326 research outputs found

    Som conscients del malbaratament alimentari que generem? Percepció social i proposta de mesura

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    Ençà que la FAO notifiques al 2011 que es malbaratava un terç del menjar que es produeix pel consum humà anualment, el malbaratament alimentari està cobrant gran rellevància a nivell internacional. El context d’estudi del malbaratament alimentari és doble per una banda es consideren les seves conse-qüències ambientals mitjançant la gestió dels residus, i per l’altre s’analitza des de l’enfoc de l’alimentació. S’han desenvolupat diferents estudis que analitzen la magnitud del malbaratament ali-mentari, així com les seves repercussions ambientals, econòmiques i socials. Tot i això, són escassos aquells que aprofundeixen en les causes i les motivacions dels ciutadans que els porten a malbaratar aliments. El present treball fi de màster vol analitzar el comportament del malbaratament alimentari domèstic de l’Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona a partir de l’opinió dels seus ciutadans. L’estudi s’estructura en 3 parts : 1) estat de l’art i anàlisi de la regulació existent en matèria de malbaratament 2) plantejament, implementació i anàlisi d’una primera enquesta per a valorar la percepció social del problema (220 enquestes) 3) plantejament, implementació i anàlisi d’una segona enquesta per a definir un model de comportament associat al malbaratament (418 enquestes). S’han utilitzat els models d’equacions estruc-turals com a metodologia d’anàlisi del model de comportament. Les variables que s’han analitzat en el model són la prevenció de residus, el reciclatge, els hàbits alimentaris, la consciència ambiental i els valors materialistes de les persones. Els resultats obtinguts mostren una falta de consciència de la població de l’Àrea Metropolitana de la magnitud del problema del malbaratament alimentari, tanmateix es percep preocupació per aquest. El model de comportament ens mostra que els hàbits alimentaris i els comportaments de prevenció de residus defineixen en proporcions similars el malbaratament alimentari de les llars de l’Àrea Metropoli-tana.Des de que la FAO notificara en 2011 que se despilfarrra un tercio de la comida que se produce para el consumo humano anualmente, el despilfarro alimentario está cobrando gran relevancia internacional. El contexto de estudio del despilfarro alimentario es doble, por una banda se consideran sus consecuencias ambientales mediante la gestión de residuos, y por otra se analiza des del enfoque de la alimentación. Se han desarrollado diferentes estudios que analizan la magnitud del despilfarro alimentario, así como sus repercusiones ambientales, económicas y sociales. Aún y así, son escasos aquellos que profundizan en las causas o las motivaciones de los ciudadanos para llevarlos a desperdiciar alimentos. El presente trabajo fin de máster quiere analizar el comportamiento del despilfarro alimentario domésti-co del Área Metropolitana de Barcelona a partir de la opinión de sus ciudadanos. El estudio se estructu-ra en tres partes: 1) estado del arte y anális de la regulación existente en materia de despilfarro 2) plan-teamiento, implementación y análisis de una primera encuesta para valorar la percepción social del problema (220 encuestas) 3) planteamiento, implementación y análisis de una segunda encuesta para definir un modelo de comportamiento asociado al despilfarro ( 418 encuestas). Se han aplicado los mo-delos de ecuaciones estructurales como metodologia para el anàlisis del modelo de comportamiento. Las variables analizadas son la prevención de residuos, el reciclage, los hábitos alimentarios, la conci-encia ambiental y los valores materialistas de las personas. Los resultados obtenidos muestran una falta de conciencia de la población del Área Metropolitana de la magnitud del problema del despilfarro alimentario, sin embargo se percibe preocupación por éste. El modelo de comportamiento nos muestra que los hábitos alimentarios y los comportamientos de pre-vención de residuos definen en porporciones similares el despilfarro alimentario de las viviendas del Área Metropolitana de BarcelonaFAO’s 2011 food waste report noticed that one-third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted every year. It was since that moment that Food waste is gaining great international rele-vance either in waste management and food consumption context. Some investigations considered the extent of the problem, others measured its environmental, economic and social impact. However, con-sumer’s behavior, perceptions, knowledge and attitudes towards food waste are not considered in the literature up to now. The aim of the present work is to analyse Metropolitan Area of Barcelona household food waste beha-viour, by means of taking into consideration citizen’s opinion. The thesis is divided in three parts: 1) state of the art and food waste regulation revision 2) definition, implementation and analysis of a first survey on food waste social perceptions and (220 questionaires) 3) definition, implementation and analysis of a second survey that defines a food waste behavioural model (418 questionaires) . The mo-del has been analysed with structural equation modelling. The indicators analysed in the model are was-te prevention, recycling, food habits, environmental awareness and materialistic values. The results obtained show both a lack of awareness regarding of food waste magnitude, and concern about it. From the model it could be said that food habits and waste prevention behavior affects equally food waste behaviour

    The prevalence of intraarticular associated lesions after acute acromioclavicular joint injuries is 20%. A systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Purpose To synthesise the evidence on the prevalence of associated intraarticular lesions in subjects with acute acromioclavicular joint (ACJ) dislocations. Methods A search in two electronic databases (PUMBMED and EMBASE) was performed from 1985 to 2019. Two independent reviewers selected studies that complied with the following inclusion criteria: (1) the study included data on surgically treated ACJ dislocation grade III–V in the Rockwood classification, (2) the ACJ injuries were acute (the surgery was performed less than 6 weeks after injury), (3) an arthroscopic evaluation of the glenohumeral joint was performed during surgery. The quality of the studies included was assessed using the tool of the Joanna Briggs Institute. Results A total of 47 studies with acute ACJ injuries met the initial inclusion criteria. Of these, 21 studies (9 retrospective case series, 9 prospective case series and 3 retrospective cohort studies) presented data on associated intraarticular lesions amenable for use in the meta-analysis. The meta-analysed studies included a total of 860 subjects with acute ACJ dislocations with a male/female ratio of 6.5 and a mean age of 32 years. The meta-analysis showed a prevalence of associated intraarticular lesions in subjects with acute ACJ of 19.9% (95% confidence interval [CI] 14.0–26.4%; 21 studies, 860 analysed participants; P = 0.000; I2: 74.5% random-effects model; low risk of bias). Conclusion One in five subjects with surgically treated acute ACJ dislocations will have an associated intraarticular lesion that requires further intervention. The case for a customary arthroscopic evaluation of the joint, even when an open procedure is performed to deal with the ACJ dislocation, is strong.pre-print798 K

    Determinación de propiedades termofísicas de sistemas relina+agua+D-glucosa

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    El estudio termofísico llevado a cabo, ha sido realizado sobre un sistema formado por D-glucosa como soluto y un codisolvente de relina más agua milli-Q. La relina es un disolvente NADES formado por cloruro de colina y urea. Se han medido las propiedades termofísicas de densidad () y velocidad de propagación del sonido (u) con un Anton Paar DSA-5000 y además se han medido tiempos de flujo con los que se determinarán las viscosidades cinemáti-cas () usando un viscosímetro capilar Ubbelohde Schott Geräte. Las medidas se realizan a 6 temperaturas (293,15; 298,15; 303,15; 308,15; 313,15; 318,15 K) y a presión atmosférica con concentraciones diferentes de codisolvente/relina y D-glucosa. A partir de los datos obtenidos experimentalmente se calculan otras propiedades como son: volumen molar aparente, V2,; compresión isoentrópica molar parcial aparente,2, y viscosidad dinámica reducida,r. El sistema estudiado, no electrolítico; no es soluble a todas las proporciones, por lo que exploran-do su comportamiento a dilución infinita se pude estimar como interaccionan el disolvente, el codisolvente y la D-glucosa. V2, y2, indican las interacciones existentes entre soluto-disolvente o soluto-soluto y la tendencia que siguen a distintas condiciones de medida. r da idea del orden y desorden introducido por el soluto en la estructura del disolvente. Tanto los parámetros experimentales como los calculados se representan para mostrar la tendencia segui-da. Se comparan los resultados con la constante de Hepler para ver la naturaleza del soluto si es rompedor o hacedor de estructura. Por último, a la vista de los resultados se comenta cómo puede verse modificado el sabor de un sistema, cuestión de interés para la industria alimenta-ria

    Experimental study of concentration polarization in a crossflow reverse osmosis system using Digital Holographic Interferometry

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    Digital Holographic Interferometry (DHI) has been used to visualize the polarization concentration layer during crossflow RO. This technique is based on the fact that changes in the concentration of the solution produce changes in its refractive index. Therefore, the concentration profile formed due to the polarization phenomenon can be visualized as interference fringes. Experiments with Na2SO4 and NaCl solutions have been carried out. Three variables of the process were studied: crossflow velocity, initial concentration and pressure applied. In each experiment, crossflow velocity was changed every 30min, in an increasing or decreasing sequence. Few minutes after changing the crossflow velocity the steady-state was reached. Interference fringe patterns of the polarization layer and their corresponding concentration profiles, as well as the permeate flux in different experimental conditions, are presented. The major experimental result is the visualization for the first time in situ and in real-time of the polarization layer in a process of crossflow by a non-invasive method. Experimental results show a close relationship among crossflow velocity, permeate flux and polarization layer. Furthermore, experimental maximum concentration values reached at the membrane surface were compared with values calculated by using the film theory approach and a good agreement was obtained.This research has been sponsored by the Plan Nacional de I+D+I CTQ2006-14904 (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) and Generalitat Valenciana, Consellería de Educación (ACOMP/2009/366)

    Water Distribution Networks Optimization Considering Uncertainties in the Demand Nodes

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    The fluctuation in the consumption of treated water is a situation that distribution networks gradually face. In times of greater demand, this consumption tends to suffer unnecessary impacts due to the lack of water. The uncertainty that occurs in water consumption can be mathematically modeled by a finite set of scenarios generated by a normal distribution and attributed to the network design. This study presents an optimization model to minimize network installation and operation costs under uncertainties in water demands. A Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming model is proposed, considering the water flow directions in the pipes as unknown. A deterministic approach is used to solve the problem in three steps: First, the problem is solved with a nominal value for each uncertain parameter. In the second stage, the problem is solved for all scenarios, with the independent variables of the scenario being fixed and obtained from the solution reached in the first stage, known as the deterministic solution. Finally, all scenarios are solved without fixing any variable values, in a stochastic approach. Two case studies were used to test the applicability of the model and global optimization techniques were used to solve the problem. The results show that the stochastic solution can lead to optimal solutions for robust and flexible water distribution networks, capable of working under different conditions, considering the uncertainties of node demand and variable pipe directions.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Brazil), process 309026/2022-9

    Sustainable supply chain design under correlated uncertainty in energy and carbon prices

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    This paper aims to provide an improvement in the modeling of supply chain designs by incorporating correlated uncertainty among multiple parameters, resulting in a more resilient design. A new methodology to generate forecasts for historically correlated time series, regardless of their underlying probability distributions, is presented and applied to generate scenarios for energy and carbon prices, which historically proved to be correlated. These scenarios are then used in a stochastic computation to obtain a three-echelon supply chain design in Europe maximizing the economic performance. The emissions were monetarized through the incorporation of the European Union cap-and-trade emissions trading system into the model. The social impact of the supply chain network is measured in terms of the direct, indirect and induced jobs it creates, which are proportional to the economic performance. By combining the developed methodology with data mining algorithms, a reduction in the number of required scenarios by more than 90% was achieved. The numerical case study moreover shows that the stochastic design ensures an average reduction of emissions by more than 3 ktons compared to the use of a deterministic approach. In comparison, the computation of a stochastic supply chain design without parameter correlation takes 5 times longer.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support to the Conselleria de Innovacion, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital of the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain, under project PROMETEO/2020/064 and project PID2021-124139NB-C21

    Design of a Cooperative Sustainable Three-Echelon Supply Chain under Uncertainty in CO2 Allowance

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    Driven by the growing concern regarding greenhouse gas emissions, in this work, we provide a robust stochastic model for the design of a cooperative supply chain (SC) under uncertainty in CO2 allowance prices from the European Union Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). During the last years, CO2 allowance prices have undergone unexpected changes, having strong impact on the design and management of optimal SC. The consideration of uncertainty in the allowance prices has therefore become more important. We use an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model to predict future allowance prices. A full discretization of the underlying probability space leads to a number of scenarios far too large to be handled, so we compare two approaches to reduce the number of scenarios to a feasible maximum, the ScenRed algorithm and K-means clustering. The obtained results are compared with a deterministic approach that is widely studied in the literature, showing an increase in the benefits and a reduction of emissions.The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support to the Conselleria de Innovacion, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital of the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain, under project PROMETEO/2020/064

    Influence of Cellulose Characteristics on Pyrolysis Suitability

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    : Cellulose is the most abundant component of biomass and the one that requires the most activation energy (Ea) for pyrolysis. In this study, the dependence of Ea on the intrinsic cellulose characteristics, such as the degree of polymerization (DP), crystallinity, and crystal size, was studied in different cellulose samples, including samples from Eucalyptus globulus, Ulmus minor, Linun usitatissimum, Olea europaea, Robinia pseudoacacia, and Populus alba. Then, to describe the pyrolytic degradation of cellulose, the Ozawa–Flynn–Wall kinetic method was the most appropriate among the isoconversional models studied. An acceptable quadratic relationship of R2 > 0.9 between the Ea values of the different cellulose samples with their corresponding DP, crystallinity index, and crystal size values was found. Therefore, low crystallinity and low-to-medium crystal size values are desired to obtain lower Ea values for cellulose pyrolysis. On the other hand, DP did not present a clear effect on Ea in the studied DP rangeThis research was funded by Comunidad de Madrid and MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU via Projects SUSTEC-CM S2018/EMT-4348 and RTI2018-096080-B-C22, respectively, and the Regional Ministry of Innovation, Science and Enterprise, Government of the Junta de Andalucía (Operational Programme FEDER Andalusia 2014-2020. Project UHU-1255540), Spain Universidad de Jaén is acknowledged for Olea europaea material. Silviculture and Forest Management Department (Forest Research Center, INIA, CSIC) is acknowledged for Robinia pseudoacacia and Populus alba materials. We thank the personnel at Puerta de Hierro Forest Breeding Centre (Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico) and the Spanish Elm Breeding Program for providing the Ulmus minor material. Finally, La Montañesa pulp mill (Lecta Group, Spain) and Celesa (Spain) are acknowledged for Eucalyptus globulus and Linun usitatissimum materials, respectivel

    Water Management in Shale Gas: A Perspective from the Cooperative Games Theory

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    This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No. 640979

    Systematic Tools for the Conceptual Design of Inherently Safer Chemical Processes

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    Society is continuously facing challenges for safer chemical plants design, which is usually driven by economic criteria during the early steps of the design process, relegating safety concerns to the latest stages. This paper highlights the synergy of merging Process System Engineering tools with inherent safety principles. First, we design a superstructure that comprises several alternatives for streams, equipment, and process conditions, which exhibit different performance of economic and inherently safer indicators, the total annualized cost, and the Dow’s Fire and Explosion Index, respectively. The solution to this multiobjective problem is given by a Pareto set of solutions that indicates the existing trade-off between both objectives. The capabilities of the proposed framework are illustrated through two case studies, which solutions provide valuable insights into the design problem and are intended to guide decision-makers toward the adoption of inherently safer process alternatives.The authors acknowledge financial support from “Proyectos de l+D para grupos de investigación emergentes GV/2016/005” (Conselleria d’Educació, Investigació, Cultura i Esport, GENERALITAT VALENCIANA) and from the Spanish “Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad” (CTQ2016-77968-C3-02-P, AEI/FEDER, UE)