163 research outputs found

    Estudio de la alternancia de uso de las tres grafías del sistema de escritura japonés -Kanji, Hiragana y Katakana

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Departamento de Lingüística General, Lenguas Modernas, Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia, Teoría de literatura y Literatura comparada. Fecha de lectura: 17-12-201

    Validación de la versión española del Cuestionario Breve de Evitación Experiencial (BEAQ) en población clínica

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    The Brief Experiential Avoidance Questionnaire (BEAQ) has been suggested as the most appropriate instrument for measuring experiential avoidance. However, no Spanish validation has been published. The aim of this study was to validate a Spanish version of the BEAQ in a clinical sample treated at a community mental health unit. Methods: Participants (N = 332) completed the BEAQ as well as other self-report measures of experiential avoidance and psychopathology. Results: Internal consistency was satisfactory (α = .82). No statistically significant gender differences were found in the BEAQ scores. The data also showed high test-retest reliability after four to six weeks, acceptable concurrent validity with another experiential avoidance measure and acceptable convergent validity with the psychopathology measure. The principal component analysis, forcing the one factor solution proposed in the original scale, produced indicators similar to the English version of the BEAQ. Conclusions: These results firmly support the reliability and validity of this Spanish validation, stressing its usefulness as a measure of experiential avoidance in clinical populations.Antecedentes: el Cuestionario Breve de Evitación Experiencial (BEAQ) ha sido propuesto como el instrumento más adecuado para medir la evitación experiencial. Sin embargo, todavía no ha sido publicada ninguna validación en español. Por lo tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio ha sido la validación de una versión española del BEAQ, en una muestra clínica atendida en un Centro de Salud Mental Comunitario. Método: los participantes (N = 332) completaron el BEAQ, así como otras medidas de autoinforme de evitación experiencial y psicopatología. Resultados: la consistencia interna fue satisfactoria (α = .82). No se encontraron diferencias de género estadísticamente significativas en las puntuaciones del BEAQ. Los datos también mostraron una alta fiabilidad test-retest en un intervalo de cuatro a seis semanas, validez concurrente aceptable con otra medida de evitación experiencial y validez convergente aceptable con la medida de psicopatología. El análisis de componentes principales forzando a la solución de un factor, como se propuso en la escala original, obtuvo unos indicadores similares a los obtenidos en dicha versión inglesa. Conclusiones: los resultados confirman la adecuada fiabilidad y validez de la presente versión española del BEAQ, destacando su utilidad como medida de la evitación experiencial en población clínica

    La vigencia de Ferdinand de Saussure en la enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras.

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    This article aims at valuing the legacy of De Saussure in the field of foreign language learning and teaching. To avoid digressions, we address only three main issues: the status of Applied Linguistics in the teaching of English, the writing systems in Japanese, and the teaching of Portuguese to Spanish speakers. To contextualize these issues, we describe the socio historical background of the Course in General Linguistics and analyze the dichotomies diachronic/synchronic, signified/signifying, and langue/parole from the perspective of recent semiogenetic and socio semiotic models. The conclusion is that Saussure’s theory proves to be insufficient and restrictive for language learning and teaching, despite the fact that his concept of language underpins both some teaching methods that separate orality from writing and comparative linguistics.Este artículo apunta a valorar el impacto de los planteamientos de Saussure en el campo de la enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras. Para evitar digresiones abstractas, se opta por tener como referencia tres grandes problemas. El primero dice relación con el estatus de la lingüística aplicada a la enseñanza del inglés, los sistemas de escritura en japonés y la enseñanza de portugués a hispanohablantes. Para situar el abordaje de dichos problemas, se parte por describir el contexto sociohistórico en que surge el Curso de Lingüística Generaly se analizan las dicotomías diacronía/sincronía, significado/significante y lengua/habla a la luz del proceso de semiogénesis y los planteamientos de la sociosemiótica.  Se concluye que el planteamiento de Saussure se constituye en un modelo insuficiente y restringido en el campo de enseñanza y aprendizaje de lenguas, aunque su noción sobre lengua subyace en algunos modelos de enseñanza, en algunas explicaciones sobre la relación entre oralidad y escritura así como en la visión que se tiene sobre lenguas emparentadas

    Different Kraft lignin sources for electrospun nanostructures production: Influence of chemical structure and composition

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    This work focuses on the structural features and physicochemical properties of different Kraft lignins and how they can influence the electrospinning process to obtain nanostructures. Structural features of Kraft lignins were characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance, size exclusion chromatography, fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, and thermal analysis, whereas chemical composition was analyzed by standard method. The addition of cellulose acetate (CA) improves the electrospinning process of Kraft lignins (KL). Thus, solutions of KL/CA at 30 wt% with a KL:CA weight ratio of 70:30 were prepared and then physicochemical and rheologically characterized. The morphology of electrospun nanostructures depends on the intrinsic properties of the solutions and the chemical structure and composition of Kraft lignins. Then, surface tension, electrical conductivity and viscosity of eucalypt/CA and poplar/CA solutions were suitable to obtain electrospun nanostructures based on uniform cross-linked nanofibers with a few beaded fibers. It could be related with the higher purity and higher linear structure, phenolic content and S/G ratios of lignin samples. However, the higher values of electrical conductivity and viscosity of OTP/CA solutions resulted in electrospun nanostructure with micro-sized particles connected by thin fibers, due to a lower purity, S/G ratio and phenolic content and higher branched structure in OTP lignin.This work is part of two coordinated research projects (RTI2018-096080-B-C21 and RTI2018-096080-B-C22) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ERDF A way of making Europe”. The authors also wish to thank the Comunidad de Madrid and MCIU/AEI/FEDER, EU for funding this study via Projects SUSTEC-CM S2018/EMT-4348. The authors also acknowledge the pre-doctoral grants from José Fernando Rubio Valle (Ref. PRE2019-090632). The contribution of COST Action LignoCOST (CA17128), supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology), in promoting interaction, exchange of knowledge and collaborations in the field of lignin valorization is gratefully acknowledged

    La financiación colectiva o “Crowdfunding” como herramienta para sensibilizar a los alumnos hacia la cooperación al desarrollo

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    Este proyecto de Innovación Docente surge con el propósito de acercar la Educación Superior en Economía y Administración de Empresas de países desarrollados a la formación de micro-empresarios en países en desarrollo de África. Este acercamiento será a través de un acaso real de micro-empresarios Sub-Africanos que ponen en marcha una pequeña plantación de verduras con la ayuda de una ONG, denominada Missionary Community St Paul Apostle MCSPA, cuya página web es http://mcspa.org/es/, que serán el vehículo de apoyo, en línea con los objetivos de esta convocatoria. Así se definirán nuevas metodologías docentes, más dinámicas e innovadoras en enseñanza presencial y se diseñarán herramientas de aprendizaje para las nuevas generaciones de estudiantes. Finalmente, también se crearán herramientas para la evaluación de la satisfacción y estímulo de los estudiantes de Economía, ADE, Comercio e Informática hacia la solidaridad y la ayuda a países en desarrollo por medio de la educación superior

    Secuencia de tratamiento ilustrada clínica, quirúrgica, protésica y de laboratorio de prótesis parciales y unitarias implantosoportadas para alumnos de grado. Preguntas de autoevaluación del proceso

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    El Proyecto a desarrollar tiene como objetivo, innovar en la metodología para el desarrollo de la formación, evaluación y autoevaluación de competencias clínicas, quirúrgicas y protésicas en prótesis fija, unitaria y parcial implantosoportada

    The Prognostic Nutritional Index and Nutritional Risk Index Are Associated with Disease Activity in Patients with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

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    The prognostic nutritional index (PNI), controlling nutritional status (CONUT) score and nutritional risk index (NRI) have been described as useful screening tools for patient prognosis in several diseases. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between PNI, CONUT and NRI with clinical disease activity and damage in 173 patients with systemic lupus erythematous (SLE). Disease activity was assessed with the SLE disease activity index (SLEDAI-2K), and disease-related organ damage was assessed using the SLICC/ACR damage index (SDI) damage index. PNI and NRI were significantly lower in active SLE patients than in inactive SLE patients (p < 0.001 and p = 0.012, respectively). PNI was inversely correlated with the SLEDAI score (p < 0.001) and NRI positively correlated with SLEDAI and SDI scores (p = 0.027 and p < 0.001). Linear regression analysis adjusting for age, sex and medications showed that PNI was inversely correlated with SLEDAI ( (95% CI) = -0.176 (-0.254, -0.098), p < 0.001) and NRI positively correlated with SLEDAI ( (95% CI) = 0.056 (0.019, 0.093), p = 0.003) and SDI ( (95% CI) = 0.047 (0.031, 0.063), p < 0.001). PNI (odds ratio (OR) 0.884, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.809–0.967, p = 0.007) and NRI ((OR) 1.067, 95% CI 1.028–1.108, p = 0.001) were independent predictors of active SLE. These findings suggest that PNI and NRI may be useful markers to identify active SLE in clinical practice.This study was supported by the grant PI0523-2016 from “Consejería de igualdad, salud y políticas sociales” (Junta de Andalucía) and is part of the research group LyDIMED “Lupus y Dieta Mediterránea”. G. Pocovi-Gerardino is a predoctoral fellow from the doctoral program “Medicina clínica y salud pública” of the University of Granad

    Rethinking international cooperation in Higher Education Institutions, in the post COVID world from the student’s perspective

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    The University must be a representation of fundamental values such as trust, democracy, honesty, humility, justice and freedom. Above all, the basic ones for this research, such as respect, responsibility and solidarity, are the foundation of what it means to help those who need it most. Knowledge must always be the guarantor of human beings welfare, discovering new ways to meet their needs and improve their quality of life. Its role is especially important due to the health, social and historical crisis facing our planet. This work has been carried out with the implementation of a real case study based on the recreation and management of a real development aid activity from a financial and accounting view. Together with the case a subsequent questionnaire has been designed and passed among students of several Higher Education Degrees and Double Degrees, from six different Universities, with the aim of comparing the motivation and interest in development cooperation of university students. This analysis has been done in two very different moments and situations, the time before COVID and the time after the appearance of the pandemic. With the data collected, a multivariate analysis was carried out, obtaining very interesting results. Among the most remarkable results we can highlight that all students agreed they have reconsidered how to help emerging economies after the COVID crisis. Moreover, students participated and learned more in the seminars about international cooperation, as well as felt more committed towards international cooperation. Instead students did not think more subjects of international cooperation were needed in their degrees. More research about COVID impact must be done in the following years.2022-2