Online Journals Universitas Kristen Indonesia
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    1773 research outputs found

    A Critical Discourse Analysis towards Utterances in Dentist-Patient Communication

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    The interaction between dentists and patients has been a common issue. Nevertheless, the study regarding the Critical Discourse Analysis on utterances used by dentists when taking care of patients remains unknown. This study aims to discover (1) the experience of fresh-graduate dentists in learning how to interact or communicate with patients at their undergraduate program (past experience) and (2) how they use utterances in taking care of patient (current experience). In achieving the goals of the study, researchers employed narrative inquiry as the design of this study and used open-ended questions as a means of collecting data. The collected data was then analyzed in regard to the Critical Discourse Analysis to find whether the utterances used in taking care of patients were relevant to the knowledge they obtained in undergraduate program. Outcome of this study reveals that the experience regarding communication between dentists and patients, both in undergraduate program and at current practice, are interconnected to each other


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    Coffee shops today are very easy to find in many places. Even small towns we can find cafes or coffee shops. But deaf coffee shop coffee shop has a different concept from most other coffee shops. This coffee shop has the uniqueness of its service that uses sign language as a way of their interaction. All employees who work in this coffee shop are deaf or disabled. The shortcomings they have are precisely what they use as the potential of the business they are currently running. That's why the author became interested in doing research on this coffee shop. The purpose of this study was to show how the communication process between hearing friends and deaf friends and their effectiveness in interacting with each other in the buying and selling process. In addition, this research also aims to find out what marketing strategies and goals this coffee shop wants to achieve. The research methods used in this study are literature studies, interviews, and data collection by conducting surveys about deaf coffee shops.Coffee shop saat ini sudah sangat mudah kita temui di banyak tempat. Bahkan kota-kota kecil sekalipun sudah bisa kita jumpai cafe atau coffee shop. Namun coffee shop kopi tuli memiliki konsep yang berbeda dari kebanyakan coffee shop lain. Coffee shop ini memiliki keunikan dari pelayanan nya yang menggunakan bahasa isyarat sebagai cara interaksi mereka. Semua karyawan yang bekerja di coffee shop ini adalah seorang tunarungu atau disabilitas. Kekurangan yang mereka miliki justru mereka gunakan sebagai potensi bisnis yang mereka jalani saat ini. Karena itulah penulis menjadi tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian pada kedai kopi ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menunjukkan bagaimana proses komunikasi antara teman dengar dan teman tuli dan efektivitasnya dalam berinteraksi satu sama lain dalam proses jual beli. Selain itu penelitian ini juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui strategi pemasaran dan sasaran apa yang ingin dicapai oleh coffee shop ini. Metode penelitian yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah studi pustaka, wawancara, dan pengumpulan data dengan mengadakan survey mengenai coffee shop tuli ini

    Talinum paniculatum (Jacq.) Gertn (Kajian Pemanfaatannya sebagai Bahan Pangan dan Bioaktivitasnya

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    Talinum paniculatum (Talinaceae), known by local Indonesians as Javanese ginseng, has long been used as a vegetable and traditional medicine, but information is limited to certain circles. This study aims to explain the benefits of T. paniculatum as a food ingredient and its bioactivity. This research is library research obtained from Google Scholar using the keywords T. paniculatum, uses T. paniculatum and T. paniculatum bioactivity. In Indonesia, T. paniculatum is easily found in the surrounding environment, either intentionally planted or growing wild and has been traded in traditional markets as a vegetable ingredient. The use of T. paniculatum as a food ingredient is related to its nutritional content in the form of protein, fiber, ascorbic acid, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. The bioactivity of T. paniculatum includes: increasing sexual activity and estrogenic activity, anti-microbial, aphrodisiac, anti-hypertensive, anti-oxidant and anti-aging. Talinum paniculatum has the potential to be developed as a healthy food ingredient, especially as an anti-microbial and anti-aging

    Digital Marketing for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) in Jakarta Capital Special Region

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    The DKI Jakarta government socializes and facilitates improvements in welfare through small and medium enterprises (SME) activities in Jakarta. Digital marketing breakthroughs are one effort to increase the pace of the economy for the residents of Jakarta. So, it is hoped that SME can adapt to Era Society 5.0. This system was created to accelerate the implementation of small and medium enterprises (SME) and collaborate with fellow entrepreneurs practicing the digital marketing information system


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    Sentani Jayapura International Airport is the largest and busiest airport in Papua because apart from serving travel routes to and from Papua. This airport is also a hub to serve travel routes to and from the interior or the Central Mountains in Papua. Therefore, this airport serves various sizes of aircraft from small planes to large planes, which causes a high traffic flow of aircraft movements on the runway. This study will examine the addition of a second runway by analyzing aircraft movements in the next 10 years using regression analysis and analyzing runway capacity and then planning the runway geometry using the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) and SKEP77 (Government Decree on Airport Operation Technical Requirements). ). The results showed that the prediction of aircraft movements in the 5th year reached 35 aircraft movements every hour. This shows that the capacity on the runway is classified as dense (overload). Therefore, it is necessary to add a second runway so that the aircraft movement is more optimal. Based on the results of the KKOP analysis, there is still room for a second runway with a distance between runways of 350 m. The geometric calculation of the second runway based on the type of aircraft served and its geographical location, obtained a length of 3,000 m with a width of 45 m and a runway shoulder of 7.5 mBandar Udara Internasional Sentani Jayapura merupakan bandara terbesar dan tersibuk di Papua karena selain melayani rute perjalanan dari dan ke luar Papua. Bandara ini juga sebagai hub untuk melayani rute perjalanan dari dan ke wilayah pedalaman atau Pegunungan Tengah di Papua. Oleh karena itu, bandara ini melayani berbagai jenis ukuran pesawat dari pesawat kecil hingga pesawat besar yang menyebabkan tingginya lalu lintas pergerakan pesawat pada landasan pacu. Penelitian ini akan mengkaji tentang penambahan runway kedua dengan menganalisis kapasitas landasan pacu memprediksi pergerakan pesawat 10 tahun mendatang menggunakan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa prediksi pergerakan pesawat pada tahun ke 5 mencapai 35 pergerakan pesawat setiap jam. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa kapasitas landasan pacu sudah tergolong padat (overload). Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan penambahan landasan pacu kedua agar pergerakan pesawat lebih optimal. Berdasarkan hasil analisis KKOP masih tersedia ruang untuk landasan pacu kedua dengan jarak antar landasan yaitu 350 m.  Perhitungan geometrik landasan pacu kedua berdasarkan jenis pesawat yang dilayani dan letak geografisnya,  didapat panjang 3.000 m dengan lebar 45 m serta bahu landasan 7.5


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    This study aims to produce worksheets based on the ICARE approach that are valid and practical and have a potential effect on algebraic arithmetic operations material. This research is a development research or Development Research. The LKPD development process goes through two stages, namely the preliminary stage and the formative evaluation stage. The LKPD was declared valid after being validated by three experts based on: 1. ICARE characteristics, 2. The suitability of the material to basic competencies and indicators of competency achievement, and 3. Grammatical compatibility according to the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI). While the practicality of LKPD is seen from the responses of students in small groups in answering questions. The potential effect is seen from the results of students' final ability tests. student learning outcomes obtained an average final grade of  85.35 which means that student learning outcomes are classified as very good. So it can be concluded that the ICARE approach-based worksheets that have been developed have a potential effect on student learning outcomes.This study aims to produce worksheets based on the ICARE approach that are valid and practical and have a potential effect on algebraic arithmetic operations material. This research is a development research or Development Research. The LKPD development process goes through two stages, namely the preliminary stage and the formative evaluation stage. The LKPD was declared valid after being validated by three experts based on: 1. ICARE characteristics, 2. The suitability of the material to basic competencies and indicators of competency achievement, and 3. Grammatical compatibility according to the General Guidelines for Indonesian Spelling (PUEBI). While the practicality of LKPD is seen from the responses of students in small groups in answering questions. The potential effect is seen from the results of students' final ability tests. student learning outcomes obtained an average final grade of  85.35 which means that student learning outcomes are classified as very good. So it can be concluded that the ICARE approach-based worksheets that have been developed have a potential effect on student learning outcomes

    Gambaran Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) pada Calon Guru Biologi Di Universitas Kristen Indonesia

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    This research aimed to determine the ability level of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) students of biology education at the Christian University of Indonesia. This research was a qualitative descriptive research. Data collection was carried out in two ways, namely by conducting a survey of respondents about pedagogic knowledge and content knowledge, then observing the learning implementation plan document which was assessed by two panelists. The population in this study were students of the Biology Education study program at the Christian University of Indonesia. The conclusion of this study was 1) The level of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) ability of biology education students was sufficient in terms of the results of written tests regarding Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) knowledge, 2) Biology education students' Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) ability level entry into the criteria is sufficient in terms of the results of the observation of the learning implementation plan (RPP) documen


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    The purpose of this study is to design and build an educational game based on android thinking math using the Kodular web-based tool with block programming language. This educational game is needed as an effort to train one's mathematical reasoning skills, and eliminate boredom and fear for those who want to learn mathematics. The results of five studies related to mathematics educational games, generally stated that mathematics educational games could increase one's interest in learning mathematics which were used effectively and interestingly. The method used is the Waterfall educational game development method. The tool used to analyze the compiler uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The result of the study is an Android-based math learning game. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that the implementation of the thinking math educational game to train mathematical reasoning skills was successfully carried out. For this educational game itself, it is hoped that it can be further developed in terms of animation, design, features, music, various quiz questions with more varied subject matter and more effective programming so that it becomes more interesting.The purpose of this study is to design and build an educational game based on android thinking math using the Kodular web-based tool with block programming language. This educational game is needed as an effort to train one's mathematical reasoning skills, and eliminate boredom and fear for those who want to learn mathematics. The results of five studies related to mathematics educational games, generally stated that mathematics educational games could increase one's interest in learning mathematics which were used effectively and interestingly. The method used is the Waterfall educational game development method. The tool used to analyze the compiler uses the Unified Modeling Language (UML). The result of the study is an Android-based math learning game. Based on the test results, it can be concluded that the implementation of the thinking math educational game to train mathematical reasoning skills was successfully carried out. For this educational game itself, it is hoped that it can be further developed in terms of animation, design, features, music, various quiz questions with more varied subject matter and more effective programming so that it becomes more interesting


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    The quality of Crude Palm Oil is known from the level of impurities and oil losses. Many factors cause the quality of CPO is not as expected, one of which is temperature. This study aims to know the relationship between temperature and levels of impurities. The research method used is descriptive corellation research and then look for the correlation coefficient to see the relationship between these two variables. The results showed that at a temperature of 900C - 950C, an impurity contents of 0.22% - 0.37% and r = -0.9584 which means that there is a strong negative relationship, namely the temperature. higher, the lower the level of impurities.The quality of Crude Palm Oil is known from the level of impurities and oil losses. Many factors cause the quality of CPO is not as expected, one of which is temperature. This study aims to know the relationship between temperature and levels of impurities. The research method used is descriptive corellation research and then look for the correlation coefficient to see the relationship between these two variables. The results showed that at a temperature of 900C - 950C, an impurity contents of 0.22% - 0.37% and r = -0.9584 which means that there is a strong negative relationship, namely the temperature. higher, the lower the level of impurities


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