18 research outputs found
La adaptacion del plan nacional de evaluacion de la calidad de las universidades al contexto de una universidad con estructura matricial de centros y departamentos: el caso de la universidad politecnica de cataluña
Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Abelian surfaces of GL2-type as Jacobians of curves
We study the set of isomorphism classes of principal polarizations on abelian
varieties of GL2-type. As applications of our results, we construct examples of
curves C, C'/\Q of genus two which are nonisomorphic over \bar \Q and share
isomorphic unpolarized modular Jacobian varieties over \Q ; we also show a
method to obtain genus two curves over \Q whose Jacobian varieties are
isomorphic to Weil's restriction of quadratic \Q-curves, and present examples.Comment: To appear in Acta Arithmetic
Vertebrate populations' trends across the Iberian Peninsula
Resumen del trabajo presentado a: 2nd Meeting of the Iberian Ecological Society (SIBECOL); XXI conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL) and 21st National Congress of Ecology of the Portuguese Ecological Society (SPECO), celebrados en Aveiro (Portugal) del 3 al 8 de julio de 2022.Understanding and identifying the impacts of multiple stressors on natural populations has become a key objective for post-2020 biodiversity conservation. Of particular concern are the impacts of stressors at the local scale, which are not necessarily reflected in current global conservation assessments. As a hotspot of biodiversity, the Iberian Peninsula is an area of special interest for conservation, but it is currently facing myriad environmental problems. Yet, a synthesis of the impacts of multiple stressors on the Iberian faunal populations is glaringly missing. To contribute to this challenge, we join our efforts in an Early Career Researchers project funded by SIBECOL, which aims to synthesise current knowledge on population trends of Iberian marine, terrestrial and freshwater vertebrates, and, eventually, to identify the most common stressors for Iberian fauna populations, and their differences between major taxonomic groups and ecosystems. Here, we will present the results of the first phase of this project, whose objective was to describe the trends of Iberian vertebrate populations and identify knowledge gaps related to taxonomic groups and ecosystems. To that aim, we conducted an extensive literature review, with more than 5,000 scientific manuscripts and grey literature screened. From this initial review, and after applying data quality controls, we obtained > 1,000 population time series of Iberian vertebrates across marine, terrestrial, and freshwater ecosystems. Once we compiled this database, we analysed the population trends using a two-step modelling process: (i) first, we applied state-space models to derive the population trend of each population time series; and (ii) second, we used multilevel Bayesian models to determine the factors influencing these population trends. Overall, we found that Iberian vertebrate populations display a disparity in trends, with both declines and increases, with fishes (both marine and freshwater) being the taxa showing clear signs of decline. Additionally, we
identified important gaps in monitoring data across the Iberian Peninsula, with amphibians and reptiles severely underrepresented in our dataset, despite being among the most threatened taxonomic groups. These gaps may limit our understanding of the impacts of stressors at local scales and eventually bias current conservation assessments. Overall, our approach will bridge the significant gap in our knowledge between the global and local scale conservation status of wild Iberian populations and help focus future conservation policies.Peer reviewe
The importance of locally sourced data in identifying population trends: Insights from Iberian vertebrates
Understanding species population trends is key for assessing their conservation status and proposing measures to ensure their future persistence amid recent biodiversity loss. However, studies are reporting contrasting biodiversity trends over time. These discrepancies can be partly attributed to biases in global datasets, which might not capture the representativeness of local processes. Here, we aimed to address this gap of knowledge by complementing data included in the Living Planet Database (LPD), one of the largest repositories of population time-series, with locally sourced data from the Iberian Peninsula. The study aim: (i) to assess the state of wildlife Iberian vertebrates using population time-series across taxonomic groups and (ii) to determine differences between locally sourced data and LPD (evaluating also the differences between data sources). To supplement LPD, we conducted a review, analysing over 6000 peer-reviewed manuscripts and grey literature documents. We obtained 999 population time-series for 294 vertebrate species compiled in an Iberian Vertebrate (IbeV) database, two times the number of populations as the LPD includes. Our results indicate contrasting population trends across taxonomic groups, with freshwater amphibians and bony fishes showing steep declines. Moreover, the LPD shows a positive trend and IbeV indicates no net change over time. Threatened species did not exhibit net changes in population trends, while non-threatened species showed positive trends. We showed that local databases can provide distinct population trends compared to global databases. This approach highlights the need to bridge the gap between global and local datasets, to support context-specific management and conservation programmes.The Wildlife and Nature 2000 Service of the Generalitat Valenciana provided access to an important number of time-series of vertebrate data from its monitoring programs in the Valencian Community that began in the 1980s. We would also thank the following institutions for the data sharing: Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y Reto Demográfico, the regional governments of Andalucia, Aragon and Navarra, the natural parks of Bardenas Reales de Navarra and Sierras de Cazorla Segura and Villas, the Doñana Biological Station (ICTS-RBD Biodiversity Monitoring Program) and all the member of Nightjaring Group. Some time-series become from el Departamento de Zoología y Antropología Física of the Universidad de Murcia, founded by Fundación Séneca (project 08728/PI/08), and from the Agencia Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Región de Murcia; with Life Projecto Segura-Riverlink (project LIFE12 ENV/ES/001140). We also thank to Water Agencies of Spanish surface waters (Basque water agency-URA, Catalan water agency-ACA, CH Cantábrico, CH Duero, CH Ebro, CH Guadalquivir, CH Guadiana, CH Júcar, CH Miño-Sil, CH Segura, CH Tajo. This study was funded by SIBECOL grant “Projects for Early Career Researchers 2020”. RCRC was supported by the European Union-Next Generation EU in the Maria Zambrano Program (ZAMBRANO 21-26). ZMR was supported by a postdoctoral contract funded by the Junta de Andalucía (POSTDOC_21_00353). RAR was supported by “Margarita Salas” postdoctoral grant from the Ministerio de Universidades del Gobierno de España and the Next Generation EU – Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan. EA was supported by Generalitat Valenciana and European Social Fund (APOSTD/2021), and MCIN/AEI/grant number FJC2021-047885-I. EAs was supported by a ·Vicenç Mut· postdoctoral grant funded by the Department of European Funds, University and Culture of the Govern de les Illes Balears (PD/041/2021). JB acknowledges the support received by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the RyC fellowship (RYC2021-033650-I). ACC was founded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN-project nr. 315051). CGC was supported by a Junior Leader Fellowship contract (LCF/BQ/PR22/11920005) funded by “la Caixa” Foundation (ID 100010434). RPR was funded by FJC2020-045938-I/MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union NextGenerationEU”/“PRTR”. IS was supported by European Union-Next Generation EU (MARSALAS21-30).Peer reviewe
Contribution of Genetic Background, Traditional Risk Factors, and HIV-Related Factors to Coronary Artery Disease Events in HIV-Positive Persons
We show in human immunodeficiency virus-positive persons that the coronary artery disease effect of an unfavorable genetic background is comparable to previous studies in the general population, and comparable in size to traditional risk factors and antiretroviral regimens known to increase cardiovascular ris
A genome-wide association study identifies risk alleles in plasminogen and P4HA2 associated with giant cell arteritis
Giant cell arteritis (GCA) is the most common form of vasculitis in individuals older than 50 years in Western countries. To shed light onto the genetic background influencing susceptibility for GCA, we performed a genome-wide association screening in a well-powered study cohort. After imputation, 1,844,133 genetic variants were analysed in 2,134 cases and 9,125 unaffected controls from ten independent populations of European ancestry. Our data confirmed HLA class II as the strongest associated region (independent signals: rs9268905, P = 1.94E-54, per-allele OR = 1.79; and rs9275592, P = 1.14E-40, OR = 2.08). Additionally, PLG and P4HA2 were identified as GCA risk genes at the genome-wide level of significance (rs4252134, P = 1.23E-10, OR = 1.28; and rs128738, P = 4.60E-09, OR = 1.32, respectively). Interestingly, we observed that the association peaks overlapped with different regulatory elements related to cell types and tissues involved in the pathophysiology of GCA. PLG and P4HA2 are involved in vascular remodelling and angiogenesis, suggesting a high relevance of these processes for the pathogenic mechanisms underlying this type of vasculitis
Jardins per a la salut
Facultat de Farmàcia, Universitat de Barcelona. Ensenyament: Grau de Farmàcia. Assignatura: Botànica farmacèutica. Curs: 2014-2015. Coordinadors: Joan Simon, Cèsar Blanché i Maria Bosch.Els materials que aquí es presenten són el recull de les fitxes botàniques de 128 espècies presents en el Jardí Ferran Soldevila de l’Edifici Històric de la UB. Els treballs han estat realitzats manera individual per part dels estudiants dels grups M-3 i T-1 de l’assignatura Botànica Farmacèutica durant els mesos de febrer a maig del curs 2014-15 com a resultat final del Projecte d’Innovació Docent «Jardins per a la salut: aprenentatge servei a Botànica farmacèutica» (codi 2014PID-UB/054). Tots els treballs s’han dut a terme a través de la plataforma de GoogleDocs i han estat tutoritzats pels professors de l’assignatura. L’objectiu principal de l’activitat ha estat fomentar l’aprenentatge autònom i col·laboratiu en Botànica farmacèutica. També s’ha pretès motivar els estudiants a través del retorn de part del seu esforç a la societat a través d’una experiència d’Aprenentatge-Servei, deixant disponible finalment el treball dels estudiants per a poder ser consultable a través d’una Web pública amb la possibilitat de poder-ho fer in-situ en el propi jardí mitjançant codis QR amb un smartphone
Activitats de suport lingüístic per desenvolupar les habilitats comunicatives : IES Josep Sureda i Blanes. 'Actividades de apoyo lingüístico para desarrollar las habilidades comunicativas : IES Josep Sureda i Blanes'
La primera Jornada de intercambio de experiencias en torno al Plan de acogida lingüística y cultural, conocido como PALIC, tuvo lugar el 31 de marzo del 2003. Los autores son profesores del IES Sureda i Blanes de Palma de Mallorca. Se incluyen las hojas didácticas de las visitasSe presenta una propuesta de integración lingüística y cultural desarrolladas por el aula de acogida del IES Sureda i Blanes (Palma de Mallorca), y articulada en cuatro visitas. La primera es la visita de descubrimiento del centro escolar, la segunda se centra en el centro de la tercera edad Son Real y pretende acercarse a la realidad mallorquina; la tercera es la visita al mercado Pere Garau y permite ahondar en cuestiones de vocabulario y costumbres alimentarias y culturales. La última es la visita a los núcleos urbanos de Sóller y Fornalutx. Estas actividades incluyen realización de vídeo, hojas didácticas, murales, vocabularios.BalearesES
Aproximació a l'artesania tèxtil a Mallorca : els tallers tèxtils a Mallorca
Resumen tomado del recursoEl libro hace referencia a los talleres artesanales de producción textil. El cd-rom reúne información para el profesorado y láminas para desarrollar la unidad didáctica.BalearesES