143 research outputs found

    Multi‐attribute analysis for the eco‐energetic assessment of the building life cycle

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    In the recent years, attention has been attracted to the development of activities (developing and implementation of standards, directives, regulations, policies etc.) related to the environmental protection and implementation of the principles of sustainable development. Also in Poland, principles ofthat concept are put into practice. There is, however, a shortage of elaborations which the future investor or designer could, in an easy way, utilise for the selection of environment‐friendly materials, technologies, building utilities and so forth, i.e. to design a facility which causes the least harm possible to the environment, maintaining at the same time low energy demand during its life cycle. According to the philosophy of environmental protection, a building design should take into consideration its entire life cycle, and its structure and utilities should allow the supplies of energy needed for heating to be eliminated while using the building. The present paper aims to give multi‐attribute analysis for assessment of building variants, which utilises the Life Cycle Assessment method (LCA). The method defines a number of so‐called environmental impact categories, which include criteria to be considered while selecting a solution, which minimises such impacts. The most important of them and costs are taken into account in the multi‐criteria analysis for optimum solution selection. The results of eco‐energetic assessment of variants house are grounds to supporting decisions in programming, designing and performing houses, taking into consideration numerous others aspects (usable, technical, social etc.). Santrauka Pastaraisiais metais pasaulyje vis daugiau dėmesio skiriama aplinkosaugai ir darnaus vystymosi principų įgyvendinimui (politikos formavimui, standartų, direktyvų kūrimui ir įgyvendinimui). Lenkijoje taip pat bandoma įgyvendinti šiuos principus. Tačiau iki šiol stigo tipinių sprendimų, kuriuos investuotojas ar projektuotojas galėtų pritaikyti nekenksmingų aplinkai medžiagų, technologijų ir inžinerinių sistemų pasirinkimui, t. y. suprojektuoti pastatą, darantį mažiausiai žalos aplinkai, tuo pat metu sunaudojantį mažai energijos per visą savo gyvavimo ciklą. Pagal aplinkosaugos koncepciją pastatas turi būti suprojektuotas atsižvelgiant į visą jo gyvavimo ciklą, o jo konstrukcija ir inžinerinės sistemos turėtų užtikrinti minimalų poreikį šildyti eksploatuojamą pastatą. Straipsnyje pateikiama daugiakriterinė pastato variantų analizė atsižvelgiant į jo gyvavimo ciklą. Metodas įvertina rodikliais apibūdinamas poveikio aplinkai kategorijas, paskui priimamas sprendimas, užtikrinantis mažiausią poveikį aplinkai. Atliekant daugiakriterinę analizę ir priimant optimalų sprendimą vertinami svarbiausieji poveikiai ir kaina. Ekoenerginio pastato variantų vertinimo rezultatai yra pagrindas sprendimams priimti projektuojant ir eksploatuojant pastatus, taip pat vertinant kitus aspektus (eksploatacinius, socialinius).  First published online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: darnusis vystymasis, gyvavimo ciklo įvertinimo metodas, daugiakriterinė analizė, optimizavimas, projektavimo paramos metodas

    CROSSFIT – mental training. Case study

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    Introduction: CrossFit is a challenging sport. It enforces full engagement of the athlete in every move during every training session. CrossFit teaches perseverance, discipline and respect.Sports psychology allows for in-depth analysis of trainings or competitions. The athlete can better prepare himself for what he may face, both on the mistakes made and on success. Regular mental training supports the athlete's ability to be successful in sports.The aim of the study: The purpose of this paper was to demonstrate the relationship between mental training - here mainly focused on concentration, self-confidence and imagery,  CrossFit and sports performance.Material and the method: This paper is a case study. The subject of the study was a male - 30 years old, training crossfit, with the 3-year training experience. Meeting  period with the subject male was conducted for 2 months. Before and after the meeting period there were used below mentioned methods: Sports Confidence Inventory (TSCI-PL); The Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS); The Imagination in Sport Questionnaire; The Sport  Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ) and the profile of skills. Results: There was a noticeable increase of the results in the questionnaires: Sports Confidence Inventory (TSCI-PL); The Imagination in Sport Questionnaire; The Sport  Orientation Questionnaire (SOQ) questionnaire for the self-confidence (TSCI-PL).  The Sport Anxiety Scale (SAS) there was an increase of the results regarding the somatic anxiety and worrying also there was a decrease in the scale of distraction.Conclusion: The meeting period turned out to be effective, however the mental training requires regularity and longevity in order to maintain consistency and repeatability of behavior

    Eco-inovação: um relato da Replastik reciclagem de plásticos com materiais e substratos reciclados e recicláveis

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    Este relatório técnico científico versará sobre as práticas de Gestão Ambiental, Logística Reversa e Eco-inovação à luz do embasamento teórico específico e pelo amparo pragmático mediante descrição da Empresa Replastik Reciclagem de Plásticos, localizada na Cidade de Guarapuava/Paraná. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, do tipo descritiva, com objetivos de transcrição do aporte teórico e da articulação com a prática da empresa. Como procedimento de coleta de dados optou-se pelo roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado com o proprietário da empresa e pesquisa documental.  Constatou-se um empreendimento consolidado enquanto ideologia de ação e de extrema relevância para toda uma sociedade pelos fins que oportunizam a muitos produtos sem a possibilidade de reinserção no fluxo direto; a empresa se apresenta como uma incubadora pelas práticas vigentes como a busca por produtos novos mediante as prototipagens (próprias) e também econômica (fins lucrativos), bem como, a conscientização e adoção de ações ou medidas para a minimização dos impactos ambientais.

    Extensão Tecnológica

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    O Instituto Federal Catarinense lança mais um número da Revista Extensão Tecnológica, disponibilizando à nossa comunidade. Assim reafirmamos o compromisso da divulgação de ações extensionistas, sejam elas realizadas no âmbito do IFC quanto em outras instituições. Este número tem um simbolismo especial pelo fato de coincidir com o final da Gestão 2016-2019. Gestão a qual teve como premissa o apoio e incentivo às ações de extensão em nossa instituição. Ações que estavam ligadas aos arranjos produtivos, culturais, e sociais locais, contemplando inúmeras áreas do saber e da extensão, traduzindo nossa capilaridade em Santa Catarina e diversidade de motivos e razões para se “fazer extensão”. Falando em “fazer extensão”, isso é algo que está no dia a dia do IFC. A final, tudo aquilo que aprendemos, criamos, produzimos, desenvolvemos, inovamos, etc, deve atender ou resolver um problema na comunidade onde estamos inseridos. Neste número resumimos um pouco do que as atividades de extensão são capazes de transformar na vida das pessoas. Quando falamos em transformar vidas, devemos sempre observar a participação dos estudantes nos projetos e/ou ações extensionistas. Seja este estudante bolsista ou voluntário, podemos perceber o impacto que o desenvolvimento destas atividades faz em seu processo educativo. Tenho certeza, que ao realizar as ações, todos saem um pouco mais cidadãos. Enfim, esta é uma função do “fazer extensão”, tocar a vida de quem faz e de quem recebe. Assim, esta Revista traz um pouco destes momentos que agora queremos compartilhar com vocês.   Os Editores

    A migraine variant with abdominal colic and Alice in wonderland syndrome: a case report and review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Abdominal migraine is a commonly described migraine variant in children and young adults, but associations with Alice in Wonderland syndrome and lilliputian hallucinations are exceptional.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 20 years-old male experienced frequent and prolonged attacks of abdominal colic associated with autonomic manifestations started at the age of ten. At the age of 17, he additionally described prolonged attacks (≥ 7 days) of distortions of shape, size or position of objects or subjects. He said "Quite suddenly, objects appear small and distant (teliopsia) or large and close (peliopsia). I feel as I am getting shorter and smaller "shrinking" and also the size of persons are not longer than my index finger (a lilliputian proportion). Sometimes I see the blind in the window or the television getting up and down, or my leg or arm is swinging. I may hear the voices of people quite loud and close or faint and far. Occasionally, I experience attacks of migrainous headache associated with eye redness, flashes of lights and a feeling of giddiness. I am always conscious to the intangible changes in myself and my environment". There is a strong family history of common migraine. Clinical examination, brain-MRI and EEG were normal. Transcranial magnetic stimulation and evoked potentials revealed enhanced cortical excitability in multiple brain regions. Treatment with valproate resulted in marked improvement of all clinical and neurophysiological abnormalities.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The association between the two migraine variants (abdominal migraine and Alice in Wonderland Syndrome) might have clinical, pathophysiological and management implications. I think this is the first description in the literature.</p

    The potential of urinary metabolites for diagnosing multiple sclerosis

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    A definitive diagnostic test for multiple sclerosis (MS) does not exist; instead physicians use a combination of medical history, magnetic resonance imaging, and cerebrospinal fluid analysis (CSF). Significant effort has been employed to identify biomarkers from CSF to facilitate MS diagnosis; however none of the proposed biomarkers have been successful to date. Urine is a proven source of metabolite biomarkers and has the potential to be a rapid, non-invasive, inexpensive, and efficient diagnostic tool for various human diseases. Nevertheless, urinary metabolites have not been extensively explored as a source of biomarkers for MS. Instead, we demonstrate that urinary metabolites have significant promise for monitoring disease-progression, and response to treatment in MS patients. NMR analysis of urine permitted the identification of metabolites that differentiate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE)-mice (prototypic disease model for MS) from healthy and MS drug-treated EAE mice

    Clinical and radiographic spectrum of pathologically confirmed tumefactive multiple sclerosis

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    Atypical imaging features of multiple sclerosis lesions include size >2 cm, mass effect, oedema and/or ring enhancement. This constellation is often referred to as ‘tumefactive multiple sclerosis’. Previous series emphasize their unifocal and clinically isolated nature, however, evolution of these lesions is not well defined. Biopsy may be required for diagnosis. We describe clinical and radiographic features in 168 patients with biopsy confirmed CNS inflammatory demyelinating disease (IDD). Lesions were analysed on pre- and post-biopsy magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for location, size, mass effect/oedema, enhancement, multifocality and fulfilment of Barkhof criteria. Clinical data were correlated to MRI. Female to male ratio was 1.2 : 1, median age at onset, 37 years, duration between symptom onset and biopsy, 7.1 weeks and total disease duration, 3.9 years. Clinical course prior to biopsy was a first neurological event in 61%, relapsing–remitting in 29% and progressive in 4%. Presentations were typically polysymptomatic, with motor, cognitive and sensory symptoms predominating. Aphasia, agnosia, seizures and visual field defects were observed. At follow-up, 70% developed definite multiple sclerosis, and 14% had an isolated demyelinating syndrome. Median time to second attack was 4.8 years, and median EDSS at follow-up was 3.0. Multiple lesions were present in 70% on pre-biopsy MRI, and in 83% by last MRI, with Barkhof criteria fulfilled in 46% prior to biopsy and 55% by follow-up. Only 17% of cases remained unifocal. Median largest lesion size on T2-weighted images was 4 cm (range 0.5–12), with a discernible size of 2.1 cm (range 0.5–7.5). Biopsied lesions demonstrated mass effect in 45% and oedema in 77%. A strong association was found between lesion size, and presence of mass effect and/or oedema (P < 0.001). Ring enhancement was frequent. Most tumefactive features did not correlate with gender, course or diagnosis. Although lesion size >5 cm was associated with a slightly higher EDSS at last follow-up, long-term prognosis in patients with disease duration >10 years was better (EDSS 1.5) compared with a population-based multiple sclerosis cohort matched for disease duration (EDSS 3.5; P < 0.001). Given the retrospective nature of the study, the precise reason for biopsy could not always be determined. This study underscores the diagnostically challenging nature of CNS IDDs that present with atypical clinical or radiographic features. Most have multifocal disease at onset, and develop RRMS by follow-up. Although increased awareness of this broad spectrum may obviate need for biopsy in many circumstances, an important role for diagnostic brain biopsy may be required in some cases