23 research outputs found

    Perhitungan sel darah merah menggunakan operasi morfologi branchpoints berbasis pengolahan citra digital

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    ABSTRAKSI: Jumlah sel darah merah pada manusia dipengaruhi oleh usia dan jenis kelamin. Perhitungan sel darah merah sangat dibutuhkan untuk mempermudah kinerja dari dokter untuk menganalisa penyakit yang diderita pasien. Kemajuan pengolahan citra memungkinkan perhitungan citra secara otomatis. Aplikasi ini juga diharapkan dapat membantu dokter-dokter yang bekerja di desa-desa terpencil atau puskesmas yang masih jauh dari kemajuan teknolnogi dan kekurangan alat-alat medis.Pada tugas akhir ini akan dilakukan pembuatan sistem perhitungan sel darah berbasis pengolahan citra digital dengan menggunakan morfologi branchpoints. Citra akan melalui preprocessing, segementasi, skeleton setelah itu citra akan menghasil titik-titik setelah melaui proses branchpoints.Pengujian dilakukan dengan data uji sebanyak 20 citra yang mempunyai perbedaan intensitas antara 10 citra dengan 10 citra kedua. Pada penelitian ini didapat akurasi 96,97% untuk threshold 1800 , 96,65% unutk threshold 1500 dan 95,65% untuk threshold 2000.Kata Kunci : Kata kunci: sel darah merah, preprocessing, morfologi branchpoints, morfologi skeleton, threshold.ABSTRACT: The number of red blood cells in humans is influenced by age and gender. Calculation of red blood cells are needed to facilitate the performance of doctors to analyze the patient\u27s illness. Progress image processing allows the calculation of the image automatically. This application is also expected to help doctors working in remote villages or centers which are still far from teknolnogi progress and lack of medical devices.In this final will be conducted by making blood cells counting system based digital image processing using morphological branchpoints. The image is going through preprocessing, segmentation, image skeleton after it will produce the points after through the branchpoints.Tests conducted with the test data up to 20 images that have different image intensities between 10 to 10 images a second. In this study, obtained 96.97% accuracy threshold for 1800, 96.65% threshold fatherly 1500 and 95.65% for threshold 2000.Keyword: Keywords: red blood cells, preprocessing, branchpoints morphology, morphological skeleton, threshold

    Computed tomography scanning as a tool for linking the skeletal and otolith‐based fossil records of teleost fishes

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    Micro‐computed tomography (μCT) scanning now represents a standard tool for non‐destructive study of internal or concealed structure in fossils. Here we report on otoliths found in situ during routine μCT scanning of three‐dimensionally preserved skulls of Palaeogene and Cretaceous fishes. Comparisons are made with isolated otolith‐based taxa to attempt correlations between the body fossil and otolith fossil records. In situ otoliths previously extracted mechanically from specimens of Apogon macrolepis and Dentex laekeniensis match our μCT models. In some cases, we find a high degree of congruence between previously independent taxonomic placements for otolith and skeletal remains (Rhinocephalus, Osmeroides, Hoplopteryx). Unexpectedly, in situ otoliths of the aulopiform Apateodus match isolated otoliths of Late Cretaceous age previously interpreted as belonging to gempylids, a group of percomorph fishes that do not appear in the body fossil record until the Palaeogene. This striking example of convergence suggests constraints on otolith geometry in pelagic predators. The otoliths of Apateodus show a primitive geometry for aulopiforms and lack the derived features of Alepisauroidea, the lizardfish clade to which the genus is often attributed. In situ otoliths of Early Cretaceous fishes (Apsopelix and an unidentified taxon) are not well preserved, and we are unable to identify clear correlations with isolated otolith morphologies. We conclude that the preservation of otoliths suitable for μCT scanning appears to be intimately connected with the taphonomic history, lithological characteristics of surrounding matrix, and syn‐ and postdepositional diagenetic effects.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144669/1/pala12349.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/144669/2/pala12349_am.pd