19 research outputs found


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    Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang peneliti lakukan di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Bandung masih memperlihatkan Kinerja Pegawai yang masih belum optimal Hal ini terlihat dari indikator : Kurangnya disiplin kerja pegawai yaitu tentang kepatuhan dan ketaatan akan kinerja pegawai di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Bandung dan Sikap Kerja yaitu cara dan prilaku bekerja para pegawai Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Bandung yang masih kurang efektif, lalu Kinerja kerja pegawai yang masih rendah di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Bandung seperti yang telah diuraikan diatas, salah satunya diduga disebabkan oleh kualitas sumber daya manusia yang belum optimal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan metode deskriptif analisis, sedangkan teknik penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan dan penelitian lapangan yang meliputi observasi partisipan, wawancara dan penyebaran angket dengan menggunakan teknik sensus atau teknik sampling jenuh yang disebarkan kepada 18 responden. Kesimpulan yang dapat diambil antara lain Besarnya Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Pegawai Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Bandung memiliki pengaruh yang bersifat positif, artinya jika kualitas sumber daya manusia sesuai dengan karakteristik-karakteristik maka akan meningkatkan kinerja pegawai pada Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Bandung. Berdasarkan hasil rekapitulasi antara Kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Pegawai di Badan Kepegawaian Daerah Kota Bandung, dinyatakan kurang meningkat dengan jumlah persentase kualitas sumberdaya manusia 47% dan kinerja pegawai 43%

    Miocene to recent extension in NW Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    The Malino Metamorphic Complex (MMC) in the western part of the North Arm of Sulawesi (Indonesia) has previously been suggested to be a metamorphic complex exhumed in the Early-Middle Miocene. This idea was based on limited K-Ar and 40Ar/39Ar age data, but no structural data were presented to provide evidence for the mechanism of exhumation. Here we present new field observations, micro-structural analyses and a revised stratigraphy of NW Sulawesi based on new age data, to provide better constraints on the timing and mechanism of exhumation. The data presented here suggest that the MMC is a metamorphic core complex which underwent lithospheric extension during the Early - Middle Miocene. Although the MMC experienced significant extension, there is no evidence that it was exhumed during this time. There is no contact between the MMC and the Pliocene Ongka Volcanics, contradicting a previously inferred unconformable contact. Pliocene undeformed granitoids intruding the MMC indicate the complex was still at depth during their emplacement. Furthermore, Pliocene and Pleistocene cover sequences do not contain metamorphic detritus. A second phase of extensional uplift was accommodated by brittle faulting from the Late Miocene-Pliocene onwards, during which the MMC was exhumed. This extension is widespread, as indicated by synchronous exhumation of the adjacent Palu Metamorphic Complex in West Sulawesi, and rapid subsidence offshore in Gorontalo Bay. It is linked to northward slab rollback of the southward-subducting Celebes Sea since the Pliocene. GPS data show rapid northward motion of the North Arm of Sulawesi with respect to the Celebes Sea, indicating that this process is ongoing at present day


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    The mechanism of the presence of the Sukadana basalt in the back arc of Sumatra is still an enigma, especially since the Sukadana basalt has a wide coverage area in Sumatra Island and even the Sunda Arc. In this study, we used the published research data as the main contributor to an in-depth analysis to determine the mechanism of the presence of Sukadana basalt in the back arc. This study is supported by other studies from different regions around the world. These strengthen our conclusion that the emergence of Sukadana basalt on the surface is controlled by extensional deformations associated with the northwest-southeast-trending normal fault, which are formed by the mechanism of gravitational subsidence due to the movement of the Sumatra fault. In this study we suppose that the Nishimura fracture is a sinistral strike-slip fault as it is consistent with the Riedel shear model.Механизм присутствия базальтов Сокадана в Суматринской островной дуге до сих пор остается загадкой, тем более что базальты Сокадана имеют очень широкую зону охвата, включающую в себя Суматру и даже Зондскую дугу. В данной статье использованы опубликованные исследовательские данные в качестве основного материала для проведения углубленного анализа с целью определения механизма присутствия базальтов Сокадана в островной дуге. Результаты данного исследования подтверждаются другими исследованиями из разных регионов мира, что делает полученные научные выводы более весомыми. Авторы статьи считают, что выход базальтов Сокадана на поверхность контролируется деформациями растяжения, связанными с системами сбросов северо­западного – юго­восточного простирания, которые формируются по механизму гравитационного опускания за счет движения Суматринского разлома. В этом исследовании также высказано мнение, что разлом Нишимура является левосторонним сдвигом, поскольку он согласуется с моделью Риделя

    Walanae Fault Kinematic Deduced from Geometric Geodetic GNSS GPS Monitoring

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    The western Sulawesi region has the main structural boundary, the Palu Koro Fault which divides from Palu Bay at the northest part to Central Sulawesi and continues into the Bone Gulf in southest part. In the southern part of this region, namely the South Sulawesi Arm zone, there is a Walanae fault which is defined as a sinistral wrench with a NW-SE direction that divides the South Arm of Sulawesi. This fault in the northern part is expected to continue to the northwest intersecting the Makassar Strait and unite with Paternoster-Lupar (Kalimantan) sutures and at the southest ending in Flores thrust fault. Walanae fault system did not only have one strand but was divided into 4 parts, namely the northern East Walanae Fault with a slip rate of 6.634 mm/year and the southern part with a 7.097 mm/year of slip rate, as well as the northern part of West Walanae Fault with a slip rate of 4.528 mm/year and the southern part with a slip rate of 3.270 mm/year. The northern part of Walanae fault system has opening or spreading pattern occurs that is in harmony with the formation of Walanae depression. By using simple geometric modeling, we found the fault system have 2 strain partitions with dominant sinistral strike slip pattern at southern part and combination between left lateral strike slip with thrust fault pattern at northern part


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    The upper part of Tapak Formation in Kali Cimande consists of alternating sandstones, siltstone and mudstone. The alternating sequence showed a fining and thinning upward bedding pattern. The facies association of the alternation built up by sand flat facies, which characterized by medium sandstone, moderate sorted, with cross-lamination sedimentary structures and mostly on the top of sandstone layer found a bioturbation trace fossils (Skolithos). Mixed flat facies, which is characterized by an alternation of thin layered sandstones with mudstone and siltstone, with lenticular, wavy, and flaser sedimentary structures, contained many forms of bioturbation, such Planolites, Thallasinoides, Lockeia, and Ophiomorpha. Mud flat facies association, is characterized by a repeated of claystone with thin sandstone intercalation, where the ratio of clay content more than 95 % of the total layers, contained abundantly with trace fossil Lockeia. Upper Tapak Formation plays as moderate reservoir potential. The thick sandstone in sand flat facies with moderate to poorly sorted and moderate porosity is required to provide hydrocarbon flows in Banyumas Basin.Bagian atas Formasi Tapak di Kali Cimande terdiri dari perselingan batupasir-batulanau dan mudstone. Sekuen perselingan menunjukkan pola perlapisan menghalus dan menipis ke atas. Asosiasi fasies tersebut terdiri dari fasies sand flat, yang dicirikan oleh batu pasir sedang, pemilahan sedang, struktur sedimen silang-siur serta fosil jejak bioturbasi (Skolithos) pada bagian puncak kebanyakan lapisan batu pasir. Fasies mixed flat, dicirikan oleh perselingan batupasir berlapis tipis dengan mudstone dan batulanau, serta struktur sedimen lentikular, perlapisan bergelombang, dan flaser, mengandung banyak bioturbasi, seperti Planolites, Thallasinoides, Lockeia, serta Ophiomorpha. Asosiasi Fasies sand flat, dicirikan oleh perulangan batulempung dengan sisipan batupasir tipis, dengan kandungan lempung lebih dari 95% total lapisan, serta fosil jejak Lockeia yang melimpah. Formasi Tapak Atas berperan sebagai reservoir potensial sedang. Bagian batupasir tebal di fasies sand flat dengan pemilahan sedang hingga buruk dan porositas sedang diperlukan untuk menyediakan aliran hidrokarbon di Cekungan Banyumas.

    Mantle structure and tectonic history of SE Asia

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    Seismic travel-time tomography of the mantle under SE Asia reveals patterns of subduction-related seismic P-wave velocity anomalies that are of great value in helping to understand the region's tectonic development. We discuss tomography and tectonic interpretations of an area centred on Indonesia and including Malaysia, parts of the Philippines, New Guinea and northern Australia. We begin with an explanation of seismic tomography and causes of velocity anomalies in the mantle, and discuss assessment of model quality for tomographic models created from P-wave travel times. We then introduce the global P-wave velocity anomaly model UU-P07 and the tectonic model used in this paper and give an overview of previous interpretations of mantle structure. The slab-related velocity anomalies we identify in the upper and lower mantle based on the UU-P07 model are interpreted in terms of the tectonic model and illustrated with figures and movies. Finally, we discuss where tomographic and tectonic models for SE Asia converge or diverge, and identify the most important conclusions concerning the history of the region. The tomographic images of the mantle record subduction beneath the SE Asian region to depths of approximately 1600. km. In the upper mantle anomalies mainly record subduction during the last 10 to 25. Ma, depending on the region considered. We interpret a vertical slab tear crossing the entire upper mantle north of west Sumatra where there is a strong lateral kink in slab morphology, slab holes between c.200-400. km below East Java and Sumbawa, and offer a new three-slab explanation for subduction in the North Sulawesi region. There is a different structure in the lower mantle compared to the upper mantle and the deep structure changes from west to east. What was imaged in earlier models as a broad and deep anomaly below SE Asia has a clear internal structure and we argue that many features can be identified as older subduction zones. We identify remnants of slabs that detached in the Early Miocene such as the Sula slab, now found in the lower mantle north of Lombok, and the Proto-South China Sea slab now at depths below 700. km curving from northern Borneo to the Philippines. Based on our tectonic model we interpret virtually all features seen in upper mantle and lower mantle to depths of at least 1200. km to be the result of Cenozoic subduction


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    The cases of accounting data manipulation that involve big firms, such as Enron and WorldCom, have affected auditor reputation. Enron and 95 other firms received unqualified opinion in the year prior to bankruptcy. This fact raises questions why firms receiving unqualified opinion stop operating. The assessment of going concern has to be delivered by auditor and added into audit opinion.  An auditor is responsible to evaluate whether there is substantial doubt about the entity’s ability to continue its operation for a reasonable period of time. This research aims to investigate the effect of bankruptcy prediction model, firm growth, leverage, and auditor reputation on going concern audit opinion. The result shows that bankruptcy prediction model affects the accuracy of going concern opinion issue. However, the firm growth, leverage, and auditor reputation do not do so


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    The study area is located in Sirnasari area, Tanjungsari District, Bogor Regency, West Java- Indonesia and geographically located at coordinates 6o36'30"- 6o39'30" Longitude and 107o08'15 " - 107o10'30" Latitude. Stratigraphy of the study area consists of five lithology units (from old to young), they are mudstone unit, breccia unit, sandstone-claystone unit, Basalt unit, and Alluvial unit. The mudstone Unit was deposited in the inner to outer neritic environment dominated by wave shore face mechanism. The breccia and mudstone-sandstone units were udstone unit is equivalent to the Cibulakan Formation, while breccia and mudstone-sandstone Unit is the equivalent of the Cantayan Formation. Turbidite facies which found in this unit are classic turbidite facies that consists of thinly-bedded and thickly-bedded sandstone, massive sandstone facies, conglomerates, and debris flow facies. The facies change reflected a change of deposition environment, which is influenced by sea level change at the time of deposition