790 research outputs found

    An architecture to generate classified datasets and improve performance of intrusion detection systems

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    Mestrado em Ciberseguran?a na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gest?o do Instituto Polit?cnico de Viana do CasteloNowadays, a set of services are available online with various associated data. It is essential to ensure the availability, integrity and confidentiality of all data. However, cyberattacks are a major threat. In this sense, an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is an important tool to prevent potential threats to systems and data. It is necessary to implement new mechanisms with intelligence to successfully defend the complexity and intelligence of attacks, that is, to increase their efficiency. Anomaly-based IDSs may deploy machine learning algorithms to classify events either as normal or anomalous and trigger the adequate response. When using supervised learning, these algorithms require classified, rich, and recent datasets. Thus, to foster the performance of these machine learning models, datasets can be generated from different sources in a collaborative approach, and trained with multiple algorithms. This document proposes a vote-based architecture to generate classified datasets and improve performance of supervised learning-based IDSs. In a regular basis, multiple IDSs in different locations (companies) send their logs to a central system that combines and classifies them using different machine learning models and a majority vote system. Then, it generates a new and classified dataset, which is trained to obtain the best updated model to be integrated into the IDS of the companies involved. In this way, intrusion detection systems are frequently updated with the best machine learning model to increase their efficiency. The proposed architecture trains multiple times with several algorithms and, to shorten the overall runtimes, the proposed architecture was deployed in Fed4FIRE+, a federated testbed, with Ray to distribute the tasks by the available resources. This implementation allowed a reduction of the time in the classification between 31% and 33%, and in the training time of 43%. A set of machine learning algorithms and the proposed architecture were assessed. When compared with a baseline scenario, the proposed architecture enabled to increase the accuracy by 11.5% and the precision by 11.2%

    Has core inflation been doing a good job in Brazil?

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    This paper assesses the performance of the core inflation measures calculated by the Brazilian Central Bank (BCB). The evidence shows that they do not meet some key statistical criteria that a good core inflation should have: unbiasedness and the ability to forecast inflation. That performance stems, to a large extent, from the lack of a well-grounded statistical and economical basis behind them. Three new measures are built and assessed using the same criteria. The evidence shows that their behaviour is more in accordance to what the theory claims. However, they still lack the ability to help forecasting inflation. Hence both the BCB and the market should use core inflation cautiously.Core inflation; inflation; supply shocks; relative prices; volatility

    O "Carisolv" e as técnicas de tratamento minimamente invasivas.

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    Mestrado Integrado em Medicina DentáriaMaster Degree in Dental Medicin

    Um modelo de gestão em rede

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    O Exército Português possui um vasto, rico, diversificado e multidisciplinar património museológico, de abrangência territorial nacional e internacional. A sua estrutura organizacional, diversa legislação de suporte e missão refletem a preocupação de preservar a memória militar, essencialmente na perspetiva histórica. Desde a enorme dimensão e valor das coleções do Museu Militar de Lisboa, até à mais pequena e humilde Coleção Militar Visitável de uma certa Unidade, Estabelecimento e Órgão, há, inequivocamente, um denominador comum: conservar os diferentes testemunhos e ações militares, de âmbito local, regional, nacional e internacional. Mas, sendo condição necessária, “conservar” não é suficiente para se verificar o cumprimento de requisitos museológicos e museográficos, que são exigidos por lei e normas internas. Perante esse enquadramento e associado à perceção de existirem insuficiências de diversa ordem no panorama museológico do Exército Português, era determinante avaliar e caracterizar a sua realidade para se propor um novo modelo de gestão e de funcionamento mais eficiente e superiormente articulado. Assim, em 2004, recorreu-se ao método do questionário para a recolha de dados e procedeu-se a diversas visitas e entrevistas como forma complementar daquele método e contribuir desse modo para uma caracterização mais verdadeira. Os resultados obtidos viriam a confirmar a necessidade, importância e urgência em agir de forma a ser implementada no Exército Português uma estrutura em rede de Museus Militares e de Coleções Militares Visitáveis, escorada nas TIC, aberta a outros museus ou coleções visitáveis – quer no plano nacional quer no plano internacional – e dotada de recursos – humanos, materiais, financeiros e informáticos – adequados para viabilizar um projeto de natureza complexa e diversificada, de dimensão variável e organizada funcionalmente. A proposta de 2005 foi formulada de modo a cumprir dois critérios: – Descentralização (territorial, de recursos humanos e materiais, temática dos Museus Militares e das Coleções Militares Visitáveis); – Centralização na gestão integrada (bens museológicos, recursos humanos, materiais, financeiros e informáticos). E foi assim que se estabeleceram algumas linhas orientadoras e identificaram- se condicionamentos à implementação da nova rede de museus para o Exército. Após sete anos, importa atualizar dados e proceder a um diagnóstico qualitativo ao seu panorama museológico, ora reforçando algumas dessas linhas orientadoras, ora apontando novas linhas para correção de algumas desconformidades detetadas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Has core inflation been doing a good job in Brazil?

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    This paper assesses the performance of the core inflation measures calculated by the Brazilian Central Bank (BCB). The evidence shows that they do not meet some key statistical criteria that a good core inflation should have: unbiasedness and the ability to forecast inflation. That performance stems, to a large extent, from the lack of a well-grounded statistical and economical basis behind them. Three new measures are built and assessed using the same criteria. The evidence shows that their behaviour is more in accordance to what the theory claims. However, they still lack the ability to help forecasting inflation. Hence both the BCB and the market should use core inflation cautiously


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    Centralization versus decentralization of IT constitutes a theme of appealing debate in the business and academic environment. Informed of a theoretical referential that it includes the concepts of both currents, the present study has the purpose to discuss the effectiveness of the decentralization of IT in a federal financial institution. Thus, the company was analyzed in accordance with the model of Donovan (1988) and was realized researches with main-employee of it IT solutions supply process. It was verified that the company combines politics of IT of both apprenticeships wacthdog and network, what would harm it IT evolutionary path, in the future, obstructing initiatives of innovation and competitiveness. As mentioned author was affirm, the apprenticeship watchdog contains the most severe tensions of all models for him studied. On the other hand, in the research with the employees, it was found evidences that corroborate the effectiveness of the IT solutions supply process decentralization. The objective of this work was contributed for the establishment of a referential for evaluation of advantages and disadvantages of IT decentralization.Centralização versus descentralização de TI constitui tema de debate recorrente nos meios empresarial e acadêmico. A par de um referencial teórico que abrange o ideário de uma e outra corrente, o presente estudo tem como propósito discutir a eficácia da descentralização de TI em uma instituição financeira estatal federal. Para tanto, analisou-se a empresa à luz do modelo de Donovan (1988) e realizou-se pesquisa com funcionários-chave de seu processo de suprimento de soluções de TI. Verificou-se que a empresa combina políticas de TI de ambos os estágios wacthdog e network, o que poderia, no futuro, prejudicar a sua trajetória evolutiva de TI, minando iniciativas de inovação e competitividade. Segundo o citado autor, o estágio watchdog encerra as mais severas tensões de todos os modelos por ele estudados. Por outro lado, na pesquisa com os funcionários, foram encontradas evidências que corroboram com a eficácia da descentralização do processo de suprimento de soluções de TI. O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para o estabelecimento de um referencial para avaliação de vantagens e desvantagens em descentralizar a TI

    Association of Trypanosoma vivax in extracellular sites with central nervous system lesions and changes in cerebrospinal fluid in experimentally infected goats

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    Changes in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and anatomical and histopathological central nervous system (CNS) lesions were evaluated, and the presence of Trypanosoma vivax in CNS tissues was investigated through PCR. Twelve adult male goats were divided into three groups (G): G1, infected with T. vivax and evaluated during the acute phase; G2, infected goats evaluated during the chronic phase; and G3, consisting of non-infected goats. Each goat from G1 and G2 was infected with 1.25 × 105 trypomastigotes. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis and investigation of T. vivax was performed at the 15th day post-infection (dpi) in G1 goats and on the fifth day after the manifestation of nervous system infection signs in G2 goats. All goats were necropsied, and CNS fragments from G1 and G2 goats were evaluated by PCR for the determination of T. vivax. Hyperthermia, anemia and parasitemia were observed from the fifth dpi for G1 and G2, with the highest parasitemia peak between the seventh and 21st dpi. Nervous system infection signs were observed in three G2 goats between the 30th and 35th dpi. CSF analysis revealed the presence of T. vivax for G2. Meningitis and meningoencephalitis were diagnosed in G2. PCR were positive for T. vivax in all the samples tested. In conclusion, T. vivax may reach the nervous tissue resulting in immune response from the host, which is the cause of progressive clinical and pathological manifestations of the CNS in experimentally infected goats

    FUNGITOXITY OF Mentha spicata OIL ON THE GROWTH OF FUNGI OF THE GENERA Colletotrichum AND Fusarium

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    Increasingly, the population has been concerned that the production of these foods is free of pesticide residues, so it is necessary to search for viable and effective alternatives to control pests and diseases. Thus, the use of essential oil from plants with insecticidal and fungicidal potential has been successfully studied. The study aimed to demonstrate the effect of Mentha spicata essential oil on the control of Fusarium and Colletotrichum fungi in vitro. The essential oil of M. spicata used was purchased from the chemical industry Ferquima, being diluted in a 2% Tween 20 solution (being 98 mL of distilled water + 2 mL of Tween 20), which was added in 60 mL of a PDA culture medium, resulting in final essential oil concentrations: 0 ppm; 0.83 ppm; 1.67 ppm; 8.33 ppm, and 16.67 ppm and poured into 90 mm diameter Petri dishes. The evaluations took place periodically every 48 hours for eight days, performing measurements of the diameters of the colonies. The results evidenced that the analyzed fungi, when submitted to treatments of different doses, suffered fungistatic action according to the gradual increase of the doses. Thus, it is possible to conclude that M. spicata oil provided the in vitro growth control of Fusarium sp. and Colletorichum sp.Cada vez mais, a população tem se preocupado que a produção desses alimentos seja livre de resíduos de agrotóxicos, portanto se faz necessário a busca por alternativas viáveis e eficazes para controle de pragas e doenças. Desta forma, a utilização de óleo essencial de plantas com potencial inseticida e fungicida vem sendo estudada com sucesso. O objetivo deste trabalho foi demonstrar o efeito do óleo essencial de Mentha spicata no controle dos fungos dos gêneros Fusarium e Colletotrichum in vitro. O óleo de essencial de M. spicata utilizado, foi adquirido da indústria química Ferquima, sendo diluído em uma solução Tween 20 a 2% (sendo 98 mL de água destilada + 2 mL de Tween 20), que foram adicionados em 60 mL de meio de cultura BDA, resultando nas concentrações finais de óleo essencial: 0 ppm; 0,83 ppm; 1,67 ppm; 8,33 ppm e 16,67 ppm e vertidos em placas de Petri de 90 mm de diâmetro. As avaliações ocorreram periodicamente a cada 48 horas, por 8 dias, realizando medições dos diâmetros das colônias. Os resultados apresentados mostraram que os fungos analisados quando submetidos a tratamentos de diferentes doses, sofreram ação fungistática, de acordo com o aumento gradativo das doses. Assim, é possível concluir que o óleo de M. spicata proporcionou o controle do crescimento in vitro dos fungos Fusarium sp. e Colletorichum sp

    A potential signature for muscle-invasive tumors

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    Funding: This work was supported by the Astellas European Foundation Uro-Oncology Grant 2014; JABA RECORDATI Urology 2011 - Portuguese Society of Urology; Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Strategic Project: PEst-C/SAU/UI3282/2013 and UID/NEU/04539/2013); GAI/FMUC and Santander Totta (Ref. FreitasGomes04.01.13) and Center of Investigation in Environment, Genetics and Oncobiology (CIMAGO), Portugal (Ref. 14/12). Margarida FerreiraTeixeira benefits from a PhD scholarship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Reference SFRH/BD/77314/2011).Striking evidence associates cancer stem cells (CSCs) to the high recurrence rates and poor survival of patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer (BC). However, the prognostic implication of those cells in risk stratification is not firmly established, mainly due to the functional and phenotypic heterogeneity of CSCs populations, as well as, to the conflicting data regarding their identification based on a single specific marker. This emphasizes the need to exploit putative CSC-related molecular markers with potential prognostic significance in BC patients. This study aimed to isolate and characterize bladder CSCs making use of different functional and molecular approaches. The data obtained provide strong evidence that muscle-invasive BC is enriched with a heterogeneous stem-like population characterized by enhanced chemoresistance and tumor initiating properties, able to recapitulate the heterogeneity of the original tumor. Additionally, a logistic regression analysis identified a 2-gene stem-like signature (SOX2 and ALDH2) that allows a 93% accurate discrimination between non-muscle-invasive and invasive tumors. Our findings suggest that a stemness-related gene signature, combined with a cluster of markers to more narrowly refine the CSC phenotype, could better identify BC patients that would benefit from a more aggressive therapeutic intervention targeting CSCs population.publishersversionpublishe

    A construção dos ethé de Karol Conká: uma análise discursiva e textual

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    This article, in the light of analytical criteria by the French Discourse Analysis, the Text Linguistics and the classic and modern Rhetoric, intends to analyze and to discuss the rhetorical ethos building from three discursive figures composed by brazilian rapper Karol Conká. To achieve this, the object of investigation was selected considering ethical representation built by the singer on the time frame before, while and after her participation at the reality show Big Brother Brasil 21. Moreover, the research pretends to note how those built figures show the discursive positioning assumed and the argumentative orientation from the texts produced by the enunciator subject chosen. In this way, the study is supported by theoretical subsidies of Amossy (2008), Maingueneau (2008) and Cavalcante et al. (2019), in order to theorize and to configure the discussions which will be done. As conclusion, we consider that Karol Conká, at each communicative context, built different ethé acting in a strategist and, especially, in an argumentative way, and elaborated a discursive and textual figure of herself that better answered her communicative purposes in each interaction. This shows evidence to the idea that the same enunciator can build completely distinct ethé even in a short temporal space.O presente artigo, à luz do que preveem os critérios analíticos da Análise do Discurso de corrente francesa, da Linguística Textual e de assunções teóricas com as Retóricas clássica e moderna, pretende analisar e discutir a construção da prova argumentativa do ethos a partir de três imagens discursivas constituídas pela rapper brasileira Karol Conká. Para tanto, realizou-se um recorte do nosso objeto de investigação, que consiste nas representações éticas elaboradas pela cantora no marco temporal antes, durante e após sua participação no reality show Big Brother Brasil 21. Ademais, a pesquisa deseja observar como essas imagens construídas apresentam os posicionamentos discursivos assumidos e a orientação argumentativa dos textos produzidos pelo sujeito enunciador em questão, na medida em que utilizamos tais pressupostos como parâmetros de análise para as reflexões aqui empreendidas. Assim, o estudo apoia-se nos subsídios teóricos oferecidos por Amossy (2008), Maingueneau (2008) e Cavalcante et al. (2019), para que, dessa maneira, possamos teorizar e credibilizar as nossas examinações. Ao término do trabalho, chegamos à conclusão de que Karol Conká, a depender do contexto comunicativo em que se encontrava, construía um ethos diferente, agindo de forma estratégica e, essencialmente, argumentativa, e assim elaborava uma imagem discursiva e textual de si que melhor atendia aos seus propósitos comunicativos em uma dada interação. Isso leva à conclusão de que, em um mesmo ser enunciador, é possível o estabelecimento de ethé completamente distintos, ainda que em um espaço de tempo relativamente curto