525 research outputs found
Puntos de corte para el acoso psicológico en el trabajo: el cuestionario breve de actos negativos (S-NAQ) en español
Antecedentes: el acoso psicológico en el trabajo es un estresor laboral severo de origen social. Sin embargo, en el contexto español, hay escasez de medidas que nos permitan diagnosticar de forma fiable si una persona está siendo objeto de acoso. Método: se informa de las propiedades psicométricas, la estructura factorial y los puntos de corte del Cuestionario Breve de Actos Negativos (S-NAQ) en una muestra española (N = 1.409). Resultados: el S-NAQ presenta unas buenas propiedades psicométricas. Los análisis factoriales exploratorios y confirmatorios revelan que la escala tiene una única dimensión. Los datos de las curvas ROC indican dos puntos de corte que nos permiten categorizar a las personas como “no expuestas a conductas de acoso” (puntuaciones menores de 15), “en riesgo de ser acosadas” (puntuaciones entre 15 y 22), o “víctimas de acoso” (puntuaciones mayores de 22). Conclusiones: estos puntos de corte pueden facilitar el diagnóstico de acoso y servir para diseñar intervenciones según cada categoría.Background: Workplace bullying is considered a major social stressor at work. However, in the Spanish context, there is a lack of measures that allow researchers and practitioners to distinguish between non-targets and targets of workplace bullying. Method: This study reports the psychometric properties, factor structure, and cutoff scores for the Short-Negative Acts Questionnaire (S-NAQ) in a Spanish sample (N = 1,409). Results: The S-NAQ demonstrated adequate psychometric properties. Moreover, both Exploratory and Confi rmatory Factor Analysis revealed that a unifactorial model of workplace bullying fi t the data best. Two cutoff points for the S-NAQ were formulated using receiver operating characteristic curves to categorize respondents as “not exposed to workplace bullying” (scores below 15), “at risk of being bullied” (scores between 15 and 22), and “targets of workplace bullying” (scores above 22). Conclusions: These cutoff scores may help researchers and practitioners in diagnosing workplace bullying and designing intervention strategies.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PSI2017-83465-
Estrategias de diseño bioclimático para el mejoramiento del confort térmico de una plaza de mercado existente. Caso de estudio: Plaza de Mercado Municipal, Tumaco, Nariño
Trabajo de InvestigaciónActualmente y desde la aparición del ser humano, se ha visto la necesidad de intercambiar, vender o comprar productos que abastezcan una necesidad propia del individuo. En el municipio de San Andrés de Tumaco, Nariño donde se desarrolla esta investigación, se evidencia una subutilización de un edificio de uso institucional (plaza de mercado), debido a condiciones térmicas, lumínicas, espaciales y de humedad al interior. La plaza de mercado es un hito arquitectónico en cada población, municipio o ciudad, particularmente la de San Andrés de Tumaco ya que posee un carácter histórico, cultural y ha generado una memoria para los pobladores del Municipio. Como respuesta a la problemática identificada, se ha planteado esta investigación se desarrolló un estudio a nivel climático y como este impacta directamente en la función del edificio, para esto se realizaron levantamientos arquitectónicos, fotográficos con el fin de conocer el lugar, y con lo anterior establecer una línea base del proceso de investigación. A partir de esta línea base se realizan modificaciones arquitectónicas progresivas al volumen, generando beneficios térmicos, lumínicos y de humedad al interior. Tanto de la línea base como de las modificaciones se realizan simulaciones energéticas para poder comparar y seleccionar las variables más convenientes para el edificio.INTRODUCCIÓN
1. CAPITULO 1: Analisis y caracterizacion del entorno.
2. CAPITULO 2: Diagnostico de la edificacion y linea base.
3. CAPITULO 1: Planteamiento de la intervencion.
4. CAPITULO 1: Aplicación de la estrategia.
ANEXOSMaestríaMagíster en Diseño Sostenibl
Financial analysis in coffee agroecosystems (Coffea arabica l.) of Southwestern Colombia
Las prácticas agroforestales incorporadas a los sistemas cafeteros dinamizan la oferta productiva, posibilitando su diversificación, en esta medida se hace necesario la realización del análisis financiero de estos sistemas en términos de rentabilidad como una herramienta para la gestión financiera eficiente de las fincas nariñenses. Por tanto, el objetivo de esta investigación es el análisis financiero en agroecosistemas cafeteros en tres municipios de Nariño, se identificaron cuatro agroecosistemas de C. arabica basados en la composición botánica del dosel de sombra: C1 (cultivo a pleno sol), C2 (cultivo con musáceas y árboles de servicio), C3 (cultivo con árboles de servicio y maderables), y C4 (cultivo con árboles de servicio, maderables, frutales y musáceas), se caracterizaron socioeconómicamente 12 fincas y se calcularon indicadores financieros junto con un análisis de sensibilidad financiera. Se evidenció que el sistema C4 tuvo una mayor relación beneficio/costo en Buesaco y San Pablo y una disminución en Sandoná, en comparación con el sistema C1. Sin embargo, el VAN fue mayor para esta localidad y menor en Buesaco y San Pablo para el sistema C4 en comparación con el C1. Los sistemas agroforestales aumentaron gradualmente los ingresos económicos, con un mayor crecimiento en el sistema C4. Al sensibilizar variables externas, como el precio de venta y los costos de producción, afectaron directamente el ingreso neto del café en tres años.The agroforestry practices incorporated into coffee systems boost the production offer, enabling its diversification, to this extent it is necessary to carry out the financial analysis of these systems in terms of profitability as a tool for the efficient financial management of Nariño farms. Therefore the objective of this research is he financial analysis in agroecosystems in three municipalities of Nariño, four agrosystems were used based in the four systems based on the botanical composition of the shade canopy, four agroecosystems of C. arabica were identified based on the botanical composition of the shade canopy: C1 (cultivation in full sun), C2 (cultivation with mosses and service trees), C3 (cultivation with service and timber trees), and C4 (cultivation with service trees, timber, fruit trees and mosses, socioeconomic characterization was performed on 12 coffee farms, and financial indicators and sensitivity analysis were calculated. It was evidenced that the C4 system had a higher bebfit/cost ratio in Buesaco and San Pablo and a decrease in Sandoná, compared to the C1 system. However, the NPV was greater for this locality and lower in Buesaco and San Pablo for the C4 system compared to the C1. Agroforestry systems gradually increased economic income, with higher growth in the C4 system. By raising awareness of external variables, such as sales price and production costs, they directly affected the net income of coffee in three years
Direct Cytoskeleton Forces Cause Membrane Softening in Red Blood Cells
Erythrocytes are flexible cells specialized in the systemic transport of oxygen in vertebrates. This physiological function is connected to their outstanding ability to deform in passing through narrow capillaries. In recent years, there has been an influx of experimental evidence of enhanced cell-shape fluctuations related to metabolically driven activity of the erythroid membrane skeleton. However, no direct observation of the active cytoskeleton forces has yet been reported to our knowledge. Here, we show experimental evidence of the presence of temporally correlated forces superposed over the thermal fluctuations of the erythrocyte membrane. These forces are ATP-dependent and drive enhanced flickering motions in human erythrocytes. Theoretical analyses provide support for a direct force exerted on the membrane by the cytoskeleton nodes as pulses of well-defined average duration. In addition, such metabolically regulated active forces cause global membrane softening, a mechanical attribute related to the functional erythroid deformability
Anthropometric indicators for homeless children and youths in Medellin, Colombia
ABSTRACT: To describe the anthropometric indicators of body mass index for age (BMI/A) and height for age (H/A) in children and adolescents living on the streets of Medellin, according to sociodemographic and drug abuse characteristics. Methodology: a descriptive study of 453 medical and nutritional records of homeless children and adolescents. The anthropometric indicators were categorized according to growth patterns accepted for Colombia. A bivariate descriptive analysis between anthropometric, sociodemographic and drug abuse variables was conducted. Results: 27.8% of children and adolescents had stunting and 35.3%, had risk of stunting. Stunting was higher for men (89.7%) than for women (10.3%) (p <0.05). As for bmi/a, 4.2% of the individuals had thinness, 14.1% risk of thinness and 2.2% had weight excess. Additionally, a statistically significant association (p <0.01) between bmi/a and age and between H/A and sex and educational level was found. Conclusions: the
homeless children and adolescents assessed in this study had
anthropometric indicators that show an unfavorable nutritional
status, especially male adolescents. Besides having programs
and policies for recovering this population's nutrition, it is
also necessary to prevent the situation of street life in nna, by
addressing structural determinants that cause poverty, inequity
and food insecurity in the city.RESUMEN: Describir los indicadores antropométricos de Índice de Masa Corporal para la Edad (imc/e) y Talla para la Edad (t/e) de niños, niñas y adolescentes (nna) en situación de calle (sc) de Medellín, según características sociodemográficas y de consumo de drogas. Metodología: estudio descriptivo de 453 historiales de atención médica y nutricional de nna en sc. Los indicadores antropométricos se categorizaron de acuerdo a los patrones de crecimiento aceptados para Colombia. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo bivariado entre indicadores antropométricos y variables sociodemográficas y de consumo de drogas. Resultados: el 27,8% de los nna tenía talla baja y el 35,3%, riesgo de talla baja. La talla baja fue mayor en hombres (89,7%) que en mujeres (10,3%) (p < 0,05). Con respecto al imc/e, el 4,2% presentó delgadez, el 14,1% riesgo de delgadez y, un 2,2% presentó exceso de peso. Se encontró diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p < 0,01) entre el imc/e y la edad y entre t/e y el sexo y el nivel de escolaridad. Conclusiones: los nna en sc presentan indicadores antropométricos que evidencian una desfavorable situación nutricional, especialmente para los adolescentes del sexo masculino. Es necesario, además de políticas y programas orientados a la recuperación nutricional de la población, abordar los determinantes estructurales que ocasionan la pobreza, la inequidad y la inseguridad alimentaria en la ciudad para prevenir la situación de vida en calle de nna
Clinical practice guidelines for early detection of abnormalities during labor, care for normal and dystocic delivery
Objetivo: realizar recomendaciones para detección temprana de las anomalías durante el trabajo de parto, atención del parto normal y distócico.
Materiales y métodos: el grupo desarrollador de la Guía (GDG) elaboró esta GPC durante 2011-2012 acorde con la Guía Metodológica para la elaboración de Guías de Atención Integral en el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud colombiano, basándose en la evidencia científica disponible y sumando la participación activa de grupos de pacientes, sociedades científicas y grupos de interés. En particular, la evidencia de esta Guía fue adaptada de la “Guía de práctica clínica sobre la atención del parto normal” (País Vasco - 2010) y actualizada por procedimientos sistemáticos, tanto para la búsqueda y valoración de la evidencia como para la generación de recomendaciones. El nivel de evidencia y la fuerza de las recomendaciones fueron expresados por medio del sistema del Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN).
Esta guía y sus secciones hacen parte de un grupo de 25 GAI basadas en la evidencia que incorporan consideraciones económicas y de implementabilidad en el contexto del Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud colombiano, y que se desarrollaron por iniciativa del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social y el Departamento de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (Colciencias) en temas prioritarios y de alta prevalencia en el país mediante contrato otorgado a la Universidad Nacional de Colombia en el año 2010.
Resultados: se presentan las recomendaciones para la asistencia del trabajo de parto y el parto asociadas con mayor probabilidad de obtener un resultado materno fetal exitoso durante la atención del parto.
Conclusiones: se espera que las recomendaciones de esta GPC sean utilizadas por los profesionales de la salud de los programas de atención de la gestación con el fin de disminuir la morbilidad y mortalidad atribuibles a complicaciones del trabajo de parto y el parto.objective: To make recommendations for early detection of abnormalities during labor, and care of normal and dystocic delivery.
materials and methods: The Guideline Developer Group (GDG) prepared this CPG during 2011-2012 in accordance with the Methodology Guideline for the development of Comprehensive Care Guidelines of the Colombian General System of Social Security, on the basis of the available scientific evidence, and with the active participation of patient groups, scientific societies and stakeholders. In particular, the evidence for this section was adapted from the “Clinical practice guideline for normal delivery care” (País Vasco – 2010) and adapted through systematic procedures for the search and assessment of the evidence as well as for the generation of recommendations. The level of evidence and the power of the recommendations were expressed using the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network (SIGN) system. results: We present the recommendations for labor and delivery care associated with the highest probability of a successful outcome for the mother and the baby. conclusions: It is expected that the recommendations contained in this CPG will be used by practitioners in pregnancy care programs in order to reduce morbidity and mortality attributable to labor and delivery complications
Forty tasks for quarantine: childhood and homework during confinement
A partir del proyecto Infancia Confinada, se muestra la percepción que la población infantil española tiene sobre las tareas académicas durante el confinamiento, apuntando a sus implicaciones en términos de desigualdad y vulnerabilidad. Constatamos, a través de un análisis de regresión logística, que estas pueden haber constituido una sobrecarga para aquellos sujetos que manifiestan menor satisfacción vital y peor estado de salud, perciben en mayor medida la ARTÍCULOS | CRIANÇAS, INFÂNCIAS E PANDEMIA fragilidad económica de su familia y han convivido durante el confinamiento con padres que pudieron dedicarles menos tiempo.Based on the data collected by the Confined Childhood study, that measures the perception that Spanish child population has about the academic tasks during the confinement, its implications related to social inequality and vulnerability are shown. We verify, through logistic regression analysis, that academic homework could have constituted a burden for a significant part of children; in particular, for those who show lower life satisfaction and worse health status, who perceive the family economic fragility, and lived the confinement with parents who dedicated less time to them
Scrutinising evidence for the triggering of Active Galactic Nuclei in the outskirts of massive galaxy clusters at
Environmental effects are believed to play an important yet poorly understood
role in triggering accretion events onto the supermassive black holes (SMBHs)
of galaxies (Active Galactic Nuclei; AGN). Massive clusters, which represent
the densest structures in the Universe, provide an excellent laboratory to
isolate environmental effects and study their impact on black hole growth. In
this work, we critically review observational evidence for the preferential
activation of SMBHs in the outskirts of galaxy clusters. We develop a
semi-empirical model under the assumption that the incidence of AGN in galaxies
is independent of environment. We demonstrate that the model is broadly
consistent with recent observations on the AGN halo occupation at ,
although it may overpredict satellite AGN in massive halos at that low
redshift. We then use this model to interpret the projected radial distribution
of X-ray sources around high redshift () massive () clusters, which show excess counts outside their virial radius.
Such an excess naturally arises in our model as a result of sample variance. Up
to 20% of the simulated projected radial distributions show excess counts
similar to the observations, which are however, because of
background/foreground AGN and hence, not physically associated with the
cluster. Our analysis emphasises the importance of projection effects and shows
that current observations of clusters remain inconclusive on the
activation of SMBHs during infall.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, 15 pages, 12 Figure
Electrochemical Instrumentation of an Embedded Potentiostat System (EPS) for a Programmable-System-On-a-Chip
Under the main features required on portable devices in electrochemical instrumentation is to have a small size, low power consumption, economically affordable and precision in the measurements. This paper describes the development of a programmable Embedded Potentiostat System (EPS) capable of performing electrochemical sensing over system-on-a-chip platforms. Furthermore, the study explains a circuit design and develops some validation of the entire system. The hardware validation is performed by electrochemical experiments such as Double Step Chronoamperometry (DSC), Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV) and Cyclic Voltammetry (CV); moreover, a comparison of the experimental signals between a commercial potentiostat and the EPS was done by analysis of errors on the response signal. Results illustrate that the EPS is capable of handling currents in the range of absolute values of 86.44 to 3000 nA and having control voltages in the range of ± 2 V. The device can support from 50 to 2000 samples per second. The EPS capabilities were compared with other compact potentiostats. The programmable EPS is an original approach which hugely reduces the hardware complexity and leads the way to create new applications for Point-of-Care or industrial developments with a reusable full electronics module
Antibacterial Nanostructured Ti Coatings by Magnetron Sputtering: From Laboratory Scales to Industrial Reactors
Based on an already tested laboratory procedure, a new magnetron sputtering methodology to simultaneously coat two-sides of large area implants (up to ~15 cm2) with Ti nanocolumns in industrial reactors has been developed. By analyzing the required growth conditions in a laboratory setup, a new geometry and methodology have been proposed and tested in a semi-industrial scale reactor. A bone plate (DePuy Synthes) and a pseudo-rectangular bone plate extracted from a patient were coated following the new methodology, obtaining that their osteoblast proliferation efficiency and antibacterial functionality were equivalent to the coatings grown in the laboratory reactor on small areas. In particular, two kinds of experiments were performed: Analysis of bacterial adhesion and biofilm formation, and osteoblasts–bacteria competitive in vitro growth scenarios. In all these cases, the coatings show an opposite behavior toward osteoblast and bacterial proliferation, demonstrating that the proposed methodology represents a valid approach for industrial production and practical application of nanostructured titanium coatings.EU-FEDER and the MINECO-AEI 201560E055EU-FEDER and the MINECO-AEI MAT2014-59772-C2-1-PEU-FEDER and the MINECO-AEI MAT2016-75611-REU-FEDER and the MINECO-AEI MAT2016-79866-REU-FEDER and the MINECO-AEI MAT2015-69035-REDCUniversity of Seville (Spain) V and VI PPIT-USMINECO CSIC13-4E-179
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