7 research outputs found

    Factores sociales y familiares que inciden en el uso del tiempo libre de los estudiantes de b?sica primaria de la instituci?n educativa Jorge Eliecer Gait?n

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    103 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo de investigaci?n tiene como prop?sito dar respuesta a la pregunta ?Son los factores familiares y sociales determinantes en el uso del tiempo libre de los ni?os de la b?sica primaria de la Instituci?n Educativa Jorge Eliecer Gait?n de la ciudad de Ibagu?? El estudio se describe como una investigaci?n de tipo cualitativo y de car?cter descriptivo, el instrumento empleado para obtener la informaci?n es el cuestionario, el cual fue aplicado a padres y/o acudientes, docentes y estudiantes de los cinco grados de b?sica primaria de la Instituci?n, los resultados permiten establecer que dentro de los factores sociales y familiares que condicionan el uso del tiempo libre se encuentra el nivel social de los padres, el nivel acad?mico b?sico de los mismos, factores tales como familias desintegradas y/o disfuncionales, el desconocimiento frente a la relaci?n entre tiempo libre y rendimiento acad?mico, la poca orientaci?n que reciben los ni?os frente a c?mo usar provechosamente su tiempo libre; en consecuencia se presentan recomendaciones a la gesti?n directiva y acad?mica para la posible construcci?n de proyectos que favorezcan el aspecto acad?mico y disciplinario de los estudiantes de la instituci?n. Palabras claves: Tiempo libre, ocio, factores sociales y familiares.The purpose of this research is to answer the following question: Are the family and social factors determining the use of children's free time in the primary school of the Educational Institution Jorge Eliecer Gait?n in the city of Ibagu?? The study is described as qualitative and descriptive research. The instrument used to obtain the information is a questionnaire, which was applied to parents and / or caregivers, teachers and students of the five primary grades of the Institution, the results allow to establish that within the social and family factors that condition the Use of free time is the social level of the parents, the basic academic level of the same, factors such as disintegrated and / or dysfunctional families, ignorance of the relationship between free time and academic performance, Children to how to use their free time. Consequently, recommendations are presented to the management and academic management for the possible construction of projects that favor the academic and disciplinary aspects of the students of the institution. Keywords: Free time, leisure, social and family factors

    Probing the near infrared stellar population of Seyfert galaxies

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    We employ IRTF SpeX NIR (0.8-2.4 microns) spectra to investigate the stellar population (SP), active galactic nuclei (AGN) featureless continuum (FC) and hot dust properties in 9 Sy 1 and 15 Sy 2 galaxies. Both the starlight code and the hot dust as an additional base element were used for the first time in this spectral range. We found evidence of correlation among the equivalent widths (W) Si I 1.59 microns x Mg I 1.58 microns, equally for both kinds of activity. Part of the W{Na I 2.21 microns} and W {CO 2.3 microns} strengths may be related to galaxy inclination. Our synthesis shows significant differences between Sy 1 and Sy 2 galaxies: the hot dust component is required to fit the K-band spectra of ~90% of the Sy 1 galaxies, and only of ~25% of the Sy 2; about 50 % of the Sy 2 galaxies require a FCFC component contribution >20%, while this fraction increases to 60% in the Sy 1; also, in about 50 % of the Sy2, the combined FC and young components contribute with more than 20%, while this occurs in 90% of the Sy1, suggesting recent star formation in the central region. The central few hundred parsecs of our galaxy sample contain a substantial fraction of intermediate-age SPs with a mean metallicity near solar. Our SP synthesis confirms that the 1.1 micron CN band can be used as a tracer of intermediate-age SPs. The simultaneous fitting of SP, FC and hot dust components increased in ~150% the number of AGNs with hot dust detected and the mass estimated. The NIR emerges as an excellent window to study the stellar population of Sy 1 galaxies, as opposed to the usually heavily attenuated optical range. Our approach opens a new way to investigate and quantify the individual contribution of the three most important NIR continuum components observed in AGNs.Comment: The paper contains 14 figures and 5 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Contribution of a Disk Component to Single Peaked Broad Lines of Active Galactic Nuclei

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    We study the disk emission component hidden in the single-peaked Broad Emission Lines (BELs) of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). We compare the observed broad lines from a sample of 90 Seyfert 1 spectra taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with simulated line profiles. We consider a two-component Broad Line Region (BLR) model where an accretion disk and a surrounding non-disk region with isotropic cloud velocities generate the simulated BEL profiles. The analysis is mainly based in measurements of the full widths (at 10%, 20% and 30% of the maximum intensity) and of the asymmetries of the line profiles. Comparing these parameters for the simulated and observed Hα\alpha broad lines, we {found} that the hidden disk emission {may} be present in BELs even if the characteristic {of two peaked line profiles is} absent. For the available sample of objects (Seyfert 1 galaxies with single-peaked BELs), our study indicates that, {in the case of the hidden disk emission in single peaked broad line profiles}, the disk inclination tends to be small (mostly i<25i<25^\circ) and that the contribution of the disk emission to the total flux should be smaller than the contribution of the surrounding region.Comment: 18 Figures, 1 Table, MNRAS-accepted. MNRAS-accepte

    Organizaci?n curricular de los procesos creativos: Me expreso me construyo

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    47 p. Recurso Electr?nicoDentro del marco de la formaci?n en licenciatura en educaci?n art?stica surge la necesidad de generar escenarios de formulaci?n curricular, acad?mica, disciplinar y transversal. Es as? que surge la propuesta curricular que asume la expresi?n art?stica como medio facilitador en la fundamentaci?n y proyecci?n progresiva de las habilidades cient?ficas. En este sentido se pretende dinamizar estadios de formaci?n sobre el eje de la habilidad como pilar para la conjunci?n de lo disciplinar. Es as? que con la propuesta ?ME EXPRESO, ME CONSTRUYO? presentamos la iniciativa pedag?gica que aborda el contexto institucional asumiendo como principio rector el est?mulo de las habilidades naturales al sujeto, encausadas en un plano art?stico curricularmente estructurado y enfocado a la satisfacci?n de necesidades desde la potenciaci?n evidente que permite la educaci?n art?stica. Palabras clave: Expresi?n, educaci?n art?stica, curr?culoWithin the framework of undergraduate training in artistic education, there is a need to generate scenarios for curricular, academic, disciplinary and transversal formulation. Thus, the curricular proposal that assumes artistic expression as a facilitating medium in the foundation and progressive projection of scientific skills arises. In this sense, the aim is to dynamize training stages on the skill axis as a pillar for the conjunction of the disciplinary. Thus, with the proposal "ME EXPRESO, ME CONSTRUYO" we present the pedagogical initiative that addresses the institutional context, assuming as a guiding principle the stimulation of natural abilities to the subject, prosecuted in a curricular structured artistic plan and focused on the satisfaction of needs from the obvious empowerment that artistic education allows. Keywords: Expression, artistic education, curriculu

    Causas de la deserci?n estudiantil en los programas de formaci?n regular de tecn?logos del programa de contabilidad y finanzas en el semestre A del a?o 2015 en el centro de la tecnolog?a, del dise?o y de la productividad empresarial del SENA Girardot

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    85 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEst? trabajo de investigaci?n presenta las causas de la deserci?n escolar en los Programas de formaci?n regular de Tecn?logos en Contabilidad y Finanzas en el semestre a del a?o 2015 en el centro de la tecnolog?a, del dise?o y de la productividad empresarial del SENA ? Girardot de la regional Cundinamarca, colocando en evidencia las causas m?s predominantes por las cuales se presenta ?ste fen?meno en este Centro de Formaci?n. Por lo anterior, se realiz? una investigaci?n de car?cter cualitativo mediante un enfoque descriptivo del fen?meno de la deserci?n en el Centro de Formaci?n aplicando como instrumentos entrevistas a los actores de esta problem?tica, tanto a los estudiantes como a los instructores del programa de formaci?n regular de Tecn?logos en Contabilidad y Finanzas; obteniendo como resultado que la causa m?s predominante enunciada por los desertores es de car?cter econ?mico, adem?s se muestran problemas de maltrato intrafamiliar, as? como la falta de tiempo para cumplir con las labores acad?micas por la imperiosa necesidad de trabajar. Esta informaci?n permite concluir que los problemas de orden socio-econ?micos enmarcan la deserci?n escolar en el Centro de Formaci?n, a pesar de que los instructores argumentan una alta motivaci?n de los estudiantes en el programa de formaci?n. Es por ello, que se presentan algunas recomendaciones con el ?nimo de que se realice un tratamiento m?s directo y profundo de ?sta problem?tica al interior de la instituci?n, as? como se fortalezca la labor pedag?gica de los Instructores como profesionales de la educaci?n.This work research presents the causes of school desertion in the regular training programs of Accounting and Finance Technologists in the first semester of the year 2015 in the center of technology, design and business productivity of the SENA - Girardot (Cundinamarca regional), putting in evidence the most prevalent reasons for which this phenomenon occurs in this training center. Therefore, a qualitative research was conducted through a descriptive approach of the phenomenon of desertion in the Training Center. Interviews to both the students and the instructors of the training program were used as research instruments; the result being that the most predominant causes pointed out by the dropouts are economic issues, also the research also shows as causes for desertion domestic abuse issues as well as the lack of time to meet the academic work by the urgent need to work. This information leads to the conclusion that socio-economic problems frame school desertion in the Training Center, although the instructors argue that students are highly motivated in relation to the training programs. For this reason, some recommendations are made hoping that a more direct and profound treatment of this issue is taken within the institution, and that the educational work of the instructors, as education professionals, is strengthened. Key words: Desertion, education, factors phenomenon, issue, motivation

    Ethnozoological annotations on wild mammals from the Gulf of Morrosquillo, Sucre, Caribbean, Colombia

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