920 research outputs found

    Informe sobre el aborto

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    Informe elaborado por la Comisión de la Vida. Grupo de Profesores católicos de la Universidad de Córdob

    Monitoring and preliminary analysis of the natural responses recorded in a poorly accessible streambed spring located at a fluviokarstic gorge in Southern Spain

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    The analysis of natural responses (hydrodynamic, hydrothermal and hydrochemical) of karst springs is a well-established approach to provide insights into the hydrogeological functioning of the aquifers that they drain. However, a suitable monitoring program of these responses are often difficult to launch in poorly accessible streambed springs, due to the mixing between surface water and groundwater, in addition to topographic impediments. This work describes the installation procedure of the measurement equipment and the preliminary hydrogeological dataset collected at the Charco del Moro spring (Southern Spain) during one year. This outlet emerges 5 m below water surface, at the bottom of a partially flooded 20 - 200 m deep and 2 km long gorge, eroded by the Guadiaro River streamflow. It is considered the largest discharge point in the region, draining groundwater from northern nearby carbonate outcrops, although its catchment area is not established yet. Continuous (hourly) monitoring of electrical conductivity, water temperature, turbidity and water level (discharge) reflects a high degree of heterogeneity in the duality of groundwater flow and storage dynamics, which is typical of karst conduit flow systemsUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Register: de la realización a la activación

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    Este artículo presenta el proceso de realización y activación del proyecto multimedia Register, que aborda la discontinuidad entre la inmediatez orgánica de la vida y el mundo simbólico mediante tecnologías intervenidas. Para ello, se emplearon tecnologías libres y abiertas formadas por dos sistemas interactivos de registro. Con ello, se generó una instalación formada por diferentes ambientes, donde dos artistas se encuentran inmersos en labores de recolección, clasificación y ficción, empleando diversos géneros, lenguajes y medios, como live art, new media performance y sound design, entre otros. El usuario se enfrenta a la construcción técnica manipulada de su propia imagen y a una experiencia estética donde se posiciona como espectador y es material fundamental e involuntario de la obra. Así, Register devela el proceso de construcción de la realidad mediada por imágenes esterotipadas en la cultura contemporánea

    The four axis of the current participatory culture. From virtual platforms to medialab

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    La nueva cultura digital ha transformado de forma drástica muchos de los paradigmas asumidos por las generaciones nativo-analógicas. En materia comunicacional y creativa esta afirmación se hace si cabe más traumática, pues la participación directa del consumidor-prosumidor en la creación de contenidos, puede entenderse ya como propio de una generación vinculada a un nuevo modelo cultural. Pero, ¿cuáles son los ejes sobre los que se vertebra este modelo? ¿Qué conceptos o significados y qué nuevas prácticas y procesos se imponen? ¿A qué nivel inciden estos sobre las prácticas implementadas en los centros culturales o medialabs? ¿Se atisban nuevos modelos como una nueva realidad híbrida que genera transferencias de lo virtual a lo físico y viceversa en este sentido?La respuesta a estas cuestiones, de vital importancia en el contexto actual, nos desvelará el nivel de impacto e influencia del modelo cultural sobre la sociedad, a través del análisis de los ejes que conforman esta nueva realidad.The new digital culture has dramatically changed many paradigms assumed by native-analog generations. This affirmation is more traumatic in communication and creative subject, because the direct participation of consumer-prosumer on content creation can be understood typical of a generation linked to a new cultural pattern. But, what are axis on which this pattern is structured? What concepts or meanings and what new practices and processes are imposed? What level of impact has these processes on the practices implemented in cultural centers or medialabs? It is expected that new models happen to be defined as a new hybrid reality that generates transfers of virtual to physical, and vice versa in this regard? The answer to these questions, of vital importance in the current context, will reveal us the impact level and influence of the cultural pattern on society, through analysis of axis that make up this new reality

    Application of Ultraintense Lasers to validate materials for laser fusion: production of ions and other relevant species

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    Justification of the need and demand of experimental facilities to test and validate materials for first wall in laser fusion reactors - Characteristics of the laser fusion products - Current ?possible? facilities for tests Ultraintense Lasers as ?complete? solution facility - Generation of ion pulses - Generation of X-ray pulses - Generation of other relevant particles (electrons, neutrons..

    Measure of the mining image

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    AbstractMining is a very important activity for economic and social development, but traditionally research has centered on its technical and operative aspects, instead of studying the image transmitted to the rest of society. This has originated diverse problems, fundamentally due to the information which the population receives via the mass media and which sometimes creates a current of opinion contrary to the development of this extraction activity. In order to resolve the mining communication problems it is necessary to develop a measure of the mining image based on a reliable and valid scale. This is a useful tool in developing a procedure to connect the society with other mining stakeholders and to analyze whether the real image of mining activity is similar to the image transmitted and perceived by society, since the news about the mining industry usually are focused on extreme situations or catastrophes that monopolize the information in the media. In this study a field research based on an attributes scale is developed, with the aim of measuring the mining image. The surveys were carried out in a mining area, where people have direct and real information about the mining industry and its consequences on society, environment and economy

    Propuesta de un modelo explicativo del bienestar psicológico en el contexto deportivo

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue poner a prueba un modelo teórico que explique el bienestar psicológico en el contexto del deporte. El modelo hipotetizó la influencia de la percepción del clima motivacional orientado a la tarea, la inteligencia emocional percibida, la orientación a la tarea y la motivación intrínseca sobre el bienestar psicológico. Los participantes fueron 399 deportistas españoles, 281 hombres y 118 mujeres. El modelo de ecuaciones estructurales mostró que la inteligencia emocional percibida medió parcialmente la relación entre el clima motivacional orientado a la tarea y la orientación a la tarea, donde la orientación a la tarea influyó sobre la motivación intrínseca, y la motivación intrínseca sobre el bienestar psicológico. Además, la inteligencia emocional percibida influyó directamente sobre el bienestar psicológico. El modelo se mostró invariante respecto a la variable aficionados versus profesionales. Los resultados son discutidos en el marco de la teoría de la autodeterminación y la teoría de las metas de logroThe aim of this study was to test a theoretical model that would explain psychological well-being within the of sport. The model hypothesised the influence of the perceived task motivation climate, perceived emotional intelligence, task orientation and intrinsic motivation on psychological well-being. The participants were 399 Spanish athletes, 281 of whom were male and 118 female. Structural equation modelling showed that intelligence partially mediated the relationship between task motivational climate and task orientation, in which task orientation influenced intrinsic motivation and in turn, intrinsic motivation influenced psychological well-being. Furthermore, perceived emotional intelligence directly influenced psychological well-being. The model was invariant across two sport settings: amateur versus professional athletes. The findings are discussed within the framework of the selfdetermination and achievement goal theorie

    e-rph, revista electrónica de patrimonio histórico

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    págs.: 47-54Capítulo incluido en el libro: Patrimonio histórico: difusión e imbricación americana. Rafael López Guzmán (Coord.). Sevilla: Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, 2013. ISBN 978-84-7993-230-5. Enlace: http://hdl.handle.net/10334/395