10,487 research outputs found

    Formaciones del Paleozoico superior al Triásico depositadas discordantes sobre las peridotitas de Ronda: Evidencia de su emplazamiento cortical durante el Herciniano

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    The age of the emplacement of the Ronda Peridotites has been widely debated during recent decades, and ages ranging from the Palaeozoic to the early Miocene have been proposed, although most of the current interpretations suggest an Oligocene-Miocene age. In this article, we describe two meta-sedimentary formations (the lower one formed by detrital sediments and the upper one by marbles) that were unconformably deposited over the Ronda peridotites and now record low-grade metamorphism. The detrital formation contains layers of acidic rocks with an age of 269±9 Ma and the overlying marbles are assumed to be Triassic. The existence of these unconformable formations over the peridotites is crucial for the dating of the exhumation of the latter. The presence of peridotite clasts in the detrital formation indicates that peridotites were exposed during the Permian and other data suggest that peridotites were exhumed during the late Carboniferous. During the Alpine cycle, the peridotites operated as an element situated at the bottom of the tectonically higher Alpujarride/Sebtide unit (the Jubrique unit) and forming part of it, then being incorporated to the Alpine thrusts of this unit.La edad del emplazamiento de las peridotitas de Ronda ha sido discutida ampliamente en las últimas décadas, con hipótesis que van desde el Paleozoico al Mioceno inferior, aunque la mayoría de las interpretaciones actuales sugiere una edad oligo-miocena. En este artículo, describimos la existencia de dos formaciones meta-sedimentarias (la inferior formada originalmente por sedimentos detríticos y la superior por carbonatos) que se depositaron en discordancia sobre las peridotitas de Ronda y ahora registran un grado bajo de metamorfismo. La formación detrítica contiene capas de rocas ácidas con una edad de 269±9 Ma y los mármoles situados encima se atribuyen al Trías. La existencia de esas dos formaciones es crucial para la datación de la exhumación de las peridotitas. La presencia de clastos de peridotitas en la formación detrítica indica que aquellas estuvieron expuestas durante el Pérmico, otros datos sugieren que las peridotitas fueron exhumadas durante el Carbonífero superior. Durante el ciclo alpino, las peridotitas actuaron como un elemento ya antes situado en la base de la unidad Alpujárride/ Sébtide superior (unidad de Jubrique), formando parte de ésta

    Caracterización geoquímica de la esméctica en varias formaciones arcillosas de los flyschs del Campo de Gibraltar (Cádiz, España)

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    The «Jimena clays», «basal series of Aljibe» and «blocky clays» formations are compared from the mineralogical and geochemical analysis. The mineralogy of clays is very similar in all the sequences analyzed and consists of quartz, smectite, illite and kaolinite. Smaller amounts of feldspar, gypsum and chlorite are locally presento In the 2-20 μm and < 2 μm size-fractions smectite is the most abundant mineral. The mineralogical similarity is also manifested on the chemical composition of these materials. Smectite compositions correspond to montmorillonite suggesting, along the trace element content that these smectites are weathearing products of acidic magmatic and sedimentary rocks. The homogeneity of the analyzed sequences indicates an homology in these formations and a great uniformity in the supplies during the Cretaceous-Eocene times.Se comparan desde un punto de vista mineralógico y geoquímico las formaciones definidas como «arcillas de Jimena», «sucesión basal del Aljibe» y «arcillas con bloques». Su mineralogía resulta muy similar: cuarzo, esmectita, ilita y caolinita, junto con pequeñas proporciones de feldespato, yeso y clorita. En las fracciones 2-20 µm y < 2 μm la esmectita es el mineral más abundante. La semejanza mineralógica se pone también de manifiesto en la composición química de estos materiales. La composición de las esmectitas corresponde a montmorillonita y sugiere un origen detrítico para las mismas. El contenido en diversos elementos traza indica que estos materiales son el producto de la meteorización de rocas magmáticas ácidas junto con rocas sedimentarias antiguas. La homogeneidad de las secuencias analizadas indica, asimismo, una homología de todas las formaciones y una gran uniformidad en los aportes durante el intervalo Cretácico-Eoceno, época a la que se atribuye su depósito

    Novel efficient genome-wide SNP panels for the conservation of the highly endangered Iberian lynx

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    Background: The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) has been acknowledged as the most endangered felid species in the world. An intense contraction and fragmentation during the twentieth century left less than 100 individuals split in two isolated and genetically eroded populations by 2002. Genetic monitoring and management so far have been based on 36 STRs, but their limited variability and the more complex situation of current populations demand more efficient molecular markers. The recent characterization of the Iberian lynx genome identified more than 1.6 million SNPs, of which 1536 were selected and genotyped in an extended Iberian lynx sample. Methods: We validated 1492 SNPs and analysed their heterozygosity, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and linkage disequilibrium. We then selected a panel of 343 minimally linked autosomal SNPs from which we extracted subsets optimized for four different typical tasks in conservation applications: individual identification, parentage assignment, relatedness estimation, and admixture classification, and compared their power to currently used STR panels. Results: We ascribed 21 SNPs to chromosome X based on their segregation patterns, and identified one additional marker that showed significant differentiation between sexes. For all applications considered, panels of autosomal SNPs showed higher power than the currently used STR set with only a very modest increase in the number of markers. Conclusions: These novel panels of highly informative genome-wide SNPs provide more powerful, efficient, and flexible tools for the genetic management and non-invasive monitoring of Iberian lynx populations. This example highlights an important outcome of whole-genome studies in genetically threatened species

    Preparation of Dipteran Larvae for Scanning Electron Microscopy with Special Reference to Myiasigen Dipteran Species

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    Although controversy exists concerning the role of chemical fixatives in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) studies of Dipteran larvae, we have observed that filtered 10% formaldehyde solution gives excellent results as a preservative. After immersing in vivo in formaldehyde, the larvae material is preserved for prolonged periods (up to 8 months), before examination with SEM. As a fixative, formaldehyde preserves the structure of the larval cuticle and produces no visible artifacts. Moreover, postfixation is not necessary. Due to pecularities of the way of life of Wohlfahrtia magnifica (principally the accumulations of necrotic tissue, purulent particles, and other types of substances that often adhere to the numerous spines of larvae), this species must be cleaned before examination by SEM. Manual cleaning with alternating bidistilled water and 0.9% saline solution proved to be a rapid, easy and inexpensive method that gave good results. Both lyophilization drying and critical point drying were used before sputtering the material. While lyophilization drying proved to be the most effective method for instars II and III, critical point drying was the best technique for study of specimens belonging to instar I. The optimum time for drying and conditions for lyophilization and sputter-coating with gold were determined experimentally. Samples were mounted on SEM stubs with double-sided adhesive and silver conductive paint. The method proposed is easy and effective for the SEM study of larvae myiasis-producing diptera

    Mineralogía y génesis de la fracción fina de la serie de El Rinconcillo (formaciones Flysch del Campo de Gibraltar. SW de España)

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    The stratigraphic sequence of El Rinconcillo belong to the Algeciras Unit. Illite, kaolinite, chlorite and interstratified illite-smectite are common minerals for materials of this Unit, but a high proportion of Fe-Al smectites and sporadic presence of palygorskite is characteristic of the series of El Rinconcillo in relation to the others studied in Northern Africa and Southwestern Spain. Illite, kaolinite and chlorite are considered to be inherited minerals. Smectides and interestratified illite-smectite are also inherited in the turbidites but they were formed in the source area by transformation from illite under different weathering degree. Finally, the formation of palygorskite in the Middle Eocene carbonatic turbidites accompanied by many smectide, and no kaolinite, is difficult to explain in relation with turbiditic materials. It is more feasible to suppose a removal process that implicates the existence of a previous clay sediment in which such association -palygorskite + smectite- took place by transformation and/or by neoformation.La serie de El Rinconcillo, atribuida a la Unidad de Algeciras, presenta variaciones mineralógicas notables respecto a las series "tipo" definidas en esta Unidad tanto en el norte de Africa como en el suroeste de España. Aunque en gran parte la mineralogía es común con otras series de esta Unidad (ilita, caolinita, clorita, interestratificados I-E), se diferencia no obstante, por la elevada proporción de esmectita Fe-Al y la presencia esporádica de paligorskita. Ilita, caolinta y clorita, se consideran minerales heredados. La esmectita y los interestratificados I-E son también heredados en las turbiditas, procedentes de la transformación de la ilita en el área fuente bajo diferente grado de meteorización. Finalmente, la formación de paligorskita en las turbidítas calcáreas del Eoceno medio acompañada por esmectita y la ausencia de caolinita en este tramo, es difícil de explicar en relación con los materiales turbidíticos. Parece más probable que las corrientes de turbidez hayan arrastrado sedimentos arcillosos preexistentes en los que ha podido tener lugar la transformación y/o neoformación de estos minerales

    Chromospheric polarimetry through multi-line observations of the 850 nm spectral region II: A magnetic flux tube scenario

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    In this publication we continue the work started in Quintero Noda et al. (2017) examining this time a numerical simulation of a magnetic flux tube concentration. Our goal is to study if the physical phenomena that take place in it, in particular, the magnetic pumping, leaves a specific imprint on the examined spectral lines. We find that the profiles from the interior of the flux tube are periodically dopplershifted following an oscillation pattern that is also reflected in the amplitude of the circular polarization signals. In addition, we analyse the properties of the Stokes profiles at the edges of the flux tube discovering the presence of linear polarization signals for the Ca II lines, although they are weak with an amplitude around 0.5% of the continuum intensity. Finally, we compute the response functions to perturbations in the longitudinal field and we estimate the field strength using the weak field approximation. Our results indicate that the height of formation of the spectral lines changes during the magnetic pumping process which makes the interpretation of the inferred magnetic field strength and its evolution more difficult. These results complement those from previous works demonstrating the capabilities and limitations of the 850 nm spectrum for chromospheric Zeeman polarimetry in a very dynamic and complex atmosphere.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, 0 tables, MNRAS main journal publicatio

    Chromospheric polarimetry through multi-line observations of the 850 nm spectral region III: Chromospheric jets driven by twisted magnetic fields

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    We investigate the diagnostic potential of the spectral lines at 850 nm for understanding the magnetism of the lower atmosphere. For that purpose, we use a newly developed 3D simulation of a chromospheric jet to check the sensitivity of the spectral lines to this phenomenon as well as our ability to infer the atmospheric information through spectropolarimetric inversions of noisy synthetic data. We start comparing the benefits of inverting the entire spectrum at 850 nm versus only the Ca II 8542 A spectral line. We found a better match of the input atmosphere for the former case, mainly at lower heights. However, the results at higher layers were not accurate. After several tests, we determined that we need to weight more the chromospheric lines than the photospheric ones in the computation of the goodness of the fit. The new inversion configuration allows us to obtain better fits and consequently more accurate physical parameters. Therefore, to extract the most from multi-line inversions, a proper set of weights needs to be estimated. Besides that, we conclude again that the lines at 850 nm, or a similar arrangement with Ca II 8542 A plus Zeeman sensitive photospheric lines, poses the best observing configuration for examining the thermal and magnetic properties of the lower solar atmosphere.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Search for nearby stars among proper motion stars selected by optical-to-infrared photometry. II. Two late M dwarfs within 10 pc

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    We have identified two late M dwarfs within 10 parsecs of the Sun, by cross-correlating the Luyten NLTT catalogue of stars with proper motions larger than 0.18 arcsec/yr, with objects lacking optical identification in the 2MASS data base. The 2MASS photometry was then combined with improved optical photometry obtained from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys. The two objects (LP775-31 and LP655-48) have extremely red optical-to-infrared colours ((R-K)~7) and very bright infrared magnitudes (K_s<10): follow-up optical spectroscopy with the ESO 3.6-m telescope gave spectral types of M8.0 and M7.5 dwarfs, respectively. Comparison of their near-infrared magnitudes with the absolute magnitudes of known M8 and M7.5 dwarfs with measured trigonometric parallaxes yields spectroscopic distance estimates of 6.4+/-1.4 parsecs and 8.0+/-1.6 parsecs for LP775-31 and LP655-48, respectively. In contrast, Cruz & Reid (2002) recently determined spectral types of M6 for both objects, and commensurately larger distances of 11.3+/-1.3 parsecs and 15.3+/-2.6 parsecs. LP655-48 is also a bright X-ray source (1RXS J044022.8-053020). With only a few late M dwarfs previously known within 10 parsecs, these two objects represent an important addition to the census of the Solar neighbourhood.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics (Letters), in press; 5 pages, 1 figure, uses aa.cls version 5.

    Independent control of beam astigmatism and ellipticity using a SLM for fs-laser waveguide writing

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    We have used a low repetition rate (1 kHz), femtosecond laser amplifier in combination with a spatial light modulator (SLM) to write optical waveguides with controllable cross-section inside a phosphate glass sample. The SLM is used to induce a controllable amount of astigmatism in the beam wavefront while the beam ellipticity is controlled through the propagation distance from the SLM to the focusing optics of the writing setup. The beam astigmatism leads to the formation of two separate diskshaped foci lying in orthogonal planes. Additionally, the ellipticity has the effect of enabling control over the relative peak irradiances of the two foci, making it possible to bring the peak irradiance of one of them below the material transformation threshold. This allows producing a single waveguide with controllable cross-section. Numerical simulations of the irradiance distribution at the focal region under different beam shaping conditions are compared to in situ obtained experimental plasma emission images and structures produced inside the glass, leading to a very satisfactory agreement. Finally, guiding structures with controllable crosssection are successfully produced in the phosphate glass using this approach. © 2009 Optical Society of America.This work was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under TEC2008-01183 project. A. R. and W. G. acknowledge their I3P-CSIC postdoctoral con- tracts (co-funded by the European Social Fund). D. P. and A. F. acknowledge their grants under Projects TEC 2005-00074 and TEC 2006-04538.Peer Reviewe

    Effects of carbohydrate–protein beverages on recovery of the exercise

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    Este artículo aporta una revisión del efecto de la coingesta de la proteína de suero de leche y proteína caseína administradas en bebidas carbohidratadas, sobre la recuperación y los parámetros del daño muscular en ejercicios de larga duración. La búsqueda se ha realizado en abril de 2013 en las bases de datos del ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, Sport Discuss, PubMed, Medline Sportdiscus, y en las bases de datos CINDOC en las redes CTI-CSIC, RESH, DICE y DIALNET cruzando los descriptores “Exercise”, “Resistance training” y “Recovery” con los términos “Ergogenic beverage”, “Casein Protein” y “Whey Protein”. La estrategia nutricional más respaldada es la ingesta de un preparado líquido carbohidratado en donde se combinan proteínas de diferentes fuentes sobre pruebas de esfuerzos prolongados similares a la competición tanto en deportes individuales como en colectivos, con resultados discrepantesThis manuscript shows a review about the effects of the whey and casein protein on recovery and parameters of muscle damage in long-term exercise. The search was conducted in April 2013 in the databases of ISI Web of Knowledge, SCOPUS, PubMed, Medline, SportDiscus, and databases on Spanish networks CINDOC CTI-CSIC, RESH, DICE, and DIALNET crossing the descriptors "Exercise", "Resistance training" and "Recovery" with the terms "Ergogenic Beverage", "Casein Protein" and "Whey Protein". The most used nutritional strategies are based in a carbohydrate beverage which combines different protein sources on prolonged exercise tests similar to sports competition, in both individual and collective sports, with discrepant result