213 research outputs found

    La situación de enfermería: “un milagro de vida” en la aplicación integral del concepto de duelo

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    El duelo por la muerte es una situación que se encuentra inmersa en el diario vivir del personal de salud, es inherente a los procesos de enfermedad, hospitalización y muerte. Por tal motivo, es indispensable que los profesionales de enfermería tengan conocimiento, desarrollen habilidades y destrezas con relación a esta temática. En el presente artículo se describe la situación de enfermería “Un milagro de vida” en la que se narra la muerte de un hijo recién nacido. Posteriormente, se plantea el análisis y la formulación del concepto duelo, a partir de la revisión bibliográfica y la experiencia personal

    Early Risk Factors for Obesity in the First 1000 Days-Relationship with Body Fat and BMI at 2 Years

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    Background: Obesity is defined as an excessive accumulation of body fat. Several early developmental factors have been identified which are associated with an increased risk of childhood obesity and increased adiposity in childhood. The primary objective of the present study is to analyse the effect of various early risk factors on Body Mass Index (BMI) and body fat percentage at 2 years of age. (2) Methods: A prospective cohort study design was used, with the sample consisting of 109 mother-child pairs from whom data were collected between early pregnancy and 2 years old. Adiposity was determined based on skinfold measurements using the Brooks and Siri formulae. Mean comparison tests (Student's t-test and ANOVAs) and multiple linear regression models were used to analyse the relationship between early programming factors and dependent variables. (3) Results: Maternal excess weight during early pregnancy (beta = 0.203, p = 0.026), gestational smoking (beta = 0.192, p = 0.036), and accelerated weight gain in the first 2 years (beta = - 0.269, p = 0.004) were significantly associated with high body fat percentage. Pre-pregnancy BMI and accelerated weight gain in the first 2 years were associated with high BMI z-score (beta = 0.174, p = 0.047 and beta = 0.417, p = 0.000 respectively). The cumulative effect of these variables resulted in high values compared to the baseline zero-factor group, with significant differences in BMI z-score (F = 8.640, p = 0.000) and body fat percentage (F = 5.402, p = 0.002) when three factors were present. (4) Conclusions: The presence of several early risk factors related to obesity in infancy was significantly associated with higher BMI z-score and body fat percentage at 2 years of age. The presence of more than one of these variables was also associated with higher adiposity at 2 years of age. Early prevention strategies should address as many of these factors as possible.This study was supported by public funds, the ITI call (integrated territorial investment), developed by the Health Department of the Andalusian Government. The project has been 80% co-financed by funds from the FEDER operational program of Andalusia 2014-2020. Documen

    Autoaprendizaje a través de Moodle en las asignaturas de inglés y alemán en los distintos Grados de la UVa.

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    El presente proyecto tiene como objetivo principal la clasificación y organización de materiales electrónicos transversales para el (auto)aprendizaje de asignaturas de lenguas modernas (inglés y alemán) con fines académicos y específicos de los distintos Grados ofertados por la UVa. La metodología que hemos empleado en el proyecto responde a la modalidad “investigación-acción-formación”, ya que su finalidad ha consistido en desarrollar un conjunto de recursos didácticos orientados a la práctica educativa con el fin último de mejorar la calidad de ésta. El equipo de trabajo está compuesto por profesoras de los dos departamentos que imparten las lenguas modernas objeto de este proyecto, así como de alumnos de dos centros diferentes. Los recursos y objetos de aprendizaje diseñados han supuesto un importante reto para las profesoras, quienes han asumido la integración de distintos recursos a través de la plataforma Moodle 2.5 y cuya recepción por parte del alumnado ha sido muy satisfactoria, consiguiendo de esta forma una alta participación en el desarrollo de las asignaturas, ajustándose al aprendizaje autónomo de los alumnos y sus distintas necesidades, incrementando su motivación, estimulando y obligando al discente a poner en juego habilidades cognitivas y manipulativas y, finalmente, favoreciendo una enseñanza interactiva que ha canalizado la actitud de aprender a aprender.Departamento de Filología Francesa y AlemanaDepartamento de Filología Ingles

    Metal-organic and supramolecular lead(II) networks assembled from isomeric nicotinoylhydrazone blocks : the effects of ligand geometry and counter-ion on topology and supramolecular assembly

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    A new series of six structurally diverse lead(II) coordination compounds was assembled from two isomeric nicotinoylhydrazones as neutral ligands and three Pb(II) salts with different monoanions (chloride, nitrate and thiocyanate) as starting materials. The products were isolated in good yields and were fully characterized, including by single-crystal Xray diffraction and theoretical methods. Within the six compounds, three feature 2D metal-organic networks, two are 1D coordination polymers, and another one comprises discrete 0D dimeric units. The structures of the latter low dimensional compounds are extendable into 2D supramolecular networks. The topology of the coordination or supramolecular networks is primarily dictated by the geometry of the nicotinoylhydrazone used as a main building block. In contrast, supramolecular interactions are greatly influenced by the choice of the anion in the starting lead(II) salt, which is demonstrated by Hirshfeld surface analysis. In fact, the topological analysis and classification of metal-organic or supramolecular underlying networks in the obtained compounds was performed, disclosing the hcb, 2C1, gek1, SP 1-periodic net (4,4)(0,2) and 3,4L83 topological types; the latter topology was docummented for three compounds, including both coordination and supramolecular networks. In two compounds containing thiocyanate moieties there are supramolecular contacts between thiocyanate anions and lead centres. These were shown by DFT calculations to be strong tetrel bonds (–15.3 and –16.7 kcal/mol) between the σ-hole of the lead atom and the π-system of the thiocyanate S–C bond

    Single chain magnet behaviour in an enantiopure chiral cobalt(II)–copper(II) one-dimensional compound

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    The self-assembly of an enantiomerically pure, chiral dianionic oxamatocopper(II) complex with cobalt(II) ions leads to neutral oxamato-bridged heterobimetallic chains that combine chirality and slow magnetic relaxation, providing thus the first example of ‘‘chiral single chain magnets (CSCMs).Ruiz Garcia, Rafael, [email protected] ; Lloret Pastor, Francisco, [email protected]

    Metamagnetism in hydrophobically induced carboxylate (phenylmalonate)-bridged copper(II) layers

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    Self-assembly of copper(II) ions, phenylmalonate and pyrimidine yields the layered compound [Cu(pym)(Phmal)]n ( 1) where intralayer ferro- and interlayer antiferromagnetic interactions occur with three-dimensional antiferromagnetic ordering at Tc = 2.15 KLloret Pastor, Francisco, [email protected] ; Julve Olcina, Miguel, [email protected]

    Self-assembly and magnetic properties of a double-propeller octanuclear copper(II) complex with a meso-helicate-type metallacryptand core

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    An octanuclear copper(II) complex possessing a dimer-of-tetramers structure self-assembles from a binuclear oxamatocopper(II) metallacryptand of the meso-helicate type; its magnetic behaviour is consistent with its unique double-propeller molecular topology.Pardo Marín, Emilio José, [email protected] ; Julve Olcina, Miguel, [email protected] ; Lloret Pastor, Francisco, [email protected] ; Ruiz Garcia, Rafael, [email protected]

    Acute Impacts of Different Types of Exercise on Circulating α-Klotho Protein Levels

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    [EN] Elevated plasma α-klotho (αKl) protects against several ageing phenotypes and has been proposed as a biomarker of a good prognosis for different diseases. The beneficial health effects of elevated plasma levels of soluble αKl (SαKl) have been likened to the positive effects of exercise on ageing and chronic disease progression. It has also been established that molecular responses and adaptations differ according to exercise dose. The aim of this study is to compare the acute SαKl response to different exercise interventions, cardiorespiratory, and strength exercise in healthy, physically active men and to examine the behavior of SαKl 72h after acute strength exercise.S

    Grado de efectividad y correlación citología-colposcopia utilizadas como pruebas diagnósticas en una entidad de salud de Santa Marta

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    Objetive: Descriptive, correlational and retrospective study. Sougth to determine the effectiveness of the testing and correlation index between uterine cervical cytology and colposcopy, procedures performed in a health institution in Santa Marta, Colombia, in the period January to December 2011. Methods: analyzed 34 cases from the medical history of patients with similarity in the presumptive diagnosis of squamous intraepithelial lesion of low and high risk, were practiced uterine cervical cytology and colposcopy as a confirmatory test. The tests were practiced in the same entity under study, was analyzed by correlation index and effectiveness of the tests separately trhough the T test. Results: Women aged between 18 and 55 years old, the correlation index between cytology and colposcopy not evidenced direct relationship, obtaining a reverse and weak index. The individual analysis of effectiveness of tests through the T test, confirms higher effectiveness of colposcopy respect to the cytology. Conclusions: found higher effectiveness of colposcopy for the definition of the diagnosis in a group of patients treated with a reverse and weak relationship between the two testsObjetivo: estudio descriptivo correlacional, retrospectivo que buscó determinar la efectividad de las pruebas y el índice de correlación entre la citología cérvico uterina y la colposcopia, procedimientos realizados en una entidad de salud de Santa Marta, Colombia, en el período comprendido enero- diciembre 2011. Métodos: se analizaron 34 casos tomados de las historias clínicas de pacientes con similitud en su diagnóstico presuntivo de lesión intraepitelial escamosa (L.I.E) de bajo y alto riesgo, que se hubiesen efectuado citología cervico uterina y colposcopia como prueba confirmatoria; las pruebas se realizaron en la misma entidad objeto de estudio, sometido a análisis mediante índice de correlación y efectividad de las pruebas separadamente, mediante la prueba T de student. Resultados: mujeres en edad comprendida entre 18 y 55 años; no se evidenció relación entre citología cervico uterina y colposcopia, obteniendo un negativo y débil. El análisis individual de efectividad realizado a través de la prueba t de student, confirmó más efectividad de la colposcopia que de la citología Conclusiones: se comprobó mayor efectividad de la colposcopia para la definición del diagnóstico en un grupo de pacientes atendidas y una correlación negativa débil entre pruebas