33 research outputs found

    Purple Passion Fruit, Passiflora edulis Sims f. edulis, Variability for Photosynthetic and Physiological Adaptation in Contrasting Environments

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    Purple passion fruit (Passiflora edulis Sims f. edulis) is a tropical juice source. The goal of this project was to evaluate photosynthetic and physiological variability for the crop with the hypotheses that landraces contain the diversity to adapt to higher elevation nontraditional growing environments and this is dependent on specific parameters of ecological adaptation. A total of 50 genotypes of this crop were chosen from divergent sources for evaluations of their eco-physiological responses in two equatorial locations at different altitudes in the Andes Mountains, a center of diversity for the species. The germplasm included 34 landraces, 8 commercial cultivars, and 8 genebank accessions. The two locations were contrasting in climates, representing mid and high elevations in Colombia. Mid-elevation valleys are typical regions of production for passion fruit while high elevation sites are not traditional. The location effects and variables that differentiated genotypes were determined. Results showed statistically significant differences between locations and importance of physiological parameters related to photosynthesis and water use efficiency. Some landraces exhibited better water status and gas exchange than commercial types. Parameters like maximum photosynthesis, points of light saturation and compensation, darkness respiratory rate, and apparent quantum yield varied between genotype groups. The landraces, commercial types, and genebank entries also differed in content of carotenoids and chlorophylls a and b. Meanwhile, photosynthesis measurements showed that altitudinal difference had an effect on genotype-specific plant growth and adaptation. An important conclusion was that landraces contained the diversity to adapt to the new growing environment at higher altitudes

    Estudio y caracterización de algunas 5-E-aldoximino-4-glucosilaminopirimidinas

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    The reaction between 1,6-dihydro-5-formil-4-β-D-(tetra-O-acetyl)glucopyranosylamino-1-methyl-2-methoxy-6-oxo-pyrimidine and an excess of ClH.H2NOH yields 5-E-aldoximine derivative as the only product. On the basis of its chemical behaviour and espectroscopic data we propose its structure.La reacción de 1,6-dihidro-5-formil-4-β-D-(2 ', 3 ' 4 ', 6 '-tetra-O-acetil)-glucopiranosilamino-1-metil-2-metoxi-6-oxopirimidina con exceso de ClH.H2NOH permite aislar 5-E-aldoximino derivado como único producto. La estructura del mismo ha sido establecida en base a pruebas químicas y espectroscópicas

    Estudio y caracterización de algunas 5-E-aldoximino-4-glucosilaminopirimidinas

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    La reacción de 1,6-dihidro-5-formil-4-β-D-(2 ', 3 ' 4 ', 6 '-tetra-O-acetil)-glucopiranosilamino-1-metil-2-metoxi-6-oxopirimidina con exceso de ClH.H2NOH permite aislar 5-E-aldoximino derivado como único producto. La estructura del mismo ha sido establecida en base a pruebas químicas y espectroscópicas.The reaction between 1,6-dihydro-S-formil-4- β -D-(tetra-O-acetyl}glucopyranosylamino-l-methyl-2-methoxy-6-oxo-pyrimidine and an excess of ClH.H2 NOH yields S-E-aldoximine derivative as the only producto On the basis of its chemical behaviour and espectroscopic data we propose its structure

    Primitive Cretaceous island-arc volcanic rocks in eastern Cuba : the Téneme Formation

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    The Téneme Formation is located in the Mayarí-Cristal ophiolitic massif and represents one of the three Cretaceous volcanic Formations established in northeastern Cuba. Téneme volcanics are cut by small bodies of 89.70 ± 0.50 Ma quarz-diorite rocks (Río Grande intrusive), and are overthrusted by serpentinized ultramafics. Téneme volcanic rocks are mainly basalts, basaltic andesites, andesites, and minor dacites, and their geochemical signature varies between low-Ti island arc tholeiites (IAT) with boninitic affinity (TiO2 < 0.4 %; high field strength elements « N-type MORB) and typical oceanic arc tholeiites (TiO2 = 0.5-0.8 %). Basaltic rocks exhibit low light REE/Yb ratios (La/Yb < 5), typical of intraoceanic arcs and are comparable to Maimón Formation in Dominican Republic (IAT, pre Albian) and Puerto Rican lavas of volcanic phase I (island arc tholeiites, Aptian to Early Albian). The mantle wedge signature of the Téneme Formation indicates a highly depleted MORB-type mantle source, without any contribution of E-MORB or OIB components. Our results suggest that Téneme volcanism represents a primitive oceanic island arc environment. If the Late Cretaceous age (Turonian or early Coniacian) proposed for Téneme Formation is correct, our results indicate that the Cretaceous volcanic rocks of eastern Cuba and the Dominican Republic are not segments of a single arc system, and that in Late Cretaceous (Albian-Campanian) Caribbean island arc development is not represented only by calc-alkaline (CA) volcanic rocks as has been suggested in previous works

    Manejo laparoscópico de los quistes hepáticos simples

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    Aim: To describe the clinical features, surgical, and long-term follow-up outcomes of patients with symptomatic simple hepatic cysts who underwent laparoscopic deroofing or fenestration. Materials and methods: Retrospective and descriptive series of patients with symptomatic simple hepatic cysts treated with laparoscopic deroofing or fenestration between January 2013 to December 2021. Results: Eight patients were included, seven (88%) were females and one (12%) male. The average age was 57 years (range 45–86 years). Pain was the most frequent symptom in seven patients (88%), followed by early fullness in one patient (12%). The average size of the dominant cyst was 12.8 cm (range 6–20 cm) and liver segment IV was the most frequently involved. The length of hospital stay was 2 days. One patient (12%) had major morbidity and required reoperation. There was not postoperative mortality. One patient developed symptomatic recurrence ten months after the first surgery and required a new laparoscopic deroofing. Conclusions: L paroscopic fenestration or deroofing is a safe and effective procedure for the treatment of symptomatic simple hepatic cysts.Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, resultados quirúrgicos y seguimiento a largo plazo de los pacientes con diagnóstico de quiste hepático simple, sintomáticos y tratados con fenestración o destechamiento laparoscópico. Materiales y métodos: Serie retrospectiva y descriptiva de quistes hepáticos simples tratados con fenestración o destechamiento laparoscópico, desde enero de 2013 a diciembre de 2021. Resultados: Se incluyeron ocho pacientes sintomáticos, siete (88%) de sexo femenino y un varón (12%). La mediana de la edad fue 57 años (rango 45–86 años). El dolor fue el síntoma más frecuente en siete pacientes (88%), seguido de la llenura precoz en un paciente (12%). La mediana del diámetro mayor del quiste dominante fue de 12.8 cm (rango de 6–20 cm) y el segmento hepático más frecuentemente afectado fue el VI, en 4 pacientes (50%). La mediana de la estancia hospitalaria fue de 2 días. Un paciente (12%) presentó complicación mayor, necesitando una re-operación en el post operatorio inmediato. No hubo mortalidad post operatoria. Un paciente (12%) hizo recurrencia sintomática a los diez meses de la primera cirugía y requirió un nuevo destechamiento laparoscópico. Conclusiones: La fenestración o destechamiento por laparoscopía para el tratamiento de los quistes hepáticos simples os es un procedimiento seguro y efectivo

    Les col·leccions de mineralogia de la UB. Una eina d'aprenentatge i de participació dels estudiants

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    Les col·leccions de Mineralogia de la Universitat de Barcelona poden ser de litoteca (emprades en l'ensenyament presencial i no presencial) i sistemàtica (usades com a material de referència de recerca). Comprenen mostres de mà, làmines primes i probetes. Les col leccions de referència son controlades per estudiants, els quals comproven la identitat del mineral i en fan la catalogació. Així s'introdueix els estudiants en les tècniques de caracterització i en les tècniques de musealització

    Global variations in diabetes mellitus based on fasting glucose and haemogloblin A1c

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    Fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) are both used to diagnose diabetes, but may identify different people as having diabetes. We used data from 117 population-based studies and quantified, in different world regions, the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes, and whether those who were previously undiagnosed and detected as having diabetes in survey screening had elevated FPG, HbA1c, or both. We developed prediction equations for estimating the probability that a person without previously diagnosed diabetes, and at a specific level of FPG, had elevated HbA1c, and vice versa. The age-standardised proportion of diabetes that was previously undiagnosed, and detected in survey screening, ranged from 30% in the high-income western region to 66% in south Asia. Among those with screen-detected diabetes with either test, the agestandardised proportion who had elevated levels of both FPG and HbA1c was 29-39% across regions; the remainder had discordant elevation of FPG or HbA1c. In most low- and middle-income regions, isolated elevated HbA1c more common than isolated elevated FPG. In these regions, the use of FPG alone may delay diabetes diagnosis and underestimate diabetes prevalence. Our prediction equations help allocate finite resources for measuring HbA1c to reduce the global gap in diabetes diagnosis and surveillance.peer-reviewe

    Diminishing benefits of urban living for children and adolescents’ growth and development

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    AbstractOptimal growth and development in childhood and adolescence is crucial for lifelong health and well-being1–6. Here we used data from 2,325 population-based studies, with measurements of height and weight from 71 million participants, to report the height and body-mass index (BMI) of children and adolescents aged 5–19 years on the basis of rural and urban place of residence in 200 countries and territories from 1990 to 2020. In 1990, children and adolescents residing in cities were taller than their rural counterparts in all but a few high-income countries. By 2020, the urban height advantage became smaller in most countries, and in many high-income western countries it reversed into a small urban-based disadvantage. The exception was for boys in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa and in some countries in Oceania, south Asia and the region of central Asia, Middle East and north Africa. In these countries, successive cohorts of boys from rural places either did not gain height or possibly became shorter, and hence fell further behind their urban peers. The difference between the age-standardized mean BMI of children in urban and rural areas was &lt;1.1 kg m–2 in the vast majority of countries. Within this small range, BMI increased slightly more in cities than in rural areas, except in south Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and some countries in central and eastern Europe. Our results show that in much of the world, the growth and developmental advantages of living in cities have diminished in the twenty-first century, whereas in much of sub-Saharan Africa they have amplified.</jats:p

    Worldwide trends in underweight and obesity from 1990 to 2022: a pooled analysis of 3663 population-representative studies with 222 million children, adolescents, and adults

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    Background Underweight and obesity are associated with adverse health outcomes throughout the life course. We estimated the individual and combined prevalence of underweight or thinness and obesity, and their changes, from 1990 to 2022 for adults and school-aged children and adolescents in 200 countries and territories. Methods We used data from 3663 population-based studies with 222 million participants that measured height and weight in representative samples of the general population. We used a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate trends in the prevalence of different BMI categories, separately for adults (age ≥20 years) and school-aged children and adolescents (age 5–19 years), from 1990 to 2022 for 200 countries and territories. For adults, we report the individual and combined prevalence of underweight (BMI 2 SD above the median). Findings From 1990 to 2022, the combined prevalence of underweight and obesity in adults decreased in 11 countries (6%) for women and 17 (9%) for men with a posterior probability of at least 0·80 that the observed changes were true decreases. The combined prevalence increased in 162 countries (81%) for women and 140 countries (70%) for men with a posterior probability of at least 0·80. In 2022, the combined prevalence of underweight and obesity was highest in island nations in the Caribbean and Polynesia and Micronesia, and countries in the Middle East and north Africa. Obesity prevalence was higher than underweight with posterior probability of at least 0·80 in 177 countries (89%) for women and 145 (73%) for men in 2022, whereas the converse was true in 16 countries (8%) for women, and 39 (20%) for men. From 1990 to 2022, the combined prevalence of thinness and obesity decreased among girls in five countries (3%) and among boys in 15 countries (8%) with a posterior probability of at least 0·80, and increased among girls in 140 countries (70%) and boys in 137 countries (69%) with a posterior probability of at least 0·80. The countries with highest combined prevalence of thinness and obesity in school-aged children and adolescents in 2022 were in Polynesia and Micronesia and the Caribbean for both sexes, and Chile and Qatar for boys. Combined prevalence was also high in some countries in south Asia, such as India and Pakistan, where thinness remained prevalent despite having declined. In 2022, obesity in school-aged children and adolescents was more prevalent than thinness with a posterior probability of at least 0·80 among girls in 133 countries (67%) and boys in 125 countries (63%), whereas the converse was true in 35 countries (18%) and 42 countries (21%), respectively. In almost all countries for both adults and school-aged children and adolescents, the increases in double burden were driven by increases in obesity, and decreases in double burden by declining https://researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/images/research_banner_face_lab_290.jpgunderweight or thinness. Interpretation The combined burden of underweight and obesity has increased in most countries, driven by an increase in obesity, while underweight and thinness remain prevalent in south Asia and parts of Africa. A healthy nutrition transition that enhances access to nutritious foods is needed to address the remaining burden of underweight while curbing and reversing the increase in obesity