102 research outputs found

    Standardization of a new photodiagnosis method based on LEDs for patients with solar urticaria sensitive to visible light

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    Standard methods for photodiagnosis of solar urticaria are based in exposure of patient skin to different polychromatic UV and visible sources where minimal urticarial doses for different spectral bands (UVB and UVA) are established. Classical photodiagnosis devices are based in solar simulation and use of UVB and UVA enhanced fluorescent lamps. In case of visible US photodiagnosis, US patient skin is exposed for 15 min to a slight projector, provided with halogen lamp, at a distance of 15 cms and presence of erythema and/or wheals is determined as positive reaction. Slights projector is from several years almost out of market due to use of new projection digital technologies and new visible light emerging technologies are good candidates for their substitution as photodiagnosis tool. The objective of the present work is to analyze photodiagnosis of visible light solar urticaria with using a LED device in comparison to normal slight projector exposure protocol. A total of twenty patients, from 7 different photodiagnosis units have participated in the study. Patients, with SU positive to visible light (with or without to UV radiation) following the standard photodiagnosis protocols were included in the study. Slight projector used in all photodiagnosis units were of similar characteristics and irradiance at 15 cm distance, as well as total dose of visible light after 15 min were calculated for each halogen lamp device. LED exposure was performed in parallel in a closed zone of the back of the patients. For LED photodiagnosis a prototype from University of Málaga (Spain) has been developed consisting in a black box provided with 4 holes of 12 mm diameter in which each hole white warm of a LED of 1 W is emitted. Thus, each LEDs dose is controlled independently and the device allows establishing, as well as for UVB and UVA normal protocols a MUD also under visible light. In that case, maximal visible light dose is reached in less than 5 min compared to 15 min under exposure to slight projector. All patients were positive to LED warm visible light with presence of erythema and / or wheals in parallel to the exposure to the slight projector. A MUD to visible light has been established with significant variations between patients which reveals different grade to visible light sensibilization. In conclusion, a new technology of illumination based in LEDs can be used in photodiagnosis of SU.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Standardization of a new photodiagnosis method based on LEDs for patients with solar urticaria

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    Standard methods for photodiagnosis of solar urticaria are based in exposure of patient skin to different polychromatic UV and visible sources where minimal urticarial doses for different spectral bands (UVB and UVA) are established. Classical photodiagnosis devices are based in solar simulation and use of UVB and UVA enhanced fluorescent lamps. In case of visible US photodiagnosis, US patient skin is exposed for 15 min to a slight projector, provided with halogen lamp, at a distance of 15 cms and presence of erythema and/or wheals is determined as positive reaction. Slights projector is from several years almost out of market due to use of new projection digital technologies and new visible light emerging technologies are good candidates for their substitution as photodiagnosis tool. The objective of the present work is to analyze photodiagnosis of visible light solar urticaria with using a LED device in comparison to normal slight projector exposure protocol. A total of 30patients, from 8 different photodiagnosis units have participated in the study. Patients, with SU positive to visible light (with or without to UV radiation) following the standard photodiagnosis protocols were included in the study. Slight projector used in all photodiagnosis units were of similar characteristics and irradiance at 15 cm distance, as well as total dose of visible light after 15 min were calculated for each halogen lamp device. LED exposure was performed in parallel in a closed zone of the back of the patients. For LED photodiagnosis a prototype from University of Málaga (Spain) has been developed consisting in a black box provided with 4 holes of 12 mm diameter in which each hole white warm of a LEDof 1 W is emitted. Thus, each LEDs dose is controlled independently and the device allows establishing, as well as for UVB and UVA normal protocols a MUD also under visible light. In that case, maximal visible light dose is reached in less than 5 min compared to 15 min under exposure to slight projector. All patients were positive to LED warm visible light with presence of erythema and / or wheals in parallel to the exposure to the slight projector. A MUD to visible light has been established with significant variations between patients which reveals different grade to visible light sensibilization. In conclusion, a new technology of illumination based in LEDs can be used in photodiagnosis of SU.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Evaluation of a lime-mediated sewage sludge stabilisation process. Product characterisation and technological validation for its use in the cement industry

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    This paper describes an industrial process for stabilising sewage sludge (SS) with lime and evaluates the viability of the stabilised product, denominated Neutral, as a raw material for the cement industry. Lime not only stabilised the sludge, raised the temperature of the mix to 80-100 °C, furthering water evaporation, portlandite formation and the partial oxidation of the organic matter present in the sludge. Process mass and energy balances were determined. Neutral, a white powder consisting of portlandite (49.8%), calcite (16.6%), inorganic oxides (13.4%) and organic matter and moisture (20.2%), proved to be technologically apt for inclusion as a component in cement raw mixes. In this study, it was used instead of limestone in raw mixes clinkerised at 1400, 1450 and 1500 °C. These raw meals exhibited greater reactivity at high temperatures than the limestone product and their calcination at 1500 °C yielded clinker containing over 75% calcium silicates, the key phases in Portland clinker. Finally, the two types of raw meal (Neutral and limestone) were observed to exhibit similar mineralogy and crystal size and distribution. © 2011.Peer Reviewe

    Analysis and performance of lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors for W-band

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    Lumped-element superconducting resonators are a promising technology for their use in millimeter-wave observations and quantum computing applications that require large arrays of extremely sensitive detectors. Among them, lumped-element kinetic inductance detectors (LEKIDs) have shown good performance in the submillimeter band in several earth-based telescopes. In this work, LEKIDs for their use as millimeter-wave receivers of astronomical applications are presented. LEKID arrays using a thin bilayer of superconducting titanium/aluminum (Ti/Al), deposited on the silicon substrate, have been designed and fabricated. The design of a dual-polarization LEKID with the goal of detection at the W -band for two orthogonal polarizations is described and a fabricated array has demonstrated absorption at ambient temperature. Also, an approximate design methodology of the coupling parameter for LEKIDs' readout, essential for dynamic range optimization of the detector under millimeter-wave radiation, is proposed. In addition, the resonance characteristics and coupling factor of the fabricated superconducting resonators using high-quality internal factor Qi under cryogenic temperatures have been analyzed. The design guidelines in this work are applicable to other LEKID arrays, and the presented superconducting Ti/Al thin-film LEKIDs can be used in future receiver arrays in the millimeter bands.This work was supported by Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under Grants ESP2017-83921-C2-2-R, ESP2017-86582-C4-1-R, ESP2017-86582-C4-3-R, ESP2017-92706-EXP, AYA2017-92153-EXP, “Severo Ochoa” Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (MINECO, Grant SEV-2016-0686). By Comunidad de Madrid under Grant P2018/NMT-4291. D.G. and A.G also acknowledge Grant DEFROST N62909-19-1-2053 from ONRGlobal. A.G. acknowledges IJCI-2017-33991

    Bi-layer kinetic inductance detectors for W-band

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    An array of superconducting kinetic inductance detectors (KID) has been fabricated and it has demonstrated absorption at W-Band. The use of a bi-layer structure based on aluminum (AI) and titanium (Ti) shows a lower superconducting critical temperature (T c ), which allows the detection at W-band. A design methodology is presented taking into account the KID geometry in order to maximize the absorption and a dual-polarization KID has been designed using the proposed methodology. Two prototypes of KID on Silicon substrate have been fabricated showing a good agreement between measurement and simulation results. The measurements at room temperature from 65 to 110 GHz show the matching at the frequency band, while dark cryogenic characterization demonstrated the low frequency design.The authors acknowledge financial supports: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities Grants ESP2017-83921-C2-2-R, ESP2017-86582-C4-1-R, ESP2017-86582-C4-3-R, MAT2017-85617-R, ESP2017-92706-EXP, AYA2017-92153-EXP and from Comunidad de Madrid through Grant P2018/NMT-4291 TEC2-SPACE-CM. A.G. acknowledges IJCI-2017-33991; IMDEA Nanociencia acknowledges support from the “Severo Ochoa” Programme for Centres of Excellence in R&D (MINECO, Grant SEV-2016-0686). D.G. and A.G also acknowledge Grant DEFROST N62909-19-1-2053 from ONR-Global

    Epigenetic profiling linked to multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C): A multicenter, retrospective study

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    Background Most children and adolescents infected with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) remain asymptomatic or develop a mild coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) that usually does not require medical intervention. However, a small proportion of pediatric patients develop a severe clinical condition, multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). The involvement of epigenetics in the control of the immune response and viral activity prompted us to carry out an epigenomic study to uncover target loci regulated by DNA methylation that could be altered upon the appearance of MIS-C. Methods Peripheral blood samples were recruited from 43 confirmed MIS-C patients. 69 non-COVID-19 pediatric samples and 15 COVID-19 pediatric samples without MIS-C were used as controls. The cases in the two groups were mixed and divided into discovery (MIS-C= 29 and non-MIS-C= 56) and validation (MIS-C= 14 and non-MIS C = 28) cohorts, and balanced for age, gender and ethnic background. We interrogated 850,000 CpG sites of the human genome for DNA methylation variants. Findings The DNA methylation content of 33 CpG loci was linked with the presence of MIS-C. Of these sites, 18 (54.5%) were located in described genes. The top candidate gene was the immune T-cell mediator ZEB2; and others highly ranked candidates included the regulator of natural killer cell functional competence SH2D1B; VWA8, which contains a domain of the Von Willebrand factor A involved in the pediatric hemostasis disease; and human leukocyte antigen complex member HLA-DRB1; in addition to pro-inflammatory genes such as CUL2 and AIM2. The identified loci were used to construct a DNA methylation profile (EPIMISC) that was associated with MIS-C in both cohorts. The EPIMISC signature was also overrepresented in Kawasaki disease patients, a childhood pathology with a possible viral trigger, that shares many of the clinical features of MIS-C. Interpretation We have characterized DNA methylation loci that are associated with MIS-C diagnosis. The identified genes are likely contributors to the characteristic exaggerated host inflammatory response observed in these patients. The described epigenetic signature could also provide new targets for more specific therapies for the disorder.Copyright (c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd

    Development of lessons on chemical and biological reactors in Moodle platform

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    En este proyecto docente se han desarrollado una serie de actividades académicamente dirigidas dedicadas a los reactores químicos y biológicos, en concreto, se ha empleado una herramienta denominada lección que se encuentra disponible a través de la plataforma virtual Moodle, dichas lecciones se basan en una serie de ventanas secuenciales que permiten profundizar en todos los conceptos fundamentales de los reactores químicos y/o biológicos y, a través de diversas cuestiones complementarias sobre el tema, incluidas durante el desarrollo de dicha lección, permite al alumno realizar un aprendizaje más activo que favorece la consolidación de los conceptos de forma gradual. Previo al estudio de los reactores químicos y/o biológicos es necesario tener en cuenta diversos aspectos químicos, físicos, matemáticos, biológicos e ingenieriles que han de considerarse para desarrollar los aspectos fundamentales básicos para poder alcanzar dicho objetivo y se pretende facilitar esta labor al alumnado con el empleo de las lecciones elaboradas. Previamente a la elaboración de las lecciones se ha realizado una importante labor de preparación y síntesis de toda la información, posteriormente se han desarrollado diferentes lecciones para los conceptos tratados en cada uno de los temas implicados en la elaboración de este proyecto docente y tras una profunda revisión se han puesto a disposición de los alumnos.In this teaching project have developed a series of academic activities devoted to the chemical and biological reactors, in particular, it has been using a tool called lesson which is available through the Moodle virtual platform, these lessons are based on a series of sequential windows allowing to delve into all the fundamental concepts of chemical and/or biological reactors and through various complementary on the theme, including issues during the development of this lesson, students perform a more active learning that promotes the consolidation of concepts gradually. Prior to the study of chemical reactors and/or biological is necessary to take account of various chemical, physical, mathematical, biological and engineering aspects that are to be considered to develop the basic fundamentals to achieve the aim and is intended to facilitate this work to the students with the use of elaborate lessons. Important preparation work has been prior to the preparation of the lessons and synthesis of information, have subsequently developed different lessons for the concepts dealt with in each of the issues involved in the development of this educational project and after a thorough review have been available to the students

    Native American ancestry significantly contributes to neuromyelitis optica susceptibility in the admixed Mexican population

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    Neuromyelitis Optica (NMO) is an autoimmune disease with a higher prevalence in non-European populations. Because the Mexican population resulted from the admixture between mainly Native American and European populations, we used genome-wide microarray, HLA high-resolution typing and AQP4 gene sequencing data to analyze genetic ancestry and to seek genetic variants conferring NMO susceptibility in admixed Mexican patients. A total of 164 Mexican NMO patients and 1,208 controls were included. On average, NMO patients had a higher proportion of Native American ancestry than controls (68.1% vs 58.6%; p = 5 × 10–6). GWAS identified a HLA region associated with NMO, led by rs9272219 (OR = 2.48, P = 8 × 10–10). Class II HLA alleles HLA-DQB1*03:01, -DRB1*08:02, -DRB1*16:02, -DRB1*14:06 and -DQB1*04:02 showed the most significant associations with NMO risk. Local ancestry estimates suggest that all the NMO-associated alleles within the HLA region are of Native American origin. No novel or missense variants in the AQP4 gene were found in Mexican patients with NMO or multiple sclerosis. To our knowledge, this is the first study supporting the notion that Native American ancestry significantly contributes to NMO susceptibility in an admixed population, and is consistent with differences in NMO epidemiology in Mexico and Latin America.Fil: Romero Hidalgo, Sandra. Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica; MéxicoFil: Flores Rivera, José. Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía; MéxicoFil: Rivas Alonso, Verónica. Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía; MéxicoFil: Barquera, Rodrigo. Max Planck Institute For The Science Of Human History; Alemania. Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia; MéxicoFil: Villarreal Molina, María Teresa. Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica; MéxicoFil: Antuna Puente, Bárbara. Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica; MéxicoFil: Macias Kauffer, Luis Rodrigo. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Villalobos Comparán, Marisela. Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica; MéxicoFil: Ortiz Maldonado, Jair. Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía; MéxicoFil: Yu, Neng. American Red Cross; Estados UnidosFil: Lebedeva, Tatiana V.. American Red Cross; Estados UnidosFil: Alosco, Sharon M.. American Red Cross; Estados UnidosFil: García Rodríguez, Juan Daniel. Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica; MéxicoFil: González Torres, Carolina. Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica; MéxicoFil: Rosas Madrigal, Sandra. Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genómica; MéxicoFil: Ordoñez, Graciela. Neuroimmunología, Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía; MéxicoFil: Guerrero Camacho, Jorge Luis. Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía; MéxicoFil: Treviño Frenk, Irene. American British Cowdray Medical Center; México. Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición Salvador Zubiran; MéxicoFil: Escamilla Tilch, Monica. Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición Salvador Zubiran; MéxicoFil: García Lechuga, Maricela. Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición Salvador Zubiran; MéxicoFil: Tovar Méndez, Víctor Hugo. Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición Salvador Zubiran; MéxicoFil: Pacheco Ubaldo, Hanna. Instituto Nacional de Antropología E Historia. Escuela Nacional de Antropología E Historia; MéxicoFil: Acuña Alonzo, Victor. Instituto Nacional de Antropología E Historia. Escuela Nacional de Antropología E Historia; MéxicoFil: Bortolini, María Cátira. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul; BrasilFil: Gallo, Carla. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; PerúFil: Bedoya Berrío, Gabriel. Universidad de Antioquia; ColombiaFil: Rothhammer, Francisco. Universidad de Tarapacá; ChileFil: Gonzalez-Jose, Rolando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Centro Nacional Patagónico. Instituto Patagónico de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas; ArgentinaFil: Ruiz Linares, Andrés. Colegio Universitario de Londres; Reino UnidoFil: Canizales Quinteros, Samuel. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; MéxicoFil: Yunis, Edmond. Dana Farber Cancer Institute; Estados UnidosFil: Granados, Julio. Instituto Nacional de la Nutrición Salvador Zubiran; MéxicoFil: Corona, Teresa. Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía; Méxic