5 research outputs found

    Development of a Multi-directional Direct Simple Shear Testing Device for Characterization of the Cyclic Shear Response of Marine Clays

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    This dissertation describes the development of a new multi-directional direct simple shear testing device, the Texas A&M Multi-directional Direct Simple Shear (TAMU-MDSS), for testing marine soil samples under conditions, which simulate, at the element level, the state of stress acting within a submarine slope under dynamic loading. Prototype testing and an experimental program to characterize the response of marine clays to complex loading conditions are presented. The work is divided into four major components: 1) Equipment Development: Design and construction of a prototype multi-directional direct simple shear testing device (TAMU-MDSS) that addresses the limitations of previous devices. 2) Support systems: selection of control software, development of data acquisition system and design of back pressure systems for direct pore pressure measurements. 3) Prototype Testing: performance of the TAMU MDSS system and testing of strain-control and stress-control capabilities. 4) Experimental Testing: characterize the response of marine clays to monotonic, dynamic and random loads. The two-directional monotonic, cyclic, circular and figure-8 tests demonstrated the undrained shear strength increases with increasing initial shear stress, (i.e, slope), for shearing in the same direction (equivalent to downhill). The strength decreases for shearing in the direction opposite to the initial stress (shearing uphill). The response is as brittle for shearing in the same direction as the shear stress applied during consolidation initial shear stress and ductile for shearing opposite to initial shear stress. These findings have important implications for the stability of the slope, predicting that forces acting downward in the slope direction will need to mobilize less strain to reach peak strength and initiate failure. This information provides insight into the behavior of marine soils under complex loading conditions, and provides high quality laboratory data for use in constitutive and finite element model development for analysis of submarine slopes

    Centering inclusivity in the design of online conferences—An OHBM–Open Science perspective

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    As the global health crisis unfolded, many academic conferences moved online in 2020. This move has been hailed as a positive step towards inclusivity in its attenuation of economic, physical, and legal barriers and effectively enabled many individuals from groups that have traditionally been underrepresented to join and participate. A number of studies have outlined how moving online made it possible to gather a more global community and has increased opportunities for individuals with various constraints, e.g., caregiving responsibilities. Yet, the mere existence of online conferences is no guarantee that everyone can attend and participate meaningfully. In fact, many elements of an online conference are still significant barriers to truly diverse participation: the tools used can be inaccessible for some individuals; the scheduling choices can favour some geographical locations; the set-up of the conference can provide more visibility to well-established researchers and reduce opportunities for early-career researchers. While acknowledging the benefits of an online setting, especially for individuals who have traditionally been underrepresented or excluded, we recognize that fostering social justice requires inclusivity to actively be centered in every aspect of online conference design. Here, we draw from the literature and from our own experiences to identify practices that purposefully encourage a diverse community to attend, participate in, and lead online conferences. Reflecting on how to design more inclusive online events is especially important as multiple scientific organizations have announced that they will continue offering an online version of their event when in-person conferences can resume

    Unravelling the Neural Basis of Spatial Delusions After Stroke

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    International audienc

    Brainhack: Developing a culture of open, inclusive, community-driven neuroscience

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    Brainhack is an innovative meeting format that promotes scientific collaboration and education in an open, inclusive environment. This NeuroView describes the myriad benefits for participants and the research community and how Brainhacks complement conventional formats to augment scientific progress