41 research outputs found

    Partisipasi Politik Pekerja Migran Indonesia Pada Pemilu 2019

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    Dalam negara demokrasi, kedaulatan atau kekuasaan tertinggi dalam negara yang terletak di tangan rakyat. Pada hakekatnya pemilu merupakan pengakuan dan perwujudan hak-hak politik rakyat dan sekaligus merupakan pendelegasian hak hak tersebut oleh rakyat kepada wakil wakilnya untuk menjalankan pemerintahan. Kedaulatan rakyat merupakan hak konstitusional setiap warga negara baik yang berada didalam maupun diluar negeri. Pekerja migran adalah bagian dari warga negara yang wajib dijamin hak politiknya oleh pemerintah. Di Indonesia legal formal instrumen pengawal tejaminnya hak politik warga negara dalam pemilu diatur dalam UU Pemilu Nomor 7 Tahun 2017. Salah satu bagian substantif regulasi tersebut mengatur tentang pelaksanaan pemilu bagi warga negara Indonesia di Luar Negeri, termasuk pekerja migran sebagai  fokus kajian dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis secara deskreptif  partsipasi pekerja migran dalam pemilu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi politik warga negara yang berdomisili diluar negeri termasuk pekerja migran dalam pemilu tahun 2019 masih cendrung rendah, namun ada peningkatan dibandingkan dengan hasil pemilu tahun 2014. Kemudahan dan kekhususan perlakuan terhadap mereka yang atur dalam regulasi pemilu belum berdampak signifikan untuk peningkatan partisipasi politik warga negara dan pekerja migran Indonesia dalam pemilu. Kendala yang menyulitkan Pekerja Migran Indonesia di luar negeri untuk berperan aktif dan berpartisipasi dalam pemilu adalah minimnya akses informasi mengenai proses pemilu, sulitnya mendaftar sebagai pemilih di luar negeri, dan keterbatasan waktu. Pemerintah sebagai keterwakilan negara perlu mengupayakan langkah strategis dalam mengantisipasi dan menanggulangi problema tersebut dengan cara memberikan akses yang lebih baik kepada Pekerja Migran Indonesia guna menjamin tersalurnya partisipasi politik mereka dalam pemilu secara maksima

    Upaya Memberantas Buta Aksara Huruf Hijaiyah (Al-Qur’an) di Sungai Padi, Narathiwat, Thailand

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    Abstak Al-Quran merupakan kitab suci bagi umat Islam, Al-Qur’an memiliki kedudukan yang sangat mulia. Kemampuan membaca Al-Quran adalah suatu keberkahan dan tanggung jawab bagi setiap Muslim. Idealnya, semua masyarakat Muslim bisa membaca dan menulis Al-Qur’an. Namun pada kenyataannya masih ada umat Islam di Sungai Padi, Ban, Air Batu, Narathiwat, Thailand yang masih mengalami buta aksara Al-Qur’an.  Dalam rangka memberantas buta aksara Al-Qur’an, berbagai macam cara dilakukan agar mudah dan bisa dipelajari oleh setiap muslim yang belum bisa membaca kitab suci Al-Qur’an, yaitu dengan Membentuk program pengajaran Al-Qur’an dan dengan Metode Tahsin. Upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk menghadapi tantangan tersebut diantaranya ialah program pemberantasan buta huruf bagi masyarakat yang terlanjur memiliki tingkat pendidikan formal yang rendah. Oleh karena itu, salah satu langkah awal yang dilakukan yaitu dengan melaksanakan program intensif pemberantasan buta aksara huruf arab pada masyarakat khususnya ibu-ibu lanjut usia. Dengan metode Tahsin, metode ini megupayakan untuk memperbaiki bacaan Al-Qur’an agar sesuai dengan aturan tajwid dan memperindah bacaan dengan menggunakan nada ketika membaca ayat suci Al-Qur’an. Hasil dari pembentukan program pengajaran Al-Qur’an ini dengan metode Tahsin terbukti efisien diterapkan kepada ibu-ibu lanjut usia, metode ini terbukti efektif memudahkan peserta didik yang belum bisa membaca huruf hijaiyah mempelajari cara membaca Al-Quran. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Pet Attachment Terhadap Psychological Well Being Pemilik Hewan Peliharaan Di Kota Gresik

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    Keeping pets is a hobby for many people and having an attachment to pets is also considered beneficial for their owners. This study aims to determine the effect of Pet Attachment on Psychological Well Being. This research uses quantitative methods. Determination of the sample using incidental sampling technique, as many as 105 respondents. Research data were collected by distributing questionnaires on the Pet Attachment Questionnaire (PAQ) scale developed by Zilcha-Mano, Mikulincer dan Shaver (2011) and the Psychological Well Being scale developed by Ryff (1989). The analytical method used is simple linear regression analysis. The results of the analysis using a simple linear regression test get a sig value of 0.311, meaning that the significant value is more than > 0.05. So it can be concluded that there is no significant effect between Pet Attachment on the Psychological Well Being of pet owners in Gresik City


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    The concept of eco-poetic develops in line with changes in the perspective andawareness of poets on the environment. The poet's interaction with nature in thecreative process inspired the selection of learning strategies and learning to writepoetry. This study aims to develop a strategy to use the natural environment as asource of learning to write poetry. The results of the implementation show that thestrategy that departs from natural environment observation activities is effective inwriting natural poetry

    Organic Fertilizer from Bioethanol Solid Waste, Agricultural Waste, and Banana Peels Waste by Bio-act EM4 and Aspergillus niger

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    Excessive use of chemical fertilizers may degrade the physical condition of the soil so that solid organic fertilizer was developed. Organic fertilizer was made from organic materials derived from plants or animals that had been made by the engineering process. Organic fertilizers were used to supply organic matter to improve the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soil. This experiment aimed to study the effect of a mixture of bio ethanol solid waste, corn agricultural waste and banana peels waste with bio-activator EM4 and Aspergillus niger (An) to increase the content of potassium (K) in organic fertilizer and study the response of plant growth of chillies and eggplant against organic fertilizer. Organic fertilizers were made from agricultural waste, such as bio ethanol solid waste, corn agricultural waste, and banana peels waste that still have organic content which was good for plant growth. Organic fertilizers were made by mixing bio ethanol solid waste, corn agricultural waste, and banana peels waste with a ratio (w/w)  of 1:2:3. After that, a mixture of EM4 and An with a ratio (v/v)  of 1:1, 2:3, 3:2, 1:3, 3:1 and without any bio-activator were added. Organic fertilizer produced in a rotary drum composter with air aeration 14 L · min–1 conducted for 15 d. The content of N, P and K on each variable of organic fertilizer will be analyzed. Then it was tested on chillies and eggplant. Furthermore, the quality and quantity of planting fruit on the plants of eggplant and chillies were measured. Based on the results of this study, it was concluded that organic fertilizer with the addition of EM4:An 2:3  (v/v) increased the content of K up to 0.43 %. In accordance with SNI standards: 19-7030-2004, all test variables met the standards of the levels of N, and P; all organic fertilizers met the standard C/N ratio unless at the variables EM4:An 1:3 (v/v) and without bio-activator. For chillies, variable with the addition of EM4:An 2:3 (v/v) has the greatest weight, namely 0.95 g. Another variable, EM4:An 3:2 (v/v) can produced the amount of fruit up to 300 %. Where at the addition of EM4:An 2:3 (v/v) can produced eggplant fruit that weighs 24.01 g per harvest

    Kelayakan Poster Kandungan Gizi Musa Paradisiaca pada Sub Materi Zat Makanan Kelas XI

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    This study aimed to determine the feasibility of poster as the media for banana nutrient content which were sold in Pontianak for substance food sub material for grade XI of Senior High School. This research is a descriptive study. Data collection were done y using the validation instrument. The validation were done by 5 validators. 2 validators are the lecturers of biology education, while 3 others are the high school biology teachers using KTSP for XI grade of Senior High School. The results of the validation poster with 12 criteria got CVR value = 0.99 according to the minimum value of the CVR Lawshe to 5 validators is 0.99 so that the poster is categorized valid and feasible as a learning media in the food substance sub material for grade XI of Senior High School

    Representation of Women’s Role in Islam on Sermon Content

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    This article is motivated by the phenomenon of inequality in the role of women in the public aspect. Seeing da'wah as an essential aspect in influencing the community, the researchers were inspired to understand more deeply the representation of the content of the sermon on the role of women. For academic reasons, the researcher chooses videos from a national women preacher, Oki Setiyana Dewi (OSD), on YouTube. This article uses a qualitative Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) from Norman Fairclough and social-conflict theory. The results of this research indicate that women in her content sermon consider that women have a significant role in the domestic aspect, including taking care of children and serving their husbands. This is considered a provision from God. Meanwhile, women are allowed to work or play a role in the public sphere but should comply with some provisions. Judging from the theory used, the text of this sermon contains a conflict which is an inequality that limits the role of women. OSD produced the text of this sermon because she understands that women are “aurat” which, if seen by others, will harm them. Besides that, the condition of a patriarchal society also encourages this opinion. &nbsp

    Urgency of Legal Protection for Labor Rights within Waging Sector

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    National development is initiated in goal to achieve fully-fledged developments for Indonesians and the society as a whole through achieving prosperity, wealthy, equality either materially or spiritually in accordance to Pancasila and Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 ‘The 1945 Constitution of Republic of Indonesia’. For labors or workers, doing what they are assigned with are clearly intended to help sustaining their daily needs, as they will later receive remunerations based on their working contributions. Wage as mean of incomes is one of the rights embedded to the workers that need to be protected in line with the relevant regulations in force. Keywords: Legal Protection, Workers Right, Wages

    Produk Roti dalam Pola Konsumsi Pangan dan Keberadaan Label Halal dalam Keputusan Konsumsi Masyarakat (Kasus: Kota Bogor)

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    The pattern of bread consumption has increased significantly compared to the increase in the average in rice consumption. However, the increase in bread consumption was not balanced by the increase in the producers' awareness to have halal certificate. Meanwhile, halal certified products are only about 11.6% of the total existing products in Indonesia. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the consumption pattern of bread products, consumer's perceptions of the halal labels and their influence on the decision to purchase halal-labeled bread products , and factors that influence the decision. The method used in this research are logistic regression and qualitative descriptive. The results of the analysis shows that bread products are the second source of carbohydrates after rice and the higher the income class have a higher level of bread product consumption. Based on the consumer's perception, the existence of the halal label in packaging of bread products is a main consideration in the decision of purchasing bread products for most of households consumers, but the perception and a fact of the purchasing have not been consistent. The results of the logistic regression analysis shows that the variable of halal awareness, duration of education, dummy of origin area, and dummy of lower income class significantly affect the decision of bread products consumption

    Sistem Informasi Perpustakaan Berbasis Web pada SMK Karya Bhakti Purbalingga (SIPUS-KB)

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    Perpustakaan merupakan salah satu fasilitas yang dimiliki lembaga pendidikan. Penyelenggaraan perpustakaan sekolah menjadi sumber referensi utama bagi para siswa dan guru dalam mendapatkan materi-materi pelajaran. Layanan perpustakaan yang ideal harus mengacu pada kebutuhan dari pemustaka, mengikuti perkembangan teknologi informasi dan layanan prima. SMK Karya Bhakti Purbalingga merasa perlu untuk memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi informasi dalam pelayanan perpustakaan untuk mendukung pelayanan perpustakaan yang mudah dan cepat, serta dapat memberikan kemudahan bagi pustakawan dalam proses pengolahan data. Pembaruan sistem baru dengan teknologi informasi berbasis web dilakukan dengan membangun aplikasi SIPUS-KB. Metode yang digunakan pada pengembangan perangkat lunak ini adalah model waterfall yang terdiri dari analisa kebutuhan, desain, pembuatan kode program, pengujian dan pemeliharaan. Aplikasi SIPUS-KB mampu memberikan kemudahan bagi pengunjung untuk memperoleh informasi serta memudahkan pustakawan dalam mengakses data-data dan dalam pembuatan laporan