1,519 research outputs found

    Labyrinthine pathways towards supercycle attractors in unimodal maps

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    We uncover previously unknown properties of the family of periodic superstable cycles in unimodal maps characterized each by a Lyapunov exponent that diverges to minus infinity. Amongst the main novel properties are the following: i) The basins of attraction for the phases of the cycles develop fractal boundaries of increasing complexity as the period-doubling structure advances towards the transition to chaos. ii) The fractal boundaries, formed by the preimages of the repellor, display hierarchical structures organized according to exponential clusterings that manifest in the dynamics as sensitivity to the final state and transient chaos. iii) There is a functional composition renormalization group (RG) fixed-point map associated to the family of supercycles. iv) This map is given in closed form by the same kind of qq-exponential function found for both the pitchfork and tangent bifurcation attractors. v) There is a final stage ultra-fast dynamics towards the attractor with a sensitivity to initial conditions that decreases as an exponential of an exponential of time.Comment: 8 pages, 13 figure

    Shape coexistence in Lead isotopes in the interacting boson model with Gogny energy density functional

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    We investigate the emergence and evolution of shape coexistence in the neutron-deficient Lead isotopes within the interacting boson model (IBM) plus configuration mixing with microscopic input based on the Gogny energy density functional (EDF). The microscopic potential energy surface obtained from the constrained self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method employing the Gogny-D1M EDF is mapped onto the coherent-state expectation value of the configuration-mixing IBM Hamiltonian. In this way, the parameters of the IBM Hamiltonian are fixed for each of the three relevant configurations (spherical, prolate and oblate) associated to the mean field minima. Subsequent diagonalization of the Hamiltonian provides the excitation energy of the low-lying states and transition strengths among them. The model predictions for the 0+0^{+} level energies and evolving shape coexistence in the considered Lead chain are consistent both with experiment and with the indications of the Gogny-EDF energy surfaces.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Functional approach for pairing in finite systems: How to define restoration of broken symmetries in Energy Density Functional theory ?

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    The Multi-Reference Energy Density Functional (MR-EDF) approach (also called configuration mixing or Generator Coordinate Method), that is commonly used to treat pairing in finite nuclei and project onto particle number, is re-analyzed. It is shown that, under certain conditions, the MR-EDF energy can be interpreted as a functional of the one-body density matrix of the projected state with good particle number. Based on this observation, we propose a new approach, called Symmetry-Conserving EDF (SC-EDF), where the breaking and restoration of symmetry are accounted for simultaneously. We show, that such an approach is free from pathologies recently observed in MR-EDF and can be used with a large flexibility on the density dependence of the functional.Comment: proceeding of the conference "Many body correlations from dilute to dense Nuclear systems", Paris, February 201

    Opening up the Quantum Three-Box Problem with Undetectable Measurements

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    One of the most striking features of quantum mechanics is the profound effect exerted by measurements alone. Sophisticated quantum control is now available in several experimental systems, exposing discrepancies between quantum and classical mechanics whenever measurement induces disturbance of the interrogated system. In practice, such discrepancies may frequently be explained as the back-action required by quantum mechanics adding quantum noise to a classical signal. Here we implement the 'three-box' quantum game of Aharonov and Vaidman in which quantum measurements add no detectable noise to a classical signal, by utilising state-of-the-art control and measurement of the nitrogen vacancy centre in diamond. Quantum and classical mechanics then make contradictory predictions for the same experimental procedure, however classical observers cannot invoke measurement-induced disturbance to explain this discrepancy. We quantify the residual disturbance of our measurements and obtain data that rule out any classical model by > 7.8 standard deviations, allowing us for the first time to exclude the property of macroscopic state-definiteness from our system. Our experiment is then equivalent to a Kochen-Spekker test of quantum non-contextuality that successfully addresses the measurement detectability loophole

    Genome-Wide Association and Genomic Selection for Resistance to Amoebic Gill Disease in Atlantic Salmon

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    Abstract Amoebic gill disease (AGD) is one of the largest threats to salmon aquaculture, causing serious economic and animal welfare burden. Treatments can be expensive and environmentally damaging, hence the need for alternative strategies. Breeding for disease resistance can contribute to prevention and control of AGD, providing long-term cumulative benefits in selected stocks. The use of genomic selection can expedite selection for disease resistance due to improved accuracy compared to pedigree-based approaches. The aim of this work was to quantify and characterize genetic variation in AGD resistance in salmon, the genetic architecture of the trait, and the potential of genomic selection to contribute to disease control. An AGD challenge was performed in ∼1,500 Atlantic salmon, using gill damage and amoebic load as indicator traits for host resistance. Both traits are heritable (h2 ∼0.25-0.30) and show high positive correlation, indicating they may be good measurements of host resistance to AGD. While the genetic architecture of resistance appeared to be largely polygenic in nature, two regions on chromosome 18 showed suggestive association with both AGD resistance traits. Using a cross-validation approach, genomic prediction accuracy was up to 18% higher than that obtained using pedigree, and a reduction in marker density to ∼2,000 SNPs was sufficient to obtain accuracies similar to those obtained using the whole dataset. This study indicates that resistance to AGD is a suitable trait for genomic selection, and the addition of this trait to Atlantic salmon breeding programs can lead to more resistant stocks.</jats:p

    Relativistic Hartree plus Bogoliubov description of the deformed N=28 region

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    Ground-state properties of neutron-rich N≈28 nuclei are described in the framework of relativistic Hartree plus Bogoliubov (RH+B) theory. The model uses the NL3 effective interaction in the mean-field Lagrangian, and describes pairing correlations by the pairing part of the finite range Gogny interaction D1S. Two-neutron separation energies and ground-state quadrupole deformations that result from fully self-consistent RH+B solutions are compared with available experimental data. The model predicts a strong suppression of the spherical N=28 shell gap for neutron-rich nuclei: the 1f7/2⃗ fp core breaking results in deformed ground states. Shape coexistence is expected for neutron-rich Si, S, and Ar isotopes

    Observational Constraints to the Evolution of Massive Stars

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    We consider some aspects of the evolution of massive stars which can only be elucidated by means of "indirect" observations, i.e. measurements of the effects of massive stars on their environments. We discuss in detail the early evolution of massive stars formed in high metallicity regions as inferred from studies of HII regions in external galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure; Invited Paper presented at the Roma-Trieste Workshop 1999 "The Chemical Evolution of the Milky Way: Stars versus Clusters", Vulcano Island (ME, Italy), 20-24 September, 1999, eds. F. Giovannelli & F. Matteucci, Kluwer-Holland (in press

    Optimizing Low-Cost Genotyping and Imputation Strategies for Genomic Selection in Atlantic Salmon

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    Genomic selection enables cumulative genetic gains in key production traits such as disease resistance, playing an important role in the economic and environmental sustainability of aquaculture production. However, it requires genome-wide genetic marker data on large populations, which can be prohibitively expensive. Genotype imputation is a cost-effective method for obtaining high-density genotypes, but its value in aquaculture breeding programs which are characterised by large full-sibling families has yet to be fully assessed. The aim of this study was to optimise the use of low-density genotypes and evaluate genotype imputation strategies for cost-effective genomic prediction. Phenotypes and genotypes (78,362 SNPs) were obtained for 610 individuals from a Scottish Atlantic salmon breeding program population (Landcatch, UK) challenged with sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis. The genomic prediction accuracy of genomic selection was calculated using GBLUP approaches and compared across SNP panels of varying densities and composition, with and without imputation. Imputation was tested when parents were genotyped for the optimal SNP panel, and offspring were genotyped for a range of lower density imputation panels. Reducing SNP density had little impact on prediction accuracy until 5,000 SNPs, below which the accuracy dropped. Imputation accuracy increased with increasing imputation panel density. Genomic prediction accuracy when offspring were genotyped for just 200 SNPs, and parents for 5,000 SNPs, was 0.53. This accuracy was similar to the full high density and optimal density dataset, and markedly higher than using 200 SNPs without imputation. These results suggest that imputation from very low to medium density can be a cost-effective tool for genomic selection in Atlantic salmon breeding programs

    Synthesis and Evaluation of Thiochroman-4-One Derivatives as Potential Leishmanicidal Agents

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    ABSTARCT: The S-containing heterocyclic compounds benzothiopyrans or thiochromones stand out as having promising biological activities due to their structural relationship with chromones (benzopyrans), which are widely known as privileged scaffolds in medicinal chemistry. In this work, we report the synthesis of 35 thiochromone derivatives and the in vitro antileishmanial and cytotoxic activities. Compounds were tested against intracellular amastigotes of Leishmania panamensis and cytotoxic activity against human monocytes (U-937 ATCC CRL-1593.2). Compounds bearing a vinyl sulfone moiety, 4h, 4i, 4j, 4k, 4l and 4m, displayed the highest antileishmanial activity, with EC50 values lower than 10 μM and an index of selectivity over 100 for compounds 4j and 4l. When the double bond or the sulfone moiety was removed, the activity decreased. Our results show that thiochromones bearing a vinyl sulfone moiety are endowed with high antileishmanial activity and low cytotoxicity