2,008 research outputs found

    Company-university collaboration in applying gamification to learning about insurance

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    Incorporating gamification into training–learning at universities is hampered by a shortage of quality, adapted educational video games. Large companies are leading in the creation of educational video games for their internal training or to enhance their public image and universities can benefit from collaborating. The aim of this research is to evaluate, both objectively and subjectively, the potential of the simulation game BugaMAP (developed by the MAPFRE Foundation) for university teaching about insurance. To this end, we have assessed both the game itself and the experience of using the game as perceived by 142 economics students from various degree plans and courses at the University of Seville during the 2017–2018 academic year. As a methodology, a checklist of gamification components is used for the objective evaluation, and an opinion questionnaire on the game experience is used for the subjective evaluation. Among the results several findings stand out. One is the high satisfaction of the students with the knowledge acquired using fun and social interaction. Another is that the role of the university professors and the company monitors turns out to be very active and necessary during the game-learning sessions. Finally, in addition to the benefits to the university of occasionally available quality games to accelerate student skills training, the company–university collaboration serves as a trial and refinement of innovative tools for game-based learning

    La investigación cualitativa acerca sus pasos a la universidad

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    La intención de este artículo, con el cual también se pretende felicitar al profesor John Elliott por haber sido investido doctor Honoris causa por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, consiste en la siguiente secuencia de ideas: la investigación-acción (en adelante I-A) ingresa en la universidad porque bastantes investigadores que usan esta corriente metodológica indagan sobre problemas referidos a su propia práctica docente. ¿Qué causas explican este fenómeno? Y, finalmente, ¿qué problemática universitaria debería estudiar, hoy, el movimiento de la I-A interpretada desde el enfoque de la teoría crítica?.La intenció d'aquest article, amb el qual també es pretén felicitar el professor John Elliott per haver estat investit doctor Honoris causa per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, consisteix en la seqüència d'idees següent: la investigació-acció (en endavant I-A) ingressa a la universitat perquè bastants investigadors que usen aquest corrent metodològic indaguen sobre problemes referits a la seva pròpia pràctica docent. Quines causes expliquen aquest fenomen? I, finalment, quina problemàtica universitària hauria d'estudiar, avui, el moviment de la I-A interpretada des de l'enfocament de la teoria crítica?.The main porpoise of this paper is both, to congratulate professor John Elliott for having been honoured as Doctor Honoris Causae by the Barcelona Autonomous University and to develop the following string of ideas: Action Research is increasingly being adopted by the University because many researchers do use this methodological approach and they develop inquiry focused on their own teaching practices. What kind of arguments would explain that? In what kind of problems AR should be focused on, in order to frame its development from a critical theory approach?

    La investigación cualitativa acerca sus pasos a la universidad

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    La intención de este artículo, con el cual también se pretende felicitar al profesor John Elliott por haber sido investido doctor Honoris causa por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, consiste en la siguiente secuencia de ideas: la investigación-acción (en adelante I-A) ingresa en la universidad porque bastantes investigadores que usan esta corriente metodológica indagan sobre problemas referidos a su propia práctica docente. ¿Qué causas explican este fenómeno? Y, finalmente, ¿qué problemática universitaria debería estudiar, hoy, el movimiento de la I-A interpretada desde el enfoque de la teoría crítica?.La intenció d'aquest article, amb el qual també es pretén felicitar el professor John Elliott per haver estat investit doctor Honoris causa per la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, consisteix en la seqüència d'idees següent: la investigació-acció (en endavant I-A) ingressa a la universitat perquè bastants investigadors que usen aquest corrent metodològic indaguen sobre problemes referits a la seva pròpia pràctica docent. Quines causes expliquen aquest fenomen? I, finalment, quina problemàtica universitària hauria d'estudiar, avui, el moviment de la I-A interpretada des de l'enfocament de la teoria crítica?.The main porpoise of this paper is both, to congratulate professor John Elliott for having been honoured as Doctor Honoris Causae by the Barcelona Autonomous University and to develop the following string of ideas: Action Research is increasingly being adopted by the University because many researchers do use this methodological approach and they develop inquiry focused on their own teaching practices. What kind of arguments would explain that? In what kind of problems AR should be focused on, in order to frame its development from a critical theory approach?

    The triangle assessment method: a new procedure for eliciting expert judgement

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    The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of the most widely used Multi-Criteria Decision-Making methods worldwide. As such, it is subject to criticisms that highlight some potential weaknesses. In this study, we present a new Multi-Criteria Decision-Making method denominated the “Triangular Assessment Method” (referred to by its Spanish abbreviation, MTC©). The MTC© aims to make use of the potential of AHP while avoiding some of its drawbacks. The main characteristics and advantages of the MTC© can be summarised as follows: (i) evaluation of criteria, and of the alternative options for each criterion, in trios instead of pairs; (ii) elimination of discrete scales and values involved in judgements; (iii) a substantial reduction in the number of evaluations (trios) relative to the corresponding number of pairs which would have to be considered when applying the AHP method; (iv) consistent decision-making; (v) introduction of closed cyclical series for comparing criteria and alternatives; and (vi) the introduction of opinion vectors and opinion surfaces. This new method is recommended for supporting decision-making with large numbers of subjective criteria and/or alternatives and also for group decisions where the consensus must be evaluated. The MTC© provides a different promising perspective in decision-making and could lead to new research lines in the field of information systems.This work was supported by the Galician Regional Government [“Programa de Consolidación e Estructuración de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas, modalidade de Grupos de Referencia Competitiva” for the period 2006–2017] and by the European Union [ERDF program]. Likewise, the authors thank Daniele de Rigo, Dora Henriques and Cesar Pérez-Cruzado, because his comments improved notably this manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Triangular Assessment Method

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    A Triangular Assessment Method (Research in progress, abbreviated to MTC, from the initials of the Spanish name: Método del Triángulo de Calificaciones) is described. The proposed method is an improvement of the well known Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), which is a pairwise comparison technique developed by Saaty and often applied in complex decision making. The MTC basically consists of comparing criteria and alternative levels of each criterion in trios instead of in pairs. This overcomes some of the drawbacks of the AHP, such as the large number of pairs that must be analyzed when there are numerous criteria and alternatives

    The distribution of wealth in Spain and the USA: the role of socioeconomic factors

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    The literature has typically found that the distribution of socioeconomic factors like education, labor status and income does not account for the remarkable wealth inequality disparities between countries. As a result, their different institutions and other latent factors receive all the credit. Here, we propose to focus on one type of wealth inequality, the inequality of opportunities (IOp) in wealth: the share of overall wealth inequality explained by circumstances like inheritances and parental education. By means of a counterfactual decomposition method, we find that imposing the distribution of socioeconomic factors of the USA into Spain has little effect on total, financial and real estate wealth inequality. On the contrary, these factors play an important role when wealth IOp is considered. A Shapley value decomposition shows that the distribution of education and labor status in the USA consistently increase wealth IOp when imposed into Spain, whereas the opposite effect is found for the distribution of income

    Muda lingüística y movilidad social. Trayectorias de jóvenes migrantes hacia la universidad

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    En este artículo, estudiamos la construcción discursiva del proceso de "muda lingüística", proceso por el cual una lengua distinta de aquella en la que se produjo la primera socialización pasa a ser la lengua dominante en diversos ámbitos de la vida de las personas. La muda se configura así como el elemento clave que articula las trayectorias de vida y las trayectorias lingüísticas de los nuevos y nuevas hablantes del castellano de origen migrante, matriculados en la universidad en la región de Madrid. A través del análisis de historias de vida, exploramos cómo ambas trayectorias cristalizan en el propio acceso a la universidad. Las estudiantes universitarias que estudiamos producen un discurso en el que dan cuenta de los cambios que han experimentado en su posición social y en su estatus de hablantes a partir de la "muda". El análisis muestra también cómo se hace patente la reconfiguración de las identidades en tanto hablantes multilingües y las transformaciones que experimentan en términos de agencia y autoestima, dependiendo de la gestión que, conjuntamente con la(s) institución(es), hacen de los recursos lingüísticos. Sin embargo aunque la muda es un proceso al que se refieren todas las entrevistadas, las ideologías lingüísticas que se invocan en la presentación de este proceso son múltiples y diversas, y van desde ideologías más tradicionales y hegemónicas, a otras emergentesIn this paper, we study the discursive construction of the process of language shift ("muda"), i.e. the process by which a language other than that of the speaker's initial socialization becomes the dominant language in various areas of life. This shift emerges as the key element which shapes the interlacing of life and language trajectories among young people from a migrant background who are new speakers of Spanish and enrolled in universities in Madrid. Through the analysis of oral histories, we explore how these two trajectories merge and impact on the subjects' access to university. The discourse of these new speakers reflects the changes experienced in their social position and in their status as speakers, following the "muda". Our analysis also highlights the reconfiguration of their identities as multilingual speakers and the transformations experienced in terms of agency and self-esteem, in accordance with the management of language resources by these new speakers and by the institution of which they form a part. However, in spite of the fact that this sift is a process presented in the oral stories produced by all the interviewed, the linguistic ideologies evoked in the presentation of this process are multiples and diverse, and they range from traditional and hegemonic ideologies to some emergent one

    The midwife in sexual and reproductive health of women through life histories

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    Objetivo: Obtener y analizar información de las mujeres residentes en el municipio de Murcia en el año 2010 sobre conceptos en salud sexual y reproductiva para incorporarlos al conocimiento de la disciplina matrona. Para implementar cuidados efectivos en las mujeres murcianas, las matronas necesitan conocer desde el propio discurso de estas, cuales son sus necesidades, modos y sabores entorno a su salud sexual y reproductiva. Método: La investigación que se plantea es de corte descriptivo con un enfoque cualitativo y desde una mirada antropológica enfermera y desde paradigmas epistemológicos construccionistas. Se seleccionó una muestra de cinco mujeres residentes en el municipio de Murcia atendiendo a criterios de muestreo por máxima variedad. La parte central de nuestro trabajo de campo la conforman las historias de vida realizadas a las cinco mujeres obteniendo los resultados a través de un análisis inductivo y posterior categorización de sus discursos. Resultados: Del análisis del discurso se obtienen como relevantes las siguientes categorías: 1- Conceptos en salud sexual y reproductiva (Relaciones sexuales/Decisión de maternidad/Vivencia de partos/ Miedos en el embarazo y maternidad). 2- Influencia cultural en salud sexual y reproductiva (Maternidad. La madre sacrificada: exaltación de la idea de maternidad). Conclusiones: La complejización de la sociedad, hace que la profesión matrona dinamice sus fundamentos entorno al conocimiento cultural de su objeto receptor de cuidados en salud sexual y reproductiva. Las mujeres son las protagonistas necesarias; solo a través de sus miradas nos vincularemos las matronas a sus vidas.Objective: Obtain and analyze information from women living in the municipality of Murcia in 2010 on concepts in sexual and reproductive health to incorporate the knowledge of midwives. To implement effective care for women in Murcia, midwives need to know from speaking for themselves, what are their needs, ways and flavors around their sexual and reproductive health. Method: The research raised is descriptive with a qualitative approach from an anthropological-nurse perspective from constructionist epistemological paradigms. A sample of five women, living in the municipality of Murcia, were selected, according to criteria of maximum variety sampling. The central part of our fieldwork consist in life stories of five women made to get the results through an inductive analysis and subsequent categorization of his speeches. Results: From discourse analysis obtained the following categories as relevant: 1. Concepts in sexual and reproductive health (sex / Decision Maternity/ Experience of delivery / Fear of pregnancy and maternity) 2. Cultural influences on sexual and reproductive health (Maternity. The sacrificing mother: exaltation of maternity) Conclusions: The growing complexity of society, makes the midwife profession energizes its foundations around the cultural knowledge of the object receiving care in sexual and reproductive health. Women are the protagonists necessary; only through their eyes we will link midwives to their lives

    Divulgación de la química en los diversos niveles educativos

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    Póster presentado en: VIII Jornadas de Innovación Docente de la UBU, Burgos, 5 de abril de 2016, organizadas por el Instituto de Formación e Innovación Educativa-IFIE de la Universidad de Burgo