4,086 research outputs found

    Aparato dixestivo

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    Titulación: Grao en Farmacia -- Materia: Anatomía, Histoloxía e CitoloxíaO aparato dixestivo é o encargado de transformar os alimentos que inxerimos en sustancias máis sinxelas e facilmente asimilables polo organismo. O estudo deste aparato é moi importante para o futuro farmacéutico xa que constitúe a base anatómica da administración oral de medicamentos. Esta vía de administración é, sen dúbida, a máis empregada a día de hoxe debido ás múltiples vantaxes que presenta: vía sinxela, segura e cómoda. Porén, presenta tamén algúns inconvenientes que é preciso coñecer para poder deseñar adecuadamente novas formas de dosificación adecuadas á vía oral. Entre estes inconvenientes cabe subliñar o efecto do primeiro paso hepático que pode facer perder grande parte do medicamento administrado antes de que este alcance a circulación central. A explicación a este fenómeno, que radica na drenaxe venosa do intestino, estudarémola no seminario que complementa as dúas clases expositivas que constitúen esta unidade temática. Durante as clases expositivas expoñerase a morfoloxía e estrutura macroscópica do aparato dixestivo. Para isto describiranse as principais estruturas, cunha dobre aproximación, integrando morfoloxía e función e asentando as bases para materias de cursos superiores tales como Fisioloxía Humana, Fisiopatoloxía, Farmacoloxía e Biofarmacia e Farmacocinética. Ao rematar a unidade didáctica o estudantado será capaz de: Coñecer e comprender a morfoloxía, estrutura e os aspectos funcionais do aparato dixestivo como base para materias de cursos superiores do tipo de Fisioloxía Humana, Fisiopatoloxía e Farmacoloxía. Numerar e describir os compoñentes do aparato dixestivo. Coñecer e aplicar as implicacións que a circulación portal terá na administración de fármacos. Coñecer e manexar a terminoloxía anatómica con precisión como base da comunicación interprofesional en ciencias da saúde. Manexar bibliografía e ferramentas adecuadas para buscar información necesaria para preparar a materia.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Experimental study for the determination of the turbulence onset in natural convection on inclined plates

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    In June, 8th, 2009 the balloon-borne solar telescope SUNRISE was launched from the Swedish Space Corporation balloon facility Esrange. A telescope with a mirror of 1 m in diameter ob-served the Sun during six days until the mission was terminated in Canada. The design process of SUNRISE and of any optical telescope requires the analysis of the effect of surrounding air on the quality of images. The turbulence encountered in the local telescope environment de-grades its optical performance. This phenomenon called `seeing' consists of optical aberrations produced by density non-homogeneities in the air along the optical path. The refraction index of air changes due to thermal non-uniformities so that the wavefront incident on the mirror is randomly distorted, and therefore, images are altered. When telescope mirrors are heated, as it happens in solar telescopes, and therefore they are at a temperature different from the environment's, natural convection occurs. It is then crucial to know whether the flow in front of the mirror is laminar or turbulent. After reviewing the literature, it was found that the scattering of results about the onset of the transition gives only rough orders of magnitude of the values of the critical Grashof numbers. Aiming to obtain more information about it, the problem of determination of the turbulence onset in natural convection on heated inclined plates in air environment was experimentally revisited. The transition has been determined from hot wire velocity measurements. The onset of turbulence has been considered to take place where velocity perturbations start to grow. Experiments have shown that the onset depends not only on the Grashof number, but also on other parameters as the temperature difference between the heated plate and the surrounding air. A correlation between dimensionless Grashof and Reynolds numbers has been obtained, fitting extraordinarily well the experimental data. The results are obtained in terms of non-dimensional numbers, this way they apply to any air pressure and therefore to any floating altitud

    Mujeres procesadas por el Tribunal del Santo Oficio de Granada

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    Actualmente, la Historiografía se ha visto enriquecida gracias a los estudios realizados acerca de las mujeres. Muchos son los aspectos que pueden tratarse al respecto, dada la abundancia de fuentes. En la documentación inquisitorial encontramos un rico filón relativo al tema, que presenta dos aspectos bien diferenciados. Por un lado tenemos a las familiares del personal civil del Santo Oficio, que gozaban de una serie de privilegios. Por otro están aquellas que sufrieron las persecuciones de la Inquisición, cuyos delitos abarcaban un amplio espectro,desde la herejía hasta otros de menor trascendencia. Según la tipología de los mismos, así era el castigo impuesto, que podía llegar a la pena máxima: la hoguera o relajación.Nowadays the historiography has been enriched by the studies done about women, matter which can be approached from several points of view because of the abundant sources. The documentation from the Inquisition makes many references to this question in two very different aspecs. On one side the families of the civilian staff at the Holy Office who enjoyed some privileges. On the other side those who suffered the persecution and whose crimes covered a broad spectrum, from the heresy to other of less importance. The punishment depended on the kind of crime but it could mean the maximum sentence: stake or relaxation

    Competencias militares del cabildo malagueño a finales del siglo XVI

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    Págs. 105-12

    Los judaizantes y el santo oficio de Granada (1550-1600)

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    Actas de la II Reunión Científica de la Asociación Española de Historia Moderna, Moratalla, 1992. Vol. IIPeer reviewe

    Colloidal Synthesis of Gold Semishells

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    This work describes a novel and scalable colloid chemistry strategy to fabricate gold semishells based on the selective growth of gold on Janus silica particles (500 nm in diameter) partly functionalized with amino groups. The modulation of the geometry of the Janus silica particles allows us to tune the final morphology of the gold semishells. This method also provides a route to fabricating hollow gold semishells through etching of the silica cores with hydrofluoric acid. The optical properties were characterized by visible near-infrared (vis-NIR) spectroscopy and compared with simulations performed using the boundary element method (BEM). These revealed that the main optical features are located beyond the NIR region because of the large core size

    Purification of Starch Granules from Arabidopsis Leaves and Determination of Granule-Bound Starch Synthase Activity

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    Starch constitutes the most important carbon reserve in plants and is composed of branched amylopectin and linear amylose. The latter is synthesized exclusively by the Granule-Bound Starch Synthase (GBSS, EC Here we report a readily reproducible, specific and highly sensitive protocol, which includes the isolation of intact starch granules from Arabidopsis thaliana leaves and the subsequent determination of GBSS activity. We have applied this method to study GBSS activity in diurnal cycles in vegetative growth and during the photoperiodic transition to flowering in Arabidopsis (Tenorio et al., 2003; Ortiz-Marchena et al., 2014).España,MINECO CSD2007-00057, BIO2008-02292, and BIO2011-28847-C02-00España, Junta de Andalucía P06-CVI-01450 and P08-AGR-0358

    Modelización de la Firma del Protocolo Mediante PLS-SEM y Aplicación de la Teoría de la Conducta Planeada

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    This study focuses on the factors that lead family business to address a family protocol. This paper applies the theory of planned behavior. To test the validity of this theory in predicting family business behavior, this research uses data collected from a questionnaire distributed to business family members (n = 98) from Córdoba, Spain. Firstly, this research aims to explain the paradigm in which the intentionality to start the process towards the protocol on generational replacement and future distribution of the ownership is conducted by its feasibility – and this is partially marked by the willingness to reach the agreement and its utility. Secondly, the hypotheses are confirmed by means of the analysis of the data gathered from a sample of business families. Thirdly, the results of the model applied in the study are discussed, as well as its consistency and the nature of the information used by means of PLS-SEM.El artículo analiza los factores que influyen en la familia empresaria a la hora de abordar un protocolo familiar. Aplica la teoría de la conducta planeada y mediante ecuaciones estructurales (PLS-SEM) analiza los datos recabados a 98 integrantes de empresa familiares procedentes de Córdoba, España. La investigación persigue explicar como la intención de iniciar el proceso de firma de un protocolo en la empresa familiar está moderada por su factibilidad, que a su vez viene influenciada por el deseo de alcanzar el pacto y la utilidad percibida en ello. Los resultados confirman las hipótesis de investigación planteadas y abren líneas de investigación futuras que permiten replicar el modelo considerando variables moderadoras en la modelización (etapa generacional, etc

    El control gubernamental de RTVE y el pluralismo en los informativos

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    The goal of this study is to analyze and compare television newscasts broadcast during the most recent terms of office for Spain’s two primary political parties: the PSOE (the Socialist Party) and the PP (the conservative People’s Party); in order to better understand the characteristics of RTVE’s (The Spanish Radio and Television Corporation, a stateowned entity) communications strategy and to determine if changes in the governing party as well as at the senior management level in the newsroom have influenced the editorial policy of public television. The level of formal pluralism recorded does not always imply a neutral approach to reporting, nor does it mean that rigorous standards are always enforced. The facts show that in many cases there is no relationship between the quantitative and qualitative elements of any given story. The results of this study confirm that political consensus with regards to public television improves accuracy, transparency and pluralism of information, in addition to decreasing manipulation and censorship.El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar y comparar los telediarios de etapas diferentes para conocer las características de la política informativa de RTVE durante el último mandato del PSOE y del PP, y ver si los cambios de Gobierno y en la dirección de informativos han influido en la línea editorial de la televisión pública. El grado de pluralismo formal registrado no se corresponde siempre con un enfoque neutral y con un tratamiento riguroso de las noticias. Los datos reflejan que en muchos casos no existe una correspondencia entre la dimensión cuantitativa y cualitativa del relato. Los resultados de la investigación confirman que el consenso político sobre la televisión pública favorece el rigor, la transparencia y el pluralismo informativo, y disminuye la manipulación y la censura