment, and reduces the number of unwanted signal components due to other scattering objects in the environment. We also propose to group signal components into clusters, and base delay estimates on the cluster arrival times, instead of on individual signal components. Computer simulations of an ultra-wide band network indicate that reasonably accurate point scatterer mapping should indeed be feasible in some scenarios using only estimates of signal component delay