515 research outputs found

    Community-focused strategies.

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    This article introduces the notion of community-focused strategies to refer to the set of actions, activities and policies that firms undertake to establish connections or relational links with one or more target communities of (potential) customers. Drawing on social identity theory and strategy research, this study begins with a proposed taxonomy of different community-focused strategies. Then it illustrates how such strategies contribute to the creation of competitive advantage and explores their boundary conditions. Finally, the authors offer implications for theory development and practice, as well as suggestions for further research.Communities; Competitive advantage; Firm strategies; Identity;

    Community-based strategies in action: building and sustaining a product differentiation advantage

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    An important reason why individuals join groups or communities is to satisfy their needs for identity. Firms might exploit this societal tendency to gain a competitive advantage. Using the strategic approach adopted by Kiehl’s, a U.S. cosmetic producer and retailer, as a source of inspiration and illustration, this paper develops a novel theoretical framework to investigate how firms interact with communities to access privileged customers’ information, from which they can build a product differentiation advantage. We argue that by adhering and supporting a well-defined set of values, Kiehl’s both achieves community membership and strengthens the sense of identity that its target communities provide to their members. These investments prompt reciprocal community member behaviors, which the company channels into its customer knowledge development process. Finally, this article describes how firm–community interactions can protect the differentiation advantage by turning products into symbols of the communities to which its customers belong.Product differentiation, Customer knowledge development, Communities, Case study

    La revolución olvidada : aspectos lingüísticos de una pérdida y recuperación. Reflexiones sobre un ensayo de Lucio Russo

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    Este artículo propone algunas reflexiones sobre la dimensión lingüística del conocimiento científico, a partir de la lectura del estimulante ensayo de Lucio Russo “La rivoluzione dimenticata”, casi desconocido en España no obstante su ya largo recorrido editorial y las recensiones en varios países, tanto en revistas de ciencia, e historia, como de filosofía y cultura clásica. La tesis que el ensayo plantea es que esa singularidad que conocemos como ciencia moderna no sucedió por primera vez en la historia con Copérnico, Galileo, Kepler o Newton en los siglos XVI y XVII, sino que se originó entre los siglos IV a II a.C., en Alejandría y otras ciudades orientales. El desarrollo científico y tecnológico helenístico, no siempre reconocido por la historiografía, es expuesto exhaustivamente por Russo, replanteando la visión de este periodo en su relación con la revolución científica, más similar al proceso de aparición y desarrollo del humanismo de lo que estamos acostumbrados a pensar. Pero el ensayo de Russo no se limita a aportar un exhaustivo estado de la cuestión sobre la ciencia, la tecnología y la cultura helenísticas sino que reconstruye pacientemente aspectos de la ciencia helenística ocultos detrás de redacciones corrompidas por la compleja tradición textual, con una solidez argumentativa que se apoya en la lectura directa de textos literarios antiguos y modernos. Russo concede especial atención a las distorsiones sufridas por la ciencia helenística en su transmisión y, como reverso de la moneda, a la dificultad de reconstrucción de esas ideas a partir de las fuentes clásicas, en un esfuerzo de apropiación que contribuye decisivamente a configurar una identidad de fondo entre "antiguos" y "modernos". El alcance de la operación de Russo se entiende mejor con algunos ejemplos que también nos permitirán referirnos a un aspecto central de la revolución científica de la época moderna: los movimientos de la Tierra y los planetas en un sistema heliocéntrico. Bajo esta perspectiva, el conocimiento científico se atisba más frágil de lo que el deslumbrante progreso tecnológico deja suponer, y se plantea de forma acuciante el problema de la responsabilidad de educadores y divulgadores.This article offers some reflections on the linguistic dimension of scientific knowledge, starting from the reading of the stimulating essay by Lucio Russo, “The forgotten revolution”, almost unknown in Spain despite its long editorial and reviews path in several countries, in journals on science and history, as well as philosophy or classical culture. The central argument proposed in Russo’s essay is that that singularity we call modern science did not happen for the first time in history with Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler and Newton in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but originated between the IVth amd IIth century BC, in Alexandria and other eastern cities. The Hellenistic scientific and technological development, not always recognized by historiography, is outlined in detail by Russo, reframing the vision of this period in its relationship with the scientific revolution, a process more similar to the onset and development of humanism than we are used to think. Russo pays special attention to the distortions suffered by Hellenistic science in its transmission and, as another side of the coin, the difficulty of reconstructing those ideas starting from classical sources, in an appropriation effort that contributes decisively to shaping an identity of substance between the "ancient" and the "modern". Under this perspective, scientific knowledge appears more fragile than the dazzling technological progress leaves us to assume, and poses the problem of the pressing responsibility of educators and science popularizers

    La biomecanica y psicomotricidad del corredor como factores determinantes para el apoyo del antepie en la carrera

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    Objective. Running barefoot or minimalist footwear is a new trend that is intended to prevent injuries in runners. It is believed that the footwear increases the number of injuries to heel counter favors regarding forefoot. Our goal is to know if this is true or if biomechanics and psychomotor key corridor itself in varying forefoot support. Material and method. 12 runners were selected neutral and with no injuries to which they are recorded each foot 3 supports walking and running in shoes and barefoot mode by digital pressure Podoprint platform, which amounted to 60% travel (27m). The two variables and contrasts were compared in the pressure and surface. Results. Going footwear as to produce pressure changes and in the forefoot area, the surface pressure increases but decreases. Regardless of footwear smudging or barefoot always most forefoot support and the support is greater in the forefoot to rearfoot barefoot footwear. Conclusions. Biomechanics is responsible for more or less support in the race forefoot, the shoe does not condition the support of any region of the foot but if you modify the surface of forefoot pressure.Objetivo. Correr descalzo o con calzado minimalista es una nueva tendencia que tiene la finalidad de evitar lesiones en los corredores. Se cree que el calzado deportivo aumenta el número de lesiones al favorece el apoyo de talón respecto al de antepié. Nuestro objetivo es saber si esto es cierto o si es la biomecánica y la psicomotricidad del propio corredor la clave en el mayor o menor apoyo de antepié. Material y métodos. Se seleccionó a 12 corredores neutros y con ausencia de lesiones a los que se les registraron 3 apoyos de cada pie andando y corriendo en la modalidad de calzados y descalzos mediante la plataforma de presiones digital Podoprint, la cual se situó al 60% del recorrido (27m). Las dos variables estudiadas y comparadas en los contrastes fueron la presión y la superficie. Resultados. El ir calzado produce cambios en cuanto a presión y superficie en el antepié, la superficie aumenta pero la presión del disminuye. Independientemente de que se corra calzado o descalzo siempre se apoya más el antepié y el apoyo es mayor en el antepié descalzo que en el retropié calzado. Conclusiones. La biomecánica es la responsable del mayor o menor apoyo de antepié en la carrera, el calzado no condiciona el apoyo de ninguna región del pie pero si modifica la presión y superficie del antepié

    Community-based strategies in action: building and sustaining a product differentiation advantage

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    An important reason why individuals join groups or communities is to satisfy their needs for identity. Firms might exploit this societal tendency to gain a competitive advantage. Using the strategic approach adopted by Kiehl’s, a U.S. cosmetic producer and retailer, as a source of inspiration and illustration, this paper develops a novel theoretical framework to investigate how firms interact with communities to access privileged customers’ information, from which they can build a product differentiation advantage. We argue that by adhering and supporting a well-defined set of values, Kiehl’s both achieves community membership and strengthens the sense of identity that its target communities provide to their members. These investments prompt reciprocal community member behaviors, which the company channels into its customer knowledge development process. Finally, this article describes how firm–community interactions can protect the differentiation advantage by turning products into symbols of the communities to which its customers belong

    Community-focused strategies

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    This article introduces the notion of community-focused strategies to refer to the set of actions, activities and policies that firms undertake to establish connections or relational links with one or more target communities of (potential) customers. Drawing on social identity theory and strategy research, this study begins with a proposed taxonomy of different community-focused strategies. Then it illustrates how such strategies contribute to the creation of competitive advantage and explores their boundary conditions. Finally, the authors offer implications for theory development and practice, as well as suggestions for further research.Financial support from the Ministry of Science and Innovation (ECO2009-08308; ECO2010-09184-E)Publicad

    Unconventional Determinants of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The Role of Trust

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    [cat] Les normes socials han estat incloses en la teoria de l’acció col.lectiva per a superar les dificultats per explicar perquè la gestió del béns comuns podria ser més efectiva quan s’autoregula per les mateixes comunitats. El paper rellevant de la confiança en els altres s’ha identificat en diversos contextos d’acció social a nivell local, però només recentment s’ha considerat la idea que també podria ser rellevant en el cas de béns comuns de caire global, seguint l’evidència bàsicament descriptiva recollida per Elinor Ostrom. Però fins ara no hi havia proves quantitatives disponibles d’aquesta idea. Utilitzant un conjunt de dades de 29 països europeus durant el període 1990-2007, donem evidència empírica a favor del paper del nivell de confiança en els altres en el context dels béns públics globals. Concloem que el nivell de confiança en els altres té un impacte reductor de les emissions de gasos d’efecte hivernacle; per exemple, l’extrapolació dels resultats implicaria una reducció d’emissions d’Espanya del 12,5% si el nivell mitjà de confiança en els altres dels espanyols fos tan elevat com els dels suecs.[eng] Social norms have been included in the theory of collective action to overcome difficulties in explaining why commons may perform better when self-regulated. The role of trust has been identified in several contexts of local social dilemma, but only recently has been extended to global commons, based on large descriptive evidence collected by Elinor Ostrom. However, no quantitative evidence was available until now. Using a dataset of 29 European countries over the period 1990-2007, we provide empirical evidence in favor of the role of trust in global dilemma. We end up with a negative impact of trust on greenhouse gas emissions, whose extrapolation to Spain would imply a reduction in emissions of 12.5% if Spaniards would trust each other as Swedish people do

    Patrimônios indígenas e histórias nacionais: a exposição Speaking to Memory e o caso canadense

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    Este artigo analisa os conteúdos e as dimensões patrimoniais e políticas da exposição Speaking to Memory: Images and Voices of Saint Michael’s Residential School (“Falando à memória: imagens e vozes da Escola Residencial São Miguel”), montada em 2013/2014 no Museu de Antropologia da Universidade da Colúmbia Britânica (Vancouver, Canadá). Para isso, na primeira parte deste trabalho, apresento uma breve história sobre as escolas residenciais no Canadá e, na segunda, o percurso das reivindicações indígenas nas últimas três décadas perante o governo, exigindo diferentes tipos de reparações em torno dos prejuízos produzidos por aquelas instituições. Na terceira parte, descrevo as origens desta exposição particular, seus conteúdos e sua organização. Por último, na quarta parte, analiso a materialidade das fotografias que estruturam esta mostra, classificando essas imagens como “objetos em curso” que, através da pesquisa e da intervenção coletiva proposta sobre elas, acrescentam outros perfis às práticas do museu como agente social, cultural e político.This paper is an analysis of the content, and of the patrimonial and political dimensions of the exhibit Speaking to Memory: Images and Voices of Saint Michael’s Residential School, on display in 2013/2014 at the University of British Columbia Museum of Anthropology (Vancouver, Canada). The first part of the text is a brief history of Residential Schools in Canada. In the second part I follow the trajectories of the last three decades of indigenous contest and opposition to the Canadian government, and the diverse types of demands for reparation for the suffering caused by those institutions. In the third part of the paper I describe how this exhibition came to be, its contents and its organization. Finally, I analyze the materiality of the photographs that structure this show, classifying these images as “objects in becoming” that, by means of the visitor’s interaction, bring new dimensions to the museum as a social, cultural and political agent

    "Imagens construtoras de nação: Rugendas e seus desenhos sobre indígenas no Brasil e na Argentina"

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    Este trabalho identifica e analisa as imagens ‘nacionalizadas’ sobre os índios dos atuais territórios brasileiros e argentinos, a partir de dois conjuntos iconográficos elaborados pelo artista-viajante alemão Johann Moritz Rugendas em ambos os países: as 16 litografias sobre os indígenas reunidas no seu álbum Viagem Pitoresca através do Brasil e as 25 ilustrações vinculadas ao poema La Cautiva, do escritor romântico argentino Esteban Echeverría. Comparando ambos os conjuntos, demonstro que os contextos e as redes sociais do artista lhe deram a oportunidade de ‘ver’ o que ‘se podia’ pintar. A análise oferece ferramentas centrais para refletir sobre as políticas visuais envolvidas na construção e divulgação das representações sobre os indígenas no Brasil e na Argentina durante os séculos XIX, XX e XXI, demonstrando-se aqui o trabalho social dessas imagens e suas penetrantes consequências políticas até os nossos dias.Palavras-chave: Imagens sobre os indígenas. Rugendas. Brasil. Argentina. Políticas visuais.Nation building images: Rugendas and his drawings of Brazilian and Argentinian indigenous peoplesAbstractThis text identifies and analyses ‘nationalized’ images of Indigenous populations from contemporary Brazilian and Argentinean territories. The analysis is centered on two iconographic sets authored by the German artist traveller Johann Moritz Rugendas (1802-1858): the 16 lithographs gathered in his album Picturesque Travel through Brazil and the 25 drawings illustrating the poem The Captive, written by the Argentinean romantic writer Esteban Echeverría. Comparing both sets of images, I argue that the artist’s contexts and social relationships, framed what there was ‘to see’ and what could be ‘painted’. This analysis offers central resources to understand visual policies involved in the processes of construction and dissemination of images of indigenous peoples in Brazil and Argentina during the 19th, the 20th, and the 21st century, demonstrating the social work of these images and its resilient political consequences until the present.Key words: Images about indigenous people. Rugendas. Brazil. Argentina. Visual policies. 

    O espectro criminal: entre sombras e imagens - Entrevista com Jean Comaroff e John Comaroff

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    Uma entrevista com Jean Comaroff e John Comaroff, realizada por Andrea Roc