6,165 research outputs found

    Bayesian inference for fault based software reliability models given software metrics data

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    We wish to predict the number of faults N and the time to next failure of a piece of software. Software metrics data are used to estimate the prior mean of N via a Poisson regression model. Given failure time data and a some well known fault based models for interfailure times, we show how to sample the relevant posterior distributions via Gibbs sampling using the package Winbugs. Our approach is illustrated with an example

    Bayesian inference for a software reliability model using metrics information.

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    In this paper, we are concerned with predicting the number of faults N and the time to next failure of a piece of software. Information in the form of software metrics data is used to estimate the prior distribution of N via a Poisson regression model. Given failure time data, and a well known model for software failures, we show how to sample the posterior distribution using Gibbs sampling, as implemented in the package "WinBugs". The approach is illustrated with a practical example

    Búsqueda de un nuevo tipo de desarrollo en China: propósitos del último plan quinquenal de desarrollo

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    Se analizan algunos cambios en el modelo de desarrollo de China. Con ellos se pretende modificar la naturaleza del crecimiento, del basado en la adición de insumos a uno sustentado en incremento de productividad de los factores productivos, que además lleve a reducción de las inequidades existentes y al cuidado del medio ambiente. Es imperativo desarrollar el mercado interno a fin de depender menos de la inversión fija y de las exportaciones como fuentes de acumulación, lo que resultará en menor tasa de crecimiento económico, pero con la ventaja de un crecimiento más balanceado

    Employability skills developed by non-traditional students along their undergraduate program

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    This paper was developed in the context of the European project EMPLOY (Enhancing the employability of non-traditional students in higher education, Erasmus Plus Program 2015-2017), a qualitative, interdisciplinary and biographical research focusing on nontraditional university students and graduates from six European countries (Sweden, Poland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal and Spain). The project aims are, among others: a) to understand the employability from the perspective of students and graduates; b) to increase knowledge and understanding of the factors that promote or hinder employability; c) to explore the impact of age, gender, social class, ethnicity and disability in employment prospects of students; etc. In spite of the fact that university graduates are in better conditions when accessing to the labor market, non-traditional students might experience special difficulties related to their specific characteristics. We lack of disaggregated information related to employment rates for higher education graduates and there is not specific research which deepens in the transition process of non-traditional groups. Our study is concerned with identifying which employability skills have been developed by non-traditional students during their stay at the University of Seville. For this purpose we consider the formal learning associated to their syllabuses, the extracurricular training they have been involved in, as well as the previous work experiences. We have carried out seven biographical in-depth interviews with students of the University of Seville (4 females, 3 males), all of them studying degrees in different areas of knowledge: Pedagogy, Philosophy, Mechanical Engineering, Pharmacy, Biology and Business Management. All participants were in the final year of their undergraduate program. In addition, all of them represented different characteristics of non-traditional students: adult and mature students (3), immigrants (2) and learners with low economic and cultural capital (2). As for the results and following the classification of professional competences raised by Bunk (1994), we note that through the university syllabuses students developed the methodological competence, that is the reaction from previous experiences and problem solving skills. However, work experience and extracurricular activities promoted social competence, one that enables them to collaborate with others in a communicative and constructive way, showing interpersonal understanding. In addition, in the three training fields, the specific skills or qualifications of the job, technical competence, were also developed. Finally, it can be noted that in the three areas considered in our analysis, there is a lack in the development of the participatory competence, which refers to coordination and organisational skills, leadership and ability to make decisions and take responsibility.Unión Europea 2014-1-UK01-KA203-00184

    Movementos en masa

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    Titulación: Máster en Medio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais -- Materia: Xeoloxía AmbientalO programa que se presenta está especificamente deseñado para o alumnado que cursa o Máster de Medio Ambiente e Recursos Naturais, polo que se centra naqueles aspectos da Xeoloxía Ambiental que non se estudan noutras materias da titulación; por exemplo non se estuda o solo como recursos porque os alumnos cursan distintas materias desa disciplina. Dentro do programa pódense diferenciar claramente dúas partes, na primeira estúdanse os recursos (unidades II a IV) e na segunda os riscos (unidades V a IX)xeolóxicos. A presente unidade didáctica (en diante UD) encádrase na parte do programa onde se estudan os distintos riscos xeolóxicos, é dicir, aqueles fenómenos asociados a procesos xeolóxicos naturais que teñen lugar na superficie da Terra e que representan unha ameaza para a vida humana e para as súas propiedades. Nas unidades anteriores estudáronse os riscos xeolóxicos que son resultado de forzas do interior da Terra (erupcións volcánicas e terremotos) e nesta UD comezamos a analizar os resultantes de forzas externas (na superficie da Terra ou moi preto dela). Os movementos en masa constitúen un conxunto de procesos mediante os cales os materiais terrestres móvense por acción da gravidade. A maioría destes movementos teñen lugar en zonas de ladeira; pero mesmo en zonas chairas pódense producir desprazamentos, de maneira que existen poucas áreas totalmente exentas de perigo. En primeiro lugar trataranse aqueles movementos en masa non incluídos entre os corrementos de terra e a continuación centrarémonos nos corrementos de terra. Estudaranse os procesos, as consecuencias e as medidas para a prevención e a mitigación dos danos que poidan ocasionar.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic
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