120 research outputs found

    Estudios sobre relaciones intergrupales, identidades colectivas e ideología política en dos regiones del Perú

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    La investigación sobre las identidades colectivas en Perú evidencia un vacío en el análisis de procesos identitarios sub-nacionales, así como en el estudio de la relación entre las identidades regionales y la identidad nacional. El contexto intergrupal en el que se desarrollan estos procesos da cuenta de cómo las relaciones entre grupos sociales comprenden categorías sociales de alto y bajo estatus por razones étnico-raciales, de cercanía al poder, entre otras. Así, la presente tesis tuvo como objetivo general estudiar la relación entre las identidades colectivas, las relaciones intergrupales y la ideología política en dos regiones geográficas del Perú: Lima y Ayacucho. Se realizaron dos estudios cualitativos en el marco de la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales, uno de ellos con grupos focales (n=26) cuyo objetivo fue explorar las narrativas de jóvenes limeños en torno a la sociedad peruana y la identidad nacional, y otro con entrevistas en profundidad a limeños y ayacuchanos (n=31) con el objetivo de profundizar en las identidades regionales y las relaciones intergrupales entre ambas regiones. El tercer estudio, de tipo correlacional con muestras de ambas regiones (n=809), buscó analizar la naturaleza de la relación entre las variables de interés y describir de modo integrado la ruta que sigue la configuración de la identidad nacional, poniendo en evidencia tanto aspectos comunes de la representación sobre el ser peruano, así como en las particularidades regionales de dicha representación. Los resultados tanto cualitativos como cuantitativos establecen discrepancias en la conformación de las identidades colectivas, y confirman el rol de la ideología política y las relaciones intergrupales en dicha conformación. Las discrepancias aludidas se evidencian como un conjunto de combinatorias entre variables que se presentan diferenciadas por región; lo anterior corroboraría la susceptibilidad de los componentes implicados en la constitución de las identidades nacionales a las condiciones sociales e históricas específicas del país y de cada grupo regional. Finalmente, el análisis integrado de los tres estudios confirma la relevancia de considerar modelos complejos que den cuenta de las diferencias regionales en la configuración de las identidades locales y de la identidad nacional peruana, así como la interrelación entre diversas variables que han demostrado tener un efecto en la constitución de estos procesos identitarios y las dinámicas intergrupales que se derivan de los mismos.Research on collective identities in Peru shows a lack of analysis of local/regional identity processes, as well as lack of analysis of the relationship between regional and national identities. The social context in which local/regional identities and intergroup processes take place is defined by power assimetries where ethnic-racial, social, regional among other characteristics, might be used to comprise the Peruvian society in high and lowstatus social categories. Under this escenary, the main research objective is to understand the relationship between collective identities, intergroup relations and political ideology in two geographic regions of Peru: Lima and Ayacucho. To accomplish this objective, three studies were conducted. First and second studies were qualitative research designs framed on the Theory of Social Reprentations. Specifically, the first study consisted of focus groups (n=26 participants), whose objective was to explore the narratives of young Limenians about Peruvian society and national identity. The second study consisted of in-depth interviews with young people from Lima and Ayacucho (n=31 participants), whose objective was to describe in-depth contents related to regional identities and the intergroup relations between Lima and Ayacucho. The third study consisted of a quantitative correlational research design (n=809) that analysed the relationahip between local/regional identity, perception of intergroup relations, political ideology among others. This study also described and analyzed an integrative structural model of the relations mentioned above in order to explain how these relations derive in the national identity highlighting both common aspects of the representation of being Peruvian (Ser Peruano), as well as the regional particularities of this meaning. Both qualitative and quantitative results establish discrepancies between Lima and Ayacucho in the conformation of collective identities and confirmed the role of political ideology and intergroup relations in this conformation. The mentioned differences evidenced a set of combinatory between variables that are differentiated by region. This relation would corroborate the susceptibility of the components involved in the constitution of national identities to specific social and historical conditions of the country and each regional group. Finally, the integration of the three studies confirmed the relevance of considering complex models that account for the regional differences in the configuration of local identities and Peruvian national identity. The interrelationship among several variables that have been shown to have an effect on the constitution of these identity processes and the intergroup dynamics that derive from them.Tesi

    Informe sobre el Procedimiento Administrativo Sancionador Ambiental de OEFA contra PETROPERÚ por el Derrame de Petróleo en el km 41+833: Caso Cuninico

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    El presente informe contiene el análisis jurídico de la Resolución Directoral Nº 844-2015-OEFA/DFSAI de OEFA contra PETROPERÚ por el derrame de petróleo en el km 41+833, ubicado en la localidad de Cuninico, distrito de Urarinas, provincia y departamento de Loreto. El análisis aborda la implementación de los principios de responsabilidad ambiental y de prevención en el procedimiento administrativo sancionador ambiental, así como la conceptualización e implementación de las medidas y sanciones por daño ambiental por el derrame bajo análisis, siendo fundamental el abordaje de este tema dado que en la Amazonía peruana se superponen territorios de pueblos indígenas con actividades de hidrocarburos por lo que es importante lograr la sostenibilidad ambiental y la aplicación eficiente y efectiva de la fiscalización ambiental. En ese sentido, se analiza como OEFA determina la responsabilidad administrativa ambiental de PETROPERÚ, el daño a la fauna y flora (daño ecológico) y el daño a la vida y salud (daño por influjo ambiental), así como las medidas y sanciones impuestas por dicho organismo a la empresa titular. Para ello, utilizamos un análisis sistémico normativo con el fin de lograr un análisis integral, comparando dicha resolución con otras resoluciones relacionadas con casos de derrames de petróleo en el Oleoducto Nor Peruano. Además se realiza un análisis de la situación actual del caso y concluyéndose que si bien se determina responsabilidad administrativa contra Petroperú, aplicándose el procedimiento excepcional en el marco de la Ley Nº 30230, por el cual se impone sólo medidas correctivas, consideramos que si se incluía un concepto integral de salud (daño mental y/o social) de los pueblos indígenas, el procedimiento sancionador pudo haber sido ordinario y por tanto el titular merecer una sanción (multa

    Modelos de comportamiento para suspensiones de nanotubos de carbono. Aplicación a la simulación de procesos de fabricación

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    Los nanotubos de carbono son estructuras de escala nanométrica formadas a partir de láminas de grafito enrolladas sobre sí mismas. Dependiendo del número de capas, los nanotubos (CNTS por sus siglas en inglés) pueden ser single-walled (una sóla capa) o multi-walled (multicapa). Tanto unos como otros presentan unas propiedades mecánicas, térmicas y eléctricas que los hacen muy atractivos para el desarrollo de materiales compuestos. Para el buen aprovechamiento de estas características es necesario conocer la orientación de los CNTS en el seno de la matriz polimérica, ya que el comportamiento mecánico depende de esta orientación y el comportamiento eléctrico y térmico es notablemente mejor cuanto menos aglomeraciones presenten los nanotubos. Para este objetivo es de suma importancia disponer de técnicas numéricas de simulación que permitan una evaluación rápida de condiciones de fabricación de estos compuestos, así como para la validación de hipótesis realizadas a partir de los ensayos experimentales realizados en el laboratorio. El proceso de fabricación que se ha simulado en el trabajo ha sido el de spin-coating, presentando éste unas particularidades (grades deformaciones, superficie libre, etc.) que hacen que la simulación numérica mediante los métodos tradicionales con malla no sea fácil, siendo más adecuado un método sin malla, más concretamente, el Método de los Elementos Naturales (MEN), ya que este método nos permite la descripción Lagrangiana actualizada de la cinemática del flujo. Otro de los aspectos que merece la pena ser estudiado en estos compuestos es su particular reología. Para ellos hay que recurrir a modelos microestructurales si se quiere, mediante Dinámica Browniana, simular lo que ocurre a escala macroscópica. Los nanotubos de carbono (tanto los single-walled como los multi-walled) pueden ser tratados químicamente, variando de esta manera su comportamiento reológico, por lo que el mismo modelo no sirve para explicar ambos comportamientos (el de los que están tratados y el de los que no). Se tiene así el modelo de Orientación (nanotubos tratados químicamente) y el de Agregación/Orientación (nanotubos no tratados). Los resultados de las simulaciones correspondientes a ambos modelos son presentados en este trabajo

    Bifurcaria bifurcata extract exerts antioxidant effects on human Caco-2 cells

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    The present research study investigated the potential protective effect of Bifurcaria bifurcata extract on cell viability and antioxidant defences of cultured human Caco-2 cells submitted to oxidative stress induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide (tert-BOOH). Aqueous extracts were firstly characterized in terms of total phenolic contents. Concentrations of reduced glutathione (GSH) and malondialdehyde (MDA), generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), nitric oxide (NO) production, antioxidant enzymes activities [NADPH quinone dehydrogenase 1 (NQO1) and glutathione S-transferase (GST)], caspase 3/7 activity and gene expression linked to apoptosis, proinflammation and oxidative stress signaling pathways were used as markers of cellular oxidative status. B. bifurcata extract prevented the cytotoxicity, the decrease of GSH, the increase of MDA levels and the ROS generation induced by tert-BOOH. B. bifurcata extract prevented the significant decrease of NQO1 and GST activities, and the significant increase of caspase 3/7 activity induced by tert-BOOH. B. bifurcata extract also caused an over-expression of GSTM2, Nrf2 and AKT1 transcriptors, as well as reduced ERK1, JNK1, Bax, BNIP3, NFκB1, IL-6 and HO-1 gene expressions induced by tert-BOOH suggesting an increase in cellular resistance against oxidative stress. The results of the biomarkers analyzed show that treatment of Caco-2 cells with B. bifurcata extract enhance antioxidant defences, which imply an improved cell response to an oxidative challenge. B. bifurcata extract possesses strong antioxidant properties and may be a potential effective alternative to oxidant agents in the functional food industry.This work was supported by the Project Ref. PID 2020-15979RR-C33 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain.Peer reviewe

    Identidade nacional e suas relações com a ideologia e o bem-estar em cinco países da América Latina

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    This study seeks to analyze the relationships among the components of national identity, political ideology, in its authoritarian and social dominance manifestations and expressions of subjective and social well-being in samples from 5 countries of Latin America. To accomplish this aim, a survey research was conducted in Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru (n = 1039). Results show significant relationships between ideological expressions with some dimensions of identity. The authoritarian ideology is positively related to the identity components, whereas the social dominance ideology is inversely related to them. Relations among the components of identity and well-being have a positive association, and these relationships are more intense in the case of social well-being than in the case of subjective well-being. Nevertheless, some heterogeneity in these relations is observed by comparing countries. A general model of the relations among variables derived from three constructs was proposed, but this did not reach acceptable fit levels, being dismissed. It could be explained by the heterogeneity of the results by countryEste estudio busca analizar las relaciones entre los componentes de la identidad nacional, la ideología política, en sus manifestaciones autoritaria y de dominancia social, y las expresiones del bienestar subjetivo y social en muestras de 5 países de América Latina. Para tal fin, se desarrolló un estudio por encuestas en Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Perú (n=1039). Los resultados evidencian relaciones significativas entre las expresiones ideológicas con algunas dimensiones de la identidad. La ideología autoritaria se relaciona positivamente con los componentes identitarios, mientras que la ideología de dominancia social lo hace en menor medida y de manera inversa. Las relaciones entre los componentes de la identidad y el bienestar presentan un asociación positiva, y estas relaciones son más intensas en el caso del bienestar social que en el caso del bienestar subjetivo aunque cierta heterogeneidad por país también es observada. Se intentó proponer un modelo general de las relaciones entre las variables derivadas de los tres constructos pero esta no alcanzó buenos niveles de ajuste, lo que se explicaría por la heterogeneidad de los resultados obtenidos por país.Este estudo busca analisar as relações entre os componentes da identidade nacional e a ideologia política, em suas manifestações, autoritária e de dominância social; e as expressões do bem-estar subjetivo e social em amostras de cinco países da América Latina. Para tal fim, se desenvolveu um estudo por enquetes no Brasil, Chile, Colômbia, México e Peru (n = 1039). Os resultados evidenciam relações significativas entre as expressões ideológicas com algumas dimensões da identidade. A ideologia autoritária se relaciona positivamente com os componentes da identidade, enquanto que a ideologia de dominância social o faz em menor medida e de forma inversa. As relações entre os componentes da identidade e o bem-estar apresentam uma associação positiva, e estas relações são mais intensas no caso do bem-estar social que no caso do bem-estar subjetivo, ainda que certa heterogeneidade por país também seja observada. Tentou-se propor um modelo geral das relações entre as variáveis derivadas dos três conceitos, mas este não alcançou bons níveis de ajuste, o que se explicaria pela heterogeneidade dos resultados obtidos por paí

    Melatonin decreases glucose metabolism in prostate cancer cells: A 13C stable isotope-resolved metabolomic study

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    The pineal neuroindole melatonin exerts an exceptional variety of systemic functions. Some of them are exerted through its specific membrane receptors type 1 and type 2 (MT1 and MT2) while others are mediated by receptor-independent mechanisms. A potential transport of melatonin through facilitative glucose transporters (GLUT/SLC2A) was proposed in prostate cancer cells. The prostate cells have a particular metabolism that changes during tumor progression. During the first steps of carcinogenesis, oxidative phosphorylation is reactivated while the switch to the “Warburg effect” only occurs in advanced tumors and in the metastatic stage. Here, we investigated whether melatonin might change prostate cancer cell metabolism. To do so, 13C stable isotope-resolved metabolomics in androgen sensitive LNCaP and insensitive PC-3 prostate cancer cells were employed. In addition to metabolite 13C-labeling, ATP/AMP levels, and lactate dehydrogenase or pentose phosphate pathway activity were measured. Melatonin reduces lactate labeling in androgen-sensitive cells and it also lowers 13C-labeling of tricarboxylic acid cycle metabolites and ATP production. In addition, melatonin reduces lactate 13C-labeling in androgen insensitive prostate cancer cells. Results demonstrated that melatonin limits glycolysis as well as the tricarboxylic acid cycle and pentose phosphate pathway in prostate cancer cells, suggesting that the reduction of glucose uptake is a major target of the indole in this tumor type

    La estimación de proporciones mediante técnicas Bayesianas

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    The estimation procedures based on Bayes' Theorem are still an unusual option in many of the environments of classic parametric inference. The aim of this paper is to show an effective scheme for the use of Bayesian estimation of unknown parameters. We have opted to focus on the estimation of parameters under the assumption of a binomial model, so that it can be followed by all those situations that meet the aforementioned probabilistic model. This approximation was studied in comparison with the classic parametric approximation, both in its point version and by means of interval estimation. On a study, by simulating samples of several sizes, we obtained empirical evidence regarding the advantage of the Bayesian procedure.ResumenLos procedimientos de estimación basados en el teorema de Bayes son inusuales en los diferentes ámbitos de aplicación de la inferencia paramétrica clásica. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un esquema para la estimación bayesiana de parámetros bajo los supuestos de un modelo binomial. El procedimiento Bayes se estudia en comparación con la aproximación paramétrica cl??sica, ambas opciones, en su versión puntual y mediante intervalos de estimación. Se presenta también un estudio de simulación con diferentes tamaños muestrales en el que se ponen de manifiesto las ventajas del procedimiento bayesiano.AbstractThe estimation procedures based on Bayes' Theorem are still an unusual option in many of the environments of classic parametric inference. The aim of this paper is to show an effective scheme for the use of Bayesian estimation of unknown parameters. We have opted to focus on the estimation of parameters under the assumption of a binomial model, so that it can be followed by all those situations that meet the aforementioned probabilistic model. This approximation was studied in comparison with the classic parametric approximation, both in its point version and by means of interval estimation. On a study, by simulating samples of several sizes, we obtained empirical evidence regarding the advantage of the Bayesian procedure

    Omentin: a biomarker of cardiovascular risk in individuals with axial spondyloarthritis

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    ABSTRACT: Cardiovascular (CV) disease is the main cause of mortality in axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). CV risk is enhanced by dysregulation of adipokines. Low omentin levels were associated with metabolic dysfunction and CV disease in conditions different from axSpA. Accordingly, we evaluated the genetic and functional implication of omentin in CV risk and subclinical atherosclerosis in a cohort of 385 axSpA patients. Subclinical atherosclerosis was evaluated by carotid ultrasound. Omentin rs12409609, in linkage disequilibrium with a polymorphism associated with CV risk, was genotyped in 385 patients and 84 controls. Serum omentin levels were also determined. omentin mRNA expression was assessed in a subgroup of individuals. Serum and mRNA omentin levels were lower in axSpA compared to controls. Low serum omentin levels were related to male sex, obesity, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and high atherogenic index. rs12409609 minor allele was associated with low omentin mRNA expression in axSpA. No association was observed with subclinical atherosclerosis at the genetic or functional level. In conclusion, in our study low omentin serum levels were associated with CV risk factors in axSpA. Furthermore, rs12409609 minor allele may be downregulating the expression of omentin. These data support a role of omentin as a CV risk biomarker in axSpA.We wish to thank all the patients and controls that participated in this study. This work was supported by funds of a NEXT-VAL grant (NVAL17/10) (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria IDIVAL) awarded to FG. SR-M is supported by funds of the RETICS Program (RD16/0012/0009) from the ‘Instituto de Salud Carlos III´ (ISCIII), co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). VP-C is supported by a pre-doctoral grant from IDIVAL (PREVAL 18/01). VM is supported by funds of a Miguel Servet type I programme (grant CP16/00033) (ISCIII, co-funded by the European Social Fund (ESF)). LL-G is supported by funds of PI18/00042 (ISCIII, co-funded by ERDF). RL-M is a recipient of a Miguel Servet type I programme fellowship from the ISCIII, co-funded by the ESF (grant CP16/00033)

    Vaspin in atherosclerotic disease and cardiovascular risk in axial spondyloarthritis: a genetic and serological study

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    Background: Vaspin is a novel anti-inflammatory adipokine associated with cardiovascular (CV) disease and inflammation in chronic inflammatory conditions different from axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA). Given the high incidence of CV disease (mainly due to accelerated atherosclerosis) exhibited by axSpA patients, we wondered if vaspin could also be a key molecule in this process. However, data on the role of vaspin regarding atherosclerotic disease in the context of axSpA is scarce. For this reason, we aimed to evaluate the implication of vaspin, at the genetic and serological level, in subclinical atherosclerosis and CV risk in axSpA. Methods: This study included 510 patients diagnosed with axSpA. Carotid ultrasound (US) was performed to evaluate the presence of subclinical atherosclerosis. Three vaspin gene variants (rs2236242, rs7159023, and rs35262691) were genotyped by TaqMan probes. Serum vaspin levels were assessed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Statistical analysis was performed using STATA® v.11.1. Results: Serum vaspin levels were significantly higher in female patients than in males and also in obese patients when compared to those with normal weight (p < 0.05). At the genetic level, we disclosed that the minor allele of rs2236242 (A) was associated with lower serum vaspin levels in axSpA, while the rs7159023 minor allele (A) was linked to higher serum levels (p < 0.05). When the three polymorphisms assessed were combined conforming haplotypes, we disclosed that the TGC haplotype related to high serum levels of vaspin (p = 0.01). However, no statistically significant association was observed between vaspin and markers of subclinical atherosclerosis, both at the genetic and serological level. Conclusions: Our results revealed that vaspin is linked to CV risk factors that may influence on the atherosclerotic process in axSpA. Additionally, we disclosed that serum vaspin concentration is genetically modulated in a large cohort of patients with axSpA.This work was partially supported by funds of a NEXT-VAL grant (NVAL17/10) (Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria IDIVAL) awarded to FG. RL-M is a recipient of a Miguel Servet type I programme fellowship (grant CP16/00033) from the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (ISCIII) and co-funded by the European Social Fund, ESF). SR-M is supported by funds of the RETICS Program (RD16/0012/0009) from ISCIII and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund. VP-C is supported by a pre-doctoral grant from IDIVAL (PREVAL18/01). LL-G is supported by funds of a Miguel Servet type I programme fellowship from ISCIII (grant CP16/00033, co-funded by the ESF). OG is beneficiary of a grant funded by Xunta de Galicia, Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional and Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria (GAIN), GPC IN607B2019/10

    Collective Effervescence, Self-Transcendence, and Gender Differences in Social Well-Being During 8 March Demonstrations

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    8 March (8M), now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations can be viewed as collective rituals and thus focus attention on the processes that facilitate different psychosocial effects. This work aims to explore the mechanisms (i.e., behavioral and attentional synchrony, perceived emotional synchrony, and positive and transcendent emotions) involved in participation in the demonstrations of 8 March 2020, collective and ritualized feminist actions, and their correlates associated with personal well-being (i.e., affective well-being and beliefs of personal growth) and collective well-being (i.e., social integration variables: situated identity, solidarity and fusion), collective efficacy and collective growth, and behavioral intention to support the fight for women’s rights. To this end, a cross-cultural study was conducted with the participation of 2,854 people (age 18–79; M = 30.55; SD = 11.66) from countries in Latin America (Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador) and Europe (Spain and Portugal), with a retrospective correlational cross-sectional design and a convenience sample. Participants were divided between demonstration participants (n = 1,271; 94.0% female) and non-demonstrators or followers who monitored participants through the media and social networks (n = 1,583; 75.87% female). Compared with non-demonstrators and with males, female and non-binary gender respondents had greater scores in mechanisms and criterion variables. Further random-effects model meta-analyses revealed that the perceived emotional synchrony was consistently associated with more proximal mechanisms, as well as with criterion variables. Finally, sequential moderation analyses showed that proposed mechanisms successfully mediated the effects of participation on every criterion variable. These results indicate that participation in 8M marches and demonstrations can be analyzed through the literature on collective rituals. As such, collective participation implies positive outcomes both individually and collectively, which are further reinforced through key psychological mechanisms, in line with a Durkheimian approach to collective rituals.Fil: Zumeta, Larraitz N.. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Castro Abril, Pablo. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Méndez, Lander. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Pizarro, José J.. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Włodarczyk, Anna. Universidad Católica del Norte; ChileFil: Basabe, Nekane. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Navarro Carrillo, Ginés. Universidad de Jaén; EspañaFil: Padoan De Luca, Sonia. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: da Costa, Silvia. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Alonso Arbiol, Itziar. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Torres Gómez, Bárbara. Universidad del País Vasco; EspañaFil: Cakal, Huseyin. Keele University; Reino UnidoFil: Delfino, Gisela Isabel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina "Santa María de los Buenos Aires"; ArgentinaFil: Techio, Elza M.. Universidade Federal da Bahia; BrasilFil: Alzugaray, Carolina. Universidad de Santo Tomas; ChileFil: Bilbao, Marian. Universidad Alberto Hurtado; ChileFil: Villagrán, Loreto. Universidad de Concepción; ChileFil: López López, Wilson. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana; ColombiaFil: Ruiz Pérez, José Ignacio. Universidad Nacional de Colombia; ColombiaFil: Cedeño, Cynthia C.. Universidad Politécnica Salesiana; EcuadorFil: Reyes Valenzuela, Carlos. Universidad Andina Simon Bolivar - Sede Ecuador.; EcuadorFil: Alfaro Beracoechea, Laura. Universidad de Guadalajara; MéxicoFil: Contreras Ibáñez, Carlos César. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana; MéxicoFil: Ibarra, Manuel Leonardo. Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México; MéxicoFil: Reyes Sosa, Hiram. Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila; MéxicoFil: Cueto, Rosa María. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú; PerúFil: Carvalho, Catarina L.. Universidad de Porto; PortugalFil: Pinto, Isabel R.. Universidad de Porto; Portuga