421 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Beriventasi Sejak Dini di Pasar Modal

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    Pasar Modal di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) memudahkan para masyarakat untuk mengelola dananya dipasar modal. Aktivitas di BEI merupakan tempat bertemunya antara Perusahaan yang membutuhkan danadan para investor yang mempunyai dana untuk di investasikan dengan menabung saham. Pelatihan yangdilakukan di Perguruan Advent Bogor merupakan bentuk untuk mengajak Siswa-Siswi, Guru, dan WargaPerguruan Advent Bogor untuk berinvestasi sejak dini yang diprogramkan pemerintah yaitu Yuk NabungSaham. Tujuan khusus dari Pelatihan Kepada Masayarakat adalah Penyampain materi, diskusi dan simulasi.Perguruan Advent Bogor, yang terus berkelanjutan untuk ikut berperan aktif menjadi investor di BursaEfek Jakart

    Pengaruh Disiplin Kerja, Motivasi Kerja dan Pelatihan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT Dua Delapan Ayoda Group = The Effect of Work Discipline, Work Motivation and Training on Employee Performance at PT Dua Delapan Ayoda Group

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    This study aims to determine the effect of work discipline, work motivation and job training on employee performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda. The type of research used is quantitative. The object of this research is Work Discipline, Work Motivation, Job Training, and Employee Performance. The population is 50 people, then the entire population will be sampled as many as 50 employees at PT Dua Eight Ayoda. The analytical method used is validity test, reliability test, simple linear regression test, multiple linear regression, coefficient of determination hypothesis test, T test and F test. Data collection techniques used are questionnaires, interviews and literature study. The data analysis technique in this study uses regression testing and model testing (Coefficient of determination R square) and SPSS 25. The results of this study are high work discipline can improve employee performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between work discipline high can improve employee performance indicated by a significant value <0.05; df = n-3 = 50-2 = 48, then Ha is accepted. High motivation can improve employee performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda, so there is a significant effect between work motivation on employee performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda, indicated by a significant value <0.05; df = n-3 = 50-2 = 48, then Ha is accepted. Optimal Job Training can improve Employee Performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda, then there is a significant effect between Job Training on Employee Performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda indicated by a significant value <0.05; df = n-2 = 50-2 = 48, then Ha is accepted and there is a significant overall effect between Work Discipline, Work Motivation and Job Training on Employee Performance at PT Dua Eight Ayoda. This is indicated by a significant value <5% (0.05), and df: (n-k-1) = 50-3-1 = 46, then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. Keywords: Work Stress, Work Motivation, Employee Performanc

    Pemberian Motivasi Cinta Lingkungan Kepada Siswasiswi SMA

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    Kerusakan kualitas lingkungan disebabkan juga oleh sistem pendidikan yang tidak memperhatikanpendidikan lingkungan terhadap anak didik sejak dini. Tujuan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalahmemberikan motivasi kepada siswa-siswa SMA dalam memelihara lingkungan sejak dini. Metodologi penulisanlaporan ini adalah dengan metode deskriptif. Metode pelaksanaan diawali dengan rapat perencanaan, persiapanbahan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Kegiatan pelaksanaan dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan siswa-siswi SMA dariPerguruan Advent Bogor dalam suatu kelas, lalu diberikan paparan mengapa mereka perlu mencintailingkungan demi generasi mereka sendiri. Perhatian utama yang menjadi acuan adalah lingkungan sungai,karena semua sampah pada akhirnya akan hanyut ke aliran sungai menuju laut. Pemaparan juga mengenaiSungai Citarum yang menjadi perhatian dunia karena sangat kotor dan sampai saat ini belum dapat dibersihkansecara baik. Para peserta, siswa-siswi dan guru-guru, memperhatikan dengan seksama dan banyak bertanyamengenai siapa yang bertanggung jawab mengenai kelestarian lingkungan apakah pemesrintah atau pihaklainnya. Pihak yang terutama menjaga lingkungan adalah diri sendiri agar lingkungan yang bersih dapatdinikmati secara baik sampai dengan generasi yang akan datang


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    Fiscal correction performed by the taxpayer because there are differences in the calculation of the profit according to the accounting in particular (commercial) with the profit according to the tax (fiscal). Knowing PT.Swakita Indonesia in the income statement in accordance with the tax laws of Corporate Income Tax Act No. 36 of 2008 Article 9 paragraph 1 letter (b) that "can not be deducted in the gross income of the company are the costs incurred or charged by the company for the personal benefit of shareholders, partners or members, such as a personal home improvement, travel expenses, the cost of insurance premiums paid by the company for the benefit of private shareholders or their families ". As for the burden or expense on PT Swakita Indonesia with fiscal correction amount Rp 5,158,850,815Keywords : Taxation, Fiscal correction, Gain or loss of commercial

    Long-time Low-latency Quantum Memory by Dynamical Decoupling

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    Quantum memory is a central component for quantum information processing devices, and will be required to provide high-fidelity storage of arbitrary states, long storage times and small access latencies. Despite growing interest in applying physical-layer error-suppression strategies to boost fidelities, it has not previously been possible to meet such competing demands with a single approach. Here we use an experimentally validated theoretical framework to identify periodic repetition of a high-order dynamical decoupling sequence as a systematic strategy to meet these challenges. We provide analytic bounds-validated by numerical calculations-on the characteristics of the relevant control sequences and show that a "stroboscopic saturation" of coherence, or coherence plateau, can be engineered, even in the presence of experimental imperfection. This permits high-fidelity storage for times that can be exceptionally long, meaning that our device-independent results should prove instrumental in producing practically useful quantum technologies.Comment: abstract and authors list fixe

    Explanation and elaboration of the SQUIRE (Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence) Guidelines, V.2.0: examples of SQUIRE elements in the healthcare improvement literature

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    Since its publication in 2008, SQUIRE (Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence) has contributed to the completeness and transparency of reporting of quality improvement work, providing guidance to authors and reviewers of reports on healthcare improvement work. In the interim, enormous growth has occurred in understanding factors that influence the success, and failure, of healthcare improvement efforts. Progress has been particularly strong in three areas: the understanding of the theoretical basis for improvement work; the impact of contextual factors on outcomes; and the development of methodologies for studying improvement work. Consequently, there is now a need to revise the original publication guidelines. To reflect the breadth of knowledge and experience in the field, we solicited input from a wide variety of authors, editors and improvement professionals during the guideline revision process. This Explanation and Elaboration document (E&E) is a companion to the revised SQUIRE guidelines, SQUIRE 2.0. The product of collaboration by an international and interprofessional group of authors, this document provides examples from the published literature, and an explanation of how each reflects the intent of a specific item in SQUIRE. The purpose of the guidelines is to assist authors in writing clearly, precisely and completely about systematic efforts to improve the quality, safety and value of healthcare services. Authors can explore the SQUIRE statement, this E&E and related documents in detail at http://www.squire-statement.org

    Risk factors for situs defects and congenital heart disease in primary ciliary dyskinesia

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    Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is associated with abnormal organ positioning (situs) and congenital heart disease (CHD). This study investigated genotype–phenotype associations in PCD to facilitate risk predictions for cardiac and laterality defects. This retrospective cohort study of 389 UK patients with PCD found 51% had abnormal situs and 25% had CHD and/or laterality defects other than situs inversus totalis. Patients with biallelic mutations in a subset of nine PCD genes had normal situs. Patients with consanguineous parents had higher odds of situs abnormalities than patients with non-consanguineous parents. Patients with abnormal situs had higher odds of CHD and/or laterality defects

    Face recognition and visual search strategies in autism spectrum disorders: Amending and extending a recent review by Weigelt et al.

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    The purpose of this review was to build upon a recent review by Weigelt et al. which examined visual search strategies and face identification between individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and typically developing peers. Seven databases, CINAHL Plus, EMBASE, ERIC, Medline, Proquest, PsychInfo and PubMed were used to locate published scientific studies matching our inclusion criteria. A total of 28 articles not included in Weigelt et al. met criteria for inclusion into this systematic review. Of these 28 studies, 16 were available and met criteria at the time of the previous review, but were mistakenly excluded; and twelve were recently published. Weigelt et al. found quantitative, but not qualitative, differences in face identification in individuals with ASD. In contrast, the current systematic review found both qualitative and quantitative differences in face identification between individuals with and without ASD. There is a large inconsistency in findings across the eye tracking and neurobiological studies reviewed. Recommendations for future research in face recognition in ASD were discussed
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