1,521 research outputs found

    O lugar como elemento para a interpretação da vida cangaceira do bando dos Marcelinos na Chapada do Araripe-CE

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    The following work is the result of propositions about the dissertation research regarding to the trajectory of the Marcelinos, gang of cangaceiros, in the Chapada do Araripe, located in the region of Cariri, Ceará. The article deals with the concepts of place and memory to understand the cangaceiras experiences of the gang from their performance, giving the itineraries a place character which was configured through the experiences of the cangaceiro subject in the historical-cultural context. Narratives of subjects were used as aid, departing from the places where the gang operated, seeking to understand the representativeness of the geography of the Marcelinos’gang present in Cariri, Ceará.O trabalho que se segue é fruto de proposições acerca da pesquisa de dissertação a respeito da trajetória dos Marcelinos, bando de cangaceiros, na Chapada do Araripe, localizada na região do Cariri cearense. O artigo versa sobre os conceitos de lugar e memória para compreender as vivências cangaceiras do bando a partir de sua atuação, imprimindo aos itinerários percorridos um caráter de lugar, que se configurou por meio das experiências do sujeito cangaceiro no contexto histórico-cultural. Como auxílio, foram utilizadas narrativas de sujeitos partindo dos lugares de atuação do bando, buscando-se entender a representatividade da geografia do cangaço do bando dos Marcelinos presente no Cariri cearense

    Mulheres empreendedoras e Estratégias de Marketing nas Redes Sociais: Um estudo no segmento da moda do Agreste Pernambucano”

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    Female entrepreneurship is a practice that has been developing in the textile hub of the agreste of Pernambuco, especially when considering the fashion market and the use of marketing plans geared towards social media. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the profiles of women entrepreneurs, in the fashion segment, how they adopt marketing strategies and their roles as influencers. To this end, nine semi-structured interviews were carried out with female entrepreneurs from the textile hub of Pernambuco: Moda Center in Santa Cruz do Capibaribe, Parque das Feiras in Toritama, Shopping Hub in Caruaru. For this analysis, the script was divided into three analytical categories: entrepreneurial, bloggers and entrepreneurial digital influencers. The results corroborated with the academic literature of the area when verifying the influence of female entrepreneurship in the fashion market. Marketing strategies are more effective in financial return and more sensitive in the act of selling.Esta é uma resenha do artigo intitulado “Silva, E. A. P., Costa, M. F., & Moura, M. R. F. (2020). Mulheres empreendedoras e estratégias de marketing nas redes sociais: Um estudo no segmento da moda do Agreste Pernambucano. Journal of Perspectives in Management – JPM, 4, p. 52-67

    Major approaches to ozone therapy in endodontic treatments for bone infections and necrosis: a systematic review

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    Introduction: The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus is, in most cases, the agent of the disease. Thus, inflammation of the bone marrow can cause compression of the bone tissue walls and decrease or blockage of blood supply in the region's blood vessels, which can induce bone necrosis. Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficiency of ozone therapy in the treatment of peritonitis, infected wounds, and advanced ischemic disease. Objective: It was demonstrate the main scientific findings of the use of antiseptic ozone therapy in endodontic treatment. Methods: The research was carried out from July to October 2022 in Scopus, PubMed, Science Direct, Scielo, and Google Scholar databases. The quality of the studies was based on the GRADE instrument and the risk of bias was analyzed according to the Cochrane instrument. Results and Conclusion: A total of 127 articles were found, and 57 articles were evaluated and 29 were included in this systematic review. Considering the Cochrane tool for risk of bias, the overall assessment resulted in 10 studies with a high risk of bias and 28 studies that did not meet GRADE. Most studies showed homogeneity in their results, with I2 =96.8% >50%. Ozone therapy is scientifically proven and demonstrated in this work, it proved to be effective for tissue repair and the prevention and treatment of bone necrosis. It was observed that patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and antiresorptive drugs are more affected by bone necrosis. It was also observed the importance of the patient feeling that the treatment works and is restoring his ability to reinvent himself and adapt to his social environment. Treatments should not only be based on established numbers and protocols, without analyzing the specific sensations and perceptions of each patient with their lived reality

    Influenza surveillance during 2015/2016 season in Portugal

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    Background: The National Influenza Surveillance Program ensures influenza epidemiological surveillance, integrating clinical and laboratory data. The clinical component describes the transmissibility over time, the virological component detects and characterizes influenza virus in circulation. Data is generated through 2 sentinel surveillance structures, the General Practitioner’s Sentinel Network (since 1990) and the Network of Emergency Units (since 1999). Here we provide the evaluation of 2015/2016 influenza season in Portugal. Methods: Influenza-Like illness (ILI) cases were reported to the National Influenza Reference Laboratory and to the Epidemiology Department of the National Institute of Health, in the context of the National Influenza Surveillance Program, from week 39/2015 through week 20/2016. The intensity and duration of the epidemic period were described based on the weekly ILI incidence rates. Nasopharyngeal swabs were collected for influenza and other respiratory viruses (RV: respiratory syncytial virus, adenovirus, rhinovirus, metapneumovirus, coronavirus, parainfluenza virus) for diagnosis and characterization. The detection of influenza and RV was performed by multiplex real-time RT-PCR. Influenza virus isolation, antigenic analysis (hemagglutination inhibition assay) and genetic characterization (HA1 gene segment) were performed. Results: During 2015/2016 season the influenza activity was low and the epidemic period occurred between week 1/2016 and 9/2016 with a maximum of 59.4 ILI cases per 105 inhabitants in week 3/2016. No impact on mortality from all causes was observed in any age group. 1097 nasopharyngeal swabs were tested for influenza and other respiratory viruses, influenza was detected in 444 (41%) and others respiratory viruses were found in 265 (24%). The influenza A(H1)pdm09 was predominant (91% of flu confirmed cases). Influenza B/ Victoria was identified sporadically (7% of flu cases) in late season. A(H1)pdm09 were predominantly detected in adults aged 15-64. Other respiratory viruses were detected in influenza negative cases, being rhinovirus (101; 38%) and coronavirus (78; 29%) found in higher frequencies. The antigenic and genetic analysis of circulating influenza A(H1)pdm09 showed similarity with vaccine strain. The majority of influenza B virus belonged to Victoria lineage and clade 1A, dissimilar from 2015/16 vaccine strain. Although few A(H3) viruses in circulation, almost all were similar to strain recommended for next season, 2016/2017, influenza vaccine. None of the 420 A(H1)pdm09 viruses analysed showed the H275Y substitution, correlated to high reduced susceptibility to oseltamivir. Conclusions: Influenza activity during 2015/2016 flu season was low, that can be linked with a higher influenza activity in last season and exceptional climatic conditions during the winter (higher temperature than usual). A(H1pdm)09 viruses were dominant, although in co-circulation with influenza B/Victoria. Situation that contrasts with European influenza picture, that showed a late peak of influenza B/ Victoria. Influenza A(H1)pdm09 detections reached the highest percentage in adults (15-64 years old). Most influenza detected viruses were similar to the 2015/2016 vaccine strains, although circulating influenza B/Victoria were from a different lineage comparing with vaccine strain. Observed mortality from all causes was within expected values during study period.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Correlación clínica y ultrasonográfica de las alteraciones en el esqueleto axial equino y las cojeras torácicas y pélvicas detectadas mediante evaluación objetiva

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    Cervical and thoracolumbar changes are commonly found in sports animals and may be related to biomechanical alterations, driving movement, and the type of saddle used. The objective of this study was to characterize the correlation between clinical and ultrasonographic findings of the equine axial skeleton with objective evaluation lameness in the thoracic or pelvic limbs. A total of 76 horses of the mounted cavalry with an average of ten years of age, divided between castrated males and females of indeterminate breeds, were submitted to clinical, ultrasonographic and objective evaluations. The evaluated variables were classified in scores from 0 to 4, for later statistical analysis spearman correlation through the RStudio® software. The animals were classified into six groups according to the objective, clinical and ultrasonographic changes. A weak positive correlation was observed between the objective evaluation variable in relation to the clinical (r = 0.1, p > 0,05) and ultrasonographic (r = 0.1, p > 0,05) evaluation variables. In the present study, it was impossible to consider the correlations statistically significant since the p-value was higher than the significance level of 5%. Therefore, the associated evaluation of the axial and appendicular skeleton is of fundamental importance in the clinical routine to investigate musculoskeletal changes. This was demonstrated in the present study, where 68.42% (n=52) presented both clinical and ultrasonographic changes of the axial skeleton concomitantly with thoracic and/or pelvic lameness.As alterações cervicais e toracolombares são comumente encontradas em animais de esporte e podem estar relacionadas a alterações biomecânicas, movimento de condução e ao tipo de sela utilizada. O objetivo deste estudo foi caracterizar a correlação entre os achados clínicos e ultrassonográficos do esqueleto axial equino com a avaliação objetiva de claudicação nos membros torácicos ou pélvicos. Um total de 76 cavalos da cavalaria montada, com uma média de dez anos de idade, divididos entre machos castrados e fêmeas de raças indeterminadas, foram submetidos a avaliações clínicas, ultrassonográficas e objetivas. As variáveis avaliadas foram classificadas em escores de 0 a 4, para posterior análise estatística de correlação de Spearman por meio do software RStudio®. Os animais foram classificados em seis grupos de acordo com as alterações na avaliações objetiva, clínica e ultrassonográfica. Foi observada uma correlação positiva fraca entre a variável de avaliação objetiva em relação às variáveis de avaliação clínica (r = 0,1, p > 0,05) e ultrassonográfica (r = 0,1, p > 0,05). No presente estudo, não foi possível considerar as correlações estatisticamente significativas, uma vez que o valor de p foi superior ao nível de significância de 5%. Portanto, a avaliação associada do esqueleto axial e apendicular é de fundamental importância na rotina clínica para investigar alterações musculoesqueléticas. Isso foi demonstrado no presente estudo, onde 68,42% (n=52) apresentaram tanto alterações clínicas quanto ultrassonográficas no esqueleto axial concomitantemente com claudicação torácica e/ou pélvica.Las alteraciones cervicales y toracolumbares son comunes en animales deportivos y pueden estar relacionadas con cambios biomecánicos, el movimiento de conducción y el tipo de silla utilizada. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar la correlación entre los hallazgos clínicos y ultrasonográficos del esqueleto axial equino con la evaluación objetiva de la cojera en las extremidades torácicas o pélvicas. Un total de 76 caballos de la caballería montada, con una media de diez años de edad, divididos entre machos castrados y hembras de razas indeterminadas, se sometieron a evaluaciones clínicas, ultrasonográficas y objetivas. Las variables evaluadas se clasificaron en puntuaciones del 0 al 4, para un posterior análisis estadístico de correlación de Spearman mediante el software RStudio®. Los animales se clasificaron en seis grupos de acuerdo con las alteraciones en las evaluaciones objetivas, clínicas y ultrasonográficas. Se observó una correlación positiva débil entre la variable de evaluación objetiva en relación con las variables de evaluación clínica (r = 0,1, p > 0,05) y ultrasonográfica (r = 0,1, p > 0,05). En el presente estudio, no fue posible considerar las correlaciones estadísticamente significativas, ya que el valor de p fue superior al nivel de significancia del 5%. Por lo tanto, la evaluación conjunta del esqueleto axial y apendicular es de fundamental importancia en la rutina clínica para investigar las alteraciones musculoesqueléticas. Esto se demostró en el presente estudio, donde el 68,42% (n=52) presentó tanto alteraciones clínicas como ultrasonográficas en el esqueleto axial de manera concomitante con la cojera torácica y/o pélvica


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    The vegetable oil is a highly impactful reuse waste to the environment and have a high value even after consumption. The objective of this work is to obtain three alternative bioproducts such as mitigating the environmental impact caused by the improper disposal of waste vegetable oil. For production of the candle was used 50mL of residual vegetable oil and 40g of stearin, both were united into a cold beaker 200mL. For the production of chalk 10mL of residual vegetable oil, 20g stearine and 0.35g of pigment was used for sailing. Both states were cold in a 200mL beaker. For mass production model used was 12g wheat flour, 12g of corn starch, 6g of salt, 6g of calcium carbonate, 15mL of residual vegetable oil, 25mL of water, 2.25mL food coloring . The result of processing methodology is described in a material with acceptable physical properties without migrating oil, allowing be patterned and decorated. It was concluded that these bioproducts are advantageous from an economic and environmental perspective. Another important aspect is the use of waste materials in their composition which allows for extended cycle sold with these materials that would otherwise be discarded inappropriately or potential polluters of the environment and urban environment.O óleo vegetal de reuso é um resíduo alta­mente impactante ao ambiente e que possui um alto valor agregado mesmo após o seu con­sumo. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a obtenção de três bioprodutos como alternativa mitigadora do impacto ambiental, provocado pelo descarte inadequado do óleo vegetal residual. Para produção da vela foi utilizado 50mL de óleo vegetal residual e 40g de estearina, ambos foram unidos a frio em um béquer de 200mL. Para produção do giz foi utilizado 10mL de óleo vegetal residual, 20g de estearina e 0,35g de pigmento para vela. Ambos foram unidos a frio em um béquer de 200mL. Para produção da massa de modelar foi utilizado 12g de farinha de trigo, 12g de amido de milho, 6g de sal, 6g de carbonato de cálcio, 15mL de óleo vegetal residual, 25 mL de água, 2,25mL de corante alimentício. O resultado do processamento descrito na metodologia é um material com características físicas aceitáveis, sem migração de óleo, possibilitando ser modelado e decorado. Pôde-se concluir que estes bioprodutos são vantajosos do ponto de vista econômico e ambiental. Outro aspecto importante é a utilização de materiais residuais na sua composição o que permite um ciclo de vida estendido a estes materiais que outrora seriam descartados inadequadamente ou potenciais poluidores do ambiente e do meio urbano

    Development of a platform to align education and practice: bridging academia and the profession in Portugal

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    Limited fitness for practice may result from a mismatch between education and practice. Aiming to meet the common interests of academics and practitioners, the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society (PPS) developed the Education and Practice Platform (EPP). The EPP includes one representative from each pharmacy faculty, and all Councils of Speciality Boards of Practice. Brainstorming with involved parties enabled sharing of interests, concerns and identifying a common path. Aims, mission, vision and values were set. The EPP's mission is to: act as an enabler to foster the quality and adequacy of education through sharing best practices, ultimately leading to facilitate professional integration, and to foster quality development in teaching practices with recognition for autonomy in freedom to teach and to learn. Its vision is an alignment of education and practice with the PPS' statutes to ensure validation of the competences defined for each practice area, and compliance with international guidance. Key performance indicators (KPIs) were set. Activities developed include the creation of a national forum to discuss education and practice, development of workshops on teaching methods and pharmacy internships, enhanced representation in international events and response to global and national requests. Ongoing work focuses on the creation of a common training framework in hospital and community pharmacy practice adapted to Portugal. The EPP is a worldwide case study, encouraging the development of discussion contributing to an open climate of sharing best practices, indirectly leading to foster a better alignment between education and practice. Many of these results are so far intangible in scientific terms but worth describing.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vivência de enfermeiros em unidade de terapia intensiva destinada a pacientes com COVID-19: relato de experiência

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    The aim was to report the performance of nurses in Adult Intensive Care Units at this time of pandemic. This is an experience report, of a descriptive type, with a qualitative approach, based on the experience of nurses, in the current moment of pandemic, in relation to time, the research is delimited from the practices and assistance of these professionals in a Health Unit. Exclusive Intensive Care for patients diagnosed with COVID-19, from February to July 2021. Continuing and continuing education in health is essential for the quality of care provided in the care of patients with SARS-CoV-2. Maintaining a communication relationship between the multidisciplinary teams is very important in view of the experienced scenario. The pandemic scenario has a framework of great challenges for the entire population, referring to nursing professionals, care actions, care practices, training, remodeling of work management. However, the preparation of professionals with knowledge about: the new disease COVID-19, critically ill patients and the use of new technologies is notorious, as well as providing a suitable workplace.Objetivou-se relatar a atuação de enfermeiros de Unidades de Terapia Intensiva Adulto neste momento de pandemia. Trata-se de um relato de experiência, do tipo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, baseado na experiência de enfermeiros, no atual momento de pandemia, em relação ao tempo, a pesquisa delimita-se a partir das práticas e assistência destes profissionais em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva exclusiva para pacientes diagnosticados com COVID-19, período de fevereiro a julho do ano de 2021. A educação continuada e permanente em saúde é imprescindível para qualidade da assistência prestada no atendimento ao paciente com SARS-CoV-2. Manter entre as equipes multiprofissionais uma relação de comunicação é muito importante diante do cenário experienciado. O cenário pandêmico tem um marco de grandes desafios para toda população, referente aos profissionais de enfermagem, as ações de cuidado, das práticas assistenciais, treinamentos, remodelação da gestão de trabalho. Contudo é notório a preparação dos profissionais com conhecimentos sobre:  a nova doença COVID-19, pacientes críticos e o uso das novas tecnologias como também proporcionar um local de trabalho adequado

    Short-term transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation reduces pain and improves the masticatory muscle activity in temporomandibular disorder patients: a randomized controlled trial

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    Studies to assess the effects of therapies on pain and masticatory muscle function are scarce. Objective To investigate the short-term effect of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) by examining pain intensity, pressure pain threshold (PPT) and electromyography (EMG) activity in patients with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Material and Methods Forty patients with myofascial TMD were enrolled in this randomized placebo-controlled trial and were divided into two groups: active (n=20) and placebo (n=20) TENS. Outcome variables assessed at baseline (T0), immediately after (T2) and 48 hours after treatment (T1) were: pain intensity with the aid of a visual analogue scale (VAS); PPT of masticatory and cervical structures; EMG activity during mandibular rest position (MR), maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and habitual chewing (HC). Two-way ANOVA for repeated measures was applied to the data and the significance level was set at 5%. Results There was a decrease in the VAS values at T1 and T2 when compared with T0 values in the active TENS group (