Proceedings UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
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Bringing ChatGPT into Arabic Language Learning
Artificial intelligence (AI) has changed the landscape of education and teaching, and one of the latest innovations that has shocked the world of education is the emergence of ChatGPT. This interactive application allows humans to communicate with computer machines for various purposes, including learning foreign languages. One of the languages that has traditionally been considered difficult to learn is Arabic, but with ChatGPT, learning Arabic has become easier and more affordable. This article aims to describe the various ways in which ChatGPT can be explored in learning Arabic
The Views of Sheikh Kholil Bangkalan on Moral Education
Moral education is very important besides learning to understand the subject matter. This study aims to describe the thoughts or views of Sheikh Kholil Bangkalan on moral education. Sheikh Kholil Bangkalan is a national hero as well as a cleric who has earned the nickname of a professor of clerics and clerics who has deep thoughts on morals, fiqh, sharia, and muamalah education. The research method uses literacy studies by describing the thoughts of Sheikh Kholil Bangkalan. Data sources were obtained from journals, e-books, books, and websites. Data analysis in this study used content analysis. One of the findings from this study is that according to Syekh Kholil Bangkalan, the aim of education is to make students have noble morals, meaning that there is a change in the behavior of students in a better direction
The Effectiveness of Giving Bangun-bangun Leaf (Coleus Amboinicus Lour) Extract to Smooth Breast Milk Production as an Effort to Prevent Stunting in the Sidotopo Public Health Center of Surabaya
The use of galactagogue compounds derived from leaf plants of Bangun-bangun (Coleus Amboinecus Lous) is safe for human consumption, is quite significant in the synthesis of milk, contains iron, carotene, potassium, zinc, and magnesium in breast, have properties that stimulate strong contractions of the uterine wall and can increase baby's weight. This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the effectiveness of giving bangun-bangun leaf extract to smooth breast milk production as an effort to prevent stunting. The results of the study were 30 breastfeeding mothers with non-fluent milk production (100%), after the research was carried out on mothers who experienced non-fluent breast milk before being given the extract of the leaves of Bangun-bangun (Coleus amboinicus lour) found a score > 6 Mc Nemar test results obtained a correlation coefficient of p = 0.000. These results indicate that there is a difference in the smoothness of production before and after giving Bangun-bangun leaf extract because the results are p = 0.000 and p<0.05, so there is an effectivenes
Test The Potency Of Guava Leaf And Banyan Leaf Extract On Increasing Hemoglobin In Mice
Guava leaf plants (Psidium guajava) and banyan leaf plants (Ficus benjamina) contain compounds that include polyphenols, flavonoids, carotene, tannins, and iron which have the potential to increase hemoglobin levels and prevent anemia. Research has been carried out with the aim of observing the effect of banyan leaf extract and guava leaf extract on hemoglobin levels in the blood of mice. The administration of banyan leaf extract and guava leaf extract was carried out for 14 consecutive days in mice with the same dose of 300 mg/kg/day. The results showed that banyan leaf extract could increase hemoglobin levels by 40.36% while guava leaf extract increased by 45.79%. So it can be concluded that the administration of guava leaf extract and banyan leaf is proven to increase haemoglobin level
An Analysis of Self-Harm Behaviors among Undergraduate Students of Indonesia University of Education
Cases of self-harm among students are an increasing phenomenon, a survey conducted by in 2019 on first semester college students in Bandung showed that 30.5% of students were depressed, 20% seriously thought about committing suicide, and 6% had attempted suicide such as cutting, jumping from a height, and hanging himself (, 2019). The purpose of this study is to analyze the self-harm behavior that occurs in students, the participants in this study amounted to 299 active students in the Indonesian Education University, spread across 8 faculties and regional campuses, with an age range of 18-24 years. The measuring instrument used is the Indonesian version of the Self-Harm Inventory from Kusumadewi, et al (2017), which has been modified by researchers and has a reliability of 0.886. The results showed as many as 144 participants (48.1%) had hurt themselves intentionally, 88 participants (29.5%) never did, and 67 participants (22.4%) often did. It can be concluded that almost the majority of students at the University of Indonesia have committed self-harm. This research is expected to be an early screening as an early detection in preventing self-harm behavior
Literature Review : Feeding Comfort With Stunting Problems in Toddlers
The poor practice of complementary feeding (MPASI) is one of the most common problems in developing countries. This can lead to poor absorption of nutrients, especially protein, which is associated with problems related to physical growth disorders such as stunting in children under the age of 5 years. This study used a cross-sectional design intending to clarify the relationship between complementary feeding practices and the risk of stunting in children aged 6 to 12 months from Central Lombok. It was an analytical observational study. A total of 206 children with an average age of 9.3 months were selected as the subjects of this study using cluster sampling. Most of them are women. This study analyzed four parameters of the practice of giving complementary foods, namely the age of the first time complementary foods, types of complementary foods, the frequency of complementary foods, and the frequency of complementary foods. This study found a significant relationship between the frequency of complementary feeding (p=0.047, 95%CI) and the number of complementary foods given (p = 0.020, 95% CI) with the risk of developmental disorders in children. On the other hand, other parameters such as age at initiation of complementary foods and solid food texture were not significantly associated with the risk of growth retardation. One of the factors that directly affect stunting in children under the age of 2 years is intake factors such as breast milk (ASI) and breast milk supplements (MPASI)
Literature Review: The Relationship Between The Nutritional Status of Pregnant Women and The Incidence of LBW (Low Birth Weight) Infant
LBW is a condition in which babies are born with low and less than normal weight which affects the IMR caused by various factors that are still a problem in developing countries, including Indonesia. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the nutritional status of pregnant women with LBW with high IMR, as well as the factors that cause LBW and diseases that accompany LBW. The methodology used in this paper is a literature review in various relevant international and national journals as reference material for research activities using binding Google Scholar journals and articles for 2018-2022, and the keywords entered in the search are [Relationship of maternal nutritional status with low birth weight. in Indonesia] and access up to 10 journals according to the criteria. The result of this research is that the nutritional status of pregnant women is very influential on LBW. The cause of the occurrence of LBW from various factors, ranging from maternal, fetal, environmental, gestational age, and placental factors. It can be concluded that LBW is still a big problem today, especially in developing countries, and must be resolved immediately so that it does not continue to the next generation. So, pregnant women must maintain their diet and life so that their nutritional status is good and there is no risk of low birth weight during pregnancy.
Gender Stereotypes in the Short Story Saya di Mata Sebagian Orang by Djenar Maesa Ayu (A Feminist Study)
This study aims to analyze gender stereotypes in the short story entitled Saya di Mata Sebagian Orang by Djenar Maesa Ayu using a feminist study approach. This study involves a critical reading of narratives and characters in short stories to uncover the emergence of gender stereotype constructs. This research method uses text analysis and literary interpretation from a feminist perspective. Through this approach, the researcher identifies how the characters in the short story represent gender stereotypes generally related to the traditional roles and characteristics of men and women. The results of the study show that there is a strong gender stereotype in this short story. Women are depicted as trapped in limited roles, such as sexual objects or figures who depend on men. Meanwhile, men are described as authoritarian figures and have dominant power. Feminism studies provide critical insights into the gender stereotypes in this short story and reveal how gender constructions can influence women's experiences and identities in society. This research contributes to understanding gender representation in literature and the importance of fighting stereotypes that limit individual roles and potential
Powtoon as Interactive Media for Learning Arabic in Society 5.0 Era
Learning Arabic has a very important role in improving language skills in Indonesian Madrasah. So that in order to support student success in learning Arabic, the teacher has role in presenting material that is packaged through the media to accommodate various student learning styles. So one of the teacher’s strategies in facing the era of society 5.0 is to create interactive learning using Powtoon media. This study aimed to analyze Powtoon media and its advantages and disadvantages in learning Arabic. This study uses a qualitative approach with the library research method and the data source from exploring the literature through the Powtoon website. In this study, data analysis followed the Miles and Huberman model approach, consisting of data display, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The study results show that: 1) Powtoon media has an attractive design, namely in designing material in the form of Arabic animation. So that it can help teachers and students learn Arabic better and more fun. 2) learning Arabic for middle-level students does not only rely on difficult textbooks but can be created using animations from Powtoon interactive media
TQN Method For Reducting Depressed Tendencies
Depression is a serious health problem worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), depression is the 4th most common disease in the world. This shows that the management of depression has not been so good. Religion can be a solution to the problem of depression. TQN (Tarekat Qadiriyah wa Naqsyabandiyah) as a method developed from religious teachings can be a solution to the problem of depression. The purpose of this study is to explain the religious method developed by TQN to treat depression. This research is qualitative research with interviews as a method of extracting data. A research subject is a depressed person who has been treated with the TQN method for 1½ years. The results of this study explain that the TQN method which consists of talkin dhikr, dhikr, and other practices carried out by the subject can make him calm, accepting, able to control himself, aware, and enthusiastic about life