4,565 research outputs found

    ¿Es compatible el constructivismo piagetiano con el del procesamiento de la información?

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    This commentary on Leiser's article "Constructivism, epistemology and information processing" compares Piaget's constructivist proposal with those based on AI systems, both rule-based and connectionist. The comparison considers two levels of application of the constructivist proposal: the epistemological level, and the psychological level. At the epistemological level, the proposals generally concur, as they aim to bestow on systems of knowledge acquisition (above all connectionist systems) the capacity to improve and select rules following adaptive principies, and to simulate the mind's self-organization and self-assessment. In contrast, at the psychological level the proposals diverge, since artificial knowledge systems operate in the microgenesis of domains, under processes of continuous change and with the aid of content-based rules.

    Benefits and challenges in the adoption of evidence-based practices in the child and family services

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    The Council of Europe’s Recommendation (Rec 2006/19) to promote positive parenting, aimed at fostering child development and protecting child rights, has emphasized a preventive approach to support all families, the need to strengthen parental capacities and empowering communities, and the adoption of evidence-based practices (EBP) to improve the quality of professional work with families. This paper, revolved around this Recommendation and expanded in three related directions: (a) described the modern view of parenting as articulated in three facets: dyadic parenting, team parenting, and social parenting, and their corresponding support needs; (b) proposed the challenges and redefinition of EBP for the field of child and family services; and (c) showcased the building of the national agency-university partnership, the translational research-practice bidirectional process, and the implementation and evaluation of evidence-based programmes to foster the adoption of EBP in Spain. The conclusions highlighted the benefits involved in this complex process of quality assurance.A Recomendação do Conselho da Europa (Rec. 2006/19) para promover a parentalidade positiva, destinada a promover o desenvolvimento infantil e proteger os direitos da criança, enfatizou uma abordagem preventiva para apoiar todas as famílias, a necessidade de fortalecer as capacidades parentais e capacitar as comunidades, e a adoção de práticas baseadas em evidências (PBE) para melhorar a qualidade do trabalho profissional com as famílias. Este artigo reflete em torno desta Recomendação e desenvolve-se em três direções relacionadas entre si: (a) descreve a visão moderna da parentalidade articulada em três facetas (parentalidade diádica, parentalidade em equipe e parentalidade social), e as correspondentes necessidades de apoio; (b) aponta os desafios e a redefinição da PBE para o campo dos serviços à criança e à família; e (c) apresenta a construção da parceria nacional agência-universidade, o processo bidirecional de pesquisa-prática translacional e a implementação e avaliação de programas baseados em evidências para promover a adoção da PBE na Espanha. As conclusões destacam os benefícios envolvidos neste complexo processo de garantia de qualidade

    La “valijita viajera”: descripción de un sistema especializado para niños preescolares minusválidos visuales y ciegos

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    La Tecnología Informática (TI) es un instrumento eficaz que, aplicado en el área educativa, permite auxiliar a los pedagogos que trabajan en la estimulación temprana de niños con algún tipo de minusvalía. El CEREN dentro de su línea de investigación y transferencia en promoción del desarrollo infantil, está desarrollando un sistema especializado, constituido por un software y un conjunto de elementos concretos, cuyo objetivo es el apoyo del docente como herramienta auxiliar; siendo su meta facilitar un adecuado apresto escolar en estos niños de acuerdo a sus necesidades. Esta presentación describe dicho sistema y las observaciones preliminares surgidas de su utilización con un grupo de niños preescolares que asisten al Servicio de Atención Temprana del Desarrollo Infantil de la Escuela Especial 515, Gonnet, Provincia de Buenos Aires. El monitoreo tiene como objetivo relevar la calidad del sistema y la apreciación de los docentes sobre el uso y la interacción con el sistema por parte de los niños. A partir de este primer monitoreo se plantean ajustes de la herramienta, alternativas de uso y cambios pertinentes para la replicación de la experiencia en otros establecimientos educativos.Informatics technology is an useful instrument that can be applied in the educational area. It could help teachers that work with handicapped children. CEREN is developing a specialized system composed by a software and a group of elements to help teachers support children according to their necessities. The present study describes this system and preliminary observations of its use in a group of preschoolers children assisting to the Service of Early Attention. Escuela Especial N° 515 Gonnet PBA Argentina. The data were obtained to evaluated quality of the system and the teachers experience of its use and children interaction. Taking into account this first experience, the next step will be the reformulation of this instrument an the application of the system for different alternatives and situations.V Workshop de Tecnología Informática Aplicada en Educación (WTIAE

    Climate risks opposite to the introduction of a tropical crop (mango) in the Guadalhorce valley (Málaga)

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    El presente trabajo pretende demostrar que no es recomendable la introducción de un cultivo tropical como el mango (Mangifera indica) dentro del área mediterránea del valle del Guadalhorce (Málaga, España). Es un cultivo en expansión por su rentabilidad económica, pero es necesario atender a los posibles riesgos climáticos para su explotación (tras la gran inversión que requiere). Para justificar esta afirmación se presenta un estudio agroclimático realizado en las parcelas experimentales de la finca de IFAPA (Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía) de Churriana (Málaga). Los resultados se obtienen a través de los datos de una estación meteorológica y una modelización territorial a partir de herramientas de análisis espacial con SIG. Se tienen en cuenta las variables térmicas y los vientos como condicionantes principales de la aparición de la necrosis apical: patología mortal para el mango.This work tries to demonstrate that is not recommendable to bring a tropical crop like the mango (Mangifera indica) in a Mediterranean area as Guadalhorce valley (Málaga, Spain). This crop is getting an expansion because of its high economic profitability, but it is necessary to pay attention in possible climatic risks before its exploitation (because it needs high capital investment). Justifying it, we present an agroclimatic study carried out in experimental plots of IFAPA (Instituto de Investigación y Formación Agraria y Pesquera de Andalucía) at Churriana (Málaga, Spain), obtaining results by means of a meteorological workstation data and a territorial model using spatial analyst tools with GIS. Thermic variables and winds have been considered as determining factors for appearance of apical necrosis: deadly disease for the mango

    Catálogo de los braquiópodos españoles del Jurásico inferior depositados en el Museo Geominero (ITGE, Madrid)

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    Se revisan desde el punto de vista taxonómico y bioestratigráfico los braquiópodos españoles del Jurásico Inferior que constituyen la colección del Museo Geominero. La colección está compuesta por 1102 ejemplares procedentes de 98 localidades diferentes repartidas fundamentalmente por el sector nororiental de la Península Ibérica. Se han identificado 23 géneros (10 de rinconélidos, 3 de espiriféridos y 10 de terebratúlidos) y 59 especies (24 de rinconélidos, 5 de espiriféridos y 30 de terebratúlidos)

    Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera: textos desconocidos y precisiones bibliográficas

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    The holdings of the 'Mapes-Carter' collection at Texas-Tech University contain a good amount of unknown material on and by Mexican modernista Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera (1859-1895). This material includes a group of short reviews published by Nájera in the El Correo Germánico in 1876, and a set of laudatory poems addressed to Nájera after his death. In the following pages we reproduce all those texts, and explain their origins and publishing ventures. We also comment on some handwritten notes that appear in other documents of the same collection and that not only shed some light on the existence of more unknown material by Nájera but also question the traditional grouping of some of his most known works.El fondo 'Mapes-Carter' de la Universidad Texas-Tech alberga una gran cantidad de material de primer interés acerca de Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera (1859-1895), uno de los primeros modernistas mexicanos. Entre ese material se encuentra un grupo de gacetillas teatrales que Nájera publicó en El Correo Germánico en 1876 y unos cuantos poemas-homenaje que varios de sus contemporáneos escribieron a su muerte. A continuación se reproducen ambos grupos de textos y se añaden algunos comentarios acerca de diversas anotaciones manuscritas que aparecen en otros documentos de la colección y que apuntan hacia la existencia de más material por recuperar y a la reclasificación de algunas porciones más conocidas del escritor mexicano

    The role of pointing in the immidiate and displaced references in early mother-child communication.

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    This study longitudinally explores how mothers and children use and combine pointing and verbal references to objects that are either present or absent in space. Over one year of observations and in five separate sessions, eight Spanish mothers and their 1- and 2-year-old babies were observed while performing daily routines at home. Overall, both mothers and children used the immediate reference more than the displaced reference. Children were less likely to pair pointing with speech in displaced situations than in present situations; instead, they seemed more likely to refer to absent objects using only speech. Mothers, while still are more likely to point in present situations rather than in displaced ones, did use pointing + speech combinations more often than their childreni in displaced situations. Overall, mother and child production of immediate and displaced references across ages were strongly correlated suggesting a new facet of 'motherese' for the early development of referential production

    Photoexcited-induced sensitivity of InGaAs surface QDs to environment

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    A detailed analysis of the impact of illumination on the electrical response of In0.5Ga0.5As surface nanostructures is carried out as a function of different relative humidity conditions. The importance of the surface-to-volume ratio for sensing applications is once more highlighted. From dark-to-photo conditions, the sheet resistance (SR) of a three-dimensional In0.5Ga0.5As nanostructure decays two orders of magnitude compared with that of a two-dimensional nanostructure. The electrical response is found to be vulnerable to the energy of the incident light and the external conditions. Illuminating with high energy light translates into an SR reduction of one order of magnitude under humid atmospheres, whereas it remains nearly unchanged under dry environments. Conversely, lighting with energy below the bulk energy bandgap, shows a negligible effect on the electrical properties regardless the local moisture. Both illumination and humidity are therefore needed for sensing. Photoexcited carriers can only contribute to conductivity if surface states are inactive due to water physisorption. The strong dependence of the electrical response on the environment makes these nanostructures very suitable for the development of highly sensitive and efficient sensing devices