1,497 research outputs found

    The massive stellar content in NGC604 and its evolutionary state

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    The ultraviolet resonance wind stellar lines, the nebular optical emission lines and the higher order terms of the Balmer series and HeI absorption lines detected in the spectra of NGC 604 are interpreted using evolutionary models optimized for young star forming regions. The evolutionary state and the massive stellar content of the region is derived in a self-consistent way. The three techniques applied suggest that the central ionizing cluster in NGC 604 is very young, 3 Myr old, and that the stars in the cluster were formed in an instantaneous burst following a Salpeter or flatter IMF, having stars more massive that 80 Msol. The stellar cluster is able to provide most of the ionizing photons needed to photoionize the whole nebula, and the wind power to form the central shell structure where the cluster core is located. The stellar cluster is affected by an extinction similar to the average extinction that affects the ionized gas. The estimated number of massive stars in the cluster is also in agreement with that derived from previous studies based on the detection of individual stars. The results that we present here support the use of these techniques for the interpretation of the integrated light of more distant star forming regionsComment: To be published in MNRAS. 17 pages and 17 figure

    IMF shape constraints from stellar populations and dynamics from CALIFA

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    M. Lyubenova et. al.In this paper, we describe how we use stellar dynamics information to constrain the shape of the stellar initial mass function (IMF) in a sample of 27 early-type galaxies from the CALIFA survey. We obtain dynamical and stellar mass-to-light ratios, ¿dyn and ¿*, over a homogenous aperture of 0.5 Re. We use the constraint ¿dyn¿¿* to test two IMF shapes within the framework of the extended MILES stellar population models. We rule out a single power-law IMF shape for 75 per cent of the galaxies in our sample. Conversely, we find that a double power-law IMF shape with a varying high-mass end slope is compatible (within 1¿) with 95 per cent of the galaxies. We also show that dynamical and stellar IMF mismatch factors give consistent results for the systematic variation of the IMF in these galaxies. © 2016, Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society.This Paper is based on data obtained by the CALIFA survey, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science under grant ICTS-2009-10, and the CAHA. IMN and JFB acknowledge funding from grant AYA2013-48226-C3-1-P from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) and, together with and GvdV, from the FP7 Marie Curie Actions via the ITN DAGAL (grant 289313). CJW acknowledges support through the Marie Curie Career Integration Grant 303912. Support for LG is provided by the Ministry of Economy, Development, and Tourism's Millennium Science Initiative through grant IC120009 awarded to The Millennium Institute of Astrophysics (MAS), and CONICYT through FONDECYT grant 3140566. RGD acknowledges support from AyA2014-57490-P. JMA acknowledges support from the ERC Starting Grant (SEDmorph; P.I. V. Wild).Peer Reviewe

    Ampliación de la Oferta Turística del Municipio de Morrito, basado en Propuestas de Desarrollo Turístico para los recursos Cerro San Marcos, Punta el Morro, Isla San Bernardo y Ojo de agua las Maríítas del Municipio de Morrito, Departamento de Río San Juan, en el período de Agosto 2013– Febrero 2014

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    El presente resumen contiene los aspectos más relevantes del documento de investigación, el cual se sustenta en el enfoque cualitativo o enfoque naturalista, presentando también una metodología de carácter descriptivo con corte transversal. Con este proceso investigativo se pretendió comprender la realidad del fenómeno en estudio y a su vez, describirlo y analizarlo en situaciones naturales, tomando en consideración los factores que podrían ejercer su influencia sobre el mismo durante un período de tiempo determinado. Morrito es un municipio del Departamento de Río San Juan y actualmente es parte de la zona de amortiguamiento de la Reserva de Biósfera del Suroeste de Nicaragua, siendo un área de importancia tanto turística como ambiental. En el ámbito turístico se han realizado estudios pero no se le han dado seguimiento. Es hasta el año 2013 que la Alcaldía de Morrito en conjunto con la Empresa Portuaria Nicaragüense (EPN) elabora el proyecto “Construcción de Malecón Turístico y obras de Infraestructura de Apoyo al Turismo, en el Municipio de Morrito” con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo económico y turístico. Sin embargo, no se considera en este proyecto el potencial turístico, en cuanto a atractivos turísticos. Por esta razón, el grupo de investigación basándose en el estudio previo de “Inventario de Requerimiento y Atractivos Turísticos del sector urbano del municipio de morrito, 2007” seleccionó cuatro recursos del municipio de Morrito, de los cuales tres se encuentran en el sector urbano y uno en la comunidad de Mayasang. El contenido de este estudio está referido a crear propuestas de Desarrollo Turístico para los recursos Cerro San Marcos, Punta el Morro, Isla San Bernardo y Ojo de agua las Mariitas, del Municipio de Morrito, Departamento de Río San Juan, en el período de Agosto 2013 – Febrero 2014. El reporte de Investigación incluye una caracterización de los cuatro atractivos, el análisis FODA para cada uno de ellos y finalmente la elaboración de propuesta

    Efecto de las fracciones soluble en insoluble de la fibra de la pulpa de manzana sobre la digestibilidadi ileal y fecal en conejos

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    El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar el efecto de la fibra soluble e insoluble de pulpa de manzana sobre la digestibilidad ileal y fecal en conejos. Se formularon cuatro piensos con niveles similares de fibra insoluble (FND 32,4%) y proteína (18,6%, ambos sobre MS). El nivel de fibra soluble fue bajo en el pienso control (4,6%, su fibra procedió de cascarilla de avena y paja) y aumentó en los piensos con pulpa de manzana depectinizada (7,1%), pulpa de manzana (9,3%) y pectinas de manzana (10,5%). Se determinó la digestibilidad fecal en 23 gazapos/pienso entre los 55 y los 59 d de edad, y se sacrificaron 23 gazapos/pienso a los 60 d de edad para proteger la digesta ileal y determinar la digestibilidad ileal

    Ten years of marine current observations in Espartel Sill, Strait of Gibraltar

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    Almost ten years of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) observations of the outflowing currents in the southern channel of the Espartel Sill in the Strait of Gibraltar have been analyzed to make a longterm estimation of the Mediterranean outflow through that section. A total of 25 moorings have been deployed from September 2004 to April 2014 nearly continuously, with a one-year break in August 2011, due to a temporary change of the mooring location in the Camarinal Sill, and few sporadic gaps in January 2009 and January 2011 due to the partial loss of the line. All data sets have been submitted to a careful quality control in order to address issues related to the coherence of the measured data, with the aim to check the inter-comparability of the different time series. A slightly different configuration set has been used throughout the years in order to test the robustness of the measurement and the good homogeneity of the whole dataset has been verified. Tilt range of variation and horizontal velocity error based on a statistical estimate of the ensemble standard deviation have been carefully assessed and the latter has been used to filter the residual spikes mostly concentrated in the upper bins of the vertical profiles. The missing mooring has been reconstructed by inferring velocities from a parallel mooring deployed contemporarily in Camarinal Sill and Espartel Sill, basing on a combination of subinertial correlation with atmospheric forcing and the reconstruction of the tidal dynamics by harmonic analysis. Finally a three-dimensional high resolution numerical model, widely validated over the area of interest, has been used to aid the assessment of the possible overestimation of the flow by the ADCP observations through the entire section of the Espartel Sill and the reconstruction of the missing mooring in 2011.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    A discrete proposal : appeals to the social networks of popular programmes in Europe

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    This article shows the results of an empirical research dealing with on-screen appeal strategies calling for the use of social networks during the most-watched programmes on general DTT channels in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom in 2016-2017. The aim is to identify how the attention of social audiences is sought while the broadcast is taking place and what form these appeals acquire in the narrative and structure of formats. The content analysis shows the resources and strategies used, the differences according to country, channel ownership and programme genre, and the hegemonic use of hashtags and the unique strategies of info-show in commercial channels.El artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación empírica sobre las estrategias de apelación en pantalla a las redes sociales de los programas más vistos en los canales generalistas de TDT en Francia, Alemania, Italia, España y el Reino Unido en 2016-2017. El objetivo es identificar cómo se reclama la atención de las audiencias sociales en tiempo sincrónico a la emisión y qué forma adquieren en la narración y estructura de los formatos. El análisis de contenido muestra los recursos y estrategias empleadas, las diferencias según país, titularidad del canal y género programático, y el uso hegemónico del hashtag y las estrategias singulares del info-show en los canales comerciales.O artigo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa empírica sobre as estratégias de apelação em tela às redes sociais dos programas mais assistidos nos canais generalistas do TDT na França, Alemanha, Itália, Espanha e Reino Unido em 2016-2017. O objetivo é identificar como se exige a atenção das audiências sociais em tempo sincrônico à emissão e que forma se tornam na narração e estrutura dos formatos. A análise de conteúdo mostra os recursos e estratégias empregadas, as diferenças segundo o país, titularidade do canal e gênero programático, e o uso hegemônico da hashtag e as estratégias singulares do info-show nos canais comerciais

    The stellar content of giant H II regions in NGC 7714

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    This is an electronic version of an article published in The Astrophysical Journal. García-Vargas, M.L., González-Delgado, R.M., Pérez, E., Alloin, D., Díaz, A. and E. Terlevich. The stellar content of giant H II regions in NGC 7714. The Astrophysical Journal 478 (1997): 112-12