73 research outputs found

    A new striking and critically endangered species of Nasa (Loasaceae, Cornales) from North Peru

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    Nasa angeldiazioides sp. nov. is described and illustrated. The species is restricted to two forest remnants on the western slope of the northern Peruvian Andes (Dept. Lambayeque) where it is found in the undergrowth of primary forest. The new taxon shows a unique leaf morphology in the family Loasaceae. Molecular and morphological data show that the new species belongs to the Nasa triphylla group. Since the relic forests of the north-western Andes are increasingly threatened by the effects of climate change, i.e. droughts and wildfires, the new species already faces imminent extinction

    Standardization of inducer-activated broad host range expression modules: debugging and refactoring an alkane-responsive AlkS/PalkB device

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    Although inducible heterologous expression systems have been available since the birth of recombinant DNA technology, the diversity of genetic devices and their coming together in the corresponding vectors often result in a lack of reproducibility and interoperability. In an effort to increase the predictability of expression of genes of interest in a variety of possible bacterial hosts, we propose a composition standard for debugging and reassembling all regulatory parts that participate in the performance of such devices. As a case study, we addressed the n-octane and dicyclopropyl ketone-inducible PalkB promoter of the alkane biodegradation pOCT plasmid of Pseudomonas putida. The standardized expression module included an edited alkS transcription factor divergently expressed and separated from PalkB by a synthetic buffer segment. The DNA sequence of the alkS gene was modified to alleviate the catabolite repression exerted by several carbon and nitrogen sources through the Crc/Hfq complex of some hosts. The PalkB promoter and the alkS variants were then formatted as Standard European Vector Architecture cargoes, and their activity in P. putida was quantified with fluorescent and luminescent reporters. Despite considerable editing of the DNA sequences involved, the thereby refactored module basically kept the functioning parameters of the original configuration. The same qualities were inspected when the system was passed to Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. We argue that the application of the compositional standard thereby implemented in the AlkS/PalkB module to other promoter/regulator pairs will enable more complex genetic programming in non-model bacteria.MADONNA H2020-FET OPEN-RIA-2017-1-766975BioRoboost H2020-NMBP-BIO-CSA 2018-820699SynBio4Flav H2020-NMBP-TR-IND/H2020-NMBP BIO-2018-814650MIX-UP H2020-BIO-CN-2019-87029

    Radiales time series: 25 years building monitoring and analytical capacities in the Iberian shelf

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    The RADIALES program has been monitoring shelf waters in Spain for the last 25 years. This is the oldest field program for multidisciplinary marine research addressing long term variability issues at ecosystem level. Core observations include ship-based hydrographic, biogeochemical and plankton observations at monthly frequency in several oceanographic sections along the Iberian shelf. These observations are complemented with buoy and satellite observations and all these data are used to validate hydrographic and ecological models of plankton at local and regional scales. From the first series initiated in the northwestern shelf other programs extended the observations to the Mediterranean and off shelf waters using the same approach. The success of RADIALES extends beyond pure scientific knowledge, as the expertise gathered with the program has been applied to solve multiple environmental issues, from fisheries and pollution to global change. The program is also instrumental for educational purposes, allowing the specialization of students and technicians. Thanks to a basal funding provided by the Instituto Español de Oceanografía, the program currently obtains more than 60% of its annual budget from competitive calls, as it offers an unique platform for coastal research. Among the results of this program are 400 publications, including peer-review papers, 24 Thesis and 54 scientific reports. The RADIALES data are freely distributed to national and international users as a contribution to the development of cost-effective ocean research and marine servicesIEO (RADIALES

    Taper model for Eucalyptus nitens, in volcanic ash soils of the region of The Araucanía (Chile)

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    Se presenta un modelo de ahusamiento para Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden. Este es un modelo no lineal que fue ajustado con datos de 60 árboles con edades entre los 16 y 21 años, diámetros normales entre 11,5 y 52,0 cm, y con alturas totales entre 12,27 y 47,49 m. Cosechados en 6 rodales localizados en 3 comunas de la región de La Araucanía (Chile); en suelos de cenizas volcánicas. El modelo se contrastó con los existentes en la literatura, obteniendo la mejor precisión, el menor sesgo en cada fracción de altura, y la mayor eficiencia predictiva con un comportamiento gráfico flexible y estable en toda la longitud del fuste. La función de volumen obtenida de la integración numérica del modelo de ahusamiento, predice más de 99% del volumen del fuste sin corteza estimado mediante la fórmula de Smalian.Generalized taper model is presented for Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden. A non-linear model was fitted to data from 60 trees aged between 16 and 21 years, normal diameters between 11.5 and 52.0 cm, and with total heights between 47.49 and 12.27 m. Harvested in 6 stands located in 3 communes of The Araucania region (Chile), in volcanic ash soils. The model contract with existing models in the literature, obtaining better accuracy, the least bias in each fraction high, and the higher predictive efficiency with a flexible graphical behavior and stable over the entire length of the stem. The volume function obtained from the numerical integration of the taper model predicts over 99% of the variation in stem volume without bark estimated by formula Smalian.Fil: Rodriguez Toro, Andrés. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Rubilar pons, Rafael. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Muñoz Sáez, Fernando. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Cártes Rodríguez, Eduardo. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Acuña Carmona, Eduardo. Universidad de Concepción (Chile)Fil: Cancino Cancino, Jorge. Universidad de Concepción (Chile

    Andalusian program for early detection of diabetic retinopathy: implementation and 15-year follow-up of a population-based screening program in Andalusia, Southern Spain

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    Introduction Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a preventable cause of vision loss and blindness worldwide. We aim at analyzing the impact of a population-based screening program of DR using retinal photography with remote reading in terms of population coverage, diagnosis of asymptomatic DR and impact on visual disability, in the region of Andalusia, Spain, in the period 2005-2019. Research design and methods Descriptive study. Sociodemographic and clinical features included in the Andalusian program for early detection of diabetic retinopathy (APDR) were analyzed. Population coverage, annual incidence of DR, and DR severity gradation were analyzed. Estimated data on prevalence and incidence of legal blindness due to DR were included. Results 407 762 patients with at least one successful DR examination during the study period were included. Most of the performed retinographies (784 584, 84.3%) were 'non-pathological.' Asymptomatic DR was detected in 52 748 (5.9%) retinographies, most of them (94.2%) being classified as 'mild to moderate non-proliferative DR.' DR was detected in 44 815 patients, while sight-threatening DR (STDR) in 6256 patients; cumulative incidence of DR was 11.0% and STDR was 1.5%, as DR and STDR was detected in 44 815 and 6256 patients, respectively. Annual incidence risk per patient recruitment year progressively decreased from 22.0% by January 2005 to 3.2% by June 2019. Conclusions Implementation of a long-term population-based screening program for early detection of DR is technically feasible and clinically viable. Thus, after 15 years of existence, the program has enabled the screening of the vast majority of the target population allowing the optimization of healthcare resources and the identification of asymptomatic DR

    Modelo de ahusamiento para Eucalyptus nitens, en suelos de cenizas volcánicas de la región de La Araucanía (Chile)

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    Generalized taper model is presented for Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden. A non-linear model was fitted to data from 60 trees aged between 16 and 21 years, normal diameters between 11.5 and 52.0 cm, and with total heights between 47.49 and 12.27 m. Harvested in 6 stands located in 3 communes of The Araucanía region (Chile), in volcanic ash soils. The model contract with existing models in the literature, obtaining better accuracy, the least bias in each fraction high, and the higher predictive efficiency with a flexible graphical behavior and stable over the entire length of the stem. The volume function obtained from the numerical integration of the taper model predicts over 99% of the variation in stem volume without bark estimated by formula Smalian.Se presenta un modelo de ahusamiento para Eucalyptus nitens (Deane & Maiden) Maiden. Este es un modelo no lineal que fue ajustado con datos de 60 árboles con edades entre los 16 y 21 años, diámetros normales entre 11,5 y 52,0 cm, y con alturas totales entre 12,27 y 47,49 m. Cosechados en 6 rodales localizados en 3 comunas de la región de La Araucanía (Chile); en suelos de cenizas volcánicas. El modelo se contrastó con los existentes en la literatura, obteniendo la mejor precisión, el menor sesgo en cada fracción de altura, y la mayor eficiencia predictiva con un comportamiento gráfico flexible y estable en toda la longitud del fuste. La función de volumen obtenida de la integración numérica del modelo de ahusamiento, predice más de 99% del volumen del fuste sin corteza estimado mediante la fórmula de Smalian


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    El objetivo del presente estudio fue caracterizar la huella plantar en árbitros de fútbol de Norte de Santander. Este estudio fue descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño de campo con una muestra a conveniencia conformada por veintiocho hombres (edad de 22,43±3,30 años; peso corporal de 66,89±8,39 kg; Talla de 1,76±0,06 m; IMC de 21,49±2,52 kg/m2; experiencia en el arbitraje de 6,17±6,54 años). Se empleó el método HERZCO para obtener el ancho del ante pie, ancho del medio pie e índice de huella en ambos pies. El análisis de datos se realizó en el paquete estadístico Microsoft Excel 2007.  Entre los resultados obtenidos se evidenció que el pie izquierdo obtuvo las tipologías plano-normal (10,71%), normal (28,57%) normal-cavo (25%), cavo (28,57%), cavo-fuerte (3,57%) y cavo extremo (3,57%), mientras que el pie derecho presentó tipología plana (7,14%), normal (35,71%), normal-cavo (32,14%), cavo (21,42%) y cavo-fuerte (3,57%). Este estudio permitió concluir que, la huella plantar en árbitros de fútbol presentó una mayor tendencia en las categorías normal, normal-cavo y cavo en el pie izquierdo (82,19%) y derecho (89,27%)

    Metodología para muestrear las fases inmaduras del defoliador Opsiphanes cassina Felder (1862) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) en palma aceitera | Metodology for sampling inmature stages of the defoliator Opsiphanes cassina Felder (1862) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in oil palm

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    La especie Opsiphanes cassina es un insecto defoliador que produce pérdidas de importancia económica en plantaciones de palma aceitera (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Para implementar medidas de control oportunas, con un daño mínimo al ambiente, es esencial estimar el tamaño poblacional, el cual normalmente se realiza mediante contajes semanales en la hoja 17 o 25 de dos palmas ha-1, En la finca “Agropecuaria El Águila” del estado Monagas, Venezuela, entre agosto de 2001 y agosto de 2002, se realizaron evaluaciones con el objetivo de desarrollar un método de muestreo para cuantificar las fases inmaduras (larvas y pupa) y su lugar de preferencia en las diferentes secciones de la hoja y sitio de la planta, se evaluó un lote de 10 ha de palma aceitera. Semanalmente se seccionó la hoja N° 25 de dos árboles/ha. Se determinó que las fases inmaduras del insecto mostraron una clara tendencia a ubicarse en la sección subapical de la hoja (pares de foliolos 41 al 80). En general, la oviposición ocurrió en el par de foliolos 71, mientras que las larvas de los instares I y II se mantuvieron entre los pares de foliolos 71 y 73, las larvas III y IV se localizaron en el par 68, mientras que las del V instar se ubicaron en el par 61. El proceso de pupación ocurrió preferentemente en el estipe de la planta. Cuando se produjo en la hoja hubo predilección por el par de foliolos 43. La nueva estrategia para el muestreo de las fases inmaduras de O. cassina consiste en concentrar los esfuerzos en la región subapical de la hoja. Palabras clave: comportamiento, gusano de las palmeras, muestreo, Elaeis guineensis ABSTRACT Opsiphanes cassina is a defoliator insect that causes economically important losses in oil palm plantations (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). In order to implement timely control measures, with minimal environmental damage, it is essential to estimate the population size, which normally is realized throughout weekly counts on leaf 17 or 25 of two palms ha-1. At the farm "Agropecuaria El Aguila", Monagas state, Venezuela, evaluations were realized aimed to developing a sampling method to quantify the immature stages, discriminating its preference on the different sections of the leaf. Between August 2001 and August 2002, a lot of 10 hectares of oil palm were evaluated. Weekly, the leaf No. 25 was sectioned from two trees per hectare. It was determined that the immature stages of the insect showed a clear tendency to be located in the subapical section of the leaf (pairs of leaflets 41 to 80). In general, the oviposition occurred in the pair of leaflets 71, while larvae instars I and II were held between the pairs of leaflets 71 and 73, larvae III and IV were located on the pair 68, while the instars V was located on the pair of leaflets 61. Process of pupation occurred preferentially in the stipe of the plant. When it occurred in the leaf it had predilection by the pair of leaflets 43. The new strategy to sampling immature stages of the O. cassina suggests focusing the efforts on the subapical section of the leaf. Key words: behavior, sampling, split-banded owlet, Elaeis guineensi

    Fluctuación poblacional de las fases inmaduras de Opsiphanes cassina Felder (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) en palma aceitera, estado Monagas, Venezuela | Population fluctuation of the immature stages of Opsiphanes cassina Felder (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in palm oil, Monagas State, Venezuela

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    Con el propósito de determinar la fluctuación poblacional de las fases inmaduras de Opsiphanes cassina Felder y realizar observaciones sobre sus enemigos naturales, se instaló un ensayo en la Agropecuaria “El Águila” de la Empresa Palmonagas, ubicada en el municipio Maturín del estado Monagas, Venezuela. Las evaluaciones se realizaron entre agosto 2001 y agosto de 2002, a intervalos semanales. Se seccionó la hoja número 25 de dos árboles/ha en un lote de 10 ha de palma aceitera para cuantificar el número de huevos, larvas pequeñas (I, II y III instar), larvas grandes (IV y V instar) y pupas. Ocurrieron seis generaciones del insecto durante el año, determinándose solapamiento de las fases inmaduras del insecto con las generaciones de adultos de O. cassina. En una generación de adultos pueden presentarse todas las fases del insecto, con la particularidad que los huevos y larvas pequeñas por lo general ocurren en las primeras semanas de iniciarse la generación, mientras que las larvas grandes y las pupas se presentan en las semanas finales. La mayor abundancia de huevos de O. cassina se detectó de septiembre a noviembre. Las larvas están presentes durante todo el año. Las mayores densidades de larvas pequeñas se registraron en los meses de junio, agosto y septiembre en presencia de adultos, mientras que la mayor cantidad de larvas grandes se encontraron en los meses de septiembre, octubre y junio, usualmente en ausencia de adultos. La presencia de pupas ocurrió durante los periodos agosto a octubre y de mayo a junio. Se observó parasitismo en larvas del quinto instar por Cotesia sp. (Braconidae), en pupas por Conura maculata (Chalcididae) y en huevos por un complejo de especies integrado por Telenomus sp. (Scelionidae), Anastatus sp. (Eupelmidae) y una no identificada de la familia Eulophidae. Palabras clave: Elaeis guineensis, comportamiento, generaciones, gusano cabrito ABSTRACT In order to determine the population dynamics of the immature stages of Opsiphanes cassina Felder and to make observations on their natural enemies, an investigation was installed in "El Águila", an agricultural farm of Palmonagas Company, located in the municipality of Maturin, Monagas State, Venezuela. Evaluations were conducted between August 2001 and August 2002, at weekly intervals. The leaf number 25 of two trees/ha was sectioned in an area of 10 ha of palm oil in order to quantify the number of eggs, small larvae (I, II and III instar), large larvae (instar IV and V) and pupae. There were six generations of the insect during the year, and overlap of the immature stages with generations of adults of O. cassina occurred. In a generation of adults, all stages of the insect may be present, with the particularity that eggs and small larvae usually occur in the first weeks of the start of the generation, while large larvae and pupae are present in the final weeks. The highest abundance of eggs of O. cassina was detected from September to November. Larvae are present through out the year. The highest densities of small larvae were recorded in the months of June, August and September in the presence of adults. The highest population of large larvae were found in the months of September, October and June, usually in the absence of adults. The presence of pupae occurred during the periods of August to October and from May to June. Parasitism was observed in the fifth instar larvae by Cotesia sp. (Braconidae), in pupae by Conura maculata (Chalcididae) and in eggs by a complex of species composed by Telenomus sp. (Scelionidae), Anastatus sp. (Eupelmidae) and an unidentified species belonging to the Eulophidae family. Key words: Elaeis guineensis, behavior, generations, split-banded owle

    Replication Study Of Polymorphisms Associated With Response To Methotrexate In Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    About 70 genetic studies have already addressed the need of biomarkers to predict the response of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to methotrexate (MTX) treatment. However, no genetic biomarker has yet been sufficiently validated. Here, we aimed to replicate a selection of 25 SNPs in the largest collection of patients up to date, which consisted of 915 patients treated with MTX. The change in disease activity (measured as.DAS28) from baseline was considered the primary outcome. In addition, response according to widely used criteria (EULAR) was taken as secondary outcome. We considered consistency between outcomes, P values accounting for the number of SNPs, and independence from potential confounders for interpretation of the results. Only the rs1801394 SNP in MTRR fulfilled the high association standards. Its minor allele was associated with less improvement than the major allele according to.DAS28 (p = 0.0016), and EULAR response (p = 0.004), with independence of sex, age, baseline DAS28, smoking, seropositivity, concomitant corticosteroid use or previous treatments. In addition, previous evidence suggests the association of this SNP with response to MTX in another autoimmune disease, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and with high intracellular folate levels, which could contribute to poor response