588 research outputs found

    Análisis de datos de un escenario FIWARE basado en Docker

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    El análisis de los datos se ha convertido hoy en día en una parte fundamental de las tecnologías de la información, y nos permite sacar el máximo partido a los datos. Este trabajo se centra en aplicar un análisis y representación a un escenario consistente en un edificio donde exista una infraestructura de control de entradas, como puede ser un museo. Para ello, se ha desarrollado un escenario completo que comprende las siguientes fases: Una primera fase basada en la producción de datos, empleando elementos del internet de las cosas como son: sensores, placas Arduino, Raspberry Pi, transceptores radio, etc. En esta fase se utilizan estos elementos para la producción de los datos del escenario, realizando la conexión entre las placas mediante comunicación inalámbrica en la banda 2.4GHz. Una segunda fase basada en la recolección de los datos de la fase anterior. Para ello se emplea la plataforma FIWARE, concretamente el context broker Orion, que hace de intermediario entre el escenario y el sistema de almacenamiento de los datos. Por un lado, los datos son notificados desde una placa Raspberry Pi a Orion context broker, que mantiene los últimos valores obtenidos de los sensores en una base de datos MongoDB. Por otro, Orion a su vez los notifica a la sección de almacenamiento persistente que hemos desarrollado en este prototipo. Estos datos notificados por Orion son almacenados en una base de datos MySQL. La tercera fase realiza la recolección de datos externos, conectándose a redes sociales para obtener la opinión de los usuarios o visitantes. Concretamente se emplea la red social Facebook, en la que se ha creado una página específica para este proyecto que permite recabar valoraciones de los usuarios. A continuación, la cuarta y última fase realiza el análisis de los datos, empleando herramientas de procesamiento, análisis y visualización. Estas herramientas comprenden librerías específicas en Python como Pandas o scikit-learn, que permiten el análisis de los datos, o matplotlib que permite la representación y será usada para mostrar los resultados. Estos resultados se almacenan en la base de datos MySQL antes mencionada. En este trabajo se ha desarrollado un prototipo funcional capaz de monitorizar datos obtenidos de los sensores desplegados en el escenario y realizar un análisis de los datos obtenidos del escenario y las redes sociales.Nowadays data analysis has become a fundamental part of information technology, because it allows us to and allows us to make the most of the data. This work focuses on the analysis and representation in a scenario consisting of a building that has an infrastructure for ticket control, such as a museum. For this, a complete scenario has been developed that includes the following phases: A first phase based on internet of things elements such as: sensors, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, radio transceivers, etc. In this phase these elements are used to produce the scenario data, making the connection between the boards through wireless communication in the 2.4GHz band. A second phase based on the data collection of the previous phase. To do this, the FIWARE platform is used, specifically the Orion context, which acts as an intermediary between the scenario and the data storage system. On one hand, the data from a Raspberry Pi board is notified to an Orion context broker, which keeps the latest data collected from the sensors in a MongoDB database, and notifies them to the persistent storage section that we have developed in this prototype These data are stored in a MySQL database. The third phase performs the collection of external data, connecting to social networks to obtain the opinion of users or visitors. Specifically, the social network Facebook is used, in which a specific page has been created for this project that allows to obtain users valuations. Then, the fourth and last phase perform the analysis of the data, employing processing, analysis and visualization tools. These free tools are specific libraries in Python like pandas or scikit-learn, which allows the analysis of the data, or matplotlib that allows the representation and is used to show the results. These results are stored in the aforementioned MySQL database. In this work we have developed a functional prototype capable of monitoring the data obtained from the sensors deployed on the stage and perform an analysis of the data obtained from the scenario and social networks.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Solutions to the Dirac equation with a confining potential.

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    Trabajo de fin de Grado. Grado en Física. Curso académico 2020-2021[ES]Los cálculos de las funciones de onda radiales de un potencial central son muy útiles en física atómica y nuclear, pero por desgracia resolverlos numéricamente para un potencial dado puede ser complejo. Nuestro objetivo será describir un algoritmo capaz de encontrar la solución numérica de las ecuaciones radiales de Dirac para un gran conjunto de potenciales centrales. La función usada en los cálculos es el spline cúbico natural, el cual interpola los valores proporcionados por el usuario. Las ecuaciones radiales se resuelven utilizando el método exacto de series de potencias de las funciones radiales. Se calcularán las funciones de onda radiales normalizadas, los autovalores y los estados ligados.[EN]The solutions of radial wave functions in a confining potential are really useful in atomic and nuclear physics, but resolving them numerically for a given potential may be though and complex. Our objective will be to describe an algorithm able of founding the numerical solution por Dirac radial equations por a large amount of central potentials. The function used in calculations is the natural cubic spline, that interpolates the values provided by the user. The radial wave equations are solved by using exact power series expansións of the radial functions. Normalized radial wave functions, eigenvalues for bound states are evaluated

    Aproximación al abuso de sustancias en el lugar de trabajo en los Estados Unidos y en España: comparación de ambos sistemas

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    El abuso de sustancias en las empresas es una lacra que tiene consecuencias desafortunadas en cualquier relación laboral, tanto para las empresas (como el absentismo, el aumento de los costos médicos o la disminución de la productividad) como para los trabajadores (problemas de salud, despidos o discapacidades). A través del análisis de dos de los sistemas regulatorios más avanzados para cubrir este tema, se observará cómo, a pesar de las garantías comprobadas que existen con respecto a la protección de los derechos fundamentales a la salud (a través de Programas de Asistencia al Empleado --PAE--, ampliamente utilizados en los Estados Unidos de América) y al trabajo (a través del sistema regulador español), hay brechas importantes que deben ser cubiertas. Los preocupantes datos de consumo reflejados muestran que es necesario tomar medidas de acción concretas, más allá de las meras declaraciones de intenciones, para garantizar claramente la protección de los derechos fundamentales que podrían conducir a una solución específica de este problema, que involucra a millones de empleados y empleadores en el mundo.; Substance abuse in companies is a scourge that has unfortunate consequences in any employment relationship, both for companies (such as absenteeism, rising medical costs or decreasing productivity) and for workers (health problems, dismissals or disabilities). Through the analysis of two of the most advanced regulatory systems of covering this issue, it will be observed how, despite the proven guarantees that exist regarding the protection of fundamental rights to health (through Employee Assistance Programs -- EAP--, widely used in the United States of America) and work (through the Spanish regulatory system), there are important gaps that need to be covered. The worrying consumption data reflected show that it is necessary to take concrete action measures, beyond mere declarations of intent, in order to clearly guarantee the protection of both fundamental rights that could lead to a specific solution of this problem, that involves millions of employees and employers in the world


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    Uno de los pilares del crecimiento económico de China es su mercado laboral. Detrás de la segunda economía más grande del mundo, compuesta por una mano de obra de más de 900 millones y basada en una sólida y creciente estabilidad económica, se encuentra una población activa sujeta a condiciones laborales muy diferentes a las de sus competidores occidentales, creando así un ventaja y un alto grado de atractivo para los inversores extranjeros. Este documento explora el mercado laboral y los derechos laborales en China, el papel desempeñado por el gobierno, las organizaciones de trabajadores y los actores internacionales, los flujos migratorios y las perspectivas de un país considerado como la "fábrica del mundo"


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    Con base en Foley (2003) se establecen las situaciones financieras de las firmas, clasificándolas en cubiertas, especulativas y Ponzi. Se aplica también un análisis discriminante, técnica multivariante que permite una clasificación empírica basada en los índices financieros. Como resultado, la clasificación teórica es coherente con la empírica y evidencian que en la fase creciente de un auge hay un buen porcentaje de firmas cubiertas, pero a su vez, surge un leve deterioro de su estabilidad financiera. Así, se da evidencia empírica de consideraciones relevantes de la Hipótesis de Inestabilidad Financiera, se testea el segmento microeconómico de Foley (2003) y se plantea un indicador alternativo de la fragilidad financiera.Hipótesis de inestabilidad financiera, dinámica de financiamiento, análisis discriminante.

    Walk This Way: Ingroup Norms Determine Voting Intentions for Those Who Lack Sociopolitical Control

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    This research was supported by a grant number 2014/15/G/HS6/04529 awarded by the Polish National Science Centre to the second author, as well as by two grants for young researchers financed by the Faculty of Philosophy of the Jagiellonian University awarded to the first author. It was also supported by Grant no.PID2019-111549GB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 awarded to the third author.Even though taking part in elections is one of the most direct tools to influence the socio-political system, many people choose not to vote. Research shows that this problem is especially prevalent among those citizens who do not believe they have control over social and political issues, but the question remains as to what could encourage their voting behavior. We predicted that individuals who experience low levels of control can be more susceptible to ingroup norms regarding participation in political elections than those with a high sense of sociopolitical control. Across six studies we found consistent support for this hypothesis. Specifically, people who experience decreased sociopolitical control were more likely to vote when descriptive norms (measured or manipulated) were conducive to voting. The results have important theoretical and applied implications, illuminating the boundary conditions under which people deprived of control can still be motivated to participate in a political sphere.Polish National Science Centre 2014/15/G/HS6/04529PID2019-111549GB-I00 MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Two proteins with ornithine acetyltransferase activity show different functions in Streptomyces clavuligerus: Oat2 modulates clavulanic acid biosynthesis in response to arginine

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    [EN] The oat2 gene, located in the clavulanic acid gene cluster in Streptomyces clavuligerus, is similar to argJ, which encodes N-acetylornithine:glutamic acid acetyltransferase activity. Purified proteins obtained by expression in Escherichia coli of the argJ and oat2 genes of S. clavuligerus posses N-acetyltransferase activity. The kinetics and substrate specificities of both proteins are very similar. Deletion of the oat2 gene did not affect the total N-acetylornithine transferase activity and slightly reduced the formation of clavulanic acid under standard culture conditions. However, the oat2 mutant produced more clavulanic acid than the parental strain in cultures supplemented with high levels (above 1 mM) of arginine. The purified S. clavuligerus ArgR protein bound the arginine box in the oat2 promoter, and the expression of oat2 was higher in mutants with a disruption in argR (arginine-deregulated), confirming that the Arg boxes of oat2 are functional in vivo. Our results suggest that the Oat2 protein or one of its reaction products has a regulatory role that modulates clavulanic acid biosynthesis in response to high arginine concentrationsSIThis work was supported by grant BIO2000-272 and a fellowship (to A. de la Fuente) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (Madrid, Spain). We thank Rosario Pérez-Redondo for her help with RNA experiments

    Urinary tract physiological conditions promote ciprofloxacin resistance in low-level-quinolone-resistant Escherichia coli

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    Escherichia coli isolates carrying chromosomally encoded low-level-quinolone-resistant (LLQR) determinants are frequently found in urinary tract infections (UTIs). LLQR mutations are considered the first step in the evolutionary pathway producing high-level fluoroquinolone resistance. Therefore, their evolution and dissemination might influence the outcome of fluoroquinolone treatments of UTI. Previous studies support the notion that low urine pH decreases susceptibility to ciprofloxacin (CIP) in E. coli. However, the effect of the urinary tract physiological parameters on the activity of ciprofloxacin against LLQR E. coli strains has received little attention. We have studied the activity of ciprofloxacin under physiological urinary tract conditions against a set of well-characterized isogenic E. coli derivatives carrying the most prevalent chromosomal mutations (ΔmarR, gyrA-S83L, gyrA-D87N, and parC-S80R and some combinations). The results presented here demonstrate that all the LLQR strains studied became resistant to ciprofloxacin (according to CLSI guidelines) under physiological conditions whereas the control strain lacking LLQR mutations did not. Moreover, the survival of some LLQR E. coli variants increased up to 100-fold after challenge with a high concentration of ciprofloxacin under UTI conditions compared to the results seen with Mueller-Hinton broth. These selective conditions could explain the high prevalence of LLQR mutations in E. coli. Furthermore, our data strongly suggest that recommended methods for MIC determination produce poor estimations of CIP activity against LLQR E. coli in UTIs.Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria PI13/0006

    The somatostatin receptor-adenylate cyclase system in rat pancreatic acinar membranes after temporary pancreaticobiliary duct ligation

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    The mechanism whereby somatostatin (SS) produces beneficial effects in established pancreatitis induced by pancreaticobiliary duct ligation (PBDL) is still not clear. The aim of the work was to evaluate the possibility of a direct action of SS on pancreatic acinar cells from rats with acute pancreatitis. For this purpose, we studied the SS-receptor-adenylate cyclase system in pancreatic acinar membranes from both, control rats and rats with experimentally induced acute pancreatitis. On the other hand, it has been reported that cholecystokinin (CCK) diminishes the number of SS receptors in pancreatic acinar cells. Proglumide, a CCK receptor antagonist reduces the severity of acute pancreatitis in the rat. Therefore, we have also examined the effect of proglumide on the somatostatinergic system in controls and rats with acute pancreatitis. Fourteen hours after PBDL, the SS receptors, the capacity of the SS analogue SMS 201-995 to inhibit forskolin-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity and PTX-catalyzed [P-32] ADP-ribosylation of the alpha(1) subunits of Gi proteins could not be detected in pancreatic acinar membranes. One month after reopening the closed pancreaticobiliary duct (PBD), the pancreas showed regeneration of acinar cells, and the above-mentioned parameters were significantly lower than in the control group. Two months after reopening the closed PBD, all these parameters had returned to control values. The administration of proglumide (20 mg/kg i.p.), a cholecystokinin receptor antagonist, accelerated pancreatic regeneration and approached all these parameters to control values one month after reopening the closed PBD. The present study suggests that the beneficial effects of SS on established pancreatitis induced by PBDL may not be due to a direct action of the peptide on pancreatic acinar cells at least at 14 hours after PBDL. In addition, these findings suggest that in established pancreatitis the effect of proglumide on the SS receptor-adenylate cyclase system could be due to its action on pancreatic regeneration.The authors thank Ms. Carol F. Warren and Jerry Keller from the Alcala University Institution of Education Sciences and Lilian Puebla from the Department of Biochemistry of\ud Alcala University for their linguistic assistance, as well as Ms. Maria Baez for her excellent assistance with library research and Mr. Luis Monge for assistance in the preparation of the\ud illustrations. The authors are also grateful to Sandoz Ltd. (Basel, Switzerland) for generous donation of SMS 201-995 and its analogue Tyr3-SMS. This study was supported by a Grant from the Direction General de Investigación Científica y Técnica (PM95-0041) and from the University of Alcala (001/96) of Spain