94 research outputs found

    Un trastorno posmoderno (psicología, sociedad y déficit de atención)

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    La creciente detección del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDA-H) en infantes tiene lugar en una sociedad que identifica su pensamiento y comportamiento con las reacciones químicas de su cerebro, por lo que encuentra la explicación a todos sus desórdenes en el malfuncionamiento de éste. La psicología social permite una versión alternativa acerca de este trastorno

    Narrativas de la posmodernidad. Del sentimiento como forma a la imagen melodramática

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    This paper constitutes a short crossing from postmodernity (defined by paradoxes) to melodrama. The aim is to account for the structure of cinematographic narratives, which develops through forms-feelings as pain and its representation. At the same time these narratives are also a metaphor of contemporary culture affected by the emergence of the feminine. The aim of the paper is to treat postmodernity, the feminine and melodrama as forms, each of them containing the others.El presente trabajo constituye una breve travesía que va de la posmodernidad (definida por la paradoja) al melodrama, con la intención de dar cuenta de cómo se estructuran las narrativas cinematográficas en torno a formas-sentimientos como el dolor y su representación; narrativas que a la vez son metáfora de la cultura contemporánea que se encuentra trastocada por la irrupción de lo femenino. Tratar a la posmodernidad, lo femenino y el melodrama como formas que juegan de manera que cada una contiene a las otras

    Barrientos del Monte, F. (2014).Buscando una identidad. Breve historia de la ciencia política en América Latina

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    In Latin America the scientific study of politics is a relatively recent enterprise. For decades, its cultivation was markedly dominated by law, in particular by constitutional law, political philosophy, political theory, sociology, history and economics, from which theories, concepts, hypotheses and methodologies were imported, a plurality of approaches and paradigms emerged that made it prosper and, in turn, hampered an operational definition of the discipline as proof of its autonomy. Consequently, there are few intellectual efforts to track its development, both internally and externally, and there are few systematic analyzes that hold an empirical portrait of the intellectual and structural development of the discipline and, at the same time, of the current state of its practice in the region. Hence, what the profession of a political scientist is, what it does and what it can do is frequently confused as that activity carried out by some fan of politics in the mass media, the profession of those who make a living from politics, or simply in the opinion of the coffee tables, distorting its justification that by itself science demonstrates, first, as basic science and, later, applicable knowledge.En América Latina el estudio científico de la política es una empresa relativamente reciente. Durante décadas, su cultivo estuvo marcadamente dominado por el derecho, en particular, por el derecho constitucional, la filosofía política, la teoría política, la sociología, la historia y la economía, de los cuales se importaron teorías, conceptos, hipótesis y metodologías, emergieron una pluralidad de enfoques y paradigmas que le hicieron prosperar y, a su vez, obstaculizaron una definición operativa de la disciplina como prueba de su autonomía. Por consiguiente, pocos esfuerzos intelectuales existen por rastrear su desenvolvimiento tanto interno como externo, escasosson los análisis sistemáticos que detenten un retrato empírico del desarrollo intelectual y estructural de la disciplina y, al mismo tiempo, del estado actual sobre su práctica en la región. De allí que, el qué es, qué hace y que puede hacer el oficio de un politólogo frecuentemente sea confundido como aquella actividad desempeñada por algún aficionado de la política en los medios de comunicación masiva, la profesión de quien viven de la política, o simplemente en la opinión de las mesas de café, distorsionando su justificación que por sí misma la ciencia demuestra, primero, como ciencia básica y, ulterior, conocimiento aplicable

    On the Reliability Estimation of Stochastic Binary System

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    A stochastic binary system is a multi-component on-off system subject to random independent failures on its components. After potential failures, the state of the subsystem is ruled by a logical function (called structure function) that determines whether the system is operational or not. Stochastic binary systems (SBS) serve as a natural generalization of network reliability analysis, where the goal is to find the probability of correct operation of the system (in terms of connectivity, network diameter or different measures of success). A particular subclass of interest is stochastic monotone binary systems (SMBS), which are characterized by non-decreasing structure. We explore the combinatorics of SBS, which provide building blocks for system reliability estimation, looking at minimal non-operational subsystems, called mincuts. One key concept to understand the underlying combinatorics of SBS is duality. As methods for exact evaluation take exponential time, we discuss the use of Monte Carlo algorithms. In particular, we discuss the F-Monte Carlo method for estimating the reliability polynomial for homogeneous SBS, the Recursive Variance Reduction (RVR) for SMBS, which builds upon the efficient determination of mincuts, and three additional methods that combine in different ways the well--known techniques of Permutation Monte Carlo and Splitting. These last three methods are based on a stochastic process called Creation Process, a temporal evolution of the SBS which is static by definition. All the methods are compared using different topologies, showing large efficiency gains over the basic Monte Carlo scheme.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e InnovaciónMath-AMSU

    Recursive variance reduction in reliability analysis

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    Network reliability deals with reliability metrics of large classes of mul- ticomponent systems. Recursive Variance Reduction (RVR) is a powerful pointwise estimation method, widely applied in network reliability anal- ysis. In this paper, RVR is extended to arbitrary Stochastic Binary Sys- tems, with minor requirements. Additionally, its variance is again lower than Crude Monte Carlo (CMC), in this general context

    Titanium Diffusion in Shinbone of Rats with Osseointegrated Implants

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    Fil: Grenón, Miriam Silvina . Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Periodoncia A; Argentina.Fil: Robledo, José. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Robledo, José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones y Técnicas. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina.Fil: Ibáñez, Juan Carlos. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Cátedra de Periodontología; Argentina.Fil: Sánchez, Héctor Jorge. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil: Sánchez, Héctor Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones y Técnicas. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina.Dental implants are composed of commercially pure Ti (which is actually an alloy of titanium, and minor or trace components such as aluminum and vanadium). When the implant is inserted, its surface undergoes a number of chemical and mechanical processes, releasing particles of titanium to the medium. The metabolism of free ions of titanium is uncertain; the up-taking processes in the body are not well known, nor their toxic dose. In addition, physical properties of newly formed bone, such as diffusivity and activation energy, are scarce and rarely studied. In this study, we analyzed the diffusion of titanium in the titanium-implanted shinbones of six adult male Wistar rats by spatially resolved micro x-ray Fluorescence. The measurements were carried out at the micro-fluorescence station of the X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) beamline of the Brazilian synchrotron facility LNLS (from Portuguese ?Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron?). For each sample, XRF spectra were taken by linear scanning in area near the new bone formed around the Ti implant. The scanning line show a clear effect of titanium diffusion while calcium intensity presents a different behavior. Moreover, a clear correlation among the different structures of bones is observed in the Ti and Ca intensities. Diffusion coefficients for titanium diffusion in the shinbones were successfully obtained by studying the intensity ratio Ti / Ca in spectra measured. A similar diffusion is observed in rats having the implant for a month than in rats having the implant for three months. As expected, the diffusion coefficient is larger for the group of rats that had the implant for a shorter time. The results obtained in these measurements may allow determining quantitatively the parameters of diffusion rates and other physical properties of new bone.Fil: Grenón, Miriam Silvina . Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Odontología. Cátedra de Periodoncia A; Argentina.Fil: Robledo, José. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Matemática, Astronomía y Física; Argentina.Fil: Robledo, José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones y Técnicas. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina.Fil: Ibáñez, Juan Carlos. Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Cátedra de Periodontología; Argentina.Fil: Sánchez, Héctor Jorge. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales; Argentina.Fil: Sánchez, Héctor Jorge. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones y Técnicas. Instituto de Física Enrique Gaviola; Argentina.Odontología, Medicina y Cirugía Ora

    Políticas del blanqueamiento: escenografías del despojo urbano en Guadalajara

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    En este trabajo nos proponemos describir y problematizar el papel que juegan las políticas culturales en las estrategias de especulación y elitización del territorio en los centros históricos. Procesos que, a su vez, tienen como una de sus consecuencias más importantes la segregación racial y de clase en las metrópolis contemporáneas. Para ello, analizamos el caso concreto del Centro Histórico de Guadalajara desde una mirada que articula diversos actores y proyectos culturales, inmobiliarios y vecinales, así como sus implicaciones en las dinámicas urbanas del centro y la periferia

    Diameter-constrained reliability : theory and applications

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    A classical requirement in the design of communication networks is that all entities must be connected. In a network where links may fail, the connectedness probability is called all-terminal reliability. The model is suitable for FTTH services, where link failures are unpredictable. In real scenarios, terminals must be connected by a limited number of hops. Therefore, we study the Diameter- Constrained Reliability (DCR). We are given a simple graph G = (V,E), a subset K V of terminals, a diameter d and independent failure probabilities q = 1 − p for each link. The goal is to find the probability Rd K,G that all terminals remain connected by paths composed by d hops or less. The general DCR computation is NP-Hard, and the target probability is a polynomial in p. In this chapter we study the DCR metric. It connects reliability with quality, and should be considered in the design of the physical layer in FTTH services together with connectivity requirements. We include a full discussion of the computational complexity of the DCR as a function of the number of terminals k = |K| and diameter d. Then, we find efficient DCR computation for Monma graphs, an outstanding family of topologies from robust network design. The computation suggests corollaries that enrich the subset of instances that accept efficient DCR computation. Given its NP-Hardness, several Monte Carlo-based algorithms algorithms are designed in order to find the DCR in general, inspired in two approaches: counting and interpolation. The results suggest that counting techniques outperform interpolation, and show scalability properties as well. Open problems and trends for future work are included in the conclusions

    A GRASP algorithm with tree based local search for designing a survivable wide area network backbone

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    System survivability is the ability to give service in spite of failures of some of the components. To assure survivability is an important goal when designing a communications network backbone, to ensure that it can resist to failures in the switch sites as well as in the connection lines. Previous work has employed a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP), based on path algorithms, to build low cost network topologies which comply with heterogeneous node-connectivity requirements, which can model the survivability goals. In this work, we present another variant of the GRASP procedure, based on a tree search, which obtains good results in topologies with a large number of switch nodes.Facultad de Informátic