96 research outputs found

    Empreendedorismo internacional de empresas familiares mexicanas listadas e características do CEO / Conselho de administração

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    The objective of this research is to analyze the influence on international entrepreneurship of both Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) and board of directors’ traits. It takes into account 52 listed family firms in Mexico (2001-2015), an emerging market where ownership concentration is particularly high. Results obtained from a binary probit model show that family involvement reduces the odds of pursuing foreign endeavors. However, when the CEO has a business administration academic background, the probability of having subsidiaries or branches abroad rises considerably. Finally, there is evidence that the presence of women on boards reduces the odds of international entrepreneurship.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la influencia tanto de características de los Directores Generales (CEO, por su sigla en inglés) como de los consejos de administración, en el emprendimiento internacional. Se contemplan 52 empresas familiares listadas en México (2001-2015), un mercado emergente donde la concentración de la propiedad es particularmente alta. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de un modelo probit binario muestran que la participación de la familia reduce las probabilidades de internacionalización. No obstante, cuando el CEO tiene formación académica en negocios, la probabilidad de tener filiales o sucursales en el extranjero aumenta. Finalmente, hay evidencia que la presencia de mujeres en los consejos reduce las probabilidades de emprendimiento internacional.O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a influência das características dos Gerentes Gerais (CEO) e dos conselhos de administração, no empreendedorismo internacional. Existem 52 empresas familiares listadas no México (2001-2015), um mercado emergente onde a concentração de propriedades é particularmente alta. Os resultados obtidos a partir de um modelo probit binário mostram que a participação da família reduz as chances de internacionalização. No entanto, quando o CEO tem uma formação acadêmica nos negócios, a probabilidade de ter subsidiárias ou filiais no exterior aumenta. Finalmente, há evidências de que a presença de mulheres nos conselhos reduz as chances de empreendedorismo internacional

    A survey of Mycoplasma agalactiae in dairy sheep farms in Spain

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    BACKGROUND: Contagious Agalactia (CA) is one of the major animal health problems in small ruminants because of its economic significance. Currently, four Mycoplasma spp. have been associated with this syndrome: M. agalactiae, M. mycoides subsp. capri, M. capricolum subsp. capricolum and M. putrefaciens. Their presence has been evaluated in several studies conducted in CA-endemic countries. However, previous Spanish studies have been focused on caprine CA, and there is a knowledge gap regarding which Mycoplasma species are present in sheep flocks from Spain, which has the second highest number of sheep amongst the 27 European Union member states. Consequently, we investigated the presence and geographic distribution of the four CA-causing mycoplasmas in Spanish dairy sheep farms. This is the first time such an investigation has been performed. RESULTS: Three hundred thirty nine out of 922 sheep flocks were positive for M. agalactiae by real time PCR (36.8%) and 85 by microbiological identification (9.2%). Interestingly, all 597 milk samples assessed for the presence of M. mycoides subsp. capri, M. capricolum subsp. capricolum and M. putrefaciens tested negative. To evaluate the intermittent excretion of the pathogen in milk, we sampled 391 additional farms from 2 to 5 times, resulting that in 26.3% of the cases a previously positive farm tested negative in a later sampling. CONCLUSIONS: M. agalactiae was the only Mycoplasma species detected in the study area showing a high frequency of presence and wide distribution. Therefore, the establishment of a permanent surveillance network is advantageous, as well as the implementation of control and prevention measures to hinder the dissemination of M. agalactiae and to prevent the entrance of other Mycoplasma species

    Application of blended learning in accounting. Experience in different degrees in higher education

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    La incorporación de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en la enseñanza está dando lugar al desarrollo de nuevas metodologías docentes, como es el aprendizaje combinado. En este trabajo se muestran los resultados de una experiencia de aprendizaje combinado realizada en la asignatura de Contabilidad General que se imparte en el primer año en cuatro titulaciones de la Universidad de Granada (Doble titulación en Administración de Empresas y Derecho, Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas, Licenciatura en Economía y Diplomatura en Ciencias Empresariales) con 1.431 alumnos matriculados en el curso académico 2009-2010. El trabajo se centra en el análisis de las medidas objetivas y subjetivas de los resultados obtenidos por los alumnos, considerando cada titulación de forma independiente. Como medida objetiva se considera la nota final obtenida por los alumnos que han participado en esta experiencia de aprendizaje combinado. Como medida de carácter subjetivo se utiliza la percepción que tienen los alumnos sobre la utilidad, motivación y satisfacción de la experiencia de aprendizaje combinado llevada a cabo en las distintas titulaciones. Para recopilar los datos de carácter subjetivo se realizó un cuestionario, obteniéndose 985 respuestas válidas. Los resultados del trabajo muestran que el empleo del aprendizaje combinado tiene en todas las titulaciones un efecto positivo en la reducción de la tasa de abandono de la asignatura y en la mejora de la tasa de aprobados. Además, en todas las titulaciones, los estudiantes se encuentran satisfechos con el aprendizaje combinado, lo consideran útil y motivador y las percepciones de los estudiantes están relacionadas entre sí. Hay diferencias, según la titulación, en las variables que inciden en las calificaciones de los alumnos. No obstante, en general, están positivamente relacionadas con la nota de entrada a la universidad y del nivel de asistencia a clase.The incorporation of new technologies of information and communication in education is stimulating new teaching methodologies such as blended learning. This paper shows the results of a blended learning experience in the General Accounting subject offered by the University of Granada, for the first year undergraduate courses (in Business Administration and Management, in Economics, in Business Studies and in the double course, Business Administration/Law) with 1431 students in the academic year 2009-2010. This research uses objective and subjective measures of performance of students. We have considered the final mark as an objective measure. As a subjective measure we use the students' perception of the usefulness, motivation and satisfaction from the experience of blended learning carried out in the different degrees. We designed a questionnaire to collect subjective data and we obtained 985 valid responses. The results showed that the use of blended learning has a positive effect in reducing the dropout rate of the subject and in improving the exam marks. In addition, students are satisfied with blended learning, find it useful and motivating and perceptions of the students are related between them. There are differences, depending on the degree, in the variables that affect students’ final marks in each degree. However, in general, final marks depend on background and class attendance rate

    La Dimensión como Estrategia Empresarial

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    This paper analyzes the possible differences in the economic-financial situation of family organizations based on the business dimension. Then, we focus our analysis on SMEs to analyse the influence of the dimension in their performance. For this, information belonging to a large sample composed of 21,149 family businesses and 5,737 non-family businesses in Spain corresponding to the period 2003–2015 is studied. The conclusions obtained show that, although the increase in the dimension of the family organizations is positively related to their performance, there are limits beyond which the value of certain economic-financial indicators can be negatively affected. This behavior is not observed in non-family businesses.Este trabajo analiza las posibles diferencias existentes en la situación económico-financiera de las empresas familiares en función de la dimensión empresarial. Seguidamente, centrando nuestro análisis en las pymes, analizamos la influencia que ejerce la dimensión en su desempeño. Para ello, se estudia información perteneciente a una amplia muestra formada por 21149 empresas familiares y 5737 no familiares españolas correspondiente al periodo 2003-2015. Las conclusiones obtenidas muestran que, a pesar de que el aumento de la dimensión de la empresa familiar está relacionado positivamente con su desempeño, existen unos límites a partir de los cuales el valor de determinados indicadores económico-financieros puede verse afectado negativamente, a diferencia de lo observado para las empresas no familiares

    Influencia de la Razón Social en el Desempeño Económico de las Empresas Familiares: Análisis en Función de la Etapa Generacional

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    A family identity of a firm, exhibited by the presence of the family name in the business name, can influence the value of economic profitability. The present analysis also explores if this relationship varies depending on the size and the generation running the business. The sample used to conduct this study comprises a panel data set of 21,149 Spanish family firms containing information from 2003 to 2015, which translates into a balanced database including 274,937 observations. For analysis purposes, the firms are classified into small, medium-sized and large ones. Contrary to the competitive advantages brought about by the family identity of the businesses highlighted by previous research, the current study suggests its negative effects on the profitability of small and medium-sized family firms. This effect is more acute when the company is managed by its founding generation. The findings in the case of large family firms indicate that the company name does not have an impact upon economic profitability.La identidad familiar de la empresa, manifestada a través de la presencia del nombre familiar en su razón social, puede influenciar el valor de su rentabilidad económica. Se analiza si esta relación varía en función de la dimensión empresarial, así como de la etapa generacional a cargo de la organización. La muestra objeto de análisis está compuesta por pequeñas, medianas y grandes empresas familiares. El estudio contempla un extenso panel de datos con información de 21149 empresas familiares españolas desde el año 2003 hasta el 2015, obteniendo una base de datos equilibrada compuesta por 274937 observaciones. Contrariamente a las ventajas competitivas señaladas por investigaciones anteriores, el presente estudio señala un efecto negativo de la identidad familiar de la organización sobre la rentabilidad de las pymes familiares. Este efecto es más acentuado cuando la organización es gestionada por la generación fundadora. Los resultados en el caso de las empresas de mayor dimensión indican que tener una razón social familiar no influye sobre el valor de la rentabilidad económica

    Molecular epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a university hospital in northwestern Spain

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    Continuous monitoring of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is necessary to understand the clonal evolution of successful lineages. In this study, we identifi ed the MRSA clones circulating in a Spanish hospital during a 2-year period, assessed their relationship with antimicrobial resistance profi les, and investigated the presence of the emerging community-associated and livestock-associated MRSA lineages (CA-MRSA, LA-MRSA). CC5-MRSA-IV isolates were the most frequently recovered, which supports the previously reported prevalence of this clone in Spanish hospitals. We observed ST125 isolates that harbored specifi c cassette chromosome recombinase (ccr) gene elements of the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) types IV and VI. That clone, which was fi rst detected only recently, has increased resistance to erythromycin. Furthermore, 94% of the infections were caused by non-multiresistant isolates. Neither CA-MRSA nor LA-MRSA isolates were observed. These fi ndings, along with related events over the last decade, suggest the establishment of a clonal endemic population in the Spanish clinical environment. [Int Microbiol 2014; 17(3):149-157]Keywords: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) · clonal population · molecular epidemiology · multilocus sequence typin

    Factors in the acquisition of an ethical training

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    Society in general demands an ethical behavior in business world. The research problem of the paper is to analyze whether higher education institutions of business contribute to ethical decisions making in students through a specific training approach based on practical methodologies that take into account students’ personal characteristics, which may affect the ethical decisions making. The acquisition of knowledge should be more effective whether is based on personal characteristics

    Family CEOs and CSR performance in Ibero-American family firms

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    Based on the behavioral agency theory, this paper aims to analyze the relationship between family CEOs and the social and environmental adopted practices by family listed firms in Ibero-America, and how board structure (size, independence and female on the board) moderate this relationship. An unbalanced panel data integrated by 836 yearly-observations during 2011-2016 period and GMM method are adopted to carry out several econometric analyses. The results show that family CEOs increase social performance, particularly in the aspects related to labor practices, work condition and human rights. The main limitation of the study is the sample of study, focused on those companies with the highest stock market prices in four Ibero-American countries. This research contributes to advance both the family firms and CSR literature at a comparative level, and emphasizes that socio-emotional wealth preservation constitutes a strategic mechanism for family CEOs, which, in turn, enhances the non-financial performance of Ibero-American firms.CEOs familiares y el desempeño de la RSC en las empresas familiares iberoamericanasBasado en la teoría de agencia conductual, este trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la relación entre los CEOs familiares y las prácticas sociales y ambientales adoptadas por empresas familiares cotizadas en Iberoamérica, y cómo la composición del consejo de administración (tamaño, independencia y participación de mujeres consejeras) modera esta relación. Un panel de datos no balanceado integrado por 836 observaciones-año durante el periodo 2011-2016 es adoptado para realizar diversos análisis econométricos.  Los resultados muestran que los CEOs familiares incrementan el desempeño social, particularmente en los aspectos relacionados a prácticas laborales, condiciones de trabajo y derechos humanos. La principal limitación del trabajo es la muestra de estudio, centrada en aquellas empresas con mayor capitalización en los mercados de valores de cuatro países en Iberoamérica. Esta investigación contribuye en extender la literatura comparativa internacional en empresas familiares y pone de manifiesto que la preservación de la riqueza socio-emocional constituye un mecanismo estratégico para los CEOs familiares, lo cual a su vez, favorece el desempeño no financiero de empresas Iberoamericanas